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Cloning Phalaris Options
#1 Posted : 7/20/2012 9:56:38 PM


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1. Start with one well established phalaris plant. This is Phalaris Aquatica var. AQ1 in a 10" pot.

2. Prepare some pots to transplant into by adding a thin layer of potting soil. I used Fox Farm Ocean Forest potting soil and four 6" pots.

3. I used a shovel to try and cut out a diamond shape in the phalaris pot

4. Then I put each one of the four corners I cut out into the small pots

5. Fill in around the edges of all 5 pots with fresh potting soil and water liberally

Easy nuff Cool
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5-1.JPG (438kb) downloaded 321 time(s).
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

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#2 Posted : 7/20/2012 10:25:16 PM

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awesome dreamer! good work!
#3 Posted : 9/6/2012 9:44:17 PM


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So it's been 6 weeks or so since I made my cloning attempt and here is the results.

I learned that just the rhizomes alone won't do it, only the pieces that had grass actually took.
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DSCN3320.JPG (404kb) downloaded 277 time(s).
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

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#4 Posted : 9/17/2012 8:57:11 PM


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And some more clone work...

1. This is a Big Medicine

2. I gave it a bit of a haircut just to make it easier to work with, you don't have to be very exact cutting this stuff back, just leave a a few inches or so for it to grow back from.

3. Same basic procedure as above I use a shovel to cut a nice triangular section out from one corner which I placed into another pot ready with a layer of fresh soil in the bottom.

4. Fill in around the clone and the mother with fresh soil and water liberally, voila your done Smile
dreamer042 attached the following image(s):
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DSCN3335.JPG (403kb) downloaded 257 time(s).
DSCN3336.JPG (400kb) downloaded 256 time(s).
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

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#5 Posted : 9/17/2012 9:00:40 PM


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This is a Turkey Red

Same steps as the big med
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DSCN3339.JPG (408kb) downloaded 255 time(s).
DSCN3340.JPG (406kb) downloaded 257 time(s).
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

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#6 Posted : 9/17/2012 9:21:49 PM


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I didn't mention in the aq1 section at the beginning that I trimmed the grass after cloning it, the grass that was there when I cloned them turned brown and died off, but healthy new green growth popped up from it as you can see in the results photo.

You'll notice that the big med and turkey red which are both varieties of Phalaris arundinacea tend to grow in more patchy and have the stems with the grass blades coming off, whereas the aq1 which is a Phalaris aquatica variety tends to grow more like traditional lawn grass (at least when it's kept cut back). I don't know if this generalizable to all Phalaris arundinacea and aquatica but it does appear the aquatica does a better job of filling out its pot.

Also note that my grasses have not been privileged to grow in optimal conditions for the better part of their lives. Having spent a winter rootbound in low light conditions, having been fried in the full desert sun, and just generally moved about, kicked around, and mistreated. The upside is these grasses are almost impossible to kill and continue to grow no matter what you throw at them.

They like to grow in the shade and will dry out in full sun. They seem to do fine without needing to be fertilized at all, but they very quickly become root bound in their pots and lose a bit of vigor until you either repot them in a bigger one or take clones.

Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

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#7 Posted : 8/16/2013 1:51:28 PM

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I know this is an old thread but i want to ask if you have harvested any of your grasses.
And if so, have you made any successful extractions from this?
I live in a colder climate and many of the plants containing DMT is unable to grow here outdoors.
These grasses are exceptions and will grow here and i even have some seeds i think.
So if you have been able to get any spice out of these it would be very nice.
How are your grasses this year?

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#8 Posted : 8/31/2013 6:23:43 PM

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i too would like to know if u've ever tried an extraction on that
Tz'is aná
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