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2nd dmt experience Options
gantz grof
#1 Posted : 10/29/2011 9:19:26 AM

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i began typing this the following night but over half way through and my comp crashed which was deeply annoying and killed my motivation.. attempt number 2, hope you enjoy.

the following series of events may have happened on the 24/10/11, coincidentally 1 month after the 1st experience which might have been on the 24/9/11.

it just so happened that the friend i had dmt with the first time, 1 month ago, was over my house again, and so we decided to use the rest of my changa. instead of using a bong like last time, we made a rocket so i could down all that smoke without having time to think.

i went first this time, and i was still nervous, i took in half the smoke, and like the noob i am, only held it in for a few seconds, not even breathing it into the balloon i had. took in the last half of the smoke, held it for maybe 10 seconds and once again exhaled into the air.

this time compared to last, was very different, there was no ball of energy traveling up and down my spine, but once again i felt like a statue, especially as i breathed out the last half, all i could feel were my lungs moving, and smoke leaving my mouth, it's like nothing else existed.

once again i was nervous during the come up, so to help calm me down i focused on my breathing, slow inhale, slow exhale, this helped a lot because i could keep track of how much time had passed. i realised pretty early that once again i had not had a breakthrough dose and that i would not reach hyperspace, this was disappointing as there was not much changa left and i had promised my friend some so i didnt want to take any more.

i tried to ignore my disappointment and just accept this for what it was, but it still had an effect on me i think, perhaps there was an overtone of disappointment throughout the trip.

still in the very early stages, my mind took me back to the time when i had 6.2 grams of dried subs on my own, and had a very intense panic attack for the first 30 minutes or so. i told myself everything was ok, and i definitely handled this anxiety better than my 1st dmt trip and certainly better than that mushroom experience.
as i was reliving these feelings and emotions, images came to me, i saw these beings, droplet shaped, with eyes, maybe a mouth i cant remember. they were pink and purple and they were dancing and making similar noises to what i heard coming from inside my mouth, nose and eyes during that mushroom trip, some weird squeaking noises. i kind of "knew" or maybe i felt that these beings were somehow related to magic mushrooms, and they had this sort of scary overtone, but that was just me experiencing that mushroom experience again. once i calmed myself down a little bit i felt safe around these beings, and that's all i remember now.

some other visuals i saw, which again were very different from the 1st dmt trip, instead of all these radiating psychedelic colours, it was all in black, white and shades of grey. a night black background, with white/grey lines in geometric patterns, spiral patterns sort of similar to this:

this trip felt a lot more empty than the first, the first was full of colour, sensations, synesthesia, millions of thoughts going through my head, heaps of feelings... this one had at the start of the trip, what i previously mentioned, and then it was like nothing, my head was empty, and there was this black background with no colour.
maybe i cant remember if i had any thoughts or anything else happening throughout the rest of the trip, but basically i think that all that happened was i felt this disappointed overtone, a little anxiety that i handled ok, and that was basically it, and maybe 5-8 minutes later it was all over, though for the next 20 minutes i would get the occasional blurry/double vision what ever happening.

i still enjoyed the trip a lot, and of course i felt gratitude for the fact i had this opportunity, but it didnt stop the feelings of disappointment.

next it was my friend's turn. filled the rocket with a cone, he took half of it, held it for 5 seconds, breathed it into his balloon, took a normal breath, had the rest of the rocket, held it, breathed it into the balloon, normal breath, took in half the balloon, held, exhale, normal breath, other half of balloon, held, exhaled. this wasn't enough, and i realised there was one cone left, so i put it in a bong for him and lit it and let him breath some of it in, after 2 bong hits there was a third left and he said it was too much he couldn't have anymore, but i pushed him to finish it (just do it, you'll be fine...) he then finished the bong, held the last of it in for a few seconds then exhaled, but this time maybe 2 or 3 minutes had passed.

he immediately told me that he had definitely had the right dose, but then a minute or so later i could see his lip quivering and other signs that told me he was freaking out but was too scared to talk. i began to talk him through it, it's ok, everything is fine, you are fine, etc, this calmed him down a lot, and he asked me how much time had passed, i said about 5 minutes. a minute later he stood up and said he needed to lie down, so he walked to the door, opened it, walked through to the next room and laid down on the bed.

he started talking to me, (my friend said that dmt trips last forever, is this going to last forever?), i told him no, it can feel like forever, but it would last for 15 minutes at most, and you're about halfway, you'll be fine, it's ok, it wont last forever. he said some other stuff to me i cant remember, but i kept talking to him the whole time, and i felt quite special that i enabled him to have a positive experience, i felt like a shaman... obviously i'm not one, but it was a very special experience.

once he started to come down he decided to go back outside, so we sat there and talked for a while. i asked him if he reached hyperspace and he said yes. from his actions i felt that he didnt, being able to speak, stand up and walk to a door, open it, walk through etc.. but from what he told me it seemed like he did reach hyperspace. he said that it felt like it went forever, that he was existing and moving into different dimensions and going forward and back through time.. he said everything felt like a blur, so i asked him how he heard me.

i was curious because if the time in his head feels endless, if for example i put a finite limit on it, say that 1 minute in the "real world" felt to him like 1000 years, then how can he understand what i'm saying? wouldn't he hear me in super slow motion? i did not understand this. he told me that for some reason the only thing he could hear was my voice, some how, he'd hear a word every now and then, and my voice made him feel very safe, and this allowed him to truly enjoy the experience.

he said many thoughts went through his head, he remembered events he said he wasn't even paying attention to, which he said was strange, and i asked if he saw any beings, he said he saw these small round things in the very centre of his vision.

that's basically it.

i am very excited about when ever my next experience may be, though it might be a number of months from now. i think in the mean time i will try to prepare myself in some ways, and also get a gvg if i can afford it. perhaps i will search for some native plants for ornamental purposes only.

thanks for your time.

my name, is nobody.

*Gantz Grof is a fictional character created as part of an interactive experimental hyperreal novel concept
Gantz Grof exists within "Meta-Novel" which you are currently reading, and therefore a part of.

As one critique of Meta-Novel said:
"if Meta-Novel is fiction, then what is reality?"
As nein critiques said:
"Genius" "Fresh" "the new IN!"

Meta-Novel draws its inspiration from the likes of Kaufman, Jarmusch and others, who coincidentally stole the idea from the creator of Gantz Grof and Meta-Novel.
Meta-Novel is all rights reserved, Once existing within Metaverse, one is owned and belongs to Meta-Novel itself, and therefore also the creator of Meta-Novel

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#2 Posted : 10/30/2011 4:07:29 PM


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Nice read. I'm sorry you weren't able to breakthrough as you had intended. That seems like an unusual trip, I don't think I've heard of black and white DMT trips before.

I have yet to try DMT, but if the experience of time slowing is any similar to that on LSD (big assumption), then it may be that the part of his brain that conceptualizes time is saying that time has slowed down, yet his auditory cortex is still able to process and integrate information in a relatively normal fashion. So time has not slowed down (his brain is still working at the same speed), just part of his brain is saying it has. On medium doses of LSD I can tell that time has not slow down, a minute is still objectively a minute, yet my brain's concept of time seems to have disappeared and all that exists is the present, giving my brain the illusion that the experience is an eternity.
Anything I say is completely false and should not be taken seriously.
gantz grof
#3 Posted : 10/30/2011 4:59:11 PM

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the way i figured it was that the brain is functioning at a higher level, consciously, like say (and i have absolutely no idea this is just a number) 1% of your brain function is conscious and 99% of brain function is unconscious, with certain substances, a person can increase this conscious level in varying amounts dependant on substance and dose...
and with high levels of dmt, especially at a breakthrough dose, this level will increase dramatically (again i have no idea), perhaps 30% of brain function is now conscious, and with this, we can see how a person can literally have thousands of thoughts, memories, words, etc go through their conscious mind in a second, more perhaps, i dont really know.

the brain is functioning at such a high level, all the time, and we cant really perceive how high, though with the use of certain substances a person can experience a higher level of this. how many things are going through a brain in a second? what if we could consciously function at such a high level, that we were able to focus on all those unconscious things, and in a way, slow our brain down (by this i mean that our brain is still functioning at the same speed, but it's like watching a car go past at 100km, it happens in an instant, but if we are in a car travelling beside them at the same speed it seems as if the car is not moving), so it would seem like 5 minutes at a breakthrough dose was a thousand years, because our level of focus is so high, that we can consciously follow what our brain is doing, along side it, with it, what ever..

there were some unusual circumstances preceding this trip. i had recently partook in a reiki level one atunement/workshop, which was an experience, also preceding that workshop, the morning of, i was driving my girlfriend home before i drove out to the location, and on the way a cat ran in front of my car and got killed instantly, this was a very traumatic experience for both of us, and i was still reliving that experience over and over, days after it happened. also, i'd has only a few hours sleep the night before, and has also taken 10mg of dexamphetamine that day, by the time of night we did it, i was very tired, and my body was aching, i'd also had a cone of weed maybe an hour beforehand. all of these things may have contributed to this unusual trip.

thanks for reading and commenting.
my name, is nobody.

*Gantz Grof is a fictional character created as part of an interactive experimental hyperreal novel concept
Gantz Grof exists within "Meta-Novel" which you are currently reading, and therefore a part of.

As one critique of Meta-Novel said:
"if Meta-Novel is fiction, then what is reality?"
As nein critiques said:
"Genius" "Fresh" "the new IN!"

Meta-Novel draws its inspiration from the likes of Kaufman, Jarmusch and others, who coincidentally stole the idea from the creator of Gantz Grof and Meta-Novel.
Meta-Novel is all rights reserved, Once existing within Metaverse, one is owned and belongs to Meta-Novel itself, and therefore also the creator of Meta-Novel
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