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I think it's a bad idea and won't have anything to do with it. 1 1 %
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I can participate and contribute 40 63 %

The Nexus Community Project Options
#41 Posted : 8/17/2011 10:31:19 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: you could find me on the texas coast for now
Facta non verba!

This sort of thing may be a ways off but it doesnt start by itself. Count me in. My resources are marginal but I offer my labor and whatever monies I have stuffed in the coffers when the moment of truth arrives.

I propose we pool everyone that is interested in communal living and start laying a foundation. Whether for this property or another. I consider myself a prudent man but hesitation solely from fear of the unknown is a foreign concept to me.

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#42 Posted : 8/18/2011 1:39:13 AM


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Apoc wrote:

May I ask why you're saying all that? Is it just because Peru is dangerous in general, or is that the kind of thing you would do for any large farm? Or are you saying all that just because they would be growing entheogens? I'm pretty sure the ayahuasca plants aren't controlled at all in Peru, no? and since those plants are abundant there, I can't see why locals might try to steal the harvest. I can't see a nexus community having armed guards. They'd probably arm themselves though, as many people living in rural areas do. And what about the "cheap clothes for stealth" thing? How are cheap clothes stealthy? Who would see them on a 98 acre farm anyway? And for what reason would they need to be stealthy? Just wondering...

Well, this whole thing sounds like it's above my head, at least in the developing stages. I would contribute to the cause though. Just remember, if you really do want this, it may take a good deal of planning. Maybe years. There will be other farms as well, should this one sell. Don't become overwhelmed and give up on it altogether. If you really want it, it will happen guaranteed.

Well, SA in general is a tad bit more dangerous then europe or NA.

Peru is not the worst place there but killings or kidnappings for what we would define as petty money are not unheard of. In some areas of the country very common.

The entheogens are cool there, as far as i know almost everything is legal in peru. You can grow fields of ganja if you want, no permits required.
Locals wont care for the harvest.
But if youre a gringo then they most people automatically assume you have a lot of money. Which is very hard to get in Peru.

On the farm you can dress any way you want, if you want to dress up at all. If i was in charge clothes would be optional hehe

Im just saying that in a place like that you have to display a little bit of teeth to be safe and/or lay low to some extend. So the group should have at least one or a few people that are aware of risks and know how to manage them, then problems are unlikely to arise.
Most peaceful people would miss their local police force and government paranoia very quickly.

If you have much more then your neighbor and display that openly then jealousy can arise easily and create problems. Theres ways to deal with that too but it involves paying private security, good contact with the powerful locals and/or having good contacts with the local police, which usually involves paying them too.
No need to be scared but risk management is a must, its a bit wild out there.

Well organised this farm can earn money and should, because there will be costs involved in running it. Whichever way the group decides. Be it selling entheogens, guided entheogen use, tourist tours, spiritual development camp, selling fish, ecovillage, country club... etc.
Many options to thrive

When safety concerns are under control there are many people that would come to such a place to work for free and would even pay to volunteer!

In any case, it needs a few brainbugs for the anthive to thrive. Its a beautiful thing this project, but research is necessary to have as many numbers as possible in the equation. Somone in charge that can handle the risks and develop the opportunites.

Paradise it is not, but with enough intelligence it can be.
Would love to see the project coming to life.

blessed be all forms of intelligence
#43 Posted : 9/9/2011 12:58:48 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I'm really in love with the idea. I am willing and able to contribute. Allthough I don't have much money to spend now.
To fund this I think we should all save money for a couple of years. If we can get 30 people or more to join forces,
I think we can gather a million euros together in a reasonable amount of time. Then we can start looking for suitable property.

Are you sure the property in Peru is suitalble for this?
Who knows it's swampland and hard to build on? Maybe there are agressive tribes nearby that are not too happy
about outsiders moving in so close? Maybe there's ore or oil in the soil and we end up getting chased away by mining
companies? Will corrupt cops harass us and force us to pay money?
These are things to take into consideration if you want to build a long term community.
Not trying to scare you off, but these are quite important to know about a place before you make it your home and invest years and millions into it.
Maybe your friend in Peru could check this particular property out with his own 2 eyes and report back to you about it's conditions?

Also what would be the commonly agreed uppon goal of this community? To give 30 people a free, self-sustained life?
Or to last for a long time? Should there be room to grow? How do we pay for Healthcare(Mandatory) and Taxes?(if absolutely unavoidable)
These are things we should consider and come to a common agreement about. We need to define our common interrests and goals clearly.
#44 Posted : 9/9/2011 1:17:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I still think it's too early to look for a specific property. I mean it's great to see that there are options but if we are talking about a community the primary thing is not the land but the actual humans that make up the community. while it's all well and nice to like the idea it's quite another to manage a harmonious community life, and so IMO it is absolutely essential that first people have a very clear idea of what they want in the community, what they don't want and how to bring everyone's dreams to one project with which everyone can identify and feel good with. This means meeting, discussing things, spending a longer period of time together to get to know one another - like a collective vacation camp somewhere etc. This is something that should be planned on a more long-term scale. No way will buying land on a whim now work out in the long run, if these things aren't taken care of first (IMO). Sure if someone wants to buy the land to use for this purpose later on, that's great; but if it's a matter of several ppl putting money together, then they better be pretty convinced they can live with each other.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
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#45 Posted : 9/9/2011 9:49:30 AM


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Planning can be done right away by a small group of people, no money involved.
Once the plan takes becomes very tangible it will be much easier to execute

software engineers or management experts should be good at this. A good start would be just writing down all the processes involved, all the flows of information and goods

maybe one person makes a draft and others add too it



blessed be all forms of intelligence
#46 Posted : 9/9/2011 12:24:22 PM
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I've been planning alot of things ahead, like where do we get our drinking water & energy from.
But some things you cannot plan ahead. This will take a good couple of years of saving money together.
By the time we have the aquired money the property might already be sold. Or it may turn out to be unsuitable
for living, building or farming. So the property fase will have to wait for now.

Let's first focus on defining common ideals and aligning people behind this plan. Then we start saving money and
mending together an organisation. One step at a time.

Common ideals that seem obvious for now:
-I guess the most important shared ideal is self-sustainability. (Provide our own food, drinking water & electricity)
-I think it's safe to assume we all want a natural enviroment in a climate zone which is sunny and warm all year round.(ideal for foodcrops)

I think we should discuss the rest of our common goals and find out what binds us. Once these ideals have been documented they can be presented to
other people who might be interrested in living in such a community.
#47 Posted : 9/9/2011 12:46:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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yes to your two points, though I suppose a place like Portugal would also be ok, even though there is a little bit of winter there afaik; in general yes, though, a place that has the right climate is important.

Generally I want
- an environment that supports personal freedom and personal development
- a community that is interested in the evolution of consciousness
- a project that is designed to demonstrate an alternative way of living, with as little of the negative aspects we see in society today (i.e. commerce, greed, hyper-individuation, egoism, laws...)
- a community based on the understanding that each individual is responsible for the well-being of the whole of the community
- a natural but not necessarily retro-romantic lifestyle (I think technology can be helpful if used properly and I don't think it's necessary to return to the stone age in order to have a good and healthy life)
- a community where communication is the means of solving problems rather than violence or making unnecessary rules
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
#48 Posted : 9/9/2011 1:29:36 PM
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Excellent points. I'm all in agreement with them.

A little winter shouldn't be a problem, as long as it doesn't mean more than half of every year is dark and clouded.
And just as long as it will never freeze. Portugal is very attractive for a Nexian Community. Not only their climate is sweet,
they have decriminalized druguse there. I heard they decriminalised (entheogenic) druguse in Brazil too recently and the
Brazilian climate is even more ideal. But then Brazil is probably alot more troubled with violence & corrupt than Portugal.
We'll have to check out locations and learn the advantages and disadvantages of each location.
#49 Posted : 9/9/2011 4:25:21 PM

I Eat Plant Magic

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There's a commune near my house that actually works, unlike the rest of the communes around here, in that the members of it never really get mad at each other/have problems related to living together... and as far as I can tell, the secret is that they don't have expectations of each other, but each makes sure to respect all of the others.

The focus isn't on not treading on others' toes, it's on not having your toes trodden on, if that makes sense. They don't expect themselves to become like family. They simply share the space. And some of them are like family. They also all share the work in the massive garden which makes up most of the property.

I like that model... it was extremely relaxed, the only commune I've ever been to and reeally liked the vibe of. I know it's a bit different than building a small utopia together, but it works.


#50 Posted : 9/12/2011 11:47:38 PM
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Indeed bananaforeskin.
If people are given enough private, personal space to retreat into when nececairy, people are alot less likely to run into conflict.
Like so many animals we need an individual territory and liberty.
#51 Posted : 9/13/2011 5:50:10 AM

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I think a little conflict is ok. Makes things interesting, no? People seem to thrive on it. In fact, maybe that's the reason why there is conflict between people. Maybe people actually desire conflict. However, conflict can be bad when people get really really mad at each other.

BananaForeskin wrote:
There's a commune near my house that actually works, unlike the rest of the communes around here, in that the members of it never really get mad at each other/have problems related to living together... and as far as I can tell, the secret is that they don't have expectations of each other, but each makes sure to respect all of the others.

The focus isn't on not treading on others' toes, it's on not having your toes trodden on, if that makes sense. They don't expect themselves to become like family. They simply share the space.

I have never seen how they interact, so I have no idea how their relationships are, but their way sounds really bland. What's the point of living with people if you're not going to love them? Just to share the space? It sounds crappy to me.
#52 Posted : 9/13/2011 9:46:59 AM


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Nice. I think a Nexus community would be great, but I also think that it's kind of risky.

I would only like to say that I (23) live alone with my 19 year old brother in the capital of Baja California Sur, MX (that's the state where "Cabo" is).
Actually my house is like 2 hours by road from Cabo. The place is called La Paz (The peace) and it wouldn't be an exaggeration if I told you that this town is maybe one of the most pacific and paradisaical places of the country (for geographical reason more than socio-political ones). I think this would be a nice place to gather since everyone can come to this country (you don't need VISA) and the specific place is 100% peaceful and - there are less than 220,000 inhabitants - who just don't care about anything except working and drink beer. And the beaches are beautiful. Needless to say, all Nexians are more than welcome here and would be an honour to have you. *Google La Paz BCS / La Paz beaches. I think this could be the beginning of something good. Cheers.
olympus mon
#53 Posted : 9/13/2011 10:09:02 AM

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this is quite interesting melodic. i voted that i think its a fabulous idea but didn't think i could help until i saw where the property was. as some of you may know i have recently unloaded all my possessions and leave for central and south america on the 27th of this month. it will take me a couple months to make my way down there but the majority of my planned year of traveling will be in Peru namely the amazon river basin near Iquitos. im not sure if my being there could help you guys out in anyway but if it could please feel free to pm me how.

im sure many members may feel this is a pipe dream or risky endeavor and rightly so. im one of those crazy persons that feel that often times the more outlandish ventures often hold the greatest treasures. maybe this could be one of those times.

just a thought.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#54 Posted : 9/13/2011 2:00:58 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Apoc wrote:
BananaForeskin wrote:
There's a commune near my house that actually works, unlike the rest of the communes around here, in that the members of it never really get mad at each other/have problems related to living together... and as far as I can tell, the secret is that they don't have expectations of each other, but each makes sure to respect all of the others.

The focus isn't on not treading on others' toes, it's on not having your toes trodden on, if that makes sense. They don't expect themselves to become like family. They simply share the space.

I have never seen how they interact, so I have no idea how their relationships are, but their way sounds really bland. What's the point of living with people if you're not going to love them? Just to share the space? It sounds crappy to me.

You can't love everyone. I mean...you can try, but that gets rather exhausting. Ever been in a relationship (intimate or otherwise) that thrives on drama? It gets tired real fast and it drains you real good. In a situation where you need energy for productive things beyond social interaction this is not only a distraction, but also a potentially endeavor-crippling expenditure of energy.

If you're trying to create a self-sustainable community, some "blandness" is probably essential if you don't want to find yourself foodless and exposed to the elements while bickering with your partners. Even in loving relationships, breaks and personal spacetime are necessary; otherwise people tend to put on facades and when facades crack due to prolonged pressure large problems tend to spring forth. Imo, the purpose of a community isn't to love everyone (although that's a nice plus) but to be able to create a group that can share responsibilities/tasks necessary for survival in such a manner as to benefit the group and afford the people in it the best chance at survival possible.
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In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#55 Posted : 9/14/2011 6:44:07 AM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
You can't love everyone. I mean...you can try, but that gets rather exhausting. Ever been in a relationship (intimate or otherwise) that thrives on drama? It gets tired real fast and it drains you real good. In a situation where you need energy for productive things beyond social interaction this is not only a distraction, but also a potentially endeavor-crippling expenditure of energy.

I can see the allure of blandness if the alternative is feeling like I have to love everyone around.

SnozzleBerry wrote:
If you're trying to create a self-sustainable community, some "blandness" is probably essential if you don't want to find yourself foodless and exposed to the elements while bickering with your partners. Even in loving relationships, breaks and personal spacetime are necessary; otherwise people tend to put on facades and when facades crack due to prolonged pressure large problems tend to spring forth. Imo, the purpose of a community isn't to love everyone (although that's a nice plus) but to be able to create a group that can share responsibilities/tasks necessary for survival in such a manner as to benefit the group and afford the people in it the best chance at survival possible.

Bleh.... when you describe it with a full paragraph it sounds even more unattractive. What you describe sounds like a military community or a pioneer community with people struggling to survive. I can see why such communities would be necessary at times, but not desirable. Hopefully, a nexus community would be a good mix of love and efficiency. But I don't see the point of creating a separate community unless it's intended to be better, at least subjectively, than normal society. People who go off and live in their little micro communities, I figure, must have some kind of ideal to live a better, more idealized life than the norm. I would think that increased love of the surrounding people would be one of those reasons.
#56 Posted : 9/14/2011 7:42:07 AM

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there should be an option that says i dont got materials but i spent some time in peru and have spent time practicing sustainable living and if y'all got it off the ground i would come help set up sustainable living 'ness...thats were i put my voting thing
ive received the trans dermal download in the apousal lounge

no disease could possibly survive in such a wiggly environment!

#57 Posted : 9/14/2011 7:46:34 AM


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there should be an option that says:

The minute you guys make up your mind I'll sell my freaking car and will get there with beer and a few acid chicks.
#58 Posted : 9/14/2011 8:47:00 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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This sounds like a WONDERFUL opportunity to grow some PLANTS that we all need and LOVE!

Do keep this thread updated. If this comes together and could secure people valuable medicine, I would seriously support it in whatever way I could.

*Minxx envisions flying a company plane painted with mandalas and powered by scalar free energy tech to the Nexian VIP Caapi lounge to personally deliver donations* Cool Cool Cool
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#59 Posted : 9/14/2011 1:38:38 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Apoc wrote:
What you describe sounds like...a pioneer community with people struggling to survive.

Ummmmm...this is a self-sustainable community...what exactly are you on about here?

The whole purpose of this (or any) community is to exist/survive (in this case, "off the grid" ). That's an intense goal that is a serious struggle for survival...it's not some lovey-dovey week in the wilderness where it's all sunshine and rainbows. There will be blood, sweat and tears in any endeavor of this nature, in addition to a LOT of backbreaking work. I'm glad this is getting put out here now so that perhaps we can clear out some delusions as to what is required of such an undertaking.
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The Nexian โ€ข Nexus Research โ€ข The OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
ื’ื ื–ื” ื™ืขื‘ื•ืจ
#60 Posted : 9/14/2011 3:03:56 PM

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Ever since my first breakthrough experience, this has been a dream of mine: to share a community with like-minded individuals and explore the nature of conciousness through entheogens. However, the idea seemed like such a far off fantasy that I never actually looked into it much, instead my current goal has been to save up enough money to buy a camper van and travel the country that way, totally forsaking western lifestyle to live on the road like a nomad.

The sad thing for me is the fear of the unknown. My rational mind likes to tell me that ideas like this are nice fantasies, but to actually carry them out is an impossibility so I tend to talk myself out of such things. The further I get in my spiritual pursuits is the more I've become that my ego tells me these things to keep me complacent. With this being the case, I'm trying to pursue this dream even if every part of my rational brain says 'yeah... right'

I'd be interested in helping both financially and in any other way I would be able to, but I would need someone else to take the lead on this project since I'm just not a good planner, especially when others are involved. I agree with what someone said about needing to have a meet-and-greet way before we actually decided to try and create a community together, but who here would have the ambition to set this up? I'd be interested in being a part of this process, all I know is I am not happy in our culture and I feel like to truly be free I need to leave... one way or another.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
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