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Do you use datura? Options
#1 Posted : 3/21/2011 4:37:19 AM
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Well, from what Ive heard, teh main chemical in Datura (forgot the name) is a very unstable chemical, and if you take the wrong amount, the tripping could reach a point of delirium, and some pretty crazy stuff happens. So from my personal research, I have decided against using it.

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#2 Posted : 3/21/2011 4:59:54 AM

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I dunno about hyoscyamine and scopolamine being unstable..never heard anything about that so I cant say..but from the research I have done there seems to be something to the idea of using datura, and other tropane plants as a salve as was practiced in europe. This is due to the fact that atropine is, from what I have read not active transdermally, while hyoscyamine and scopolamine both are. Atropine is more toxic than the other 2(which can both still kill you) and I dont think it causes any visions/hallucinations etc..from what I have read a salve containing datura is different experiencially from eating datura or making tea etc in that it feels less toxic and is more hallucinogenic. That is just from what I have read though on the subject. I never touched tropanes myself.

Be very careful and do all your homework before you even think about ingesting any ammount of datura at all..even if it is just one seed to potentiate LSA or a pinch of brugmansia in your ayahuasca brew..
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#3 Posted : 3/21/2011 5:28:28 AM
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Where i'm from there's Datura species growing everywhere in public parks and gardens and whatnot. So in my teen years, me and my group of friends, just having discovered weed were trying to get high on anything and there was the urban legend that you could get high on "floripondio" which is this very common datura species. So 2 guys and a girl just picked up a bunch of it an boiled it down and drank the tea, afterwards they went to the park to chill. What happened after that no one really remembers, but the girl was in a coma for a couple days, the other guy apparently tried to assault her but then went astray naked around the city till he was arrested and spend a couple days in the can. It was scary as shit they said, they wouldn't even talk about it afterwards.
Not Sure
#4 Posted : 3/21/2011 8:29:50 AM

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A friend of mine messed around with datura. He was pretty smart about it exept for when he did a larger dose(or maybe it was a different part of the plant). He was physically fine but everyone else didnt know what was going on with him and he got taken to the hospital by hi family. lol it wasnt bad or anything cause he came to in a hospital room surrounded by friends. When he asked "whats going on?" They told him that he specifically asked for each person to be there so they came running to make sure he was ok. I forget what he told me about the stuff but be careful cause on part of the plant is much different than the other.

I should ask him if he would tell me about it again but I have not talked to him in a while. He said he saw a lot of color tinted reality. Everything would have a tint of color that would change.
“Psychedelics are like square roots. They can take you from a place you know, to a place you never imagined could have existed”
#5 Posted : 3/21/2011 9:15:45 AM

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never - would i use it or give it to anyone i know.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

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#6 Posted : 3/21/2011 3:42:10 PM

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Datura use is highly discouraged here in the Nexus in deliriant doses. The only use that could be considered safe and wouldnt be a problem is microdoses (3 seeds or something), but the toxic dosage is very close to the delirium/hallucination-causing dosage, and therefore the last thing we want is that nexians start taking in such doses and potentially having problems.

With datura higher doses you really cant differentiate between reality and your delirium, so it is very dangerous not only due to toxicity but also due to very possible unsafe behavior during the experience.
#7 Posted : 3/21/2011 3:51:40 PM

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As above.

I've never read of any useful insight gained in datura experience reports, so from my standpoint the ends don't come anywhere near close to justifying the means.

To me datura seems less like a useful psychedelic and has more in common with dangerous poisons.
#8 Posted : 3/21/2011 5:25:16 PM


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When I was in high school a friend turned me on to the teachings of don juan.

another of our friends had some fine inoxia plants growing in the backyard

At first we just tried the seeds and pods because it was fall/winter and the plants were dead and dry.

Smoked seeds and pods had little effect, a mild buzz at best.

When roots were eaten in large dose this dreamer apparently spent 3 days laying in a buddy's bed completely delusional, projectile vomiting, and being forced to eat and drink water. In his experience he lived out his normal day-to-day romping about with his friends for those three days...

Later (thick headed as kids can be) we tried the green plant. The leaf smokes very nice and has a trance inducing effect that is ideal for meditation and combines excellent with cannabis.

A tea was made from datura flower. This dreamer, wary after his previous experience only indulged in a tiny bit (this time, smarter they brewed up a only 1 flower in a big pot split between many people) and had a fairly pleasant experience with that it just enhanced the cannabis being smoked mainly. He thinks he may have had a couple of the notorious phantom cigarette moments and peripheral people moments that night, but he may be confusing it with when he tried dramamine which was also around that time...

IME, this plant is best used for smoking and low dose anti-nausea effects, high doses are bad news
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#9 Posted : 3/21/2011 5:57:12 PM

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I had a pet chinchilla once that ate some of my mothers datura, and soon after that passed away. Because of such childhood trauma I steer away from daturas and digitalis' Smile
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#10 Posted : 3/21/2011 7:04:07 PM

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I made a Brugmanisa flower tea once, from a few dried flowers. I let them steep briefly and then removed all plant material. I thought I was erring on the side of caution, but one is always gambling with their health, sanity and lives using these plants. I'm not sure why I did it, but I'm a curious guy that won't be put off things easily, maybe a tad reckless at times, and this was back in the day when I would try most things going.

So I wasn't expecting much. Two good friends, whom I had turned onto psychedelics, insisted on joining me, much to my protests. I guess this helped distribute the dose a bit though. Half an hour later I was drunk, and dizzy, centre of gravity was going, and co-ordination was going down. It felt like there was dirty electricty running up my body, and I had a very dry mouth. I remember going to the toilet, and seeing the floor crawl around with patterns, similar to tryptamine psychedelics. I was kind of impressed myself at this point, as I heard the hallucinations from Solonaceous plants are entirely deliriant in nature, but I was fully aware it was Brugmansia I had ingested at this point in time.

It wasn't a very social drunkenness, we all felt tired, and stumbled to bed. Sleep wasn't in the pipeline though. What happened was a complete obliteration between the boundaries of waking life and dreaming. I am very glad I was safely contained in bed for this part of the experience. I was now no longer aware that I had ingested anything, this was delirium. I would come to and wonder where the hell I was, and how I was lying, it was strange and hard to describe. I had many waking dreams that I can't recall now, but I remember vividly one of my housemates on the end of the bed, talking to me, clear as night, in hushed tones...I could never quite hear what he was murmuring.

My other housemates had all had their fair share of intense waking dreams. One had dreamt he had gone down to the fridge, opened it and an endless waterfall of pasta ensued. You may think after ingesting such a toxic plant there would be a nasty come down or hangover. Not so. The next day I felt strangely invigorated. That pleasant but dirty electricity was still present. However everything close to me was blurred, so I couldn't read text for a day.

Bare in mind this was some years ago now. I never experienced any anxiety or fear, unlike almost all the Erowid reports, I never encountered terror or horror. But I didn't find anything particularly useful, interesting or fun about the experience either. It is hard to bring back anything useful from that space, this is why only few shamans will touch this plant where it grows in the Amazon. I think the risk potential far exceeds any benefit that could be gained. You are completely in its space. With the psychedelics you can be in both worlds simultaneously, which makes them much more useful and user friendly. I think I'm more of a tryptamine guy, they really just tick all my boxes...Brugmansia ticked few, if any. I don't regret the experience, but I won't be repeating it.
#11 Posted : 3/21/2011 8:20:00 PM


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i find it neither useful nor controllable, besides its toxic. So nothing i would personally use

its just a guess but with appropriate mindwork one could probably steer the hallucination, that would be interesting if no better keys to altered states would be available

on a side note

a guy i know was supposed to take a colabottlecap full of seeds to trip. He misunderstood and took a full cup of it.
He was tripping for 15 days!
the last 4 days he had horror trips. Well after waking up again he is a slightly changed person, although not much as he was always irresponsible.
Dint know one can survive so much of it.
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#12 Posted : 3/21/2011 8:36:56 PM


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I'm one of the lucky idiots who have overdosed on brugmansia and survived only because my sister found me bloody covered in vomit crawling at the door trying to escape many years ago. I almost broke many of my bones because my knees would give out and I would fall and contort into all kinds of stupid positions. My throat also swelled up and I felt like I was suffocating before I blacked out for about half a day. I acted completely insane during that time from what I am told. I think anyone who is interested in trying these plants to trip is beyond stupid. I wish I would have known better.

Erowid has many horror story reports, one I remember including permanent changes to the psyche. Permanent psychosis.

Stick with the good stuff.
#13 Posted : 3/22/2011 1:24:07 AM

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From what I've read I think small amounts of the leaf can be used safely as a changa additive. Use small amounts though. Shulgin style. Work your way up. This stuff sounds like something you shouldn't toy with.
I know a guy who recently tried a small amount of leaf in a changa blend and reported very distinctive effects. I'm not sure how much he used though.

As far as oral goes, here are some of my favorite trip report titles from Erowid:

I Lost My Pets and Almost Burned the House Down

Dark and Hopeless Hell

Hide the Knives (read this one!)

and the all time favorite, and a must read for all those considering oral datura:

Eating Bugs While My Friends Convulsed

One thing most of these reports have in common is some variation on the phrase: "I decided I was going to be smart about taking this substance."
El O El

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Ellis D'Empty
#14 Posted : 3/22/2011 1:52:35 AM


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I used to use Datura, and other deleriants... They are "fun", I wouldn't recommend them for anyone.

I think a lot of the hype around the Nexus is spread through people who don't quite understand them, and haven't done them. And just base their opinions on others reports.

If you like the feeling of being totally confused, unable to fully articulate a sentence, or follow a train of thought, and want irritatingly dry mouth, then that is pretty much what datura does. Along with some fun hallucinations.

Like everything else, you have to be careful.
01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

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#15 Posted : 3/22/2011 2:51:15 AM

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Ellis D'Empty wrote:

If you like the feeling of being totally confused, unable to fully articulate a sentence, or follow a train of thought, and want irritatingly dry mouth, then that is pretty much what datura does.

Sounds awesome! Nothing more "fun" than not knowing what's going on AT ALL for hours at a time, coupled with an unquenchable thirst.

I used to use Datura

Why did you stop?
What other safe way to evaluate the safety and usefulness of a substance is there than observing data from people who have taken the substance? A plant that can vary wildly in the amount of alkaloid content, even in the same plant, whose deliriant dose is dangerously close to its Ld 50/? just isn't safe.
Your post sends mixed messages. It seems to condemn datura, while simultaneously endorsing it. Please be more clear with your message. This is undeniably dangerous stuff.
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"Don't worry. When it happens, you won't be able to not let it do its thing. You won't have the ability to distinguish a pen from a hippopotamus"
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#16 Posted : 3/22/2011 2:59:56 AM

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yeah, it's potentially dangerous, but so is caffeine.
only difference, aside from effects, is potency.

fact of the matter is, tropanes are not particularly euphoric; to many, they're actually dysphoric, even in small doses.
they're also not easily accessible from their natural sources, depending on where you are, but you can get similar effects from OTC meds like dimenhydrinate or diphenhydramine.
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Not Sure
#17 Posted : 3/22/2011 5:26:26 PM

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benzyme wrote:
yeah, it's potentially dangerous, but so is caffeine.
only difference, aside from effects, is potency.

Well said. Everything has a place and purpose. there are many teachers and some are harder to understand than others. I recommend people do research on this plant just like any other. ( I do not mean do dangerous blind tests )
“Psychedelics are like square roots. They can take you from a place you know, to a place you never imagined could have existed”
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#18 Posted : 3/22/2011 6:11:43 PM

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Doesnt sound apealing at all.

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Never will.
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#19 Posted : 3/22/2011 7:40:52 PM

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So many people seem scared of datura and rightly so. Most people who try it, even when they claim to be doing it in a responsible manner, use way too much initially. This coupled with the wide variation in potency from plant to plant and even time to time, makes using datura unsafe for "tripping".

There actually is a smart way to do it though. First you find one large plant. Pick 20-25 large leaves. This is too ensure that you will have a large amount of leaves with the same potency. Dry the leaves in a dark, dry, and not too warm place. One large leaf usually weighs about 250mg when dry. Now decide on a very small amount to use as a test. I usually use one large leaf (250mg) initially, but use what ever you feel comfortable with. Just remember that starting too small will be tedious. Just brew the a tea with that amount of leaf and 8oz of boiled water. Do not boil the leaf material.

In each subsequent test increase the amount by the initial amount used. Its also a good idea to space the tests out by at least a week. For me each test increases by one large leaf. For me, I usually feel nothing until I reach 750mg leaf material and then it is only a slight buzz in my head with no side effects. I am not going lie. I find it to be pleasant at this dose. I don't feel any dry mouth until 1250mg of leaf material. This is accompanied by a slight drunken feeling but no delerium. This too is generally enjoyable to me. I have yet to venture into doses sufficient enough to produce hallucinations, but I guess that they would occur at 1750-2000mg of leaf material without inducing too much delerium.

These doses are only specific to me and the specific batch of leaves that I am using. For every batch that I use I repeat this procedure and so should anyone else who decides to experiment with datura. This is the only safe way that I know of to find that sweet spot with datura were you can "trip" and not become psychotic.
#20 Posted : 3/22/2011 11:09:17 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
..but from the research I have done there seems to be something to the idea of using datura, and other tropane plants as a salve as was practiced in europe...

This is what I was told by one of my friends and teachers. He taught me about Lakota 'medicine' and sweat lodge. He had an experience with this plant, it spoke to him, so he took some of the leaves and dried them made a tea from them. He was very spiritually grounded, and he said it opened the spirit world to him. He did share the brew with several others and it had varying effects, some very delusional. Anyway, back to the salve. He told me that the Apache had practice of taking the top 3 inches of the root, emulsifying it with a hard edge, like the edge of a plate, with water in full sun. They would beat it into a paste which they would put onto the bottom of their feet and it would give them the ability to fly. His body died some years ago before we ever gave it a go, and I have yet to try it.

He also told me of another tribe that would use it for a 'coming into manhood ceremony'. I can't remember which America tribe it was, but they would give the young man many doses of tea over the coarse of several days, which part of the plant I have no idea. It was said that it removed any childhood prejudices and purified them for manhood to be one of the 'people'.

That is the extent of what I have been told.
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