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acacia confusa, crystal crash at room temp, Options
#1 Posted : 11/28/2012 8:41:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Boiled a half kilo of root bark, then based it with NAOH then did the pulls and let the jar I colleted sit at room temp. I awoke to find this:
thick-light attached the following image(s):
nmt rash.jpg (437kb) downloaded 618 time(s).
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 11/28/2012 8:55:07 AM

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I apologize for the crappy photo as it's been pointed out that I need a better camera. The naptha I pulled was milky opaque, at first then about 1.5 grams of nmt crystalixed at room temperature, over a period of 6-8 hours.

The jar's in the freezer now waiting to precipitate. I will let you know what's up with the dmt when I harvest it.

This was a great way to seperate the nmt from the dmt (for the most part), as i'm sure there is still nmt in the solvent.
I still can't believe the amount of nmt that crystilized from this batch, and can't wait to see how much DMT precipitates from the solvent.

I only did two pulls and plan to do many more to get the goodies out.

I've read that this happens with acacia confusa (the nmt crashing out of the solvent).

Has anyone had any experience with nmt crashing out of acacia a/b coks that you pulled on?
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#3 Posted : 11/28/2012 9:19:28 AM

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I might have stumbled upon anacacia confusa tek that not only extracts the alks but also seperates them, any thought comments would br greatly appreciated, this tek could be the breakthrough i''ve been searching for. This second photo is decepting as teh crustals are white. Gain I apologize for the state of my photos, I'm still working with a 35mm camera and kind of hate the instance gratification that comes with digital cameras.
thick-light attached the following image(s):
photo (2).JPG (311kb) downloaded 602 time(s).
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#4 Posted : 11/28/2012 9:49:09 AM

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#5 Posted : 11/28/2012 12:10:59 PM

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dmt doesn't crystalize at room temp in solven<

I was wrong about that!!!!
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#6 Posted : 11/28/2012 2:05:14 PM

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NEVER LET THE SOLVENT EVAP!!!! I poured off the solvent and was left with pointy crystals.

The rest of the solvent is freeze prec. right now and has a lot of crystals all stuck to the sides and botton
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#7 Posted : 11/28/2012 2:07:54 PM

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boiled with gar 3 and 1/2 hours basified with NAOH then pulled with naptha.

Let it sit for 6-8 hours and there were mad xtals all over the jar.

Poured off the solvent (still cloudy) and stuck in freezer and it's still producing crystals.
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#8 Posted : 11/28/2012 2:09:42 PM

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are the crystals that formed at room temp. pure nmt?
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#9 Posted : 11/28/2012 2:13:47 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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DMT can precip at room temp, i got lovely little needles.

there is a link to the thread in your other thread.

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Dr John
#10 Posted : 11/28/2012 2:21:16 PM

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i was under the impression nmt did not crystalize well, and especially as a white crystal. however, i have not done my extraction yet. I'm preparing/grinding my acacia right now.

from reading this site, it seems known that nmt crash out of the solvent, and collect on the bottom as a waxy goo? and if solvent is saturated, you may get a bit of dmt crystals on the top, even at room temp. but i'm guessing you smoked the first set of crystal and can confirm it is nmt crystal? at the avg .4 i'm guessing you got about 2 grams total dmt?

#11 Posted : 11/28/2012 2:29:01 PM

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Does anyone have any insight into this?

Once the solvent is done precipitaating I'll have an idea via bioassay if it's mostly dmt, but i'm confounded by the crystals that formed at room temp., Acacia is 1/2 and 1/2 nmt and dmt so it would make sense that the room temp xtals are nmt and the crystals still forming in the freezer are dmt. any thoughts or similar experiences.

This was an a/b tek and if this method somehow seperates the alks for the most part then I think this could be a good tek for acacia confusa. No melting of xtals. and the xtals in the freeze are sticking to the sides and bottom like dmt extracted from MHRB. Another 10 hours or so and i'll know for sure, i'll keep this thread posted for anyone having trouble working with acacia confusa.

In a few hours I'll test the room temp crystals and find out how active they are.

I'll post then. Any insight from all the advanced chemists. Please, Thanks, A cherry on top.
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#12 Posted : 11/28/2012 2:31:39 PM

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Thanks ThirdI!!!
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#13 Posted : 11/28/2012 2:34:12 PM

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Where is the link to the thread? 3rdI
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#14 Posted : 11/28/2012 3:13:34 PM

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found the thread!!! Thanks

Just tested the mystery needle pointy xtals active but not as much as DMT

still very interesting

When the solvent is done precipisting I'll test those, although at this point I'm pretty sure they'll be almost pure DMT with some nmt i'm sure

I suggest anyone working with acacia confusa try this 6-8 hour room temp crash of nmt with some dmt in it as well i'm sure, then dump the solvent off the xtals then freeze precipitate

I think I somehow separated them
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#15 Posted : 11/28/2012 3:24:38 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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why are you so sure its NMT that has crashed out?

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

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#16 Posted : 11/28/2012 6:35:51 PM

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I'm not sure but the crystal that crashed out was like soft fluffly needles.
It was very active, I emptied my solvent in the freezer and got over 2 grams of really crystally spice, although I have yet to test it as it is drying, the crystals are solid, no melting, the gram and a half that crashed out of my solvent is active but the doses must be high. As far as I know acacia c. is 1/2 nmt and 1/2 dmt. I've also heard on the nexus of people having the same thing happen, that is a crystaline substance crashing out of their solvent while extracting the goods from a. confusa at room temp. The cloudy solvent was put in the freezer and I just scraped at least a gram and a half out of my jar and it is DMT. I'm not saying that there's no nmt in it but it's mostly DMT. It's crystaline fast drying and rock hard, no melting or any other problems I've heard reported with a. confusa extractions.The crashed substance is most likely nmt considering the 1:1 ratio of nmt to dmt in the root bark. This is a guess ofcourse but I can't reason it to be anything else without testing it in a lab.

It's active at 100mg and mind blowing at 200mg. I've always been thick headed when it came to psychedelics needing more than the average person to obtain the same results. Shulgin said 50-100 mg creates visuals for 15 seconds (tihkal entry 50 I think) at 200 mg I experienced visuals for 4 minutes. When I mixed this crashed crystaline with some spice I had visuals for 15 minutes, a 2:1 ratio was used 200mg of "nmt" and 100mg of spice. Now before anyone says something about the high doses I need to let you know I'm on klonopin and have been for years. It's like adding ice to the fire pit when your trying to get a blaze going, but even befoere I had to take klonopin on a daily basis I still had to take double to feel the same effects.

If it's not nmt than what is it? Whem my acacia spice dries I will assay it and put this to rest. But this needle like white fluffly crystaline cotton is really nice to smoke. It's gentle and if you want you can add 300mg to your genie and get out there if you desire.

Perhaps if more people tried this we might be able to find out what is crstalizing in solvent and leaving behind what seems to be DMT still soluble in the naptha that after a freeze comes out solid and very promising. I promise I'll get back to this mananna when my spice is dry and give it a thorough testing.

If anyone has any ideas of what the crashed crystals are please post a theory and until then I'll keep working to perfect this happy accident tek. Thanks for the thread it was helpful. Peace Love and light.....
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#17 Posted : 11/28/2012 7:09:22 PM

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yeah the reason i ask is because nmt actually takes quite a while to crystalise.. i doubt it would fall out so quickly. dmt on the other hand for me has fallen out at room temp.. or slightly below
looking nice whatever it is Thumbs up
#18 Posted : 11/28/2012 7:47:29 PM

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After testing the crashed crystals a second time, I will now put my proverbial foot in my mouth and say that my solvent was so saturated that the dmt/nmt crystalized in the solvent. I just smoked a good amount and although it's not as strong as pure DMT it has a beautiful colored effect that is so far very unique to me. A. confusa is great!!!!! from a half kilo I pulled 4 grams so far and I'm still pulling the same white opaque solvent on my 3rd and 4th pulls. I'm going to leave it alone at room temp. to see if I can get it to crystalize in the solvent again. my first pulls are back in freezer for the second freeze precip and more crystals are forming. wow wow wow. grams and grams keep piling up. thanks 3rdI for the thread about dmt and saturated solvent (that I started then forgot). I was wrong about my assumption that it was nmt. All I can say is thanks for the info and much love light and blessings in your journeys!!!

PeaceThumbs up

Again the fluffiness decieved me and when I weighed out a 50mg dose It looked massive but I had a full blown breakthrough with a 20-30 minute afterglow.
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#19 Posted : 11/29/2012 11:23:53 AM

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I eyeballed the doses and was decieved by the fluffiness. After re-testing these at 50mg I brokethrough. My friend also brokethrough with 30mg. I know believe these are almost pure dmt. My prior assumptions were wrong about the potentcy.
thick-light attached the following image(s):
DMT 1st pull.JPG (263kb) downloaded 519 time(s).
Crystal from sat. solvent.jpg (437kb) downloaded 514 time(s).
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#20 Posted : 11/29/2012 11:28:39 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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no worries mate.

did you weigh the doses or eyeball them? if they are eyeballed that could also explain the difference in effects.

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