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How potent is 5x and 10x Options
#21 Posted : 3/20/2013 5:46:46 AM
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This probably goes without saying, but don't get too comfortable with her. The moment you think "oh, i get it...this is what I can expect every time..." is the moment when your next experience is going to completely smack you in the face and make you realize just how powerful she is.

I know this from experience. I have learned to love, appreciate, and respect this sacred herb.

It has forever changed my life, and for that I am both thankful and sad. Thankful because I feel I have experienced something similar to those who have had a near-death experience, which completely changed the way I view life and how I live in it, but sad because it's one of those situations where you feel like once you've "seen" it, you can't "unsee" it. This makes me sad because I have this mindset that no one else around me can begin to understand, and when you don't have anyone in your life that can empathize or begin to imagine what the hell you're trying to convey, it's a lonely feeling. Thank God I have you guys here, though. I feel like you are my family. I learn so much from so many on this forum, and I'm extremely grateful for all of you who post your wisdom here.

Enjoy your salvia experiences! I document each and every one of mine, and as weird as it sounds, I don't really feel the need to have them as often anymore because I still analyze what I've experienced...weeks and months later. Such a wonderfully spiritual plant.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 3/20/2013 6:20:02 AM

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Beautiful post blueskies. It mirrors my own feelings so completely that I actually had to choke back some tears while reading it.

I know exactly what you mean about that sadness. It can be very difficult at times to have knowledge of these things that Salvia and other psychedelics have shown you, and have no one else to share it with, or even just to say, "Yeah, I know what you mean."

I also am very thankful for The Nexus. I've learned so much and come even farther, which can be sad at times, but something I will never regret. I also find that I don't take deep journeys with Salvia as much as I once did, or would like to. I still use plain leaf in changa mixes, other herbal mixes, and on it's own. My tolerance is so low that the extracts are usually overkill even at minuscule doses.

We may be separated by many miles, but we are brothers blueskies. We have a special bond through this plant.

Thanks for posting, it means a lot to have others out there who share the same notions about something so life changing for me as Salvia.
#23 Posted : 4/3/2013 9:22:23 PM


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400 grams of salvia divinorum makes 1 g of salvinorin a, large dose of salvinorin a is 500 ug, IIRC 300 ug is a good healthy dose

achuma puma
#24 Posted : 5/23/2013 12:56:30 PM

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I tried a hit of plain leaf a couple days ago and it was my first time ever using salvia... it was far more powerful than I had anticipated and I experienced what I imagine to be looming towards a "breakthrough" (not quite as I had a definite sense of "I" observing my warping surroundings). I had read that plain leaf can be more than enough for a strong experience after a reverse tolerance, though I had no idea I would have such a powerful reaction to it on my first time.

I smoked the leaf in quite a casual manner and I was somewhat swept off my feet... the power of the effects surprised me greatly- I did not approach the experience with the reverence and respect that I would have if I'd known I would be having such a strong experience. I was expecting a very mild taste of what was to come.. instead it somewhat gave me what was to come - and I was not quite ready for it.

It began as a deeply euphoric experience as I marvelled over the new sensations I was feeling. The pulling effect was amazing.. the experience had a real beat to it which pulsed right down the centre of my body in a very rhythmic "language" and I couldn't help but laugh in awe of the new feeling I had discovered. I remember a female voice started talking to me. She was saying she wanted to "flatten and crush" me.. initially this was not unpleasant, but I remember after a short while of listening to her words, my thoughts began to penetrate into the experience. At this point I became quite analytical/interpretive and subsequently uneasy about the intentions behind what she was saying .. and I took them as somewhat of a personal attack

I feel my ego remained too in tact for the experience and I didn't let go as I should have - it seems a strong factor in this was the lack of respect in approaching the experience. normally I approach my journeys in a ceremonial manner and set a clear intention before taking the leap.. and most of all I put complete trust into the teacher. when I dried and chopped up those two small salvia leaves I thought little of what I was about to embark on and casually packed up my bong, walked up to the backyard and ripped it pretty much as soon as I sat down. I certainly learnt that I should not underestimate any plant, and next time I will be approaching the experience with much more respect and ceremony

#25 Posted : 5/24/2013 1:30:00 AM

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I started with 60x salvia and it was very strong ..i flowed with it and it never scared me at all...
I then tryed 40x...20x... then 7x...
I liked them all and each effected me diferently ..
It was a timeless ancient journey each time!
So far...The 7x actually transported me from one demention to another... as i observed visuals spinning towards me or me towards them,, then felt myself float backwards out of my room to another room in a diferent demention..
And the taste of salvia is ohh so good!
The Electric Hippy
#26 Posted : 5/29/2013 11:31:13 AM

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acacian wrote:
next time I will be approaching the experience with much more respect and ceremony

I don't mean to discourage you from experimenting, but I would like to chime in here and let you know that for me, and many others, respect and ceremony do not contribute as greatly to a positive experience with salvia as they do with other entheogens. Salvia reminds me a lot of my aunt; she's a good person, and she means well, but her well intentioned critisisms come out as judgemental, harsh and rude. Some people, including myself, don't find that attitude to be constructive. It's one thing to have DMT breakthroughs tell me that I need to change certain things in my life, but when my last Salvia experience told me I was worthless, I threw the rest of my 10x in the trash. It just wasn't for me. I've heard quidding is a gentler method. Perhaps you should try that instead?

"In a controversy, the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves" - Buddha

#27 Posted : 5/29/2013 11:35:28 AM

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Aye, she can be a harsh mistress Pleased Like I've said many times before, it takes a special breed to become friends with this plant.
#28 Posted : 5/31/2013 1:44:53 AM

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The Electric Hippy wrote:
So, my salvia came in last night and I got to experiment with it a few hours ago after work. Time for a trip report!

- 8:30am: Loaded half a bowl of 5x leaf. Took the first pull. Held 20 seconds. Waited. I noticed it was very different from other psychadelics in that it seemed to have an old, ancient like spirit. Felt the asymmetrical pull/roping effect. Was surprised one toke took me that far.
- 8:35am: Finished the last hit. More pulling, light OEV's, moderate CEV's
- 8:45am: Stepped outside onto my back porch. Loaded another 2 hits into the bowl. Took one then another back to back. The roping effect felt significantly stronger than before. I started to notice it felt similar to DMT; I could feel the pull into the other realm. Beautiful CEV's. Lots of fractals and splitting of different visuals.
- 9:00am: Wander back into my room where the trip started. I decide to do one more "double hitter" then put the leaf away for now. After ingesting, I sat meditating and entered a room filled with eyes. Everything had eyes. Hands, leafs, etc. I felt the peak die down, and I opened my eyes to my desktop background on my computer. It is a picture of two paper mache psychadelic people. I made eye contact with the person on the right, and immediately felt a very deep sense of respect and admiration for him. I said in a very quiet voice "Dude, I respect you". I realized 2 seconds later what had happened, and I began to laugh out loud uncontrollably.

Very pleasant. In and out quickly, painlessly. I can tell this is going to be one of my favorite entheogens, and I plan to get a plant ASAP.

Thank you Nexus, for having this forum here and for patiently answering all of my questions.

Yes I experianced ...[the old ancient like spirit].. myself on 60x ..20x...40x...and even 7x..
With 60x i often get sawed in verticle slices of pure energy...or my atoms seperate into thousands of fragments untill re organizing...
I find 7x easier to navagate with as it has transported me from one dememtion to another alowing me mextal lucidity..
with smoked Salvia extract.. dosage is an important factor in making the trip more managable and rewarding i think..
#29 Posted : 6/1/2013 3:47:58 PM

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I must have been doing something wrong before (lol thankfully, according to some of the trip reports out there..), as I've smoked a full bowl of x5, 10, 20, 40, and even x60 without breaking through (back in the day where the term breaking through was unknown to me) .

As far as I can remember, the method was smoking, with a torch ligher held a bit away from the goodies, until there was a lungful of smoke, and then kept the smoke in for 20 secs.

Most of the times (didn't do it that much) it was already beginning before there was time to put the bong down - felt something pulling me.. some sort of force.

Had some mildly interesting experiences, but it never went really deep. Last time, quite some time ago, it was a bit scary (sound loop, kinda merged with the couch.. fond memories, lol) and insightless, much like salvia always was for me. So I gave it up.

Looking forward to grow it and try quidding someday.. like others pointed out, it's a different experience (allegedly.)
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
physics envy
#30 Posted : 6/22/2013 12:34:30 AM

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A few in this thread (and many others) mention that reputable vendors wouldn't sell the large extacts (40x, etc.). I have only tried one vendor personally and I don't know if they're available anymore, but it was Salvia Zone and could be purchased in smoke shops a few years ago.

I tried these levels all from this one brand:

raw leaf
yellow (28mg/g of Salvinorin or ~ 9x)
red (40mg/g or ~ 13x)
blue (120mg/g or ~ 40x)

After using them many many times over the last few years I eventually started measuring out small doses of blue or larger doses of red and achieved similar results, so I would say this particular brand seemed legit at least.

Personally I like the 40x level because I can use about 25mg of extract and smoke it all in one toke with a little room left over which is comfortable. The difficulty of course is measuring such a small amount accurately.

I am also a bit hard-heading with psychedelics and typically need a bit more than the 'average' for average results, although these are definitely very intense journeys.

(I have not made my own extracts to compare this particular brand to but that will probably happen once I use up my current supply...)

Happy explorations to all!

Salvia quid enthusiast
#31 Posted : 10/16/2013 12:05:44 AM
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Anything above 40x in my opinion is too much and shouldn't ever be sold to first time consumers.
Sometimes extracts can range in potency depending on where you purchase them. One vendor's 10x could be more potent that anothers. If you can, try to get a Standardized extract if possible.

Goodluck and Safe Travels!
#32 Posted : 10/16/2013 5:50:05 PM

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I have tryed 60x 40x 20x 10x 7x...
A pinch of salvia with pot extends the pot experiance by a couple hours with great visuals..
They are all awesome in effectiveness...
I find i like the 7x salvia [from mexican sweet leaf] by far the best in strength and effect..
[The plain leaf.. [mexican sweet leaf] is suposed to be almost double in strenght compared to most other salvias..and extracts made from this leaf are quite natural and effective medicine..
the 60x put me far out in salvia space ..almost too far i think..
But i find 7x to be perfect for me..
When using salvia get in relaxed mood and play relaxing music..it will make the experiance smoother for you...
Inner Paths
#33 Posted : 10/17/2013 12:43:12 AM

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starway6 wrote:
When using salvia get in relaxed mood and play relaxing music..it will make the experiance smoother for you...

I've only had a few experiences to my name, all with chilled music in the background and I've also found it to be a nice guide to the experience, though mine have only been lower doses so I'm not sure how music jives with higher breakthrough level experiences.

I've been reading Sage Spirit by Martin Ball (not really a big fan of the guy personally after his article/dig on Terence McKenna on realitysandwich but I like a few of his books) and he mentions throat singing as a way to drive the experience so that might be something I try in future.
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#34 Posted : 10/17/2013 6:28:21 AM
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Inner Paths wrote:

I've only had a few experiences to my name, all with chilled music in the background and I've also found it to be a nice guide to the experience, though mine have only been lower doses so I'm not sure how music jives with higher breakthrough level experiences.

I've been reading Sage Spirit by Martin Ball (not really a big fan of the guy personally after his article/dig on Terence McKenna on realitysandwich but I like a few of his books) and he mentions throat singing as a way to drive the experience so that might be something I try in future.

Music for me seems to set the tone. Definitely acts as a guide while traveling. I get peeled further with the right music, especially when consuming low doses.

I LOVE to throat sing. I'm not really sure if I would want to when consuming the sage though because it's calling upon something powerful.. There's some kind of meaning in the vibrations. I feel like that could be a crucial part of the ceremony if done correctly; although, it would be adding another element to the experience that I can't fully comprehend :/

#35 Posted : 10/17/2013 6:43:22 PM

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Perhaps I'm in the minority but I seem to get much farther without music when working with Salvia. I've played around with it quite extensively in the past. I used to enjoy a lot of ambient down-tempo stuff with Salvia. Even some really intense experiences I had while listening to heavier music. But since I've adopted the silent darkness method and stuck with it, I've gone farther. Could also be my tolerance. I could see still using music with plain leaf, that's something I'm going to try experimenting with again.

As for the throat singing, I've had some incredible experiences with that. Psilocybin trips where things got really intense and I basically sang/chanted my way out of it Smile Several experiences with DMT and negative entities where the throat singing/growling noises made these negative beings recede/flee before my wrath Laughing I've found it to be a useful tool for opening up and dealing with some negative aspects of the experience.

I have yet to do it with Salvia, however. I am pretty much paralyzed when I am in the trip. I don't move or speak except maybe a giggle or a little mumbling.
Inner Paths
#36 Posted : 10/18/2013 5:22:52 AM

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A note on vocal intoning/throat singing during a salvia experience: I'm just coming out from a third go-round with the Lady. I had three 50mg doses of plain leaf spaced around 15 minutes apart. The first two were on the subtle side, the second one I got shown some recent personal insecurities by the Lady in a stern but kind fashion, a definite sense of teaching going on with her.

The third dose I held the hit in pretty well and as I released my breath the last part of mental dialogue in my mind started echoing and recursing in an infinite manner, I also had a sense of my head having a subtle echoing/stuttering off to my left hand side also. I'd call this third dose a light level 2 altered experience. My intention going in probably wasn't as solid an intention as the previous doses so the peak of the session felt like a bit of mind candy without a deeper message buuuuttttt.... directly after the peak I remembered this thread and the talk of throat singing and gave it a go.

I didn't have any CEV's during the peak but as soon as I started vocalising I would see purplish amoebas in my visual field that would appear, expand, contract and disappear depending on how I vocalised. When I'd stop vocalising and just focus on the silence, the mental space that the vocalisations created would linger and I'd enter into a deeper void like meditative space and I would still hear a higher pitched drone that would keep ringing out. The vocalisations definitely expanded the salvia mind space and made it more three dimensional.

I'll definitely be exploring this combo of vocalisation and salvia more often, it really focuses and drives the experience, I can't wait to try it during the peak next time Smile

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