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Guerilla Gardening Enthobotanicals Options
#1 Posted : 11/26/2010 4:47:53 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM was thinking about planting DMT containing trees in her city. SWIM knows suitable spots where they will be undisturbed and also watered regularly by Gov workers.

SWIM wants to plant around 20 trees each year, geurilla style.

SWIM was wondering which tree is the most suitable for this purpose? Is Acacia Maidenii a good one? I've heard it does grow really fast and tolerates frost down to -6 C. Here where SWIM lives the weather doesn't get colder than -6 C in the winters.

Anyway, name your opinions, also naming some trustworthy online seed suppliers helps a lot.
Thanks in advance.
Disclaimer: All of these posts are of a fictitious nature only. Their author is known to be a pathological attention-seeking ADHD liar and he/she should NOT be taken seriously in any way. Do not trust anything he/she says because it is simply untrue.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 11/26/2010 8:22:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Eranik wrote:
SWIM was thinking about planting DMT containing trees in her city. SWIM knows suitable spots where they will be undisturbed and also watered regularly by Gov workers.

SWIM wants to plant around 20 trees each year, geurilla style.

SWIM was wondering which tree is the most suitable for this purpose? Is Acacia Maidenii a good one? I've heard it does grow really fast and tolerates frost down to -6 C. Here where SWIM lives the weather doesn't get colder than -6 C in the winters.

Anyway, name your opinions, also naming some trustworthy online seed suppliers helps a lot.
Thanks in advance.

Obtusifolia has higher alks than maidenii and i think it might be more tolerant to cold, but maidenii seeds are MUCH easier to find than obtusifolia for some reason.
All post are made by SWIM. I am not SWIM.
#3 Posted : 11/27/2010 12:57:48 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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Somewhere out on the wide web there is a website which sells seeds for native Australian plants in bulk, that'd be a good place to start (unfortunately I remember not the name of the website).


#4 Posted : 11/27/2010 4:08:42 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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nn-DMT wrote:

Obtusifolia has higher alks than maidenii and i think it might be more tolerant to cold, but maidenii seeds are MUCH easier to find than obtusifolia for some reason.

Does obtusifolia contain alks in the leaves besides the bark?
Disclaimer: All of these posts are of a fictitious nature only. Their author is known to be a pathological attention-seeking ADHD liar and he/she should NOT be taken seriously in any way. Do not trust anything he/she says because it is simply untrue.
#5 Posted : 11/27/2010 6:03:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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After some more research, SWIM find Acacias non suitable to grow in his/her area. They won't survive here.

Desmanthus leptolobus seems like the best and only choice, the active part is the root bark, but it does produce lots of seeds fast (even at the first year of growing) and tolerates the weather of here pretty well. and establishing a population is very easy this way. SWIM wants to support and establish this species in his/her area to the rank of being invasive.

Anyone having Desmanthus leptolobus seeds for donation/sale please contact me.
Disclaimer: All of these posts are of a fictitious nature only. Their author is known to be a pathological attention-seeking ADHD liar and he/she should NOT be taken seriously in any way. Do not trust anything he/she says because it is simply untrue.
#6 Posted : 12/29/2010 10:18:22 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1104
Joined: 17-May-2009
Last visit: 18-Jul-2023
SWIM has planted some old Cannabis seeds he had in the local artificial forrest park. Never seen any of them grow up to become plants.

But the desire to spread Entheogenic plants like wildfire over urban areas has remained. SWIM is currently growing some Psilocybe Cubensis and when he has enough mushrooms he will collect plenty of
their spores. SWIM supposes he could save some to see how well they will grow in this artificial forrest park.

He could do the same with the seeds of 2 species of Datura he still has plenty of lying around in his house. However planting Daturas in public areas where children play seems rather unwise to SWIM.
The problem is that in SWIM's country not many Entheogens will grow, let alone make it through the incredibly harsh, cold and wet winters ( Netherlands )

Had SWIM lived in a tropical, subtropical or mediterranean/dessert type of climate he would have created many many hidden secret Entheogenic gardens in the wild by now.
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