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Syrian Rue + DMT Smoke Options
#1 Posted : 3/15/2007 8:32:21 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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hey, would using an MAOI (carefully of course) like Syrian Rue stretch the length of a smoked DMT experience ?

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#2 Posted : 3/15/2007 1:58:09 PM

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SWIM has been potentiating by puffin' a bowel of rue seed just prior to the basejump. Although the effect of "fumoasca" isn't as profound as ingesting an eighth of rue seed orally, it seems that the duration and intensity of the experienced is definitely enhanced. Fifteen or twenty minute rides seem to be the norm with this method. As much less MAOI is consumed, it may be a little safer.
#3 Posted : 3/15/2007 2:06:00 PM
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I found this from DMT Turner's The Essential Psychedelic Guide: "N,N-DMT is significantly intensified by Harmala. Smoking 15-20 mg. of N,N-DMT while on Harmala will produce an experience as intense as smoking 40 mg. of N,N-DMT by itself. This is especially useful because it's difficult to smoke 40 mg. of harsh tasting DMT. Harmala will also extend the N,N-DMT experience to about 30 to 40 minutes total. The high of both types of DMT while on Harmala is a much slower process. I don't feel "blown out of my mind" quite so quickly. The focus of the experience becomes personally involved, rather than the feeling that I'm a voyager in some alien realm. I tend to experience an increased awareness of my mind, body, and subtle energy. I often feel that my body and Being are "embraced" by an ancient earth spirit. And this earth spirit is instructing me to become aware of, and open up, many lines of communication that exist between my mind, body and the extemal world. In combination with Harmala the DMT high does not "disappear," leaving me suddenly back in normal reality. I have more time to absorb the experience and make it a part of me. "
#4 Posted : 3/15/2007 3:37:48 PM

John Murdoch IV

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[quote:1ade236dc4="litrium"]I found this from DMT Turner's The Essential Psychedelic Guide: "N,N-DMT is significantly intensified by Harmala. Smoking 15-20 mg. of N,N-DMT while on Harmala will produce an experience as intense as smoking 40 mg. of N,N-DMT by itself. This is especially useful because it's difficult to smoke 40 mg. of harsh tasting DMT. Harmala will also extend the N,N-DMT experience to about 30 to 40 minutes total. The high of both types of DMT while on Harmala is a much slower process. I don't feel "blown out of my mind" quite so quickly. The focus of the experience becomes personally involved, rather than the feeling that I'm a voyager in some alien realm. I tend to experience an increased awareness of my mind, body, and subtle energy. I often feel that my body and Being are "embraced" by an ancient earth spirit. And this earth spirit is instructing me to become aware of, and open up, many lines of communication that exist between my mind, body and the extemal world. In combination with Harmala the DMT high does not "disappear," leaving me suddenly back in normal reality. I have more time to absorb the experience and make it a part of me. "[/quote:1ade236dc4] Can you explain how exacly you do it? Do you make a tea that you drink before smoking or....?

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I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#5 Posted : 3/16/2007 6:51:09 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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hmmm, I never thought of smoking the Syrian Rue, sounds interesting.
magic clown
#6 Posted : 3/16/2007 2:52:10 PM

aka Slap Stick Sam

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Ive smoked syrian rue seeds but have found it difficult to get enough MAOIs in to potentiate whatever substance Ive been using.They dont taste to good like having your joint dipped in some cheap and nasty perfume. I much prefer to make tea with them using lemon and honey. 3g syrian rue ground simmered in two cups of water and juice of one lemon for forty minuites, will produce a cup of fowl tasting bitter tea. Adding honey helps a bit but not much. Drink the tea in two goes leaving 10-15 mins between to minimize toxic shock. Wait to come up on it (muted mushroom type visuals) around 15-20 mins then hit the spice. Youll be away for around 4 hours. Be carfull not to overdose your spice. Once your up you can stay there for as long as you want just by taking more MAOIs
I am a clown, nothing I say can be taken seriously. It is my profesion to talk nonsense
#7 Posted : 3/16/2007 6:15:56 PM
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Hey Rightangle, The legendary Gracie&Zarkov (what [i:16050b80b4]ever[/i:16050b80b4] did become of those guys anyway? anybody know any myths about their fate?) were way ahead of you and were investigating this back in '85. Check out this pdf I've made of one of their infamous underground writings, which is entitled "Three Beta-Carboline Containing Plants as Potentiators of Synthetic DMT and Other Indole Psychedelics". In it, they describe how they extract and smoke beta-carbolines (like harmaline) from three different planst (including rue) and then smoke DMT. The nexus is kindly hosting my pdf here: http://dmt-nexus.me/doc/syrian_rue_info1.pdf -z
What if it really [i:92fda18de4]is[/i:92fda18de4] all about the Hokey-Pokey?
#8 Posted : 3/16/2007 8:01:39 PM

John Murdoch IV

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Thanx for the info guys Very happy

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#9 Posted : 3/16/2007 8:29:48 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey guys here is a link to a thread on mycotopia forums you might find interesting.I have not got around to trying out yet,but it sounds very interesting.http://forums.mycotopia.net/showthread.php?t=20461
Once in a while you get shone the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
#10 Posted : 3/17/2007 4:39:16 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the good info Zhah and Space Hippy.
#11 Posted : 3/17/2007 11:22:30 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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There is some info at the bottom of the page in this link about some fairly bad trips using Syrian Rue and DMT, http://leda.lycaeum.org/?ID=8443
magic clown
#12 Posted : 3/20/2007 9:33:56 PM

aka Slap Stick Sam

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Syrian Rue is not necessarly the cause of the bad trip reported at Lycaeum by Jeremy and others. It is a cold hard fact of life, that you can and will get scary as hell trips on occaission from smoking just plain old DMT. There is no way round this, especialy if like me you like to push the boat out a bit. If you are prepared to use DMT in conjunction with an MAOI you have to be prepared for the possibility of having a very scary and unpleasant time. You have to remember that once there, your locked in for three, four or more hours, its not just the six to ten minutes as it would be without the MAOIs. This is not somthing to be done lightly. Motivation, mood, setting, sitter etc are all things you need to seriously think about. I think a good way to get an idea of the strength of the potentiation of MAOIs is to use them in conjunction with much softer and less powerfull substances than straight freebase DMT. I learnt how to use Syrian Rue primarily with psilocybin containing mushrooms and played around with this combination many times over a couple of years before ever venturing to use them with DMT. The potential to overdoseing the DMT is very real if you dont know what your doing. I would further sugest that when you are ready to try this combination you smoke the DMT in a joint rather than varourizing it. This way you can slowly build up and regulate the spice level.
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