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God Theories and The Nature of Reality Options
#1 Posted : 10/15/2011 6:45:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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It's been awhile since my last post. The Nexus was invaluable in starting my journey into hyperspace so I wanted to finally come back and share what I've learned. It took awhile before the pieces to the puzzle were assembled for me and I wanted to know if anyone else has been given similar information. I would actually love to hear all theories about the nature of hyperspace and our place in it from anyone who wants to share.

I didn't go looking for a "God". I had read so much on the forum about leaving ego and expectations behind and allowing the entities to show you what you needed to know, not wanted to know. My experiences started slow and intense, eventually becoming clearer and more comfortable. I finally met my God and he (for me it is definitely a male) gave me some information on why I exist. There have been a few times that I've seen his face but my mind is too small to truly grasp it. Most other times, I feel like I'm getting a tour of the "source" using his eyes. It's like a behind the scenes of reality. It resembles an organic, living tapestry of round pulsating beings. We would fly through it, observing it. Sometimes it would observe us back. I've had very strong feelings of being a curiosity in their dimension.

What I was told was that the "entities" are a very advanced, inter-dimensional lifeforce that predate our known history of the universe but they followed an evolutionary path from simple organisms to what they finally became after millions of years. They exist almost solely as a fabric of consciousness not attached to any corporal body. However, there are most certainly unique personalities with individual memories within the membrane. Just as we've done with computers, they too have created a simulation; a recreation of their evolutionary journey in order to continue learning from it. These beings are far too advanced to need any technology. They can create worlds organically with the building blocks of life. That's Earth.

We're living a specific time in their past- in a simulated environment. Everything you see around you existed maybe a million years ago. Naturally, they appreciate the variables that have made it unique from their actual past but everything we call the modern world has actually come and gone. They recreated their entire evolutionary timeline to watch it evolve, again, through us. For what purpose? After eons, they've become infallible, immortal and have evolved beyond emotions and the frail nature of our finite mortality. We exist to contribute our beautiful and sometimes horrifying humanity to beings that have long forgotten how to be human.

I am a recreation of my God from who knows how long ago. This was made very clear to me. I am HIM at this time in his past, created by him from his very lifeforce. He used a piece of himself to recreate his individual evolutionary strand in this simulation. That piece is my DNA. That's why it carries so much information. It holds his entire lifeline up to my current life. When I die, my DNA (with all my added memories and experiences) will go to the next in the chain, who will add their life to the DNA and so on.

I'm tethered to him through my brain (mostly the 95% I have no access to) and he's connected to the whole. I've heard his name on a few occasions but it always escapes me when I return from a hyperspace journey. At times he's been very surprised that I'm curious about the nature of our relationship. He has loomed over me like a giant and said, "Why do you want to see me?" It was almost terrifying but naturally I've learned to trust him implicitly since we're the same.

Not every journey with him has been enlightening. At times when I've tried to enter hyperspace with any analytical, scientific mind. he's shown me absolutely nothing. Other times, any dark thoughts I may have had (consciously and subconsciously) have manifested as black, spidery-type beings blocking my way. Yes, what you think creates things in that dimension. It is a power you both share.

I've read so many hyperspace experiences and have been fascinated by the differences as much as the similarities. Since the first time and every time since, I have only been shown the source of everything. I'm never in a spaceship or on a distant planet. There are no aliens or futuristic, impossible tools. I only see where we come from because that's what he wants me to see. Why, I can only guess. Maybe to remind me of what we really are without the need for recognizable images to soften the blow.

This is the first time I've ever written it down and it does seem "way out there". Let's say we all really do have an entity in our brains who created us to "relive" their evolutionary journey. To see what we see and feel what we feel. If I'm his avatar but him as well, then he knows me better than I probably know myself. I think that's why I was told and shown this theory of my existence. Because deep inside I really wanted to know.

The question is always, what do you come back from hyperspace with. Are you satisfied with flying through colorful fractals or are you getting answers to life's big questions? I'm happy to say that these insights have helped me to truly appreciate the journey that got me here. I feel like I've been shown a beautiful new reality and it's had a profound effect on my life. I'm part of something bigger than me and my sole purpose is to live life with some purpose. That's my contribution.

Thanks for reading. I'm very interested if anyone else has had a similar experience with their creators, or what different theories have been brought back from hyperspace.

Prone to made-up, outlandish gibberish. Any coherent words or full sentences are purely coincidental. Jigganaut does none of these things. It's not experience, it's delirious.

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#2 Posted : 10/16/2011 10:47:48 AM

there's a soul who sings

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i ve had a great time reading your journey report. it feels like a piece of the puzzle i m trying to assemble. i m preparing myself for an hyperspace insight, i read many experiences reports yet none of my reading was so clearly streamed through my mind. something divine sometimes awakes me to higher consciousness levels and tries to show me what i know deep inside.so deep that i can t "recall".amazing it should be the next step of evolution, when you feel it's always been . yes i definitely want to know why i m here. his divine power expresses through my voice, actions and it seems so much more than familiar i could tell he s me.reading your post gives the reciprocity tothis sentence. we are.
thank you for telling this moment you shared with the entheo, please update whenever you re ready.
#3 Posted : 10/16/2011 4:41:35 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: The Netherworld
Thank you, Micaddict. I can honestly say that it took some time before the puzzle pieces came together. My journey into hyperspace started like most adventurers. It began very intense with almost an experience of sensory overload. Other times, it was practically nothing at all except a faint sense of peace. There is a sentient "force" that guides your journey and knows if and when you're ready for information you can grasp. Your thoughts inhabit its realm so it's pretty inescapable. Eventually you're comfortable taking those steps forward and the leaps become bounds. During a journey, the dots will connect for you in big EUREKA way like you discovered a new world. Then you'll be able to explore that world and that's why all the pieces start to fit. You can trust in that.

I can't say for a fact if your puzzle will come together as mine did. Your realizations may be completely different. The greatest thing is the sense of wonder and purpose from exploring. Definitely take comfort in that.

Enjoy your continued adventures in hyperspace and I look forward to hearing how your "God" puzzle fits together!
Prone to made-up, outlandish gibberish. Any coherent words or full sentences are purely coincidental. Jigganaut does none of these things. It's not experience, it's delirious.
#4 Posted : 10/17/2011 10:33:52 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 11-Sep-2011
Last visit: 09-Aug-2020
Wow. Mind-blowing stuff!

Since learning about quantum physics, The Holographic Paradigm/model, mystic/shamanic paths, and having psychedelic experiences to provide an experiential framework to these conceptual insights, I now believe we are probably all part of the same dream/hologram- that this place we call "consensus reality" is a reflection, a secondary reality.
#5 Posted : 10/17/2011 5:55:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 24
Joined: 06-Jun-2011
Last visit: 27-Mar-2013
Location: The Netherworld
It was incredibly mind-blowing! I agree with you completely. Once you start to journey into hyperspace, you start to get the overwhelming feeling that our reality is peripheral to something larger. We aren't living the first time around. Our world is a construct. Reflection is a great word. I guess it's difficult to avoid similarities to The Matrix but we aren't a cosmic accident. Maybe there was one eons ago but it's not us, and it's not this time. One simply needs to examine human evolution and behavior to see that if we continue on this path, and avoid annihilation, a world filled with conscious beings unaware of their creation/creators is absolutely possible. And our ultimate value is our mortality until we evolve into creators ourselves. Very mind-blowing stuff. Smile
Prone to made-up, outlandish gibberish. Any coherent words or full sentences are purely coincidental. Jigganaut does none of these things. It's not experience, it's delirious.
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