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DMT bust Georgetown University Options
#1 Posted : 10/24/2010 3:09:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Check this out!


Be careful out there! The chemicals we're using for extractions can be confused with supplies needed for meth preparation. No one likes meth and they will slam down hard.

For those of you living in dormitories, do not have supplies shipped through your school's postal system.

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#2 Posted : 10/24/2010 3:17:01 AM

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#3 Posted : 10/24/2010 3:39:16 AM

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I'm glad it was already reported.

I should qualify my comment. In addition to not having anything sent to your school's postal system, do not be foolish enough to attempt to try to run extractions anywhere on your school's premises. It's not worth it.

These guys are completely fucked right now. Expelled from GU, $60,000 tuition wasted, potential jail time and god knows what else...

#4 Posted : 10/24/2010 4:49:47 AM

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i don't understand why the author is interviewing these retarded 18 and 19 year olds.
"'It appears to be confined to that one room,' she said. 'It will have to be decontaminated.'" Laughing
#5 Posted : 10/24/2010 11:01:11 AM

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So it seems that not only were they dumb enough to extract dmt in a dorm but they also
evaped their solvents rather than freeze precip...
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#6 Posted : 10/24/2010 11:31:10 AM

Stiletto Stoner


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Don't shit where you eat. Harsh but true.

People should read Eleusis more often, more carefully.
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

Pandora wrote:
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I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block

Simon Jester wrote:
"WTF n00b, buy the $100 vapor pipe or GTFO"

Ignorance of the law does not protect you from prosecution
#7 Posted : 10/24/2010 12:08:47 PM

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Oh boy, what a shame this is.

They should have read the thread about the Dorm extraction.

#8 Posted : 10/24/2010 12:41:30 PM

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One can only hope this won't attract unnessecary negative focus to the spice!!
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#9 Posted : 10/24/2010 12:51:25 PM


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Not only have i read the dorm extraction thing but now this................

i think some1 who is that stupid to do a extraction in dorms let alone evap the solvents in the room deseves to get some sort of a punishment!

thats well thats really dumb!
#10 Posted : 10/24/2010 3:03:24 PM

illudium Q-36

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this is more press about dmt busts.... what a year.

idiots though. In each case I've read so far, the common thread has been dumb-ass-ness...(that should be a word)
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#11 Posted : 10/24/2010 5:12:08 PM

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Extracting DMT in a dorm room is about as stupid as extracting DMT in a bathroom stall at an airport, but cases like this highlight our draconian drug laws and sensation-creating media. It also reminds me that it could happen to any of us:

You may see your half-gallon pickle jar filled with lime-basified MHRB and d-limonene on your kitchen counter, beside your toaster oven and a box of raisin bran, as an innocent collection of natural plant and mineral products used to refine a sacred and healing compound.

But if law enforcement officials were to see it, they would call it a drug lab. They would send several squad cars to your home, probably a haz-mat vehicle. They’d contact the DEA, and they would show up in several vehicles as well. The haz-mat guys would enter your home in full protective gear. They’d comment about how your house has to be “de-contaminated”. Maybe they’d order people out of surrounding homes for their own safety. Oh, and did I mention that they’d go to your place of employment and haul you off to jail?

Then the news vehicles would show up, maybe do a live report or two. On the evening news, there would be a story about a “drug lab bust in quiet suburban neighborhood”. They’d interview your neighbors, and the neighbors would say how shocked they are – they never realized you were a manufacturer of illegal drugs. They never realized you were such a horrible person. They’d show scenes of you in handcuffs being led to a police vehicle. They’d suggest that you probably sell the stuff to children.

We live in a sick society… Sad
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#12 Posted : 10/24/2010 8:31:24 PM

No.. that can't be...

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Definitely this is a sick society for many many differing reasons.

There are certainly lots of stinky possibilities when extracting. I have only done A/B type extractions, but there are a few times that the smell is up there.

Simmering with vinegar and reductions.... not the best smell

Basifying... very strong smell with harsh chemical stench

Extracting.... by itself not necessarily super stinky. However evaporation of solvents can stink like crazy depending on the solvent.

I don't understand what goes through a persons mind to do an extraction in a closed space like a dormitory especially given the legal ramifications if detected and busted. Given the hysteria over these activities generated by our stupid sick masses and the mass media, I understand even less the reasoning process of doing an extraction in an environment like a dorm room considering that you agree to be randomly searched when you sign up for living in one.
Everything mentioned herein has been deemed by our staff of expert psychiatrists to be the delusional rantings of a madman who has been treated with Thorazine who is hospitalized within the confines of our locked facility. This patient sometimes requires the application of 6 point leather restraints and electrodes at the temples to break his delusions. Therefore, take everything mentioned above with a grain of salt...
#13 Posted : 10/24/2010 8:42:59 PM

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Yes these kids are dumb much less having a lab on school manufacturing a schedule 1 on school grounds /possession of schedule 1 on school grounds have fun in prison

It's time to move on to the next step in the psychedelic revolution
olympus mon
#14 Posted : 10/25/2010 11:45:43 PM

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marzbar329 wrote:
Yes these kids are dumb much less having a lab on school manufacturing a schedule 1 on school grounds /possession of schedule 1 on school grounds have fun in prison

i doubt these 2 will ever see a prison cell past their initial arrest. look at the statistics of white college kids busted for cocaine possession vs. minority street kids and you will see who gets jail time and who gets "treatment for substance abuse and probation" it will blow your mind.

id love to jump in and flame on these kids but i would be a hypocrite. all the stupid shit i did when i was younger is equal to this indecent i just never got caught. maybe i was a bit smarter but probably more just luck than skill.

yea it was a stupid thing to do but think back to being 18 again. sometimes these crazy ideas just dont seem too crazy when you young dumb and full of cum.
if this was the same person on the nexus asking about dorm room stuff then i would feel more inclined to rip this fool a new one. he got good feedback all about how bad of an idea this was.

the more important thing to me is hopefully this wasn't the same person posting here about dorm room extractions some weeks back. no better way for a high priced attorney to defocus the case twords something really evil like an online "how to" website.Crying or very sad

I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#15 Posted : 10/26/2010 12:13:08 AM

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olympus mon wrote:
sometimes these crazy ideas just dont seem too crazy when you young dumb and full of cum.

Laughing Laughing
#16 Posted : 10/27/2010 3:21:09 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Here's a link to a relatively great article (from the student paper no less), correcting many of the contradictions and false reports from yesterday. It corroborates that it was the sale of k2 that brought police to the dorm and gives other details that were fuzzy, omitted, or wrong.
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#17 Posted : 10/27/2010 4:06:47 PM

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Lmao knowing what is required to extract dmt its so rediculous how dangerous they think these "dmt labs" are.

Where's the news article for the massive dangers of walking through a hardware store. Or the deathly fumes emitted by a car autobody shop. . . . Its the same chems to they must be just as dangerous right? Call hazmat!!!

Ignorance runs the world. . .
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#18 Posted : 10/27/2010 4:32:35 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
Here's a link to a relatively great article (from the student paper no less), correcting many of the contradictions and false reports from yesterday. It corroborates that it was the sale of k2 that brought police to the dorm and gives other details that were fuzzy, omitted, or wrong.

Wow, thanks for that link! From it..

"According to The Washington Post, a campus police officer thought he saw a student smoking marijuana outside of Harbin Hall early Saturday. The substance was actually "K2," a legal "synthetic marijauna" made of green leaves sprayed with chemicals.

The K2 smoker led the officer to his source in room 926. Authorities got a warrant to search the room, where they say they found the chemicals to make DMT and five small pill capsules containing suspected DMT."

So.. They saw someone smoking a (currently) legal substance, and somehow procured a warrant from that? Uh-huh... Ok.

"ut freshman Charles Smith and campus-visitor John Perronee were arrested and charged with conspiracy to manufacture and possession with intent to distribute DMT.

The three students said that "Charlie" doesn't fit the stereotype of a drug-dealer. Student 1 describes Charles Smith as a bookworm with the appearance of a "fourteen-year-old."

"I have a class with him. He's a really smart kid. He's the type of kid who would come to class 10 minutes early and be the only one participating."

Student No. 3 said that Charlie is "the sweetest guy you'll ever meet.""

That sure would have been nice to read in the original article, before they automatically demonize the poor kid. (Yeah it was definitely stupid to extract in the dorm though.)

Also, why am I not surprised that the kid was described as very nice and intelligent? Umm.. Maybe because he's interested in DMT and not just trying to get fucked up.. DMT obviously draws a different crowd than your usual recreational drugs.

And that article also comments on two other things that angered me.. First, one student is quoted saying that the police woke him/her up saying something like "Your life is in danger, you have to evacuate." And that was it... Wow, ok.

Also, the university chaplains/jesuits were apparently nowhere to be found afterwards to help council these students who just had such a rude and scary awakening..

This article is much more informative than the original, thanks again for that link!
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