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Making a new batch - Suggestions? Options
#1 Posted : 3/9/2011 7:38:23 PM

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I'm planning on making some Aya today, and was hoping for some opinions.

At my disposal:
800g white vine
75g Hawaiian chacruna
150g chaliponga
Ilex Guayusa
(all from maya)

I was thinking of mixing 200g vine and 75g chacruna.. I am used to the effects of caapi so I want to add some light this time. I'm not sure if I should brew the light seperately or not.. I don't want to waste my chacruna.

If I were to make the chacruna separately, how do I properly prepare it?.. What might be a good starting dose?

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#2 Posted : 3/9/2011 8:14:48 PM
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200 grams of vine? Are you used to taking that much? wow.

Well, on the light i can say that you don't need to boil it for more than 5 to 10 minutes. Basically, when the water is turning black, all the alkaloids have been dissolved.
Therefore i would brew it separately. Use as little water as possible so that it can be quickly absorbed in the bloodstream.

50 grams of chacruna is normally a good starting dose, but if you can take 200 grams of vine without any problems, you should probably be OK with 75 grams.

I once added a teaspoon of guayusa and that didn't do anything, so you'd probably need a lot more for noticeable effects. I still have a truckload of the stuff lying around and i probably should try some more next time.

I would just start with chacruna for now. Chacruna is great stuff if it works and hawaian stuff most of the time does work. It's a very warm and beautyfull experience. You'll be amazed by the beauty of it!!
#3 Posted : 3/9/2011 10:02:05 PM

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Polytrip wrote:

Well, on the light i can say that you don't need to boil it for more than 5 to 10 minutes. Basically, when the water is turning black, all the alkaloids have been dissolved.

Really? Is this from personal experience, or something you read, or both? I was planning on brewing tomorrow as well, to imbibe friday, and with my caapi already brewed, if there is any truth to this, I will just wait until friday to brew the chacruna...

And to the OP, I really hope you are comfortable at 200g, because for me, any more than 40 starts to get heavy. You might want to consider lowering the amount as well as starting with a lower amount of light - you can always wait a half hour to an hour and then redose one or the other, or both. The quantities you state are rather large, and don't forget that as well as allowing the DMT in the chacruna to be absorbed and metabolized, the Caapi will of course potentiate it, AND add a dimension all its own.

My apologies if you are already experienced and know your doses - they just seem quite on the high side to me...

Good luck and let us know how it goes!!

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#4 Posted : 3/9/2011 10:10:53 PM
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Yes i'm 100% sure about the boiling times. You'll see the water get murky within just a few minutes. Once it's all black, it's loaded with light.
#5 Posted : 3/10/2011 12:29:43 AM

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If this is Hawaiian chacruna from Maya I would strongly advise no more than 12g. It is extremely potent. I boil mine twice 30 and 20 minutes, combine and reduce, but that's probably even overkill.
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#6 Posted : 3/10/2011 1:29:58 AM

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Thanks for the replies.

I should have noted that I don't plan on drinking all of it in one sitting. I'm putting what I don't use in the fridge for future use.

I think I'll make the chacruna tea seperately. I'm going to start with 12g's and work my way up.

A few Q's -

How do I know if I'm fully MAO inhibited?

How long do I have to wait before I drink the light?

How long does it generally take before the light kicks in?
#7 Posted : 3/10/2011 2:37:13 PM

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The only way I can tell if the caapi has kicked in is by the way I feel. First I feel very relaxed, later unsteady and naseous when I move around but that can take anywhere from 30 min. to 2 hrs. I take the light 20 min. after the maoi. Again, for me, kick in time can vary wildly even when I follow the exact same routine, but generally about 45 min. It just takes practice and experimentation and even then aya can be very fickle.
As Within, So Without.
#8 Posted : 3/10/2011 8:50:16 PM
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I always take caapi first, then wait a few minutes and then take the light.
I don't think you should wait for too long, because the stomach needs to be completely filled with harmala's to prevent the enzyme from breaking down the spice. The longer you wait, the more the harmala's will have been absorbed in the bloodstream and thus the less of it there'll be within the stomach where the MAO concentration is normally the largest. If you've ingested over 50 grams of caapi, you realy should be ready to take the light, even if you don't feel any of the caapi effects yet.

There is no method that works 100% of the times, you got to remember that, but if you follow this procedure you can be pretty sure it will work.

There is no telling when it will kick in. For me, most of the times it will take about an hour. But i also have had it taking only a few seconds as well as over 90 minutes.
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