Hello Nexus People !
Some time since I didn't post here. During the time moved from Colombia down too Brazil (SP region).
After exploring a bit the trees of my town I found these guys.
I suspect them strongly to belong to the
Anadenanthera genus. I say this from general morphological characters.
From what I have red in Torres & Repke works "Anadenanthera: Visionary Plant of Ancient South America" all 2 species
A. colubrina &
A. peregrina seem to be present in this region of Brazil. To make things easier and again according Torres & Repke, the 2 less studied of the 4 sub-species seem to be particurlarly present in the South-East region of Brazil :
A. peregrina var.
falcata and
A. colubrina var.
colubrinaI would be quite interested in the id. of these local species. Since I am also very much interested getting to know these seeds that fascinate me since a while but wich I have'nt got the occasion to travel with, I'd like to have you opinion on the possible chemical composition. I have red here (
http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20319) that
A. falcata (
A. peregrina var.
falcata ?) contains WAY much 5-MeO-DMT than Bufotenine. Sadly the original ref. is unpublished (Savio Nunes, D., Narciso da Rocha Filho, G., Elisabetsky, E., & Barata, L. E. S. (1987). Alcaloides triptaminicos de Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart) MacBr e de Anadenanthera falcata (Benth) Speg. Unpublished manuscript from files of B. Holmstedt.) Frankly I don't know 5-MeO-DMT ... but i don't want to ingest/smoke seeds containing 4.655% dry wt 5-MeO-DMT without knowing
Ok ... some pics :
A first specimen with a cardboard saying "Angico vermelho"

Another specime quite similar (with no id cardboard thus) produce those seedpods that seem a little bit smoother :

A second specimen with a cardboard saying "Angico branco"
Mainly the pods are different, thinner, smoother.

Another one as got a very caracteristic bark :
This one, called Angico do Campo has fruits smooth and thin like Angico Branco.
It's identified on the web as
A. falcata. Strangely in Torres and Repke's work no mention of this particular bark is made for the
falcata subspecies.

So a bit of confusion for me here. What are your opinions ?
Happy to receive every info !
Have a nice day.
"The minute one utters a certainty, the opposite comes to mind." May Sarton