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Acetone as a NP Solvent? Yeilds? Options
#1 Posted : 10/6/2010 7:20:15 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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HI! I once saw this theorhetical tek,

1 - Mix powder mimosa with 1 part calcium hydroxide.
2 - Add enough water to make it wet and mix. It should be like wet clay. (This freebases the DMT)
3 - Spread it out and let it dry completely.
4 - Dissolve it in acetone and filter out the solids. (Freebase DMT and other junk dissolves into the acetone)
5 - Saturate the acetone with fumaric acid.
6 - DMT fumarate precipitates out of the acetone. (Some other junk might also precipitate out the first time)

(further cleaning optional)

This seems to be a very non toxic tek, and also very few steps. Anyone tried it? I was wondering what kind of yeilds acetone gives.

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#2 Posted : 10/6/2010 12:19:30 PM

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That's going to need a lot of acetone, but I can't see why it wouldn't work.

I believe a similar tek was first issued that didn't require the starting material to be basified where you just washed the bark with acetone with citric acid. You don't see a lot of folk using it though, so that's not a good sign.
#3 Posted : 10/6/2010 2:24:16 PM

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This was one of the first teks (albeit theoretical, as no one really seems to do it) that had me really interested in extraction. It's very simple and to the point. Although the only difference was that magnesium sulfate was used in order to dry it faster. It was stated that a defat wouldn't be necessary in the beginning if you were going the FASA route (it was also stated that a defat with acetone would be quite difficult). It does seem like it would use a bit of acetone, but acetone isn't extremely expensive.

The original discussion I read which piqued my interest was here: https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/Default.aspx?g=posts&t=2562 (the thread is a little muddled, but interesting nonetheless)
I also saw it in the DMT handbook under "drytek": https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/The_Nexian_DMT_Handbook#Dry_Technique_Extraction

Because of the lack of people discussing (and ultimately performing) this kind of tek, I decided to go with amor_fati's non-toxic d-limo tek for my first stab at extraction. Although this acetone drytek still has me wondering what type of yield and possible problems it may present...
#4 Posted : 10/6/2010 6:49:29 PM

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Acetone is polar, so it cant be a 'Non-Polar Solvent'..

But anyways, it might just work to use it to extract in a kind of 'dry tek' where there isnt water for it to mix with. Try it out with small amounts of mimosa and let us know. Maybe the plant oils and other unwanted products that acetone will dissolve will make the precipitation of alkaloids problematic (either not precipitating, or precipitating also other unwanted products). But maybe it works well. Let us know if you do try
#5 Posted : 10/6/2010 11:44:56 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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endlessness wrote:
Acetone is polar, so it cant be a 'Non-Polar Solvent'..

considered mostly polar, but has some qualities of both Smile
#6 Posted : 10/7/2010 6:19:40 AM

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endlessness wrote:
Maybe the plant oils and other unwanted products that acetone will dissolve will make the precipitation of alkaloids problematic (either not precipitating, or precipitating also other unwanted products). But maybe it works well. Let us know if you do try

ok, I will let you know. I have a feeling it will not be good though. I have been corrected, acetone is not a non polar solvent. My prediction for the tek is, the acetone would either mix right in with the mimosa, making separation difficult or impossible, or it won't pull the alkaloids. We'll see.
#7 Posted : 10/7/2010 11:10:27 PM


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Question: Why are people using quicklime? is pelleted NaOH not available?
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#8 Posted : 10/8/2010 2:12:06 AM
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Recycled_Solvent wrote:
Question: Why are people using quicklime? is pelleted NaOH not available?

they think it will yeild a "food safe" end product!??
#9 Posted : 10/14/2010 7:51:12 PM


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It won't, there's absolutely no difference between the two.
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#10 Posted : 2/21/2011 11:45:14 PM


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Yeah there is they are different chemicals arent they? pickling lime just sounds nicer to me than lye.. why question peoples motives?
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