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A wait well worth it... Options
#1 Posted : 2/9/2011 7:50:55 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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So, I originally became interested in DMT a few years ago when a friend of mine had mentioned it in conversation and he suggested I read the book "DMT: The Spirit Molecule", by Dr. Rick Strassman, for more information about the substance. I, being the Entheogen lover that I am, immediately took his advice and obtained a copy of the book to read. It wasn't long after I had started reading that I had realized I had stumbled upon a very powerful & mystical substance... it also didn't take long for me to rouse up the desire to try the spice for myself. However, this is where I was stuck for the longest time (almost 2 years) since I didn't have the resources to extract the spice myself and I had turned down several Aya opportunities simply because I wanted to vaporize the spice before going through such a prolonged experience.

So, I waited, patiently, hoping that I would someday be given an opportunity to smoke the spice. That opportunity came knocking on my door last Thursday night & here's what happened:

Two friends & I were able to obtain 30mg doses of spice from a friend and we decided to make an evening out of it and gathered at my apartment so we could all take our first steps into hyperspace together. I opted for my friends to precede me so that I could be there should they need any guidance and after each had selected their background music they vaporized their doses. They quickly took off for hyperspace leaving me behind, alone, on Earth. The next 5-10 minutes flew by and my friends returned to me on Earth with exciting news of the world they had just visited. At this point the anticipation was killing me and I was very happy it was my turn to dose! So, I selected my background music ("Finally Moving" - Pretty Lights) and without further ado began to vaporize the spice...

I took three large tokes, leaned back against the wall in upright position & held the vapors in my lungs as long as I could. As I was doing so a seemingly instantaneous rush of heat & energy began to consume me and warp around my entire existence. I felt as if I were a bullet being fired out of a gun... the velocity at which I was traveling made my body feel as if it were being torn asunder. Mind you, this all happened within the first 20 seconds or so... These strong sensations of leaving my body were almost immediately greeted by an all-encompassing fear that something was terribly wrong & that I might not live through this experience. BUT, oddly enough, almost as quickly as the fear had overcome me I had begun to have an incredible array of closed-eye hallucinations involving countless oscillating geometric figures of all shapes & complexities. The beauty of which, froze my fear and transformed it into a feeling of pure astonishment & awe. The next few minutes flew by as I was transfixed by the beauty and uniqueness of this space. Before long I could feel my body re-assembling and the closed-eye hallucinations had faded. About 7 minutes time had passed since I had left this world for hyperspace and returned to it to tell the tale...

Immediately after my return I shared some of my most vivid hallucinations & sensations with my friends. I was very happy we did this then, because 10-20 minutes later the entire experience was somewhat hard to recollect and that would've made writing this report very difficult!

Overall, I was very pleased with my first smoked spice experience. This experience led me to finally try Aya a few days later, so that I could have a more grounded & prolonged experience. My two friends must've also enjoyed it, because they too joined me for the Aya experience (report to come soon... =) it was a truly trans-formative & healing experience).


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#2 Posted : 2/9/2011 10:06:07 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: floating in rainbows
Nice write up buddy! I want to ask more about what was going on in your head during the experience, but I'm sure it's probably very hard to remember.

I'm also wondering more about the fear to, because fear has been a pretty huge part of all of my Aya experiences; sometimes more, sometimes less, but usually present. Do you remember what it was a fear of? Or where the fear came from?

I ask because I'm still learning how to deal with this fear myself. And for me, it's usually a fear of death, or losing my mind maybe. Sometimes I actually believe that I'm dying, and simply don't know why.

Anyway, great read! I don't have any personal experience with smoked DMT so there's not too much more I can add. Except I guess, from what I've read, I don't think 30mg is too huge of a dose - but in the future you could always consider trying a smaller amount to see if it allows you to remember more of your experience. Oh, and talking about it afterwards is a great idea! I usually go and write down all the thoughts I have as soon as I return to my body, because the memory of the experience fades so fast! It's like waking up from a dream..

Embrace this moment, remember: We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
#3 Posted : 2/10/2011 2:42:22 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 15
Joined: 27-Jan-2011
Last visit: 16-Apr-2012
That sounds great dude! I would also like to say excellent choice of music Pleased I really love pretty lights!
#4 Posted : 2/11/2011 11:28:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 30-Nov-2010
Last visit: 19-Jul-2011
Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Oh, it really sounds like you've had a great experience! I'm so happy! Smile
I got the chills all over my back when reading your post, I recognize the "I might not live trough this"-feeling, I've had the same thing, on my first time with the spice.

#5 Posted : 2/18/2011 6:38:54 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: USA
@digital_phreedom Thanks buddy, if only words could describe the place I went to that night! I think the fear triggered initially because it was my first spice experience and my body felt QUITE abnormal, albeit amazing. I was panicking for nothing though, as soon as I accepted the fact that I couldn't fight the way I felt the only option was to embrace it whole-heartedly. That's key! It was odd, because I had the strangest sensations all over (mentally & physically), but I learned to love it and found it pleasurable.

@scarbelly It was a great experience, can't wait to give it another go! Thanks! I was listening to the remix, by the way, and every time I hear it now it takes me back to that night! =)

@Standardkiwi Thanks so much for reading, glad you could relate! I hope your experience was quite enjoyable after the initial fear.
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