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#41 Posted : 6/7/2012 12:54:12 PM

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endlessness wrote:
Also it seems a bit contradictory that you say everybody is a beginner and should be humble, and yet you ask him to give you a number of how many blast offs? What does it matter?

Yes bro you have a point, but I believe there is a connection with experience and how many times one has been "out there". Even when experience doesn't change the the matter that we are all relatively new to it. Before teaching others however I believe experience is required. It's also a rather big position IMO to consider oneself a teacher about DMT, when I believe we are all it's students.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#42 Posted : 6/7/2012 1:46:40 PM

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tele wrote:
jamie wrote:
Castaneda made up everything he wrote in those books..he admited it later on to one of his friends. He ended up being the ring leader of some weird cult sort of thing surrounded by his followers.

Yeah this is what I meant by "having enough of that kind of knowledge"Laughing

Nagual you seem to have some interesting points risen from your explorations, but remember that information obtained from subjective experiences doesn't always work equally for every body.

BTW I read your posts so far and I don't see how they can lift me from my level of existence of "1. smoalking more" and "2. Making changa" -joke. Don't you think you came off arrogant when replying to my bit of fun?Wut? To me it sounded like you actually thought that smoalking more and making changa is some kind of lower or limited level compared to your prescious knowledge, which is quite lame and arrogant attitude for a person who considers himself to have even a bit of knowledge about DMT. Basically I believe one who thinks he knows DMT just makes that illusion for him/herself, as most of us know it's just too vast to know even during a whole lifetime. I don't think you have stated anywhere exactly "I know DMT", but it have sounded a bit like that at points...


1.Smoalk more
2.Make changa

1. ...Thumbs up
2. ...Thumbs up

If that is the level you want to exist at...

He has corrected himself at this point. Lets forgive and forget.

Nagual wrote:

I guess I will just take this as a lesson at this point. Thank you.

Nagual wrote:

Thanks for the kind words. I hope that my previous zeal won't turn anyone off from sharing with me.


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#43 Posted : 6/7/2012 2:09:01 PM

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DMT beckons us all, how we interpret the call to hyperspace is the true test of our souls
#44 Posted : 6/7/2012 4:07:50 PM

Got Naloxone?

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So, is this phenelzine material a prescription drug? corpus callosum's post sure made it sound like something that would be Scheduled and/or prescription only. You know, something like Schedule III.

Personally, and this is just personal, I've had it up to here (points to a position 2 feet above top of head) with prescription drugs, their treatment of symptoms, not underlying problems and their crazy side effects.

If this is a prescription that shuts down MAO production for weeks at a time I would not want to mess with that. I prefer the RIMA effect of plant preparations and extracts.

IF this drug is in fact one of these ones that shuts down MAO for weeks at a time I would like to request that you make a strong focus on specific dietary restrictions for purposes of Harm Reduction.

Thanks for your information and consideration. Smile
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#45 Posted : 6/7/2012 4:35:32 PM

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While this phenelzine stuff sounds interesting.
It Sounds more like something a psychiatrist would prescribe and not without just cause.

I can't imagine the hoops to aquire this stuff through normal channels.

I prefer to stay as far away from normal channels as possible and especially,
psychiatrists who in most cases i've found to be a certain breed of supreme creep. Not to generalize or anything.Smile

Hard to imagine ayahuasca ever being something i'm unsatisfied with.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#46 Posted : 6/7/2012 5:34:46 PM

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Nagual wrote:

I never made any claims or said anything about phenylalanine, I was being general.

Also, one thing I've found to be very physically relaxing and grounding is magnesium in the form of Natural Calm, the fizzy magnesium citrate drink.

Don't take it personally!

In the context of this thread a warning was necessary but that doesn't mean your contribution was any less appreciated Smile

Sorry to misquote you on the phenelzine. And no, I didn't take it personally. Glad to hear my input was appreciated.Thumbs up
#47 Posted : 6/7/2012 5:52:45 PM

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tele wrote:
jamie wrote:
Castaneda made up everything he wrote in those books..he admited it later on to one of his friends. He ended up being the ring leader of some weird cult sort of thing surrounded by his followers.

Yeah this is what I meant by "having enough of that kind of knowledge"Laughing

Castaneda's techniques of "Finding the hands" in lucid dreaming, Not-Doings, Saving energy, Stalking the Self, Recapitulation, Using Death As An Adviser, Erasing Personal History, and Losing Self-Importance, have all been very effective in helping me integrate and utilize much of my entheogenic experience and even helped me become sufficiently detached from my ego to help me with my addictions.

I care more about the message than the messenger.

Hiyo Quicksilver
#48 Posted : 6/7/2012 6:04:11 PM

just some guy

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Welcome to the Nexus, and thank you for coming! Your work seems interesting and I'm most definitely interested in where it leads you. While I seem to have a more simplistic and realistic view of things, new perspectives always open up the world in wonderful ways. Thank you for sharing!

Never mind the trolls and naysayers, there are far more folk who'd love to hear what you have to say.

Best Wishes, and Godspeed.
#49 Posted : 6/7/2012 6:42:02 PM

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i would like to hear more about transdermal ingestion..also can you tone down the super scientific stuff? i dont care about how you can make supreme crazy shit in a super lab i would like you to bring some down to earth elegant solutions. its all fine and dandy to say phenelzine stuff is super but i would like to you to speak on how the everyday personage can utilize these things? part of superior cognitive function is to translate into simple terms, if you speak over peoples heads its just an ego trip. what do you think of dmso as a transdermal carrier solution?
ive received the trans dermal download in the apousal lounge

no disease could possibly survive in such a wiggly environment!

corpus callosum
#50 Posted : 6/7/2012 6:53:17 PM

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Pandora wrote:
So, is this phenelzine material a prescription drug? corpus callosum's post sure made it sound like something that would be Scheduled and/or prescription only. You know, something like Schedule III.

Phenelzine is a prescription-only med here in the UK.Its used in depressive illnesses but is certainly not a first (or second)-line agent.The dosage used to treat depression is 15mg 3x/day, increased after 2 weeks to 15mg 4x/day but the dose may be increased to 30mg 3x/day in hospital in-patients; once its alleviated the depression its advisable to reduce the dose to the lowest maintenance dose-which in some can be as little as 15mg on alternate days.

Its list of potential side effects is moderately long:

Postural hypotension, dizziness, insomnia, headache, fatigue, dry mouth, constipation and other GI disturbances, peripheral edema, myoclonic jerks, elevated liver enzymes, agitation, tremor, nervousness, euphoria, cardiac arrythmias, blurred vision, nystagmus, problems passing urine, convulsions, sweating, rashes, bruising, abnormally low white blood cell counts, sexual dysfunction, weight gain and changes in appetite, psychotic episodes, hypomania, confusion, very occasionally hallucinations, jaundice, FATAL hepatocellular necrosis, peripheral neuropathy and neuritis and lastly, electrolyte disturbance such as hyponatremia.

Contraindications include impaired hepatic function and elevated liver enzymes.

This is a pretty serious compound, IMO/E.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#51 Posted : 6/7/2012 7:00:30 PM

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CC thanks for clearing that up for people possibly considering trying it!

Hiyo Quicksilver wrote:

Never mind the trolls and naysayers

Interesting view you have on fellow nexians, personally I find there are no trolls on this board(well maybe the one DEA agent or whatever was his nickname). Kind of trolly attitude in general to consider trolls inhabiting board with such outstanding people in it.
#52 Posted : 6/7/2012 7:07:31 PM

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tele wrote:
Hiyo Quicksilver wrote:
Never mind the trolls and naysayers

Interesting view you have on fellow nexians, personally I find there are no trolls on this board(well maybe the one DEA agent or whatever was his nickname). Kind of trolly attitude in general to consider trolls inhabiting board with such outstanding people in it.

tele, this is really unnecessary and just being even MORE trollish! I think you've said your piece in this thread -- now lets keep it on track.

Nagual, thank you for the contributions so far and I look forward to hearing more from you!
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#53 Posted : 6/7/2012 7:13:05 PM

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a1pha wrote:

tele, this is really unnecessary and just being even MORE trollish!

OK I see your POV, but I believe there is no reasoning behind talking about trolls on this beautiful board, I expressed this, what exactly did I do wrong? Am I not supposed to express my opinions freely on this board, especially in matters like negative talk about nexus?Confused Smile
#54 Posted : 6/7/2012 7:29:55 PM

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It is interesting but after reading a little about Phenelzine I would just avoid the stuff. Seems like the side effects are not worth the regular use of the stuff.
Long live the unwoke.
#55 Posted : 6/7/2012 7:36:31 PM

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Nagual, can you please add a disclaimer in bold to your origional post adressing the fact that Phenelzine is a non reversible inhibitor of MAO unlike the RIMA's and that it does inhibit MAO B as well..and warn people about possible food/drug interactions?

Thank you.
Long live the unwoke.
#56 Posted : 6/7/2012 8:02:34 PM

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Nagual is NOT a Castaneda fan....I guess that's what I get for ass-uming things...

I obviously am a huge fan....and to my knowledge Castaneda NEVER admitted to any one, not even his ex-wife that those books were made up...

I do in fact believe the names and places in the books have been changed to protect the true identities of his teachers...but I have found the info to be true valid IMHO.

I just think there is enough rumors going around about him as it is so I was just wondering if Jamie could provide a source for this statement:

Castaneda made up everything he wrote in those books..he admited it later on to one of his friends.

Thanks for this comment...

Castaneda's techniques of "Finding the hands" in lucid dreaming, Not-Doings, Saving energy, Stalking the Self, Recapitulation, Using Death As An Adviser, Erasing Personal History, and Losing Self-Importance, have all been very effective in helping me integrate and utilize much of my entheogenic experience and even helped me become sufficiently detached from my ego to help me with my addictions.

I care more about the message than the messenger.

SpartanII.............Thumbs up
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#57 Posted : 6/7/2012 8:12:08 PM

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Eliyahu wrote:

Nagual is NOT a Castaneda fan....I guess that's what I get for ass-uming things...

I obviously am a huge fan....and to my knowledge Castaneda NEVER admitted to any one, not even his ex-wife that those books were made up...

I do in fact believe the names and places in the books have been changed to protect the identity of his teachers...but I have found the info to be true valid IMHO.

I just think there is enough rumors going around about him as it is so I was just wondering if Jamie could provide a source for this statement:

Castaneda made up everything he wrote in those books..he admited it later on to one of his friends.

Castaneda's techniques of "Finding the hands" in lucid dreaming, Not-Doings, Saving energy, Stalking the Self, Recapitulation, Using Death As An Adviser, Erasing Personal History, and Losing Self-Importance, have all been very effective in helping me integrate and utilize much of my entheogenic experience and even helped me become sufficiently detached from my ego to help me with my addictions.

I care more about the message than the messenger.

SpartanII.............Thumbs up

Seriously, does it really matter if the stories were real? Would that make the teachings more moving? Who cares? I finished the "teachings of don juan..." last night and I thought regardless it had a ton of insight in a way most people dont see things.

Hey Nagual, please elaborate on your all day dosing, methods, positive side effects ect. How do you feel?
Open your Mind () Please read my DMT vaping guide () Fear is the mind killer

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#58 Posted : 6/7/2012 8:19:47 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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anrchy wrote:
Seriously, does it really matter if the stories were real?

Yes...he was an anthropologist and presented his writings as ethnography. This is akin to a physicist making up all sorts of results that sound good and "provide insight" into the 'fundamental workings of the universe' and publishing it as fact in a book.

If he had published as fiction, there would have been no problems and he could have presented just as much insight without miring himself in the authenticity issues that wound up consuming much of his public image (just look at any thread where he is brought up and the visceral reactions to the mere mention of his name).
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#59 Posted : 6/7/2012 8:25:27 PM

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Eliyahu wrote:
Nagual is NOT a Castaneda fan....I guess that's what I get for ass-uming things...

I obviously am a huge fan....and to my knowledge Castaneda NEVER admitted to any one, not even his ex-wife that those books were made up...

I do in fact believe the names and places in the books have been changed to protect the true identities of his teachers...but I have found the info to be true valid IMHO.

I just think there is enough rumors going around about him as it is so I was just wondering if Jamie could provide a source for this statement:

Castaneda made up everything he wrote in those books..he admited it later on to one of his friends.

Thanks for this comment...

Castaneda's techniques of "Finding the hands" in lucid dreaming, Not-Doings, Saving energy, Stalking the Self, Recapitulation, Using Death As An Adviser, Erasing Personal History, and Losing Self-Importance, have all been very effective in helping me integrate and utilize much of my entheogenic experience and even helped me become sufficiently detached from my ego to help me with my addictions.

I care more about the message than the messenger.

SpartanII.............Thumbs up

You may be correct. I read numerous places that he did confess to someone that he made it up..but I dunno I have never seen actaul proof. I do personally believe that he made up the names of the places though and that Don Juan was not one man but a number of people.

Apparently it is claimed that Carlos was also reported to have been in a library durring the times that some of the encounters apparently occured..who knows. Personally I think that he did have some real esperiences that he based the book around..and I also think there is some innaccurate information in there..like his smoking mix with psilocybe mushrooms..I mean yes maybe that does go on in secret and there is some old recipe to let them sit amd mold for a year etc and that converts the actives to something else..who knows. At this time though I lean towards the idea that he made that up.

Either way the books are worth a read. There is some good stuff in there, particularily in the first 2 books. I never really found the other books as good as the first 2.

I concider his works as fiction that are likely based on some real experiences he had.
Long live the unwoke.
#60 Posted : 6/7/2012 8:33:13 PM

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Someone should start an "Official Carlos C. Debate" thread. And it should be linked anytime the subject gets brought up.

As SnozzleBerry mentioned, anytime this topic gets brought up, propagation of chaos and strong opinions ensue.

Its come to the point of annoyance when this topic repeatedly derails an otherwise properly flowing thread.

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