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Where to buy organic tobacco online? Options
#1 Posted : 11/28/2012 4:35:57 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I'm very skeptical of Natural American Spirits. With their "organic" tobacco, how does one know how it is certified? Sure, it may have been grown without pesticides/fertilizers, etc, but is it chemically dried like other tobacco? How is it processed? In my state (maybe even the US), cigarettes are required to be flame retardant so this automatically says that there is some kind of chemical in their cigarettes. I think a lot of people think these cigs are better for you because they taste "less harsh" but in my opinion, this is only because the cigs are packed so tight. If the tobacco is more loose, it is a lot more harsh.

Sorry there really was no point in this post, I just wanted to rant about about Natural American Spirits. It pisses me off how they market their products as "natural" and "organic". If anyone has anything to say to back up these cigarettes, I'm all ears.

As for organic tobacco, this is something I'm interested in finding as well. Its just so hard to find "organic" tobacco because there is no way to certify it like the usda does with produce.

mescaline-man, thanks for the info on that tree tobacco. I really need to quit smoking, I just need to find the motivation to lol.

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#2 Posted : 11/28/2012 6:11:11 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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mike74747 wrote:
Kentucky Select is USDA organic pipe tobacco just to let you know. That is what i have been using for the last month by rolling my own with a machine and tubes.

thanks for da info! i feel kind of stupid now, i was mixing up usda and fda Embarrased i still don't like natural american spirits though lol.
#3 Posted : 12/13/2012 1:47:16 AM

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Mike wrote: Hey i just wanted to say that visionaryherbs refunded my purchase and gave me no reason for doing so, should i try again and/or does anyone else know of a good website to buy Nicotiana rustica ?

This is probably because they went on holiday, the site I buy from is down.

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#4 Posted : 4/12/2014 7:57:01 PM

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I am also interested in finding a source. Kentucky Select Organic is discontinued. Ordered a tin of Dunhill and one of McClelland, but would prefer an all organic blend. Anybody know a source?
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