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DMT Dosage Options
#1 Posted : 8/28/2011 8:05:30 PM

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SWIM is ordering a few pounds of MHRB when he gets school grants in a couple weeks, and has a few questions about dosage. SWIM will be using the Lazyman's Tek to convert it. SWIM wants to know how much would need to be smoked in grams to have a hyperspace experience, and if it would be better to smoke out of a water pipe rather than a normal pipe. SWIM has previously noticed that smoking Salvia out of a water pipe had a much stronger effect. Thanks for your time in reading this. Looking forward to a response.

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#2 Posted : 8/28/2011 8:33:09 PM


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a typical dmt dosage (for a breakthrough) varies from person to person and smoking technique, how fast its inhaled, how long the hits are held, smoking device, and things like this. but on average i guess its between 30mg-60mg, smoked as fast as possible, hits held in 10-20 seconds (preferably as long as possible)...i would DEFINITELY make changa, you can read up on that in the nexus-wiki and in the changa subforum. you basically infuse the dmt into herbs using a solvent like acetone (you can use caapi leaf or mullein, many kinds) add harmalas into the mix- then let it dry and smoalk

the consensus among most nexians is that the glass vapor genie is the best device for reliable hyper-delivery of the molecules. i only have the wood vg, but i find even that to be far superior to any other device i've tried for dmt. most devices/techniques can be extremely wasteful and/or burn dmt and have harsh smoke.. i use as many screens as possible, the moar the better. if you use a bowl or bong-or anything really- use about 5 or 6 screens if you can.. and sandwhich the dmt, or changa- between other herbs. when smoking, slowly light the top layer of herbs so the dmt doesn't burn. no need to torch the whole bowl, just go slowly until you get the feel for it. changa makes all of this much easier, tastier, and all around better IMO.

and i would just do nomans tek. its very simple..just read it until you can do it in your head. if you have any questions, just post them up in the extraction section of the welcome area

welcome to the forum Smile

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#3 Posted : 8/28/2011 9:32:40 PM

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universecannon wrote:
a typical dmt dosage (for a breakthrough) varies from person to person and smoking technique, how fast its inhaled, how long the hits are held, smoking device, and things like this. but on average i guess its between 30mg-60mg

More like 22-55mg. And yes, there are some bad smoking methods that require more spice to achieve "normal breakthrough".

GVG delivers the full dose in one inhalation, and that's just great because I would definately wouldn't want to smoke more when immersed half in hyperspace.

You can read more about these details such as "how many grams" to smoke on erowid or this dmt nexus wiki
#4 Posted : 8/28/2011 9:57:26 PM

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Thank you for the input, and for the welcome to this community SWIM is new at this haven only grown MJ, and Mushrooms in the past this entire genre if you would call it is very foreign. SWIM was going to make capsules with DMT, and an MAOI later on, but didn't realize that you could smoke the MAOI with DMT rather than ingesting it. SWIM has just read Noman's tek and it seems fairly simple to memorize. SWIM already has a glass vaporizer but it was poorly blown and clogs easily, so SWIM will look into purchasing one from the Vapor Genie website. SWIM will more than likely be making a changa blend with just DMT, and Caapi unless recommended otherwise by someone who is experienced in this area.
#5 Posted : 8/29/2011 1:11:05 AM

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lol @ the gram smokingLaughing , but seriously dude no grams involved is vaping dmt

Here's what to do, READ, then some more.

You will come to see that you dont even need any MAOI to smoke/vape dmt. Caapi leaf changa has its own feeling, just like straight DMT does.

A bong will work fine for both freebase and changa, I used to use a bed of ash then the spice and covered with another layer of ash, then apply gentle heat, inhale. If you got changa or any enhanced leaf you can just load up a dose and smoke it, dont smoke it like you would weed, a bit less heat, just a lick of the flame to get a cherry glowing then a slow long pull.

All the info is here.

Regarding dosage, its always best to start low, with a bong id say start with 25mg dmt freebase or 50-60mg changa.

have fun exploring these realms, they are endlessSmile
#6 Posted : 8/29/2011 2:18:41 AM

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SWIM was already aware that you do not need an MAOI to get the effects of DMT by smoking it. SWIM has previously read Tikhal, and Inner Paths to Outer Space. SWIM is simply unfamilular with these do it yourself ways of extraction Also sorry about the grams confusion SWIM's been using a grams scale, so SWIM wanted to know in grams roughly how much it would take to reach true velocity. Such as .05-.06g with Changa. Thank you for your input as well though.
#7 Posted : 8/29/2011 6:37:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hanuman wrote:
SWIM was already aware that you do not need an MAOI to get the effects of DMT by smoking it. SWIM has previously read Tikhal, and Inner Paths to Outer Space. SWIM is simply unfamilular with these do it yourself ways of extraction Also sorry about the grams confusion SWIM's been using a grams scale, so SWIM wanted to know in grams roughly how much it would take to reach true velocity. Such as .05-.06g with Changa. Thank you for your input as well though.

Welcome to the site Hanuman. I'm still very new to DMT (about 8 trips), and have very much enjoyed vaporizing .06g Changa. My mix is 10x caapi and spice at a 1:1 ratio.

I would recommend starting with that dosage if you are near my body weight (160 lbs/73 kilos). I find with .06g I generally experience rich closed eye visuals and a wonderful meditative state-- however, careful vaporizing leads to hyperspace. So, it is a perfect amount with which to perfect my vaporizing technique. Note that you may be more or less sensitive to spice than others.

I look forward to reading your experiences here.
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