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#1 Posted : 2/20/2011 4:07:45 PM


Posts: 33
Joined: 18-Feb-2011
Last visit: 19-May-2013
Location: Canada
Hey everyone,

I am 21 years old from Newfoundland Canada, and living in Toronto for work At the moment. I have been smoking DMT for over a year now, and it has helped improve my life in many ways. I Joined the Nexus to share, and read other peoples experiences that have been discovered in this New Found Land Razz

I was raised in a very strict prodistant christian home, and went to a christian private school growing up, i was a very religious kid and went to church 3 days a week. This all changed when i saw how the church turned on me and wouldnt let me come back when i was caught smoking a joint at school by my church's pastor. My parents kicked me out at the age of 16 and this is where my drug experience began.

The first 2 years on my own i was very addicted to ecstacy and cocaine, dont ask me how i kept up such a expensive habit at such a young age, i still will never forgive myself for the position i was in. But lets just say my soul turned black very quick. I thought these drugs were fun and great at the start, but nothing can explain the amount of depression they brought me. When i was 18 i wanted to kill myself, I new i had to stop these drugs but i couldnt on my own. A friend told me to order poppy pods online and make opium tea and it really helped take the edge off quitting coke and ecstacy. I also started doing ketamine because it helped more with my coke addiction. The Ketamine and Opium Tea did help but it was another addiction of its own. It took about a year of nursing down my opium tea dosage to quit that all together, and now it is 2 years later and i find myself addiction free.

My psychedelic journey began 2 years ago when i realized there was no knowledge to be learned from taking the drugs i was useing. I made friends with a mystic who gave me 3 salvia cuttings, psylicybe cubensis spore syringes, purivian torch powder, and mimossa hostilis bark. He taught me how to use 69 rons tek for mescaline and DMT. I am so thankful for being shown this path, I have learned who i really am through these substances, and became a very spiritual person (but not religious at all) These substances really have a lot of potential and if you use them right with patience, they will really show you what the world is all about if you let them.

This is why i am here, and joined the nexus. I would like to keep track and analyse my experiences by posting them here on the nexus to help myself and other people gain enlightenment through psychedelic learning. I love you nexus and am so thankful for you, people who enjoy pushing the envelope of experience are too far and few inbetween.

It is the new age of Enlightenment, and i would like to Thank everyone here on the nexus for shareing their personal experiences and knowledge, It has helped me learn to use these substances proporly and very effectively.

You all Rock! thanks again nexus!

- Newfoundland

"everything i say is fictional for those of who don't understand Razz"
"Everything i say is Fiction, for those who dont understand Pleased"

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 2/20/2011 5:17:24 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 103
Joined: 16-Feb-2011
Last visit: 04-Mar-2011
Location: US
Welcome to the Nexus Nefoundland! You are among friends here, and were glad to have another on board Smile There is always help available here when needed. Cant wait to hear some of your DMT experiences!
cdoc is a fictional character, and does not represent any real life persons actions. Anything said is also ficticious in nature with no ties to real events or people, any tie to real life events or persons is purely coincidental.
#3 Posted : 2/20/2011 6:05:25 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 98
Joined: 16-Feb-2011
Last visit: 23-Mar-2022
sounds like a rough start on life newfoundland.

i am also a fellow Canadian, but had the privilege of growing up in a family which had no strong feelings of any religion, people who believed there may be something greater, but couldn't limit its possibilities with the constraints of religion.

I too am also young and live in ottawa.

glad to here you have found enlightenment in your own way, and not through a restrictive and judgmental church,

anyways cheers, happy tripping
#4 Posted : 2/20/2011 6:16:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 473
Joined: 18-Dec-2010
Last visit: 02-Jan-2021
Location: Beyond the threshold
Welcome Newfoundland!

I too was in a dark place at one point and time. Keep your head and your spirit held high! Glad to hear you've chosen a path that will actually be beneficial to you. Your with good people here at the Nexus!

Looking forward to reading about some of your experiences!
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