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question regarding harmaline... Options
#1 Posted : 2/14/2011 1:34:28 PM

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Hey there folks,

Anyone have any experience taking harmaline 5x extract on its own? A certain online vendor advertises it, and the reviews feature reports of people taking it both as a potentiator, but also taking it solo and having quite a time with it. Any information or experience with this?

Much appreciated!
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#2 Posted : 2/14/2011 6:32:09 PM

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What do they mean by harmaline 5x extract. If its harmaline it should just be harmaline no 5x anything. If its a 5x crude extract then how does the supplier even know their is harmaline in it or its purity?
#3 Posted : 2/14/2011 7:33:06 PM

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Liquid Extract - Harmaline 5x

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This is from the site:

There are approx 75mg of harmala alkaloids per dropper. But, this detail is provided only for educational purposes, and this particular liquid extract is not intended to condone consumption in any way. We offer this for its traditional use as the richly colored textile dye known as Turkish Red.

WARNING: MAOI's interfere with the action of the MAO enzymes and stops the breakdown of toxic substances. This can make certain foods and medicines to become toxic. It can cause nasty side-effects. Not for human consumption; it is offered for its traditional use as the richly colored textile dye known as Turkish Red.
"We're all in this together, by ourselves." --Lily Tomlin
#4 Posted : 2/14/2011 9:07:27 PM

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Definitely look into doing a Manske off of Rue, or the Caapi harmala extraction. You'll save so much money, and know exactly what it is.
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#5 Posted : 2/15/2011 1:49:18 AM

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^^^ yes, do that!

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#6 Posted : 2/15/2011 1:58:34 AM

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ragabr wrote:
Definitely look into doing a Manske off of Rue, or the Caapi harmala extraction. You'll save so much money, and know exactly what it is.

Yes, do this. It's safe, easy and I even find it quite fun.

As for the harmaline only trip, I think it's an acquired taste. I could imagine some people not liking it.

When using pure harmaline I usually take 200-300 mg which is at least 3x the dose needed for MAO inhibition. Expect to feel very sedated, almost like being stoned but less giddy. I find this substance produces the most amazing visual tracers with eyes open. With eyes closed I often see rather organic looking images like people's faces, building images of nature. Pretty much anything of this world with very little warping.

However I don't use this substance for this purpose anymore, as the mental fogging can become quite a nuisance and at this dosage it is possible to get a feeling like you've been poisoned. Not immensley, but there's definately a hint of that.

I much prefer to use a strong brew of straight ayahuasca from a good vendor these days. I find I can go way further into that headspace without as many side effects.
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