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Setting course to hyperspace at warp speed! Options
#1 Posted : 10/9/2011 12:27:04 PM

Traveler's pet cactus

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Hello all, I am Void Traveller. I'm relatively new to the world of DMT and hyperspace. In fact, I haven't had my breakthrough yet because I'm slowly trying to work out what dosage does for me and what the effects are on me. I've done DMT three times now and while I haven't been in hyperspace yet, the things that I have seen have been amazing. Absolutely magnificent.

I came in contact with DMT because of the music by Shpongle. I was advised it was great music to listen to while you're on mushrooms and so I procured me some for doing on mushrooms. During the trip I absolutely LOVED the music and so I kept listening to it. After listening to it for a few weeks I had grown a strange drive to acquire DMT and try it. I started doing research and eventually bought 50 grams of MHRB powder and performed an STB extraction. The extraction was a strangely fun activity and provided me with a lot of fulfillment. The DMT then laid around in the freezer for a few weeks until I couldn't want to tried 1 scoop in a basepipe.

Was followed was intense, even though it was only stage 1. While I was smoking I saw the most beautiful and intense flash of green that irradiated the entire room with green. I felt a tugging on my neck and chin, as if thousands of little hands were attempting to pull me away from my body. When I closed my eyes I saw wild fast moving geometric shapes but those dissipated very quickly. Overwhelmed by the experience I gave it a rest for a week.

Last friday I took my second hit. One of my best buddies was next to me on the couch to watch over me as I dropped 2 scoops of DMT in the pipe. I explained the process to him and lit up. What followed cannot be described but it was so beautifully serene. The pipe suddenly had glass balls in it, the walls started flowing with colours and shapes. Objects seems for a slight moment phase between dimensions and I started to feel as if I floated in a giant room filled with colors. I felt the presence of something there but couldn't see it but it was definitely there. And the colors were so intensely pretty that I could feel my mouth turn into the biggest smile possible.

My third and last trip was the one that made me realize that DMT isn't for everyone. I was hanging with 2 friends. 1 from the night before and second one that came over. That guy had been awake for about 36 hours and had been doing tons of drugs, including a large bump of ketamine right when I was prepping my pipe. By the time I was slowly progressing into a beautiful place his ketamine trip went bad and he started to flip out. I was in between the two worlds and decided that proceeding further would be a bad idea. I felt a slight panic when my friend flipped out but reassured myself that I was on DMT and it would pass. So I put down the pipe and enjoyed the intense visuals that were playing on all my furniture, walls and the ceiling.

DMT is a powerful substance and I absolutely love it but it's clearly not something to do with people on all sorts of drugs that are flipping out. It's a substance that should be taken in a peaceful quiet room with chill music in the background and friends that love you. My DMT is slowly running out, and I'll be producing a new batch this week for me, my friend and probably my youngest brother. And my other friend? Based on how he responded to the ketamine, I don't think I'll be sharing this experience with him.
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Hyperspace Fool
#2 Posted : 10/9/2011 2:28:10 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Very cool.

So great to hear the you did it right. Respectful. Made your own. Not in any rush to knock yourself out...

Bravo. I am sure you will have a brilliant and rewarding relationship to the sacred molecule for some time to come.

If you already were seeing the other rooms and sensing entities, than you were clearly already at least perceiving Hyperspace. Obviously there is a lot further you could go, but do not feel pressured to shoot for totally disembodied breakthroughs. They are amazing no doubt, but there is a lot you can learn from just cruising Hyperspace with CEVs or in a pitch black room.

It is a good idea to learn how to properly interact with Hyperspatial Beings before you shatter yourself completely. It is hard enough to remember everything that happens even at relatively low doses. At super breakthrough levels, you can have aeons of experiences that you will likely recall only a mere sliver of. Time can literally stand still for ages.

Anyway, welcome to the Nexus. Be well brother, and find what you are looking for.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#3 Posted : 10/10/2011 12:20:43 PM

Traveler's pet cactus

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Thank you Hyperspace Fool Smile. It's good to be here, seeing other people who are approaching this the same way as I do. My "space buddy", with whom I share most of my drugs moments(although our relationship is much deeper than only doing dope. We do drugs about once a month together), be it ecstasy at raves or DMT chillin' on my couch approaches the subject quite differently that me. For me it is much more of a spiritual and self exploring happening(That is mushrooms and DMT) where as he approaches DMT and the shrooms equally like he does other kind of drugs.

In all honesty, I have to admit that initially I was looking for the means to purchase DMT off the streets. I didn't know much about it apart from it's intense psychedelic nature. I talked to a few people, including smartshop owners, about acquiring it and one of them told me that I was better off brewing it myself. Even if I was able to find it on the streets he said that most of it would either be polluted with chemicals or adulterants. I went home to look up recipes on how to cook it and did a lot of background research and returned to the smartshop where the owner sold me MHRB at a discount price. I cooked my first 50 gram MHRB batch and was left with about 350mg of yellow DMT fumarate. While only 0.7% yield I thought it was a pretty decent one for a first time. I know what I did wrong and where I can improve my process so next batch(100 grams) I'll hope to be able to reach a 0.85% or 0.9% yield.

As for cruising hyperspace: I think I want to explore Level IIa for a bit more for a while. It's absolutely amazing there and it will ease my mind at launching myself into level III. I'm quite reluctant of that because I've had severely bad experiences with Salvia. But on the other hand, DMT leaves me amazingly lucid when I'm smoking. Both times I've been in both realms simulateanously the transition was very gradual which made it very pleasant. IT starts out with the green flash, followed by spherical objects forming inside my base pipe, my furniture becomes very sharply visible and then all the sudden the hallucinations obscure them all. It can't wait for my next trip but I'll hold out for a few days.

Thanks for the warm welcome.
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Hyperspace Fool
#4 Posted : 10/10/2011 12:30:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Do you smoke your DMT Fumarate? Or do you convert it to freebase?

Fumarate is ideal for pharmahuasca, but most people don't smoke it. q21q21 I believe has shown that DMT acetate converts to freebase with heat... perhaps that is the same with fumarate as well.

Anyway, your no rush concept is the correct one IMHO.

Nice to have you here.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#5 Posted : 10/10/2011 12:44:57 PM

Traveler's pet cactus

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Hyperspace Fool wrote:
Do you smoke your DMT Fumarate? Or do you convert it to freebase?

I believe that what I have is DMT fumarate. It's a yellow oilish powder. I used Lazyman's STB extraction TEK found on another forum(Hot water + MHRB => stir like a mofo and keep at 60C. Add Lye, stir for 20 mins at 60C. Add naphtha, stir for 20 minutes and seperate for an hour. Seperate and repeat at least two more times with fresh naphtha). During the freeze precipitation a yellowish sludge formed in the naphtha. Chemically I'm not very proficient so while I do understand the process in rough lines, I'm not exactly sure why it works that way and what the results are. So perhaps it's not even fumarate.

The smoke is harsh and I can feel it enter my lungs but it's not as if I'm burning the insides. It's bearable and having a lung full of weed feels more taxing that the DMT.
The spice extends life.
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Hyperspace Fool
#6 Posted : 10/10/2011 1:31:09 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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That's freebase.

You only get fumarate if you add fumaric acid. Vinegar (acetic acid) gives acetate. Lemon juice (citric acid) forms citrate etc.

Even in A/B teks you generally end with solvents pulling from basic material. You only end up with DMT salts (like the one's above) if your last step is an acidification (most teks involving d-limonene as the solvent for instance).

Considering that you did an STB, you never had any acid anywhere near your stuff.

As for the harshness, try vaporizing your freebase rather than smoking it. If you don't have a crack pipe or a GVG, you can just hold the lighter a bit away from the DMT, and inhale the heat via convection over the stuff... it will melt and then vaporize without any direct flame contact. This eliminates much of the harshness. Done 100% correctly, a lung-full of vapor can be pretty damn smooth.

All the best VT.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
Venus in Furs
#7 Posted : 10/11/2011 6:31:30 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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id get a milligram scale (theyre pretty cheap, u can find online for like $20-30) and weigh out your doses instead of just eye balling. id recommend between 30-50mg, that will take u where u wanna go. but i definitely feel u on working ur way up, definitely a smart way to go about it.

ps shpongle is great, u should look into hallucinogen as well, and my personal favorite trippy techno; entheogenic. entheogenic will seriously take a trip to the next level, its amazing.
In this holy reality, in this holy experience. In this body, in this body holding me, be my reminder here that I am not alone. In this body, in this body holding me, we are eternal, all this pain is an illusion......
#8 Posted : 10/12/2011 8:34:50 AM

Traveler's pet cactus

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Venus in Furs wrote:
id get a milligram scale (theyre pretty cheap, u can find online for like $20-30) and weigh out your doses instead of just eye balling.

Great advice mate Smile. I currently use a 'snorting spoon'. No idea how to call it otherwise, but it's a tiny stick with on one side a flat area to push into a ziplock bag or seal to loosen up the contents and on the other side there's a little spoon thingy that can hold around 10mg of powder. Up till now I only used 2 scoops(= 20mg) because the effects are already great on that dosage. I also do have a scale but even if you own a certified medical scale dosages below 50mg are usually hard to weigh out due to inaccuracy.

Smoking is done out of a base pipe(aka crack pipe) using a torch lighter.
The spice extends life.
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