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#41 Posted : 8/13/2010 10:14:37 PM

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gammagore wrote:
gibran2 wrote:
A strong vaporized DMT experience either leaves me “full” and thankful and satisfied for at least a week or more, or it leaves me terrified and in need of weeks of integration. Either way, there’s no need or desire to go back repeatedly. The honeymoon is over...

I feel the same way for both changa and freebase.

Yes, for strong doses they’re similar. But mild doses of straight DMT leave me rather dysphoric – almost “craving” a higher breakthrough dose. I’ve never tried low/mild doses of changa.

From what I’ve read, there are some people who like to repeatedly take low doses of changa over an extended period of time, maintaining a low-level sub-breakthrough or near-breakthrough experience. I wouldn’t like that at all. But I guess we each have a unique relationship with DMT and MAOIs.
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#42 Posted : 8/14/2010 12:08:21 AM

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gibran2 wrote:
picatris wrote:
I had pleasure in Santo Daime rituals, granted. There is a sort of delicious religious fervor while in group workings that are really unbelievable. But for alone trips, never had a pleasurable one, and because I did not want to. Always try to dig deeper in the rabbit hole, and it always degenerate in fear and nightmarish trips, in which I find the answers I seek.

The answers are where they are. They don’t always hide amidst fear and pain. Oftentimes they’re in the company of joy and pleasure. Spiritual discovery doesn’t equal denial of pleasure. In fact, denying oneself the pleasures that DMT has to offer is to deny much of the nature of being, both here and in the immaterial realm.

hmmmm... That's something to think about. Thank you for your words.

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