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dna, phenethylamine and indole based hallucinogens, and harmala Options
#1 Posted : 8/14/2011 7:27:51 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 363
Joined: 31-Mar-2011
Last visit: 13-Jun-2017
anyone ever notice that the basic structure of harmala is just like a cross section of dna? sasha shulgin said that 95% of hallucinogens found in the wild are either indole or phenethylamine based; and mescaline is phenethylamine based and dmt and psilocybin and many other hallucinogens are indole based and i was thinking that maybe indoles would deal with mind and mescaline and other phenethylamine or amphetamine based hallucinogens with body. i've proposed this theory to jeremy narby and charles grob and they both thought it was interesting. also, dna forms with purines and pyrimadines which also resemble phenethylamine and indole based molecules. so dna is made up of molecules that resemble the 2 basic structures of the bulk of hallucinogens in the wild (95%)

anyone have any thoughts on this?




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#2 Posted : 8/14/2011 7:34:37 PM


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it is interesting, even all the neurotransmitters in our brain look quite alike each other aswell to all the hallucinogens out there

it could be that the hallucinogens out there are actually neurotransmitters of plants , and when we ingest them we are directly communicating with the plants or when our neurotransmitters meet the neurotransmitters from the plants , there is simply magic

also DNA is involved somehow ,

also the dna of all species on the planet are quite alike each other , making a cow from a man's dna should take some simple manipulation , if we had advanced technologies , or even we could make something even better , but as we know most of this research is illegal or probhited in most places but things are changing
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