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How to Store Mimosa/Harmalas so they last Forever? Options
#1 Posted : 9/9/2011 5:05:52 AM

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Hello. I was wondering if there is a way to make mimosa powder, or extract last forever. Not a few years, but indefinitely. Ideas?

What if one were to make a batch of mimosa, rue, or caapi tea, let it dry completely, then mix the dried stuff in a bottle of vodka. Would this preserve the spice forever? The idea is for long term storage. When you decide you want to use the ayahuasca, you'd poor out your vodka-huasca and let it dry out. Would this be even better than storing whole bark?

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#2 Posted : 9/9/2011 5:48:26 AM


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The solution can be kept indefinitely.

100 year old bark has been tested to be just as potent. So don't worry about your vine losing any potency.

You can keep your solution in an amber glass vial or jar of sorts in the fridge forever.

If you wanted to step up your game and make it last dozens of centuries and beyond-
you could take the solution and insert it into a gold sphere with a nitrogen atmosphere, sealed-

Golden medicine pods! Can be used as pyramid structure building!
#3 Posted : 9/9/2011 6:10:20 AM

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I am sort of skeptical of the claims of mimosa loosing potentcy..but that is just me. I have not noticed it with even year old bark.

I think vine is fine in a cool dark place. Mckenna once talked about drinking ayahuasca that had been the back of the fridge for years..he shook up the sediments and talked about it being really really powerful and having to sit there and try to make it though the first 40 minutes. Ive yet to see the stuff go off at all..
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#4 Posted : 9/9/2011 6:59:27 AM

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۩ wrote:
The solution can be kept indefinitely.

100 year old bark has been tested to be just as potent. So don't worry about your vine losing any potency.
You can keep your solution in an amber glass vial or jar of sorts in the fridge forever.
If you wanted to step up your game and make it last dozens of centuries and beyond-
you could take the solution and insert it into a gold sphere with a nitrogen atmosphere, sealed-
Golden medicine pods! Can be used as pyramid structure building!

Wow 100 years. But was that from a live tree?
When you mention the jar in the fridge, are you talking about an alcohol jar, or just the regular brew? I know that mimosa has anti bacterial and antiviral properties, so that may itself prevent the drink from rotting. I don't know.
I may look in to the extreme method.

I ask about this topic because I notice that fumarates stored in caps give off an odor right through the container. To me that suggests degradation, and I was hoping they would stay good for like..... 10 years at least. I ask about rock solid storage in anticipation that ayahuasca/mimosa may someday be outlawed (more so), and I'd like to know if I can store it forever, and I'd like to know for certain that the storage method would work, or else it would be like wasting product.

fractal enchantment wrote:
I am sort of skeptical of the claims of mimosa loosing potentcy..but that is just me. I have not noticed it with even year old bark.

1 year old? That's way too young to make a call. I was hoping mimosa POWDER, if kept in a dark compact place with little air, would stay good for 10 years. Am I too hopeful. How long do ya'll think mimosa powder or bark is good for?
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#5 Posted : 9/9/2011 7:31:05 AM

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I reckon that the best way to store mimosa would be as whole or shredded bark which has been fully dried out and then kept in a freezer in a plastic bag with as little air in it as possible.Powdered mimosa, by virtue of its greater surface area, would oxidise to a larger degree than whole/shredded material but I suspect that if stored in the way mentioned above for whole/shredded MH, it would last as long as you needed it to.

I also think the practicalities of storing a solution would be more problematic than 'solid' material ie risk of spillage/jar cracking.

I wonder how a solution that was frozen would fare over the course of a decade or two? Twenty or so years ago I brewed up a load of Liberty Caps and froze the tea; a year later it still worked very nicely indeed.

I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#6 Posted : 9/9/2011 11:18:57 AM

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For storing mostly anything, dark, cold, dry, airtight. As close to that as you can. I would rather not store it in solution.

In any case, DMT and harmalas are all very stable molecules, you would have a hard time NOT having it last forever, even if you store in unpropper conditions.

2 year old dmt fumarate stored in a drawer was exactly as potent as day 1. 1.5 year old dmt freebase stored in a drawer in a tropical country had turned darker from superficial oxidation but was just as active as before.

IIRC analysis of hundreds or thousands of years old snuff equipment from indigenous people showed intact dmt and 5-meo-dmt traces.
#7 Posted : 9/9/2011 12:38:40 PM

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What about freeze drying whole bark, vacuum sealing that and throwing it in the freezer?
Should last forever that way.
#8 Posted : 9/9/2011 12:44:55 PM

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AKA dark cold dry airtight... its in the FAQ Smile
#9 Posted : 9/9/2011 12:51:41 PM

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yup, just thought I would throw freeze drying it in there as I've never heard anyone mention that before.
Probably a hundred different ways to go about storing it which is good cause I've got lots of bark!

#10 Posted : 9/9/2011 2:45:18 PM

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Put it in an air-tight glass jar, add a few oxygen absorbers, then store in the freezer.
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#11 Posted : 9/9/2011 3:45:14 PM

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endlessness wrote:
For storing mostly anything, dark, cold, dry, airtight. As close to that as you can. I would rather not store it in solution.

In any case, DMT and harmalas are all very stable molecules, you would have a hard time NOT having it last forever, even if you store in unpropper conditions.

2 year old dmt fumarate stored in a drawer was exactly as potent as day 1. 1.5 year old dmt freebase stored in a drawer in a tropical country had turned darker from superficial oxidation but was just as active as before.

IIRC analysis of hundreds or thousands of years old snuff equipment from indigenous people showed intact dmt and 5-meo-dmt traces.

thanks, these answers are very encouraging.
#12 Posted : 9/9/2011 5:37:36 PM

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@endlessness, I remember reading about a prehistoric sample of prepared dmt as well, but couldn't find the source.
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#13 Posted : 9/9/2011 7:57:10 PM

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ragabr wrote:
@endlessness, I remember reading about a prehistoric sample of prepared dmt as well, but couldn't find the source.

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#14 Posted : 9/9/2011 8:29:26 PM

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@dreamtimereturn, nice Very happy
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#15 Posted : 10/13/2011 4:33:38 AM

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how would one go about vacuum sealing a MHRB powder with materials that are easily obtained?

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#16 Posted : 10/13/2011 4:45:22 AM


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purple_dye wrote:
how would one go about vacuum sealing a MHRB powder with materials that are easily obtained?

#17 Posted : 10/17/2011 4:58:30 AM

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۩ wrote:
purple_dye wrote:
how would one go about vacuum sealing a MHRB powder with materials that are easily obtained?


interesting. Might be worth the investment for someone who has a lot

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