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Best Dmt combos?! Options
#1 Posted : 10/4/2011 6:49:38 PM

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Inspired by the best lsd combos i thought id post this one aswell, ive tried dmt on most of the drugs ive done and for the most part it worked good.

Here´s my list so far.

Cannabis: Not the best pad for dmt, makes it a bit blurry and doesnt really add anything to the exp.

Lsd: A classic combo for me, never done it at the peak but i almost always spark some changa on the afterglow these days, always a nice finish to an ejzid experience.

4ho-met: umm it took the childish character of homet and added a weird entity to it, a goofy looking monster that was eating some kind of jelly looking guy up, also dmt asked me wtf i was doing this for, have to try it again some day.

Mdma: worthless imo, the mdma totally blocks the dmt and diminish most of it´s effect.

Mxe: prob my favorite so far, takes away the anxiety while adding alot of intensity anf ego loss to the molecule, 10/10 imo, only thing that has beat this so far is this +lsdTwisted Evil

Ketamin: Had been railing K the whole night and had one line left, so i took it and followed by a good hit of changa = Game over!

I was dead i had never existed etc, lived a whole different life for days it seemed, once i got used to this new existence i slowly got back, weird? no life altering experience...

Tread with caution, this last one will change you forever...

Anyway even if you are experienced with dmt always take it very easy when combining it with other drugs, having something in your system can tenfold the experience and make a very rough ride.


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#2 Posted : 10/5/2011 1:50:34 AM

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My experience with mdma and dmt was actually pretty good, one time I took a bunch of mdma witch totally removed my fear of going deep into the psychedelic realm, I proceeded to eat 30 grams of dried peruvian torch, one mushroom and followed that up with smoking changa...

This combo got me to one of the most amazing states I've ever experienced.
โ€Ž"I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect." J. Krishnamurti ~ The Dissolution of the Order of the Star. 1929


#3 Posted : 10/6/2011 6:07:23 PM

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Does anyone know if one could mix Changa with MXE? Thinking of trying this combo if it's safe... Otherwise it will be straight Spice...
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"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#4 Posted : 10/6/2011 6:44:17 PM

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I always use changa instead of freebase and have never had any bad reaction even with mdma.

I´m not suggesting that people should risc it since mdma and maoi´s can be dangerous but i havent had any problems.

So yeah mxe and changa shoudl be ok, actually they are more then ok they are great together, but tbh this combo is probably the only way i could see dmt become addictive to me since it takes away almost all of the fear while prolonging and potentiating the effects.

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#5 Posted : 10/6/2011 6:46:05 PM

Poop Giggle

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I don't always mix my DMT with things.

But when I do, it's more DMT.
There are some things.

#6 Posted : 10/6/2011 10:04:03 PM

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Sublingual harmala extract is nice. Maybe mushrooms would be too... However as I'm a person who stays away from chemical drugs, I wouldn't even think about mixing it with mdma or ketamine.
Hyperspace Fool
#7 Posted : 10/7/2011 8:16:07 AM

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I have to concur with Shroomtroll.

Dissos & DMT are divine. They make it almost too easy.

MXE is super easy. It's newness and lack of solid info gives me pause, but it certainly seems gentle enough. The main danger seems to be not doing it too often. It is also a bit fleeting and lacks the breathtaking stability of visuals that Dex can give.

SWIM still finds DXM & DMT to be the deepest and most profound. Dex (done correctly) seems to be the most life changing and revelatory of the dissos for SWIM. K is too short, and somewhat sterile.

Anyway, all the classic psychs go well with spice. L, Shrooms... L & Shrooms (heheh) are magnificent. Cacti, 2C's, lower doses of Iboga or Voacanga (well pre-flood)... even nepenthe.

SWIM's greatest breakthrough was smoalking pure spice while peaking on significant quantities of both LSD & Cubesis. That kind of experience is too awesome to do more than a few times in any decade or two, though.

Disso's and spice, though, are a more regular temptation, their major downfall being difficulty remembering everything. But, the cushion of dissociation doesn't just erradicate pre-flight jitters, which are mild to non-existant for SWIM anyway... it actually provides you with some personal space in Hyperspace, and keeps the entities from completely enveloping you or coming uncomfortably close. This arms-length effect is wonderful and makes the whole thing much less... invasive.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
Hyperspace Fool
#8 Posted : 10/7/2011 8:27:41 AM

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Oh and Purges, while an oral (or even substantial sublingual) dose of harmalas is seriously counterindicated, the short MAOI effects of smoked harmalas makes it relatively safe.

Changa and MXE is pretty much an every time thing in SWIM's circles.

A short increase in the MXE effect is usually welcome. (Same goes for DXM)

I wouldn't smoke any significant amount of harmalas with any stimulants, SSRI, DNRIs, anti psychotic, anxiolytics or even high levels of caffeine, though. With those things, even 15 minutes of feeling like you might die is way too much.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
Ice House
#9 Posted : 10/7/2011 3:52:28 PM

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Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
#10 Posted : 10/7/2011 4:32:50 PM


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Purges wrote:
Does anyone know if one could mix Changa with MXE? Thinking of trying this combo if it's safe... Otherwise it will be straight Spice...

There is one reported death on MXE with serotonin-acting substances. The one in question is MDAI with MXE. MDAI is a gentle and apparently non-neuro-toxic releaser of serotonin which does that and only that. People complain of it not working or not being worth it because of that.

The guy in question IV'd 100mg MXE (250% my maximum single dose taken ever and an M-hole orally without tolerance for sure) with 400mg MDAI (a medium-high to very high dose ORALLY depending on the person) and he died

I've tried this exact combination after finding 3 accounts that it was positive with no notable side-effects at reasonable doses.
I did it with 20mg MXE and 100mg MDAI (both low doses) and it was positive and pleasant.

So keep in mind that it is possible for MXE combination to kill so keep your doses low and safe and if you are not sure DON'T DO IT AT ALL!
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

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#11 Posted : 10/7/2011 4:54:37 PM

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q21q21 wrote:
Purges wrote:
Does anyone know if one could mix Changa with MXE? Thinking of trying this combo if it's safe... Otherwise it will be straight Spice...

There is one reported death on MXE with serotonin-acting substances. The one in question is MDAI with MXE. MDAI is a gentle and apparently non-neuro-toxic releaser of serotonin which does that and only that. People complain of it not working or not being worth it because of that.

The guy in question IV'd 100mg MXE (250% my maximum single dose taken ever and an M-hole orally without tolerance for sure) with 400mg MDAI (a medium-high to very high dose ORALLY depending on the person) and he died

I've tried this exact combination after finding 3 accounts that it was positive with no notable side-effects at reasonable doses.
I did it with 20mg MXE and 100mg MDAI (both low doses) and it was positive and pleasant.

So keep in mind that it is possible for MXE combination to kill so keep your doses low and safe and if you are not sure DON'T DO IT AT ALL!

This death was never 100% confirmed and the only info that exists is from a local forum, also i heard it was 400mg of mxe but i could be wrong.

Anyway i´m not suggesting that it´s bullshit just that it was never confirmed to be fact since the only source is someone posting it on a forum.

Also since mxe is probably the most popular rc ever and alot of people have done epic doses ie over a gram a day etc for long periods of time and so far this is the only serious cause of damage ive heard about, it can be somewhat safe to assume that mxe is one of the safest new drugs out there.

Still people should always be careful with research chemicals and esp combinations with them.

Thew times ive done any mxe combos ive always kept my doses way below hole state, ie around 50mg or less.
Hyperspace Fool
#12 Posted : 10/7/2011 5:12:36 PM

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^ Yeah, and even assuming it is true... there is no way to know whether the guy in question was also on an SSRI, or had ingested MAOIs.

He could have been binging on MDMA for days before trying his unwise IV combo.

I read about this a few times, and always thought that those dosages seemed fairly low to cause Serotonin Syndrome on their own. 100mg of MXE, while a heavy trip, is well below what many people consume over the course of a night. Of course, we don't even know if SS was the official cause of death... or even if this story is factual.

Also, it is possible that he only thought the drug was MXE. People should be very careful with RC's. Always do micro tests for allergic reactions or falsely labeled product.

Purges was asking about changa and MXE, anyway... and SWIM says that this combo is not only awesome, but that no one he has seen try it has reported even one of the symptoms of serotonin neuro toxicity.

Again, that doesn't mean that people should try it while on ayahuasca.

And, people, be VERY careful with any ingesting of anything when taking MAOIs... even if they are RIMAs.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#13 Posted : 10/7/2011 6:55:08 PM

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I actually took a few sips of 4x caapi while i had taken some mxe, both were very low doses but i felt nothing but positive effects from the combo.
#14 Posted : 10/8/2011 10:54:28 AM

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Well I'm on a bit of a Spice break at the moment any way, so I have time to experiment and get used to MXE on its own (gram arrived in the post this morning - exciting!)... I would of course start small with both and work my way up to ideal levels, but Spice and Disso's seem like they would be a formiddable combo. I'm sure you guys will hear about it when I finally get back to my spice experiments.

I also have some AMT, which will be exciting both on its own and as a launch pad. But I'm not in a hurry to dive in with it due to the sheer length of the experience. Has anyone tried this combo? Also I heard you can smoalk it for shorter lasting effects?
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
Hyperspace Fool
#15 Posted : 10/8/2011 11:05:13 AM

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Purges wrote:

I also have some AMT, which will be exciting both on its own and as a launch pad. But I'm not in a hurry to dive in with it. Has anyone tried this combo?

Considered it. But never enjoyed stimulants, so decided to give it a pass.

Let us know how it works for you.

Have fun with your MXE! Pleased

Hard not to.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#16 Posted : 10/8/2011 11:33:29 AM

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I will be dosing some MXE this afternoon, should be a lovely experience from all accounts Smile
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#17 Posted : 10/8/2011 7:49:57 PM

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DMT + N2O or MXE or DXM or Ketamine or PCP/analogues are the kings of DMT combos.

DMT and Dissociatives is pure win.

Tea fell into water
Smoalk N,N DMT errrrday

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#18 Posted : 10/8/2011 8:01:26 PM

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mimosa, chaliponga and caapi with a small pinch of mapacho and some cats claw. I cant imagine anything being above that combo..
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#19 Posted : 10/8/2011 8:25:26 PM

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what's with the cats claw -miow!!Laughing

--Perhaps being an immune system booster, it helps keep one strong during the experience...purrrrrrr.....Smile
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#20 Posted : 10/19/2011 5:39:46 PM

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cat's claw is an MAO-B inhibitor and actually contains at least one NMDA antagonist, rhyncophylline, which can act as a psychedelic dissociative.
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