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need help identifying simons test Options
#1 Posted : 2/23/2011 1:32:22 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1
Joined: 23-Feb-2011
Last visit: 03-Mar-2011
Hey was hoping you guys could help me identify what this simons reagent means. Mecke went straight to black slight fizz, marq slightly turned rust with light fiz but simons didnt change and didnt breakdown into the reagent, it seperated into tiny crystals almost like miniature fiberglass. Check the pics. Thanks!


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#2 Posted : 2/23/2011 8:17:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Moderator | Skills: Harm reduction, Analytical thinking

Posts: 1955
Joined: 24-Jul-2010
Last visit: 29-Oct-2019
I'm having a hard time understanding what you are asking or trying to explain. Maybe it's just me, in that case please excuse my ignorance. I'd love to help, but I have no idea what you are saying, and don't know what you are showing in the pics either... Is there anything else you can say about it? (elaboration?)

Hope someone can help you.
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