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BLAB - The Big Leisurely A/B Options
#101 Posted : 7/7/2010 1:49:37 PM

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Soluble only if the acetone/IPA is wet. Otherwise you're fine Very happy

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#102 Posted : 7/7/2010 2:08:12 PM

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arimane wrote:
endlessness wrote:
is changa/enhanced leaf an option for you?

I ask because I had good yields in the conversion of acetate to freebase , as opposed to the considerable losses from fumarate to freebase. The issue is that my freebase from acetates never crystalized, they remained as a goo, so I made changa out of that instead... But it turned out to be the most delicious changa I've ever tried, so good smelling and potent stuff!

Interesting... yes, I'm a changa lover. so you just use vinegar, wich would set on the bottom, and decant the limo out (or suck up the vinegar with a turkey buster), and put it to enhance with sodium carbonate and Acetone/IPA?
Since the freebase gets out, don't you find yourself with acetic acid on the changa?

after separating the vinegar from the limo, you need to evap all the vinegar, which will leave you with sticky dmt acetate. then you add excess sodium carbonate, add a bit of water to make paste, mix well, dry this (which will be some red/orange/brownish chunks, so you keep breaking this up into powder to dry better), and then you do 3 pulls on the powder with acetone/IPA
#103 Posted : 7/7/2010 2:11:51 PM

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That's fine, thank you all =)

Bad, bad english
#104 Posted : 9/12/2010 1:20:25 AM

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I'm pretty sure this hasn't been asked here or answered here. So will a PP stamped plastic container work as a substitute for HDPE?
#105 Posted : 9/12/2010 1:26:52 AM

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Opiyum wrote:
I'm pretty sure this hasn't been asked here or answered here. So will a PP stamped plastic container work as a substitute for HDPE?

don't know about PP, but why not just go with HDPE? you can use milk jugs, which are HDPE plastic and you can find them anywhere
#106 Posted : 9/12/2010 1:43:45 AM

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Yeah I just wanted to get things going tonight and I didn't want to buy a gallon of milk just for that.
Instead I just started the vinegar soak in the PP container and when I move on in a few days I'll switch to the HDPE.
The PP container I'm referring to would be nice to use it has the perfect size, shape, nozzle and it has a large removable lid that aids in getting materials into it in the beginning. Plus it would be reusable.
I looked through the PP MSDS but couldn't find what I was looking for.
#107 Posted : 9/12/2010 2:10:38 AM

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oh i see; so i'm assuming you're doing Panoramix's A/B..good choice. well, if its just for pre-soaking the vinegar then it should be fine; but unless you're certain about PP plastic, you should switch to the HDPE like you mentioned, before you start adding the lye solution, and pulling with NPS
#108 Posted : 9/12/2010 8:14:28 PM

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SWIM has never done the Panoramix's A/B but now having looked at it I wonder if anyone has ever done the standard BLAB and then when it comes time to add the limo instead what if one was to split the batch into two containers and do Limo pulls on one and Naptha on the other.
This would result in the acquisition of both Fumarate and Freebase. Would it not?

SWIM wants to have both Fum and Freeb on hand and this seems like a more simplified way to do it rather than making all Fumarate and then converting half into Freebase.
#109 Posted : 9/12/2010 9:17:11 PM

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Yes, freebase and fumarate would both be acquired this way.

However, limo pulls with fumaric salting yields full spectrum fumarate that is useful for long term storage and can be converted to freebase whenever needed. The conversion is fairly simple and convenient.
IMO, Limo is far superior to work with and has the advantages of being food grade as well as yielding full spectrum spice.
#110 Posted : 9/15/2010 7:19:13 AM
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Swims Friend had a question,he dreamt that his 2nd pull was brownish -redish.... and after 24 h the red stuff had all dropped to the bottom.
was that red goo psychoactive ? and say that in his dream he salted his pulls even though that red goo was in there,is there a way to get it out ?

Swim is a figment of your imagination and he's a compulsive liar,thus everything he says is pure lies !
#111 Posted : 9/15/2010 10:09:55 AM

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red stuff is probably an emulsion or something similar, I would guess not active. You should pull only the solvent layer and the last bit of solvent with that layer, just throw it back in the main mix.

If you already salted out including that layer, personally I wouldnt use that. I would either base that salting and pull again, repeating the step, or throw it back in the mimosa mix for it to become basic again and pull it all together again
#112 Posted : 9/15/2010 10:59:26 AM
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Thanks for your help.
Swim is a figment of your imagination and he's a compulsive liar,thus everything he says is pure lies !
#113 Posted : 9/21/2010 11:51:44 PM

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Swim had a layer of sediment after his Limo sat (No Fasi, just waiting while waiting for other pulls) for a few days too. Swim went ahead and seperated that after reading the last few posts here.
After a few days of precipitation (post FASI) swim is faced with the following. Swim is happy in his situation.
He's guessing the brown area is the less pure compounds crystallizing last and that they would maybe be a full spectrum spice.
Swim was wondering what other people would do in this situation. Would SWIY keep separate the darker spot from all the pretty white and yellow crystal or would SWIY just mix it all up?
Opiyum attached the following image(s):
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#114 Posted : 9/22/2010 12:47:10 AM

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The dark spot looks far too dark to be full spectrum. You most likely have mimosa contamination. If you were having sediment dropping out earlier in the salting, chances are this is the rest of it.

If you dissolve the dirty portion in water and let it sit for a period of time, the sediment should drop out again and you can decant the purified solution. This will remove any fumarate contamination as well.
#115 Posted : 9/22/2010 1:41:23 PM

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yeah, that's something nasty for sure. however you can always seperate the nice spice.

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#116 Posted : 9/22/2010 2:24:44 PM

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shoe wrote:
yeah, that's something nasty for sure. however you can always seperate the nice spice.

Swim pulled everything up with a little water and after letting that sit over night no sediment has formed on the bottom of the jar.
Swim was thinking run it through a filter and see what happens. What Swim thinks is often wrong though.

Worst case scenario Swim could make basic the solution again, limo, fasi and do it all over right?
#117 Posted : 9/22/2010 2:32:20 PM

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or just do a dry cold IPA / Acetone wash on it or recrystallize with IPA/Acetone and see what results you have...

remember never to throw anything away until you achieved your final product and bioassayed it, in case some actives are for some reason lost in one or another part of the process
#118 Posted : 9/22/2010 9:22:40 PM

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So here's what swim did.
He removed the pretty white crystals and has them separate. They are the nicest he has ever seen.
The rest of the material was split in two portions.
The first portion was the bulk of the really dark brown stuff which was probably a result of contamination as someone already stated.
This bit was pulled out with some water and after sitting for twelve hours and seeing no sediment build up it was run through a filter and evaporated over the last few hours leaving a light brown rock hard syrup as shown in the first picture.
The plan now is to do a cold acetone wash once it's scraped up after it completely drys out. Hopefully that will do the trick because clearly that stuff is still in there and it should be gotten rid of.

The second portion was a collection of the rest of the light brown/yellow material.
The light material was washed twice in cold Acetone. Leaving a somewhat cleaner light brown material shown in the second pic. The acetone used had a layer of white powder resting on the bottom of the glass after it was left to sit. This was assumed to be excess fumaric acid.
It seems that this light brown material has something else going on in it so further washes will probably be done.
Hopefully the pictures are helpful to anyone who runs into the same problem.
The light brown material in the coffee filter plus the pretty white crystals that were pulled from the get go add up to about 7.5g. So all in all not a bad yield if unable to clean out the contamination from the rock hard syrup portion.
Opiyum attached the following image(s):
Picture 099.jpg (3,858kb) downloaded 262 time(s).
Picture 101.jpg (3,690kb) downloaded 261 time(s).
#119 Posted : 9/22/2010 10:05:47 PM

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Swim is a prideful person. Maybe to a fault.
Swim wanted to share the bit that makes him so happy....

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#120 Posted : 9/22/2010 11:01:13 PM

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Excellent tek with excellent results! SWIM now has a jar full of limonene with the all the FASI mixed in and he wants to distill off all the limonene so he can keep reusing it.

His plan is to add water and hopefully the alcohol will migrate into the water and form a separate layer from the limonene. He'll then separate the two and distill the limonene, will this work? If no, any other ideas that will let him re-use the limonene?
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