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Absolutely psychotic idea, But I am kinda serious Options
#1 Posted : 3/25/2012 2:44:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Ok this may be going too far in the movement that we all have been discussing with the University. Recently I landed a really great job, I'll be in the country hillbilly region and the jobs is going to pay me almost 6 figures so I am going to be into some real money in the next year or so. Plus I have other things.

Point being I am seriously thinking of investing in a large acreage region in the mountainous area which is beyond plentiful here. In that area taking some money and creating a commune type environment. There's plenty of fabricated 'cabins' that are sold around 5 grand in the area, hunting 1 man bunk with basic kitchen, prefabbed to look like a log cabin, they are sold fairly well equipped at home depots for like 6 grand. I was thinking of having a half dozen or so set up and then as it grows or as we see fit to build our own, up here everything is really cheep unlike the city. Except gas. But it would be a great area for people of our sort into things could visit for a vacation or even have a few stay, study, teach, create a real world place of not just the nexus but native American things, floatation tanks, all kinds of interesting things in this conscious expansion field.

You could have classes on philosophy, yoga, meditation etc... I know it sounds like a crazy dream but I am the one to go for the crazy shit and try at the very least, sometimes fail miserably, other times doing well but I am not afraid to take a chance.

My question is what do you think this would work out to be. I would not in any way allow it to be a drug camp where people are getting high. But I could get 40 acres here in the mountains for nothing plenty of room for sweat lodges, a few tents during the summer for 'events'.

I have always dreamed of creating or being part of a place like this. Up here where it's quiet in the mountains creating like a spiritual retreat. Plenty of privacy and I am related to the whole damn mountain so nobody would ever cause the community trouble just because of my lineage to the region. The peak of the mountain being named after my family for example.

I think it's something I could do if I put my mind towards it for the next couple years and invested the money. What do you all think, honestly?

It would be in the Appalachian Mountain Area really naturalistic place unspoiled by technology really. Takes a little getting used to. Locals are insanely into native American stuff, Pow Wow's happen here like once a month. Even some Yoga and outside stuff making it into the small towns. It's not as backward as TV shows it.

The idea stems from my contemplating the university. You see I was thinking about this and realized I have a really hard time teaching something I didnt learn myself over the internet. I got out there lived in 'alternative communities' across the country and got to be around with people of the same sort. Living with them, sometimes hanging around certain venues on the weekends. Most of the best experiences of my life and that which I think all of us best really learn are from things like this or communities in the real world.

I gotta be honest you cant really really do a whole lot on a internet forum. I think the whole consious expansion society needs to have a few real world places across the world that epople can fgo to. I mean the christians and the jews and other spiritual paths have their proverbial mecca. Creating a community wehere you could go while on a weeks vacation, stay take a few experiences in a float tank, a sweat lodge, attend a annual spitirual convention where people come together for a few days would be great. Things like this might catch on and spring up across the world. Could it not be the natural evolution of places like this the nexus that a few of certain communities get together and start such places up. I really think at some point this is the most logical evolution of the nexus. and places like it.

I know there are some of those springing up now. We have burning man and a few communities sparringly cast about the world.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.

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#2 Posted : 3/25/2012 3:02:10 AM

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wild idea, vovin. i really like it Very happy

if something like this did get off the ground and grow the possibilities would be vast, i need to think about this more

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#3 Posted : 3/25/2012 3:14:28 AM


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This might be best started on an invitation-only basis, lest it immediately turn into a drug camp or a refuge for hobos, runaways, drifters, and starry-eyed sycophants seeking "gurus". Once you establish you're not just a place to hang out until the next Burning Man, you can look into expanding, perhaps the original members forming chapters of their own.
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
#4 Posted : 3/25/2012 3:20:39 AM

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Well events would be held during the spring, fall, and summer. The place would only hold enough for which we have appropriate housing. Having mostly those who are experienced or of a certain dedicated path living there it would grow in the years to comes as Like I said you can get 40 60 acres in the mountains for 100's of dollars a acre here.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#5 Posted : 3/25/2012 3:23:46 AM

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i would do it...you should too, keep us updated, if you get the land i would like to come help set up a sweat lodge/ permaculture garden, etc!
ive received the trans dermal download in the apousal lounge

no disease could possibly survive in such a wiggly environment!

#6 Posted : 3/25/2012 4:06:02 AM

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mrwiggle wrote:
i would do it...you should too, keep us updated, if you get the land i would like to come help set up a sweat lodge/ permaculture garden, etc!

Yeah I was really hoping to set the groundwork for a self sustaining community, as best as could be done in these times. With solar power gardening to provide food etc.. so that we could live eco friendly. It's still possible in the mountainous regions. Lots of people here do that now. You still believe it or not people have folks living in the mountains of the USA that are making their own way. People from those regions have really learned to live off the land and in harmony with it.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#7 Posted : 3/25/2012 4:23:49 AM

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Right on brother! i would defintly love to vist if it came into fruiton. The idea in itself is awesome. Now just imagine if everyone who made some real dough invested on giving back and furthuring our knowledge.... We would be traveling in space by now Smile cheers
*Look for a while at the China Cat Sunflower, proud-walking jingle in the midnight sun, Copper-dome bodhi drip a silver kimono like a crazy-quilt star gown, through a dream night wind*
#8 Posted : 3/25/2012 4:38:26 AM

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For me as it has always been making money and living in a big mansion has never been the point of life. Creating something great that will live beyond your own mortal years and making the world a better place for having existed in it is the real goal of existence.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#9 Posted : 3/25/2012 4:42:35 AM

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Are you familiar at all with Alex and Allyson Grey's Chapel Of Sacred Mirrors? A few years ago they moved it to 40 acres in upstate New York, where they host a variety of events including workshops, performances and rituals. It's a super high budget arrangement ($3m property!) and they have to hustle constantly to keep the whole thing afloat. But it's a grand vision they're working toward. You are talking about something on a more personal scale, in a part of the country where you can actually afford the property without going into debt. Nonetheless I do recommend that you attend one of the CoSM events (www.cosm.org) to get a picture of what they are doing, since it's quite parallel to what you are proposing. They have a staff of mostly volunteers, many who live on-site, and they do a great job with their events. And of course, Alex is a visionary legend. We've taken a couple of his workshops, and they have been transformative.

My wife and I bought 36 acres in the woods of southern IL 15 years ago, and have been hosting other artists for collaborative projects for most of that time. Great setting for really getting focused on something, while being surrounded by Nature's gifts. IMO you can't go wrong buying land in a beautiful setting.

Hey, I've been meaning to ask you, have you ever started a thread about sensory deprivation?
#10 Posted : 3/25/2012 4:50:39 AM

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Guyomech wrote:
Are you familiar at all with Alex and Allyson Grey's Chapel Of Sacred Mirrors? A few years ago they moved it to 40 acres in upstate New York, where they host a variety of events including workshops, performances and rituals. It's a super high budget arrangement ($3m property!) and they have to hustle constantly to keep the whole thing afloat. But it's a grand vision they're working toward. You are talking about something on a more personal scale, in a part of the country where you can actually afford the property without going into debt. Nonetheless I do recommend that you attend one of the CoSM events (www.cosm.org) to get a picture of what they are doing, since it's quite parallel to what you are proposing. They have a staff of mostly volunteers, many who live on-site, and they do a great job with their events. And of course, Alex is a visionary legend. We've taken a couple of his workshops, and they have been transformative.

My wife and I bought 36 acres in the woods of southern IL 15 years ago, and have been hosting other artists for collaborative projects for most of that time. Great setting for really getting focused on something, while being surrounded by Nature's gifts. IMO you can't go wrong buying land in a beautiful setting.

Hey, I've been meaning to ask you, have you ever started a thread about sensory deprivation?

That sounds great, I know a lot of places are starting to pop up with this mentality. I haven't had the chance to travel much went to college. Moved back to save a bit. Great to see others working on the same thing could be a movement in 5-10 years. There were several threads about sensory deprivation I was into awhile back. It's a fantastic subject especially if you have some control and can use other things with it. Works absolutely excellent as a base but the float tank which most use is something you have to make yourself and it isn't cheap. Cant really use a public one and 'experiment'. Ive been hoping some people would get into the research here and I could collaborate with them. I had my own I made a few years back.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#11 Posted : 3/25/2012 5:03:39 AM

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Great concept I love it,

I've been to Alex Greys place its a cool setup.
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Arthur C. Clarke

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#12 Posted : 3/25/2012 6:01:03 AM

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Sounds like an awesome idea!!! I wish only the best!! This is actually what we need popping up around and get people getting away from the government and creating their own. But I feel it will run in to problems if they get too big with these things and the government clues in to this and realizes that this is taking away what money they could be making and they no longer have control. They will make a law against solar energy. I am pretty sure. The whole "go green" thing will never work because of corruption of the government. But It is worth a try and I am up for the solar thing!

I have wanted to get off the grid for some years, but just never got the equipment. I want to just start with 1-2 solar panels and work my way up. Get a wind generator and panels and keep adding one more thing every few months until I have enough power. Then any excess power, the electric company will buy it.

Oh... Almost forgot! Congrats on the new job!!! Very happy
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#13 Posted : 3/25/2012 7:34:24 AM

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Thanks! I was seriously depressed in the city I couldn't find anything for work. Guys I know the economy is bad but take it from someone who has put in the footwork. There's jobs in the US. you just have to be willing to move to them. I came here and had 6 companies literally fighting over me.

In the city I couldn't find anything. Things are picking up job wise and if you are into technology in some area your gonna be in high demand. I know a whole army of people back in the city working for scrap and paying 3 times the rent. Several places in the US are opening for jobs it's just most in those regions aren't well educated or all that computer smart so you have to be willing to move to strange place. Like ND for example, huge oil rush up there. I have a friend moved up that way welder no college making 27 a hour. Believe in yourself I know the USA is in a state of depression psychologically but these things pass. Those who succeed in life are those who have kept plugging away in the worst of times. I been there I thought after school I was screwed getting old and life had failed me thought I was going to loose everything at one point. But if you keep fighting, eventually you will succeed I think this is something Americans and the world as a whole has lost.

In the meantime I am looking forward to putting some time into the NEXUS University. I have a great deal of ideas I want to put forward and some excellent educational stuff to put out there once the framework is implemented.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#14 Posted : 3/25/2012 7:50:59 AM

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I love the idea vovin. I could easily see myself visiting a place like this a few years down the road once Ive become financially established. To openly share experiences and knowledge with one another without having to filter what you say as when you are on the web would be something truely words cannot describe. So much to be learned and so much to be passed on to others. Starting out with a few events throughout the year would definitly be a great way to go.

Having a place for the community I really didnt consider to be anything more than a far off vision. For you to realistically considering it is pretty cool.
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
Key Omen
#15 Posted : 3/25/2012 10:08:08 AM

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In my opinion it would make for a nice retreat.
#16 Posted : 3/25/2012 10:27:56 AM

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I think it's a great idea. I especially like that you would incorporate floatation tanks. They are such a useful tool, and they definitely don't get the publicity they deserve. (thanks a lot Altered States!)Laughing

I don't know much about Sweat Lodges, but I know some people have a preconception that they are dangerous. I remember hearing about a few deaths at a lodge not too long ago. To me, that sounds like the fault of human ignorance/stupidity rather than any inherent dangers of the lodges themselves. "Sweat Lodges don't kill people. People kill themselves."Wink

#17 Posted : 3/25/2012 11:58:57 AM

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Nothing psychotic about it. Follow your heart man.
(¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯Pleased But suddenly you're ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you are alive and it is spectacular!
#18 Posted : 3/25/2012 3:19:48 PM

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I think this is a wonderful idea but it's only going to happen if you do it. I have faith in you my friend, I would love to see this happen!
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#19 Posted : 3/25/2012 4:06:24 PM


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I don't think it's crazy at all, in fact its my goal to have some sort of healing retreat where I live and work. I think that people need places like this and I guarantee people will come from far and wide to find it. I used to live in this tiny little town in California and I met a couple from Singapore that came to go to a meditation retreat that I didn't have a clue existed and I had lived twenty miles from it for years and years.

If you build it, they will come...
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#20 Posted : 3/25/2012 11:43:18 PM

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Are you allowed to just build houses on land you own in the US? Here in europe it´s pretty hard to build a house, because you first have to get permission and so on.. And you normally don´t get that permission.

The whole thing sounds like a great idea to me, would be really cool to hang out there and just relax from life and work. Or experience other worlds. But i think it´s problematic to finance it after all. The people interested in such places, may not have to money to afford a vacation to the place i think. But i don´t know that for sure, in the US this may be different.
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