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Isolating Kombucha culture from storebought drink Options
#1 Posted : 5/15/2012 1:47:58 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 06-Aug-2015
This is proving to be more difficult than I thought! I've got several different batches going, I'll post pics once I'm sure that I'm not just growing a nasty batch of mold haha. It's been 6 days and no sporulation so I'm gonna assume I'm on the right track...

Anyone have experience with this sort of thing? Am I better off just buying a SCOBY from a vendor? I don't know anyone who does this so I'm in unfamiliar waters.

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#2 Posted : 5/17/2012 3:17:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Success! The one I thought would fail actually has the healthiest growth. I used unpasteurized raw garlic honey for sweetener instead of sugar, like the others. Interesting. So long as nothing molds in the coming weeks, this actually worked out pretty well.
#3 Posted : 6/6/2012 10:44:24 PM

Stiletto Stoner


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Personally I would just make kombucha myself.
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

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I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block

Simon Jester wrote:
"WTF n00b, buy the $100 vapor pipe or GTFO"

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