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Trying to improve Acacia information Options
#1601 Posted : 1/11/2014 5:18:25 PM

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My guess is that' it's excreted via the contractile vacuole when osmotic influx of water occurs at a rate faster than other osmoregulatory mechanisms can handle. So, if water is in excess, the contractile vacuole will remove it.

Probably getting a bit off topic for this thread, so I'm creating a new thread where I have elaborated:
Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#1602 Posted : 1/13/2014 11:39:48 AM
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^..still seems odd to me to go to all the trouble to make an alkaloid then let it wash away...?

so, the INDEX on Page 1 is now updated to page 81..


i note there are quite a few published papers on acacias in the last few years which find alkaloids, but don't bother to find the identity (or say so, at any rate) ..it's almost like there is a general reluctance in the academic world to mention/find tryptamines in acacias..
..yet another example of this would be "Phytochemical and mineral content of the leaves of four Sudanese Acacia species" by Hassan Abdalla Almahy and Omaima Dahab Nasir 2011
..they found reasonable amounts of alkaloids in Acacia albida and Acacia raddiana...two speceis of particular interest to this thread of course..
both have been bioassayed and found to contain entheogenic tryptamines
#1603 Posted : 1/13/2014 11:41:05 AM
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..a US species of note is Acacia willardiana (palo blanco, “white stick”) (synon. Mariosousa willardiana)
which is endemic to the Sonoran desert..it is unique among american acacias in having phyllodes, making it possibly more closely related to australasian acacias..the juvenile leaves are bi-pinnate..

i know of no chemical studies of the phyllodes or bark, but the seeds have been tested [Vertanen & Gmelin, 1959, Acta. Chem. Scanda. 13] and found to contain an alkaloid 4-Hydroxy-2-piperidinecarboxylic acid, which is an NMDA receptor agonist, with possible therapeutic use in treating various nervous disorders..
the seeds also contain various free amino acids including Albizziine and the rare Willardine, first found in the species..

the quietly majestic Acacia willardiana pictured below, last pic is juvenile leaves..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
Acacia willardiana 1 .jpg (67kb) downloaded 244 time(s).
A. willardiana 2.jpg (645kb) downloaded 241 time(s).
Acacia willardiana trunk2.jpg (183kb) downloaded 239 time(s).
A. willardiana juvenile leaves.jpg (317kb) downloaded 242 time(s).
cave paintings
#1604 Posted : 1/13/2014 5:12:02 PM

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Cool! I'll keep an eye for this spindly fella. The flowers at first looked like a Calliandra I know. I'm sure I've seen those spindly phyllodes around before.. will have to keep an eye out. Keep up the great work my friend! Big grin
Living to Give
#1605 Posted : 1/15/2014 10:11:34 AM
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^..thanks cave paintings..good to see you about..

while in the north american deserts, i noticed there's some US nurseries growing up large tub Acacia farnensiana, for those wanting to test that species further..there was of course a tentative 5meoDMT /betacarbolines finding in pods by Trout & friends, and a few reports of alkaloids in the bark..

also known as 'Sweet Acacia'...here's some nice tub specimens..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
4135911_orig.jpg (74kb) downloaded 204 time(s).
#1606 Posted : 1/15/2014 10:18:43 AM
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..returning to Islam again..

the Acacia is known in the Quran as Tahl

"It is the tree under which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took oath from his companions, described as Baiat al-Rizwan."


pictured below, the Arabian Golden Sparrow (Passer euchlorus) in Acacia raddiana in Saudi Arabia..

and then, more of goddess Al-Uzza..

Allah is great...

(Al-Uzza is mighty)

peace unto all of you..

nen888 attached the following image(s):
bird in tahl.jpg (39kb) downloaded 196 time(s).
al-uzza inscriptions.jpg (40kb) downloaded 194 time(s).
aluzza.jpg (13kb) downloaded 191 time(s).
#1607 Posted : 1/15/2014 10:37:52 AM
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..and whilst on the subject of Acacia raddiana (a variety of A. tortillis, now Vachellia), and the desert..

the Tree of Ténéré (L'Arbre du Ténéré), a lone Acacia raddiana, was once considered the most isolated tree on earth...400km (250 miles) from any other..
in Ténéré, Saharan northeastern Niger..

a french military commander in 1939 wrote: "There is a kind of superstition, a tribal order which is always respected. Each year the azalai gather round the Tree before facing the crossing of the Ténéré."

a landmark for caravans and desert travellers for hundreds of years,
it was struck down by a drunk truck driver in 1973....

see http://en.wikipedia.org/...du_Ténéré

the mystique of the Acacia touches many..

here was the Tree of Ténéré, below...

nen888 attached the following image(s):
Arbre-du-tenere-1961.jpg (33kb) downloaded 189 time(s).
tree-of-tenere-5[3].jpg (7kb) downloaded 186 time(s).
Tenere_Tree_by_vladstudio.jpg (125kb) downloaded 188 time(s).
#1608 Posted : 1/15/2014 11:16:55 AM
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السلام تحت شجرة اكاسيا

peace under the tree

thank you all threaders..
#1609 Posted : 1/15/2014 4:46:06 PM

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Wow acacian and tree lovers i cant believe what you have managed to compile here it is awe inspiring the complete repect and devotion you have for this beautiful species of tree is truly inspiring ive been reading through the thread from the start over the past couple days and have just made it to pg 65 ill post again when im finished catching up to you beautiful people Love Big grin
Cubensis Mushroom Colonization Temps 75-80 F Cubensis Mushroom Fruiting Temps 68-74 F
cyb wrote:
Xtals are just goo with fancy designer clothes on...
Big grin

#1610 Posted : 1/15/2014 9:23:38 PM

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so i do know have a question ive noticed there is absolutely no acacia species growing where i live in canada Crying or very sad but i have found a debatebly related species called the black locust tree. Ive only been able to find a few vague reports on this tree and was wondering if anyone in here might know anything more about its properties?... Also I am glad to say i will be starting quite a few varying types of acacia trees that will be growing in my home for the winters because of the climate restrictions if you have any suggestions on a few interesting types that are in need of studying i would be more than willing to take the undertaking Thumbs up Big grin

Cubensis Mushroom Colonization Temps 75-80 F Cubensis Mushroom Fruiting Temps 68-74 F
cyb wrote:
Xtals are just goo with fancy designer clothes on...
Big grin

#1611 Posted : 1/16/2014 12:19:05 PM
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welcome dmusicaltrancistor..65 pages deep in the odyssey! glad you're into it Smile..

..i believe there's an Acacia retinodes growing at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington, Ontario (Canada)
in a greenhouse..in Canada indoor or greenhouse growing would suit acacias..let us know how you go..

for cultivation, (and interesting species)
you may find the following thread links useful or relevant:

Basics for Successful Indoor Growing (by Vodsel)

Top 8 acacias to grow worldwide

Acacia photo gallery (by acacian & others)

My Acacias (JOY) - [Ethnobotanical Garden] (by changalvia)

also, here's a good thread for Africans, and all of us Smile

African Acacia cultivation thread (by xantho)

stay well, acacians all..
#1612 Posted : 1/17/2014 3:21:23 AM

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i just thought i'd let other australians know that "sceneys" shellite works very well for extraction in comparison to "diggers" brand if looking for a crystaline extract... i am doing a test on a plant at the moment and doing the initial pulls with toluene, then salting, basing and pulling with sceneys shellite and found it far more effective than diggers. then plan on evapping the toluene and seeing whats left in it
#1613 Posted : 1/17/2014 7:12:01 AM

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acacian wrote:
i just thought i'd let other australians know that "sceneys" shellite works very well for extraction in comparison to "diggers" brand if looking for a crystaline extract... i am doing a test on a plant at the moment and doing the initial pulls with toluene, then salting, basing and pulling with sceneys shellite and found it far more effective than diggers. then plan on evapping the toluene and seeing whats left in it

Hi acacian I am having a bit of a difficulty identifying what I think is acacias. Would you mind checking out my post in the intro essay, Ive posted pics of three trees that I think might be acacia. One (the 1st pic) is definitely not a acacia and thats all I know.
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#1614 Posted : 1/17/2014 10:57:38 PM

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@acacian. i am also from Australia (nsw). i was just wondering what acacia you think would be the best for me to use, easy to find, easy extraction all that type of stuffSmile
And you claim you got something going
Something you call unique
But I've seen your self-pity showing
As the tears rolled down your cheeks[/u][/u]
#1615 Posted : 1/18/2014 3:26:40 PM

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In ancient Chinese religion (Han Dynasty) they considered the god of heaven to be a father, and the god earth to be female (mother nature) this represented the natural dualism.
Further to this, they believed a whole hierarchy or earth gods representing different portions of the ground. These earth gods required not only an altar but also a tree for proper worship (a tree which suited the soil)

The great Earth-God was represented by a pine tree

The earth gods of the East were Thuyas
The earth gods of the South were Catalpas
The earth gods of the West were Chestnuts
The earth gods of the North were Acacias
Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
#1616 Posted : 1/18/2014 3:55:14 PM

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^back to A. Raddiana (common acacia)..

Of the three species of acacia that survive the harsh conditions of Sinai (albida, tortilis, raddiana), only raddiana was suitable for construction timber (thus was used for the Ark of the Covenant, and the Tabernacle (table and altar)).

Nen, was raddiana the only wood used for Quran scripture to be written on?
--Shadow attached the following image(s):
image.jpg (106kb) downloaded 178 time(s).
Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
#1617 Posted : 1/19/2014 12:43:50 AM

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acacian wrote:
i just thought i'd let other australians know that "sceneys" shellite works very well for extraction in comparison to "diggers" brand if looking for a crystaline extract... i am doing a test on a plant at the moment and doing the initial pulls with toluene, then salting, basing and pulling with sceneys shellite and found it far more effective than diggers. then plan on evapping the toluene and seeing whats left in it

Thanks for that info acacian, ive been looking for an alternative to Diggers...
What's your method for salting out of the Toluene ? do you use Fumaric Acid or vinegar ???
Also, what's the best\efficient method to basify the salts before pulling with shellite ?

All questions i ask here are strictly theoretical.
#1618 Posted : 1/19/2014 1:53:52 AM

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just vinegar mixed with water.. mix with solvent, separate, keep aqueous layer and rebase with NaOH ... you can even just repull with toluene to have a much more purified full spectrum
#1619 Posted : 1/19/2014 10:14:20 PM
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--Shadow wrote:
The earth gods of the North were Acacias
..thank you for that insight into Chinese taditions, --Shadow Smile

..on Acacia raddiana..it's it's constant sacredness in judeo-christian and pre-islamic religions i find significant..and that it is the predominant plant of any size on Mt. Sinai..[see index]
on what else is suitable for construction in that area i don't have enough information, but there are other genus..
on what the quran was written on..i'd like to find out more..

of note, here's Acacias found in Saudi Arabia:

Acacia abyssinica
Acacia asak
Acacia etbaica
Acacia gerrardii
Acacia hamulosa
Acacia latea
Acacia mellifera
Acacia origena
Acacia raddiana
Acacia seyal
Acacia tortillis
#1620 Posted : 1/20/2014 7:34:27 AM
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pirateb0b wrote:
Random thought: would reagents (Mecke/Marquis/Mandelin/Ehrlich etc) work on dried/grounded plant/phyllode material?

Could be an easy way to test new species, before fully fledged experiment.

Endless covered some info on reagent reactions to substances here and here.

..reagents will work with a small amount of ground fresh or dry plant material in alcohol..
endlessness has been helping get some test kit info together and may shed some more light on this soon..

a simple reagent test will simply indicate whether there are tryptamines present (based on colour change) but will not indicate exactly what tryptamine it is..

the simplest method of determining roughly what tryptamine (to an extent), and roughly how many alkaloids is TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) ..the simplest form of this i mentioned a workshop on in this post on p11..

ps. i'm beginning to think solvent discussion would be better in the Acacia Extraction Workshop...
and try and focus on bioassays/experiences, successful extractions, new species, cultural info etc in this massive thread..thanks , though, acacian for the handy hints..Smile
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