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Correct smoking method. Help please! Options
Jeff James
#1 Posted : 2/28/2011 12:50:38 PM
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I got some crystals last week that looked nice enough and tried smoking them but I think i got the technique drastically wrong and nothing much happened although i did feel a few rising vibration leading me to believe that the extraction did bear fruit.

I now have a second extraction and I have dried it out fully. It looks a bit yellow and I know it's not perfect but I'm going to smoke it anyway and I'm looking for some pointers on how to do this properly.
I am in the UK and I have a couple of questions:

Firstly, what is a GVG?

Secondly, is a vaporiser any good? A shop in town sells what basically looks like a big bulb with a tube coming out of it. I thought it looked like it might do the job.

Thirdly, am I right in thinking that if you use a vaporiser then you have to very gently heat the spice in order for it to work?

Any pointers would be good.

Cheers folks.


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#2 Posted : 2/28/2011 1:33:31 PM

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I think it's best to start with a normal smoking technique and you can do some experimenting later.
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#3 Posted : 2/28/2011 2:21:44 PM

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Regarding your spice color, check this thread out.

As for gvg, check this thread

A lot of people have problems with these lightbulb vaporizers, because dmt melts and runs away from the flame, plus it will burn easily, so you'll have an innefective harsh smoke. Check the FAQ, I definitely recommend a GVG its totally worth the price (and will pay itself off in no time due to the small amounts you need for full trip), but if you cant afford one I suggest doing the bong + ash sandwhich (or herb sandwhich). Go easy on the lighter!
#4 Posted : 3/1/2011 11:27:26 PM

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Hey Jeff,
I haven't tried a wide variety of methods yet and I am planning on using a gvg pretty soon, however I have had great results using "the machine." You can check it out here: The Machine

I made mine using a hot sauce bottle. I have also found that melting the DMT into your choosen mesh seems to produce better results then just rolling it up inside the mesh.

Let us know what works best for you!
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#5 Posted : 3/2/2011 12:27:06 AM

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If you're broke, go for the machine, best vaping for the price, and almost impossible to burn your spice (burnt spice=yuck).
So smooth you could think you're not inhaling anything...and whooosh!!
And it doesn't have to be a bottle, I once had one made from a faucet (thoroughly preburnt)
Let us know how it goes!
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#6 Posted : 3/2/2011 1:00:24 AM

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A water pipe and sandwiching your spice between layers of ash should do you right – just lick the top of the ash with your lighter. Have yet to use a vape and have managed to get results out of bongs and normal pipes, just some trial and error.

Another way of getting a good reliable vape I have found is sandwiching: ash/spice/ash/weed then getting a cherry going with the weed gives you something to aim at and a decent temperature for working at.

Saying all that I have been lusting after a GVG for aaaages now!
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#7 Posted : 3/2/2011 1:43:53 AM


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A shotgun pipe with a "volcano liquid pad" stuffed in should work just fine.

I would preheat the pad/bowl, then drop the spice on top and let it melt in slightly... then just use a bic and start far away, as not to burn the spice.

Otherwise a GVG is excellent, or perhaps a bong with a carrier herb. Ash is silly and i wouldn't recommend it.

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#8 Posted : 3/2/2011 2:27:20 AM

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xtechre wrote:
Ash is silly and i wouldn't recommend it.

What do you find is wrong with using ash? Works perfect over here and unlike sandwiching with herbs does not add anything extra to the dose…
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#9 Posted : 3/2/2011 1:06:16 PM


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xtechre wrote:
A shotgun pipe with a "volcano liquid pad" stuffed in should work just fine.
I would preheat the pad/bowl, then drop the spice on top and let it melt in slightly... then just use a bic and start far away, as not to burn the spice.

Otherwise a GVG is excellent, or perhaps a bong with a carrier herb. Ash is silly and i wouldn't recommend it.

that pipe will work very well, i have a roor one also with a volcano liquid pad shoved inside, although my pad was for the sold valve chamber but is the same thing. i just had to undo all liquid pad an re roll it back up so it fitted nicely in the pipe. but it works so well.

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#10 Posted : 3/3/2011 2:26:10 AM

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I too had issues with the lightbulb style pipe.. after 5 times of burning the spice due to improper heating, yeilding little results I simply made some enhanced leaf (its simple, dissolve spice in acetone and mix with your favourite herb at a 1:1 ratio.. ie 1 gram herb : 1 gram spice and then take 100 mg for a 50 mg dose)

I then use a bukket ( http://bukket.com/ ) with 3 screens layered in the bowl.. the smoke is a little dense (but I'm used to it from smoking other herbs) but personally I dont find it harsh in the least.. while this method does burn the leaf and therefore the spice, it is found to be a very effective means of getting your dose all in one very manageable hit

And if price is an issue, the bukket only costs about $30 bukkets with shipping... which is about 1/3 that of a gvg

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