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#1 Posted : 12/10/2011 4:33:40 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hey everyone, I have been a lurker on the forum for quite some time and decided it was about tie for me to start to contribute to the community. I am currently a double major in college and study psychology and philosophy. My goal is to enter grad school where I hope to conduct hallucinogen research. Therefore I maintain a high GPA and have good relationships with the professors that are in involved in drug research at my current school. I honestly believe that these substances have the power to cure psychological disorders as opposed to just treating the symptoms as all the current drugs available seem to do. I have had both beautiful and terrifying experiences in my journeys, however I am reluctant to use the term "bad trip". I do not believe any trip can be "bad" though they can be unpleasant. I feel that if you have a horrible terrifying experience that you can describe as hell on earth it was likely that you deserved the experience due to some wrong you have committed or perhaps even the experience was necessary to move through some flawed personality trait you posses. If you approach these substances with the respect and remain humble it is likely you will avoid unpleasantness. As a philosophy student I also enjoy deep philosophical conversations that require an open and untethered mind. I feel that DMT is perfect for reaching the proper state of mind to objectively discuss philosophy in a nature similar to the approach used by Socrates. Lastly on a completely unrelated note, in the name of harm prevention, I would like to point out a mistake that was made during an extraction on cacti I dreamed about recently. Strongly acidic solutions will etch iron out of stainless steel, thus resulting in a bluish tint (similar to the statue of liberty) in your final product and a higher yield than you expected. Recently I have read posts where people obtained blue spice and it reminded me of the dream so I felt I should share it as a possible explanation to where the blue came from. Hello again and I look forward to being able to contribute to the forums!

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 12/10/2011 6:05:01 PM


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Hey there,

Welcome to the DMT-Nexus!

I think it's great what you are going to school for. The world needs more people like you!

Thanks for writing this introduction essay to help us get to know you better. I'm really looking forward to hearing more from you.

Peace + Hyperspace
#3 Posted : 12/10/2011 6:06:27 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Senior Member | Skills: 3D programming, Mathematician (if you need help with algebra to differential equations I'm available), SKilled Engineer

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Noble goal's for your future Smile. I think you may have just found Home. So welcome home Very happy.

Got the right mind-set, looking forward to exchanging ideas with you in the future Smile.

#4 Posted : 12/10/2011 6:24:48 PM

odin the one

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A Healer....outstanding.. way to go my friend..you got the heart, and your getting the goods.. really glad your on the planet..can,t wait for you to start knocking down some walls that never should have went up in the first place.. wish you the best of luck in all you do..protect that brain and that heart..welcome to the nexus..respect Oden
#5 Posted : 12/11/2011 10:37:10 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 39
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Last visit: 02-Dec-2012
Thanks for the replies everyone! I really enjoy the atmosphere here.
Simon Jester
#6 Posted : 12/11/2011 10:50:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome! <3
#7 Posted : 12/11/2011 10:50:58 PM

"Love is the medicine."

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It's a pleasure to have you hear. I see we have similar tastes and look forward to hearing more. Welcome brother.
(¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯Pleased But suddenly you're ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you are alive and it is spectacular!
#8 Posted : 12/15/2011 9:38:09 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome!! I am also very new to Dmt-Nexus Smile I love holding deep philosophical conversations as well, so message me anytime and I would love to chat away with you my friend.
Glad you are here! I received really positive energy from reading your post!

Peace, Love, and Harmony for all, Smile

#9 Posted : 12/15/2011 6:45:41 PM

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Welcome to the Nexus!
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#10 Posted : 12/15/2011 9:43:44 PM

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The truth...lies within.
#11 Posted : 12/15/2011 10:34:32 PM

Monster Entity Mom

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Hello lysergicIV,

I liked your intro. This is a fun site and filled with tons of information and lots of smart people. I read DMT The Spirit Molecule all the way through. It was crazy how hard it was for Strassman to get all the permissions and clearances.But that was in the 1990's.

How hard is it today? Do you know? I heard something about mushrooms at Johns Hopkins but it would be wonderful if we could somehow get alot of real research at different schools and medical places going.
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