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Universal Characteristics of DMT trips Options
#1 Posted : 6/8/2011 2:44:51 PM


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I thought this would make for interesting conversation.

Everyone's DMT trips are different, but why are there some finer details that seem to apply to all peoples? Obviously all psychedelics have their own unique characteristics but there are some very distinct commonalities about DMT trips that weird me out.

For example:

-Ancient structures

-Geometry, of course (was thinking about leaving that out but what the hell)



-Crystallization of objects and entities (this is the one that gets me). I can think of fairly plausible explanations for the others so perhaps try and keep the discussion centred around this Very happy

Peace, Mojo
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#2 Posted : 6/8/2011 5:07:25 PM

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I think the fact that entities are so universal is amazing. I am always surrounded by them and even sub breakthrough can almost interact with them as they pull themselves out of my ceiling and walls. They are always translucent, colorful and appear to be made out of fibers in a lace like pattern. Some times I will see child entities who peak out around and between the legs of the full entities. If this strikes a bell with anyone that would be quite interesting.
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#3 Posted : 6/8/2011 5:08:54 PM

I do not have the vocabulary to articulate this particular musing at the current time...

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Hello Mojopin Very happy

You may find this an interesting read. There is mention of some common characteristics of the DMT experience. Very happy

Much love,
Sally xx
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ॐ bwrrrr bWWrrr bhrrrr bHWRRR ॐ

. Pure Universal Pulse Vibrations . Saloreo Nebulum .
Rising Spirit
#4 Posted : 6/8/2011 5:21:44 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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MojoPin wrote:
Everyone's DMT trips are different, but why are there some finer details that seem to apply to all peoples? Obviously all psychedelics have their own unique characteristics but there are some very distinct commonalities about DMT trips that weird me out.

Hey MojoPin,

I have had some of your listed experiences but not all of them. When I have seen 'entities' or beings, I consciously release them from my perceptual field, as my soul yearns for the non-dual state. This is partially my personal proclivity and also due to my pre-trip intentions and programming.

For myself (whoever I am beneath the transiency of mortal incarnation), I have very, very distinct impressions of this Sacred Medicine. So, I will list my primary impressions and see if we have any consensus between different Family members.

That being said, I also have many of these same experiences with LSD, p. mushrooms and mescaline. Wink

Major characteristics:

-Sound Current/ Carrier Wave/ AUM Vibration

-Sacred Geometry/ hallucinatory visuals/ fractal patterns

-Third Eye opening/ Singular Eye visions

-The Grid/ Cosmic Web of Oneness/ Thousand Pedaled Lotus

-White light/ Clear Light of the Void

-Spirit Mind/ "enlightenment"/ The Godhead

-Emptiness/ No mind/ Eternal Void

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#5 Posted : 6/8/2011 10:05:02 PM
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-I thing the AUM vibrations are very characteristic of a DMT flash too. I both hear and feel them. Like bubbles shooting up out of my crown chakra.
-The Ancient Structures are common themes too. I've journeyed through what seemed endlessly huge, wonderfull persian mosques and palaces with domes and mozaics everywhere.
-Profound spiritual insights are common for mee too. So is the void/no mind.
-I've encountered many beings; animal, human, half-animal half humans, Elf/Feary like creatures that were half-plant half human, humanoid bodies of transparent, colored light, female humanoids with mint green luminescent skin, a female being made up of 1000s of crawling snakes. I remember seeing a woman who was the central collumn in a cilyndrical room surrounding her.
-On many breakthrough occasions I was met with a welcoms committe of beings seemingly expecting my arrival. Is this common for anyone here too?

Rising Spirit
#6 Posted : 6/8/2011 11:41:54 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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SKA wrote:
On many breakthrough occasions I was met with a welcoms committe of beings seemingly expecting my arrival. Is this common for anyone here too?

When I wore a younger man's cloths, I use to refer to this "welcome committee" as, the Grand Tribunal. Not a judgemental contingency but an embracing group of souls. From what I gathered, they are the reception party for psychonauts who are able to access higher levels of consciousness. :idea:

As I stated before, I intentionally bypass any-and-all 'entities' and 'spiritual light beings', these days. I am conscious of releasing all beings or thought-forms, in my ritual voyages imbibing DMT, mushrooms or Salvia Divinorum. It's a personal preference of mine, so to speak.

Not specifically because I am antisocial or anything like that... I just sincerely want to access immersion into the light and the cross beyond the fringes of subjective perceptual data, thus isolating the core of awareness. But yeah, I do believe that there are all kinds of spirit guides, angels, demons and mischievous elves along the pathway. Wink

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#7 Posted : 6/10/2011 6:37:17 PM

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OpeningPandorasBox wrote:
I think the fact that entities are so universal is amazing. I am always surrounded by them and even sub breakthrough can almost interact with them as they pull themselves out of my ceiling and walls. They are always translucent, colorful and appear to be made out of fibers in a lace like pattern. Some times I will see child entities who peak out around and between the legs of the full entities. If this strikes a bell with anyone that would be quite interesting.

I've totally experienced this...I remember locking eyes with a 5-year old little blonde girl, her innocence and curiosity sparkling within the eyes...I remember she did look human though...
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#8 Posted : 6/13/2011 3:33:12 PM

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I haven't tried it a hell of alot, but all my trips so far have the same aesthetic qualities, fine lines, geometric patterns, super bright colours and this wispy clear to opaque veil of interconnecting lines seems to cover everything. Sometimes entities form out of this veil.

I have noticed that i see entities of varying age, I have even seen one holding a baby in its arms, cradling it, and swaying it slowly back and forth, much like a human does, except it looked different.

I get offered gifts quite a bit, they look like toys, or children's sweets. I also got the sense that they thauht it important for me to touch them.

Anyway thats all I can think of now.
Sonorous fractal manifestastions,
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#9 Posted : 6/20/2011 2:20:17 PM

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Animals play a large part in my trips. Especially Spiders and Tigers. I often get the same visual of thousands of webs and giant spiders moving as 'one' while creating a beautiful kaleidoscopic effect. This is often uncomfortable, but i have been there so many times that i have learnt to accept it. The interesting part is that if i focus through the web and spiders, i feel and see waves of euphoria. My aim is to usually make it to the waves so the spiders can rest and the better more comfortable parts of the trip can commence.

I should note, this is only ever on a large dose of mushrooms. I am petrified of spiders normally, but it feels fine when i am coming up in a mushroom trip. Smile
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