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VG VaporGenie: How to use, where to get, advantages, etc Options
#1 Posted : 3/1/2009 2:08:45 PM

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The VaporGenie

The VG is a vaporizing pipe which can be used for any kind of herb, changa and dmt.

The two most used versions are the Glass VaporGenie and the Classic VaporGenie. For comparison between them, read here: VG vs GVG

Material: Pipe (GVG: glass, VG: wood) / ceramic (flame filter) / stainless steel (screens)
Seller: www.vaporgenie.com
Price: GVG: 119$ (only sold in official website) VG: 55$
Main advantages over other smoking methods: smooth vapor, effective vaporization.

You are adviced to buy an additional QUALITY torch lighter, ideally with bent shape. Here's an example of such good torch lighter. If not possible, a normal lighter will work very well too.

How to vaporize DMT with it:

Begin with the flame a few cms above the top and adjust as you go. With empty lungs, start inhaling slowly and steady. The idea is to inhale a dense vapour, but not too dense so that you start coughing. Its better to begin the inhaling with a not so dense smoke, and then make it denser towards the end. Keep the vapor in the lungs for as long as possible, at least 10 seconds. If you coughed or exhaled before this or couldnt inhale with all the lungs, try keeping the flame further away or adjusting the speed of inhaling so that its a bit less dense. You can also exhale a bit of the air/vapor out and inhale fresh air again, to maximize how much you keep in the lungs instead of exhaling it all out. If you get the technique right, 1-3 inhales should be enough for a sure breakthrough

Modification needed for pure dmt crystals:
In order to prevent the spice from melting into your VG, you want to apply one of the following solutions:
1: Use a ceramic pad where the screen should be, and put the DMT on top of that
2: get a volcano liquid pad, which is a cheap inert stainless steel pad made specifically for vaporization, and cut it up to fit the vaporgeniePutting a bed of herbs below the dmt or enhancing some herbs with your dmt by pre-dissolving it in herbs before vaporizing.
3: Put a bed of herbs on top of the screen so that the DMT melts into them instead of through the screen and into the pipe

Cleaning the VG:
The vaporgenie can be cleaned with hot water and a pipe cleaner (as sold in the official website). Do not use alcohol, as it may damage the wood finish. For more info also check the VaporGenie FAQ in their official website
One can soak/shake/wash it with IPA, Acetone or Alcohol. If desired, this can be evaporated onto some herbs for infusing them with the active oil (which is mostly DMT and maybe partly DMT N-oxide which is safe and psychoactive), or otherwise just throw the solvent away. A pipe cleaner can help getting rid of resin that refuses to be removed, but a longer soak should take care of virtually all resin

One can also use vinegar to dissolve any DMT/oil condensating in the pipe, and then put the vinegar back into an ongoing DMT extraction to re-extract it.

Any further discussion or questions can be made in this thread. Thanks to Mr DMT for helping writing this overview.

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#2 Posted : 12/28/2009 5:03:29 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Since I can't post into the original Vapor Genie thread, I'd like to just say that I bought a glass VG for my first spice testing and broke through in two hits. I highly recommend it!

And thanks to the folks who recommended it - Madcapv2, Jorkest, antrocles etc. WOW Stop

#3 Posted : 12/28/2009 5:22:52 AM

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Dimitrius highly recommends glass Vapor Genie as well.

Plus good torch lighter. Wink
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#4 Posted : 12/28/2009 11:38:49 AM
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BGTM couldnt hold the vaporgenie in any higher regard when it comes to smoking DMT. To anyone having difficulty smoking spice and/or breaking through, do yourself a favor and invest in this pipe. As previously mentioned, a good torch lighter is absolutely paramount. BGTM likes to melt the crystals first, then set the pipe aside for 3-5 minutes while he performs some breathing exercises. He then slowly takes the longest hit that he possibly can and holds it for as long as he possibly can. Then, if BGTM is capable and can remember how, which isnt a given if the first hit is large enough, he takes a second hit.
#5 Posted : 12/28/2009 2:10:41 PM

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Ye, the VG is by far the easiest way to smoke spice, a high price but well worth it.
#6 Posted : 12/28/2009 3:14:53 PM

illudium Q-36

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indeed! I'm glad you are pleased with the investment

sweet peaches

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#7 Posted : 1/20/2010 3:48:22 AM

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I plan to get a glass vapogenie to use for both Changa and Straight Crystals.

I would like to hear comments from anyone who has used one especialy on the best way to use it for Straight Crystals...please be as detailed as possible.

Most of the posts I have read about using it say its great but a little tricky to use,thats why I'm asking...what is tricky about it??????

My thoughts on this are to use the spent changa ashes and place crystals directly on top or sandwich between layers of spent changa then top with ceramic filter...


place 5 to 8 scrrens in glass vaporgenie and place crystals directly on screens then top with ceramic filter...

What does everyone think???(Especialy those with first hand glass vaporgenie experience)

The more details the better...would love to learn from your experience!!!

#8 Posted : 1/20/2010 3:55:39 AM

illudium Q-36

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Use a torch style lighter, 5-8 screens and inhale slowly as deep as you can. The spice will begin to vape right away. Seriously, you bought the most foolproof device that I have come across. You can also use it with changa easily as well.

I am sorry I don't have time to give a longer description...but, there are multiple threads that have much greater detail ( myself and several others have replied with great detail in a least three) just search the forums for "glass vaporgenie"
All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.
#9 Posted : 1/20/2010 3:57:30 AM

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Approx. 20mg crystals were placed on top of a bed of weak 1:2 spice:leaf changa.

5 or 6 screens were in there.

That worked well.

Can't say with straight crystals.
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#10 Posted : 1/20/2010 10:16:42 AM

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5-6 screens are a must, if straight crystals are being used, I have used both a layer of ash and then the crystals on top of that, or a layer of herb of any choice will do the trick.

Happy travels.
#11 Posted : 1/20/2010 11:36:17 AM

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I use mine with Spice only. You need a few screens, as others have said 5 or 6 screens. The Spice vapes easily and readily, however from my experience it's smoother and weaker. I have stronger results from my bulb but I guess it's technique and I need to perfect the Glass VG. I need to use 30-50 mg in the Glass VG, 20-30 in a bulb.

I would not use the glass VG with Changa mixes like Ayahuasca Android, it's very oily and will leave it very difficult to clean. Changa rocks in a small bong. I have a changa only bong and I keep the VG exclusively for Spice.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#12 Posted : 1/21/2010 11:48:54 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Its really not that tricky and the glass vg makes it so easy to clear a 50mg dose in one hit.

The absolute most important thing to do is to get a quality torch lighter. The ones in the 10-20 dollar range are a crap shoot to weather you will get one that always lights and will hold its flame. Spend the extra 20 bucks and get one that wont fail you.

Ive tried the leaf bed and ash bed methods. I think the easiest way is to just drop 6-8 screens down and do it straight. You can alter your trip with some different plants, but I recommend going with just dmt to start.

After you load your dose, get everything set up. Have your music ready if youre not blasting off in silence, be sitting on the edge of your bed or in a chair or couch. You will only have a few seconds of knowing anything after youve cleared 50mg.

Melt the dmt onto the screen then pull off. This will take about 2-4 seconds, it will allow the dmt to vaporize more quickly when you take your first hit.

Set the pipe down and take a few strong deep breaths. I like to take sips of ice water in the middle of each breath because while the vapor is nothing compared to other methods, it can still get a little hot. Then take a few very deep breaths and on the last one exhale almost all of the air out of your lungs and be prepared to inhale.

Start with the flame a few cm above the tip and adjust as you go. start inhaling very slowly, you may find that you want to inhale harder and faster to get more air, just inhale a short burst of air with your nose while keeping your mouth on the pipe. You will see thick white clouds of vapor being pulled down. Eventually, as youve inhaled the entire dose, the pipe will turn clear. At that point, i lay off the flame and continue inhaling until i cant. Set the pipe and the lighter down and start counting. I try to count to 20, but i typically never get past 5 because i cant remember how to count and i start to lose any sense of reality.
#13 Posted : 1/21/2010 6:27:35 PM

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BGTM236 sweet method , that is what I do to a tee , but not with a GVG .
#14 Posted : 1/21/2010 6:57:46 PM

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BGT's method looks solid. i only use a GVG and have for some time now....i have two main ways of starting my conversations.

let me begin by saying that i have 6 screens in my VG always...i also have a $60 pipe torch that is one of my most prized possessions ... grappling with a lighter that is failing, inconsistently working during an attempted journey....while all the while trying to remain "empty and open" is not fun and it only takes one of these frustrating experiences to make you never want to go through it again. it seems expensive now, but your pipe and your lighter are essentially your "keys" to the holiest temple you can dream of being in. drop the money....even if you have to fast for a week....in the end, it is BEYOND worth it. Stop Stop

1. put a couple scoops of strong changa in there, keep the torch flame just above the ceramic element, breathe deep and steady into your abdomen, watch the beautiful glass pipe fill with pure white magic, let off the flame when your lungs are 3/4 full and use the remaining 1/4 lung capacity to clear the pipe out entirely. hold as long as you can. be reborn.

2. if i want a pure spice journey, i simply lay a bed of dried peppermint leaf down and sprinkle the spice on top. sometimes i use lavender. sometimes mullein. one of these three as they are all so very soothing to the lungs/throat and have no psychoactive properties to color the journey in any way. personally, i find that peppermint is my most common go-to although if i have the time i'll put a little of each in my grinder and make a little "bed blend". same technique as above only- since you can see through the GVG, i like to take a shallow, small inhale with the torch applied to "pre-melt" my spice into the leaf. then i stop, take a couple deep breaths , blow my last one out completely and THEN take my full dose. much like BGT described.

another thing to remember with your GVG- clean it often with 99% ISP or acetone and evap your "cleanings" on a little glass dish. there's always some VERY active oxide residue that you can add to another load down the road. waste not, want not... Pleased

enjoy your GVG brother! it's simply the best tool for the job out there.....if you wind up spending $150-$175 for it and a high-quality lighter, trust me....it will pay for itself over the years.....this setup will last forever and only be dearer and more "powerful" as time and collective journeys go on....

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#15 Posted : 1/21/2010 7:24:32 PM

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agree with everything antrocles says.

a high quality, reliable TORCH LIGHTER is key.

one brand to consider, http://www.blazerproducts.com/

i have The Torch......it fails me not. has a nice high capacity tank. the cigar shop 5 minutes down the road carries big cans of Blazer triple refined butane for $6.....i'm set!

though with this style torch lighter you have to turn it upside down to light the VG. like giving someone a thumbs down. i don't find this bothersome at all, but some might and would maybe rather have a torch that shoots out horizontally. personal preference.

mine is awesome! around $45 i think.

What kind do you have Ant?
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

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#16 Posted : 1/22/2010 9:09:46 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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deweeb what vehicle do you use, have you ever tried the gvg?

I have a couple torch lighters, both from calibri. http://www.shoptcgbrands...14190&pageView=image

The first one i got was the talon and it works great, has never failed me. The second one i have is the summit. I spent last summer in the mountains and i wanted a lighter that was more equipped for high altitude and outdoor use. Its the best lighter ive ever used.

#17 Posted : 1/23/2010 9:18:10 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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a high quality, reliable TORCH LIGHTER is key.

one brand to consider, http://www.blazerproducts.com/

Thanks for the link...made me remember I had an old Blazer Micro Torch almost identical to the picture in the link...mines from the 80s...seem to remember some freeB stuff going on back thenCool
and thanks everyone for your descriptive cooments..quality information and a great help!!!!
#18 Posted : 1/23/2010 9:21:23 AM

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futura wrote:

Thanks for the link...made me remember I had an old Blazer Micro Torch almost identical to the picture in the link...mines from the 80s...seem to remember some freeB stuff going on back thenCool
and thanks everyone for your descriptive cooments..quality information and a great help!!!!

no problem futura. glad to help.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

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#19 Posted : 1/25/2010 5:28:00 PM

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BGTM236 wrote:
... deweeb what vehicle do you use, have you ever tried the gvg?

BGTM , I have just ordered the GVG for home use only . It really isn't very stealth so I don't think I would consider taking it out . For excursions outside the residence I use the ubie with a bit of pot scrubber pushed in about three quarters of the way . It does work well , the only other mod I did was put an extension on the end where I inhale from so I can see whats going on inside the unit .

#20 Posted : 1/26/2010 12:41:11 AM

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deweeb wrote:
BGTM236 wrote:
... deweeb what vehicle do you use, have you ever tried the gvg?

BGTM , I have just ordered the GVG for home use only . It really isn't very stealth so I don't think I would consider taking it out . For excursions outside the residence I use the ubie with a bit of pot scrubber pushed in about three quarters of the way . It does work well , the only other mod I did was put an extension on the end where I inhale from so I can see whats going on inside the unit .


Hmmmmm, I wonder how well that would work with changa?

Anyone have an Ubie that can comment?

*Ubie - reminds of the robot that is delivering Padme's children in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith.....except it's like, "Uuubah..uubah"...or something like that.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

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