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#1 Posted : 10/6/2011 10:38:30 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 15
Joined: 13-Aug-2011
Last visit: 24-Feb-2014
The following is an account of my first experience with DMT; Though it's hard to recall and put into words, I've done my utmost to do it justice! Pleased

(mind)Set: Slightly anxious, curious, confident, open & willing
(physical condition) Set: healthy, alert
Setting (location): At a friend's house, indoors
time of day: 9am, gorgeous sunny day, 32 degrees & cloudless
recent drug use: LSD several times over the last month, cannabis daily
last meal:

Gender: m
body weight: 70kgs
known sensitivities: penicillin, gluten, lactose
history of use: first-time DMT use, experienced psychedelic user


Substance(s): Changa
Dose(s): 200mg 1:1 infusion
Method of administration: Smoked via waterpipe


Administration time: T=0:00
Duration: 15 minutes
First effects: 20 seconds
Peak: 3 minutes
Come down: 10 minutes
Baseline: 25 minutes

Intensity (overall): 4
Evaluation / notes: A++ will trip again

Pleasantness: 4
Implesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 3


Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 4



I wake up and stumble to the bathroom for a drink of water. Paying little attention to the waking world, I groggily wonder if I'll be able to resume my dream where it left off before I awoke so abruptly. I check the time on my phone; it reads: "5am". Also, "1 new message."

I open the SMS - it seems simple enough, containing a location, a time, and a request for me to be *there*, *then*. My eyes scan the message once, twice, thrice, as I start to comprehend the implication: the time has finally come; my first DMT trip is soon to materialize under the guidance of an experienced friend. But only in 4 hours time.

How does one go back to sleep after such a realization? Like an 8-year-old on Christmas Eve, I try in vain to catch a few hours' rest before the plunge, but my mind is ablaze with anticipation, dutifully looping Shpongle's 'Divine Moments of Truth' in between fanciful thoughts and frequent disbelief that this is finally coming to pass. After so much research and preparation, the opportunity has snuck up on me indeed!

My friend 'W' and I have worked together for several months, and whilst we've discussed psychedelics (particularly DMT) at length, his offer nonetheless took me by surprise. I tend to keep my distance in new relationships, though W and I seem to have this unspoken understanding - in truth, I've never met anyone who shares my opinions on veganism, let alone a keen psychonaut and one who follows the tao... and yet only after this recent DMT experience am I realizing the true value our friendship has always held.

I arrive at his house later than planned and somewhat nervous. We chat for a while but most of me is preoccupied with apprehension. He shows me his changa, and points out the tiny yellow flowers, noting that it's probably DMT-infused passion-fruit leaf. It smells curious. My hands are shaking.

"I've got to admit, I'm pretty nervous", I laugh. His understanding smile comforts me, and I watch him pack the water-pipe whilst I ask for general advice on technique. He finally hands me the mouthpiece, readies the lighter, and signals "whenever you're ready", so I take the opportunity to gather my intentions and still my mind before blasting off.

The moment has arrived. I watch the lighter spark with phosphorescence and I start a slow, looooooong draw on the pipe, focusing on the sound of the bubbling water. Though I'm a trained singer with a large lung capacity, my lungs seem to fill fast, though they don't burn like tobacco or marijuana. "What a peculiar taste", I chuckle, though I'm already enjoying it immensely. I hold the smoke in for about 30 seconds, and feel a semi-solid fog gradually enveloping my consciousness. W tells me that if I want another hit I should do it soon, so I repeat - and slowly fill up my lungs again, and hold. [approx 200mg changa in total] I consider a third toke, but by this time my pipe-holding arm feels somewhat detached, so I hand the device back to W, exhale, lean back into the couch and surrender myself to the absorbing cosmos.

-----------~~~~--~---------~~~~------~~~~~-~-~-~~---~---~~~~--~~~-~~~~--> * <---~ YOU ARE HERE

It's unlike anything I've ever experienced.


Indescribable. My language has become laughably incompetent. The surroundings glisten and shimmer. Everything is obvious. I understand.


I am immersed in a profound presence of mind. I can taste the geometric space that surrounds. Perceptions are enmeshed with every particle in the room - awareness permeates everything. Co lours ripple and pop in mathematical harmony. My friend is watching intently - I look him in the eye and smile earnestly, 'Wow'; he understands. "Close your eyes if you want", he suggests gently, and so I do, my smile stretching into a massive grin as a canvas unfolds in front of me.

WAIT FOR IT................^>^>^> WHAM!!

My mind's eye explodes in a splendor of purple and gold, morphing metallic threads slipping and sliding in spectacular union. "Yes!", I think, "it's perfect!". Basking in the intricate display, I hear distant bubbling water and know that W is taking his hit. I open my eyes to see him laying on a bean bag, arms outstretched, chest raised, head thrown back, in the most glorious scene I've ever witnessed---- ectoplasm leaping from every outline, fifteen dimensions thick.


Every fiber of my consciousness swells with gratitude, and I want nothing but to embrace my friend in sincerest thanks.


I can still feel my body, though it seems to be an appendage rather than the totality. Am I breathing? Sort of. It feels good to fill my lungs with fresh air. I close my eyes once again and focus on the three-part breathing exercises I learn from yoga. It's fascinating how coherently I'm able to guide my thoughts. I straighten my back and delve deeper into my breathing practice, as I see a ball of pulsating noodle-like strings tumbling and twisting in impossible shapes. Music gently wafts in, and I feel every subtle nuance effortlessly. I ponder the nature of what is happening, and a sense of completeness washes over me.



Never before have I laughed so openly, so honestly. Infectious, pure, unadulterated joy exploding from every pore of my skin, bursting forth like a deep underground spring that has met the boundless surface at long last. It lasted for what felt like hours and hours, and everything was complete, and always had been. I can still recall that sense of utter peace and joy.

The dust starts to settle.


Such was my final thought, as I felt the trip softly dissolving back into seams of reality. "Wow" I said out loud, and W laughed in agreeance. I knew one thing for certain - though I'll never be able to come close to comprehending and communicating how truly incredible this has been, it's nonetheless a defining point in my life. Nothing could have prepared me for this trip, though past experience with psychedelics and meditation practice definitely helped with a sense of control and manageability. A+++ will trip again.

Honestly I cannot understand for the life of me why this is illegal. In the aftermath, I feel stronger willed, more focused, and liberated from psychological issues that had been gnawing at me for months. I note that the rabbit hole goes a LOT deeper, and I can't wait to burrow down some more. All I can say is _WOW_ - truly ineffable.

I'd also like to express my gratitude once more toward my friend who went out of his way to bring me to this experience. I encourage everyone - I implore you - to extend your hand toward anyone who might be interested. This is truly something to be shared and revered.

Much love, and thanks for reading!
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin, and yet King Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these. So give no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 10/7/2011 12:03:04 AM


Posts: 30
Joined: 15-Sep-2011
Last visit: 26-Jan-2012
Location: Grounded
Beautiful report. Sounds like you had a great time with it! I love reading about those that gain focus, insight, and confidence through this wonder molecule. This is the kind of experience that I am hoping to have in my first endeavor, which is very imminent. I havent the prior experience with any psychadelics as you have. As you are fresh off of the experience, I'd like to know how you think you would have responded to it had you not had the prior brushings with lsd, etc.?
"Outside this consciousness there lies the alien world of actual things. Between the two stretches the narrow borderland of the senses. No communication between the two worlds is possible excepting across the narrow strip...For a proper understanding of the world it is of the highest importance that this borderland should be thoroughly explored.
-Heinrich Hertz, 1891

All statements and posts are fictitious. The author is attempting to interact with others online through use of a portrayed character in order to gain knowledge from social situations. The author of these posts does not and never will consume illegal substances or condone the use, acquisition, sale, or creation of any such substance.
#3 Posted : 10/7/2011 12:31:24 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1999
Joined: 13-Jun-2011
Last visit: 24-Jun-2018
Very nice report Smile 200mg changa?! thats 100mg spice Shocked Thats one hell of a big dose. Still sounds like a wonderful experience though Very happy
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#4 Posted : 10/7/2011 3:38:42 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Oklahoma City, OK
I just love reading reports of people's first steps into hyperspace! I always find myself grinning and nodding in understanding at the attempt of using our clearly inefficient language to describe the profound experience that is DMT. Luckily metaphor is a powerful tool, and you sir did a fantastic job in bringing me along in your journey.

jeriko wrote:
dutifully looping Shpongle's 'Divine Moments of Truth' in between fanciful thoughts and frequent disbelief

I did the exact same thing the day I acquired my first batch.

jeriko wrote:
in truth, I've never met anyone who shares my opinions on veganism, let alone a keen psychonaut and one who follows the tao... and yet only after this recent DMT experience am I realizing the true value our friendship has always held.

Isn't it fantastic the way people come in to our lives like this, usually in the most unexpected places. It seldom happens, but when it does, there's this magic spark that occurs which ignites a quickening in our ever expanding consciousness. A blending of two separate lives into a common waveform that resonates with us for the rest of our lives, amplifying our experience of the divine.

jeriko wrote:
I can still feel my body, though it seems to be an appendage rather than the totality.

Great description! I'm always slightly aware of my body after I blast off, but it becomes a vessel in the truest sense. I always sort of feel like an astronaut taking a space walk, still tethered to the ship for the life support it provides, but otherwise just surrounded by the infinite expanse of space. I imagine actual astronauts must have the most amazing feelings of wonder out there.

jeriko wrote:
Honestly I cannot understand for the life of me why this is illegal. In the aftermath, I feel stronger willed, more focused, and liberated from psychological issues that had been gnawing at me for months.

Call it conspiracy theory if you will, but I think this it the exact reason it IS illegal. Those without hope are easy to control. In one hand, "they" wave their giant flags of righteousness over their heads and claim to be protecting us, while holding a (mostly) invisible leash with the other hand reeling us in like a wandering child if we wade too far into the pool of wisdom.

jeriko wrote:
I encourage everyone - I implore you - to extend your hand toward anyone who might be interested. This is truly something to be shared and revered.

Thanks for that, you just completely cleared up any reservations I had of sharing this experience with my uncle tomorrow.

And thanks for a great trip report! Congratulations on your first clearly successful journey, and I wish you many more in the future.
#5 Posted : 10/7/2011 7:42:00 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: temporarily on the move
Thanks for this wonderful report. It resonates with me on every level. Agreed, this beautiful molecule is worth sharing, with the right people. I'm preparing for a journey tonight with a very very close friend and my mentor at the same time, who brought DMT into discussion at some point and also shared his reasons of becoming a vegan, and that influenced me as well. Synchronicity? I believe so Smile

Your report put a huge smile on my face because it made me remember my last experience on mushrooms (also with him ^) which was the most revealing experience of my life. We connected on so many levels I didn't even think were possible before and helped me get through a confusing time in my life. Thank you.
The truth...lies within.
#6 Posted : 10/7/2011 9:46:17 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 15
Joined: 13-Aug-2011
Last visit: 24-Feb-2014
Thanks to each of you for the responses!

Purges wrote:
200mg changa?! thats 100mg spice Shocked Thats one hell of a big dose.

It's a very rough estimate Razz My friend had a gram of changa, and he'd split it into 5 doses. I was too nervous to pay too much attention to ratios, and trusted him to give me a manageable amount. I probably didn't ingest 100mg DMT though, since I understand the effects would be more intense than what I experienced!

When I hit the purple and gold canvas, I think I was actually close to a breakthrough, but it subsided instead. I originally wanted to break through the first time, but I'm really glad I didn't. I'd like to work with the same amount a few times more before delving deeper. This experience has definitely inspired me to move my ass and actually perform the extraction tek I've been planning for months.

tangler wrote:
As you are fresh off of the experience, I'd like to know how you think you would have responded to it had you not had the prior brushings with lsd, etc.?

It's tough to say. There were two or three moments where I feel it could have become overwhelming or disorienting, but I knew from past experiences (and freak-outs!) not to be alarmed. When your normal optical vision detaches from you, and is replaced with borderless patterns of infinite detail, part of you wants to go "HOLY FUCK WHATS GOING ON???", but I've had something similar several times on high doses of acid. I was very thankful for my ability to keep calm and focus on the breath, which definitely helped.

All in all, I don't think previous experience with psychs is a prerequisite, but I definitely recommend at least some meditation practice, and a calm and clear mindset. Don't hasten your first experience at all - you'll know for certain when you're absolutely ready, without a doubt. And start small Smile It's a truly beautiful experience!

Oneiros wrote:
I always find myself grinning and nodding in understanding at the attempt of using our clearly inefficient language to describe the profound experience that is DMT. Luckily metaphor is a powerful tool, and you sir did a fantastic job in bringing me along in your journey.

I'm glad you can relate! I'm especially looking forward to working on some sort of linguistic deconstruction of the effects in future trips - whilst there was an unfamiliarity to it all, it was at the same time distantly familiar, too. I reckon it might be possible to, over time, construct syntax. We'll see!

rjb wrote:
I'm preparing for a journey tonight with a very very close friend and my mentor at the same time, who brought DMT into discussion at some point and also shared his reasons of becoming a vegan, and that influenced me as well. Synchronicity? I believe so Smile

Happy trails! Pleased
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin, and yet King Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these. So give no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
#7 Posted : 10/8/2011 3:14:41 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 21-May-2010
Last visit: 18-Feb-2019
really well written. nice report!
#8 Posted : 10/8/2011 9:10:33 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 29-Oct-2019
beautiful report jeriko! Thank you lots for sharing!
I ask myself every time after I take dmt "why is this illegal" or rather I tell myself "it is not only unjust that it is illegal but it is a crime against humanity that it is". So much could be learned from it; but because it is unquantifiable, hardly communicable and in a world where material things and the amount of wealth you can acquire are the highest values it (dmt) has no obvious value or place it's really hard to make a case for it. Experience reports like yours though give me hope though. The benefits are real, it's only that they are subjective and that subjectivity is so far not valid for basing decisions on. This is a mistake of the current stage of consciousness; one that will hopefully be remedied as our species and the universe progress on their paths of perpetual evolution.

I hope you continue to have wonderful journeys.
much love
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
Hyperspace Fool
#9 Posted : 10/8/2011 9:50:52 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 25-Jun-2014
Very nice report jeriko.

Your clarity and lucidity are an asset... to you obviously, and for the Nexus as well. Be welcome, and feel free to seek out whatever help you might need in performing your first extraction.

If I had to guess, I would say your changa was not 1:1. Even if you inhaled half of a 200mg dose... and exhaled 30% of the alks... 35mg of DMT would break you through and then some.

Probably a 2:1, 3:1, or even 4:1 mix. But that is plenty strong to start with. 200mg of 4:1 is still a whopping 40mg of DMT. Add in the inefficiency of smoalk technique and a substantial loss due to exhales, and it is still a mighty dose.

Anyway, if you make the changa yourself, you can be sure exactly how strong it is.

Be well jeriko, and welcome to the Nexus.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#10 Posted : 10/14/2011 7:48:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 14-Oct-2011
This piece of writing is one of the few that I have come across that actually gets anywhere close to describing the experience. Although it is one of the hardest, most impossible things to describe you do really well.

jeriko wrote:

My friend 'W' and I have worked together for several months, and whilst we've discussed psychedelics (particularly DMT) at length, his offer nonetheless took me by surprise. I tend to keep my distance in new relationships, though W and I seem to have this unspoken understanding

I tend to keep my distance in new relationships as well. Before this experience, even though we had worked together for quite some time, we have only had a couple of conversations that had lasted more than a few minutes. There is definitely an unspoken understanding and I am glad that our paths have crossed.

I had thought about sharing the DMT experience with a handful of people but have always held back because I weren't sure if they were ready for it. You were one of them. The night before sharing this experience with you, I had just smoked some spice and as soon as the effects started there was an immediate knowing that you were ready - I immediately knew I had to text you.

Regarding the strength of the mixture - I have done some research and it was indeed a 3:1 mix and not 1:1 as originally thought.

jeriko wrote:

I'd also like to express my gratitude once more toward my friend who went out of his way to bring me to this experience. I encourage everyone - I implore you - to extend your hand toward anyone who might be interested. This is truly something to be shared and revered.

I am truly grateful that I could introduce you to this great experience.

#11 Posted : 10/15/2011 1:34:44 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 333
Joined: 07-Nov-2009
Last visit: 06-Oct-2022
What a wonderful first time and also brilliantly written trip report! I wish you many more great experiences to follow.

I am a piece of knowledge-retaining computer code imitating an imaginary organic being.
#12 Posted : 10/15/2011 12:39:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 15
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Last visit: 24-Feb-2014
Great to see you here, Rumi Very happy

The wound is the place where the Light enters you

You've been a godsend. Thank you Smile
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin, and yet King Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these. So give no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
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