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2C-E - "Difficult but worthwhile" Options
#1 Posted : 8/9/2010 1:15:05 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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As Shulgin himself said, this chemical can be rather difficult, but trust me, it is most definitely worth it.

Last night I set out to do something a little different with 2C-E. I found most of my trips were spent talking on MSN, listening to a bit of music, watching films, and such, rather empty tasks that were simply enhanced by the drug. This time I decided to go for something more meaningful.

I believe the use of entheogens, both natural and man-made, is rooted in the art of shamanism - shamanism is a rather shady thing these days, one of the many occult followings that has so many frauds and delusional people who believe they are something they are not. I see shamanism as the art of making something useful out of the psychedelic experience, using the skills of our elders. I am no more a "shaman" than you are, we all have the capability to use proven past methods to learn more from our trips.

At around 10pm last night I dosed approximately 30mg 2C-E nasally. This seems like a very hefty dose but I have been tripping every few days recently so I do have a bit of a tolerance - I'd estimate with no tolerance this would be the equivalent to 20mg nasally. The burn from snorting this was almost unbearable - particularly since the drip was burning my throat too, I was in tears from the pain it was so bad, the initial pain (which quickly subsided) was worth it though.

I spent the first hour browsing the Nexus and other drug sites, as well as talking in a drug-related IRC channel. Soon the chat was too hard to follow and so I started a couple of IRC conversations in PM, which I could follow with much less difficulty. At 10:30pm I went to the bathroom, my bathroom is laden with mosaic tiles, and each of these tiles was swirling and morphing like a scene from Fear and Loathing - the walls and ceiling seemed to be leaning in, the door was sinking into the floor - none of my previous experiences with 2C-E have been this visual. By 10:40pm I was experiencing light synaesthesia, the letters, words and objects on my screen and around my room were dancing to the beat of the trance music that I was listening to, I could feel the beat of the music flowing through me, the euphoria was incredible. I laughed out loud while reading the 2C-E article on Wikipedia, as it suggests that euphoria on 2C-E is rare, well - if it is rare for you, you are unlucky, I have yet to have an experience that wasn't profoundly euphoric with this substance.

At around 11:10pm I disconnected from IRC, closed my browser window and turned off my computer. I went to the bathroom and once again the tiles were morphing and spinning, it was like some strange circus amusement, everything took on a rather grotesque but interesting image. I remember looking at my face in the mirror and seeing the shades of my skin shift and change, the edges of my face elongating and shrinking while I watched them. I went back to my bedroom and laid down in my bed, getting my phone, plugging my headphones on, and putting on: "Snake Body" from http://www.willfortune.com/PeaksExperiences < I did this because I wanted to see how a guided track would help my trip. My first attempt was not too successful, I took pleasure in imagining myself as a snake, but my CEVs throughout the track were very random and unrelated. Next I attempted that of the Jaguar, this time I was much more successful, I felt myself walking through the depths of the jungle, I heard the echoes of distant animals far off, I heard the leaves crackling under my feet. My visuals were largely unrelated to the Jaguar once the regular music kicked in but it was very pleasant and interesting, upon returning to my body I felt revived. I stood up after this experience and stood in the middle of my room, I felt drawn there for some reason. Suddenly there was a loud crash to my left, I opened my wardrobe, and the inside of the wardrobe - thick plastic, had collapsed in on itself under the weight of just a few hangers.. I'm not sure why or how, but it did worry me at the time. Anyway, I laid back in bed and calmed down..

In a recent 2C-E trip I "made contact" with an Octopus entity. Those who know a little about shamanism will know that underwater creature such as the Octopus reside in the "Lower World" - so I decided to journey there. I turned on a drumming track and let myself slip to a level below consciousness, I could see the Lower World opening up before my eyes, I felt the presence of the Octopus once again. A friend had asked me to ask if it was an extra terrestrial of some kind, so I did, it laughed and said "No, but I might as well be for how foreign I seem to your kind", I then asked it if I was free to explore the rest of the Lower World, and if I could meet other entities there. It said I could, but it warned me that this could be dangerous and unpleasant. Nonetheless I began to explore, expanding further into the Lower World, I quickly realised that during a previous trip where I had experienced ego loss, I had left a part of me down here. The problem was, at this point I was passing some unpleasant entities, my CEVs became faces of clowns, dead bodies, blood, gore, the stuff of nightmares - I asked the Octopus to help me, but it was leaving this up to me. Eventually I decided to press on, I continued to explore, eventually the dark thoughts seemed to cease a little, and I realised I was approaching the part of my soul that I had left behind. Upon reaching it I drew it into my body, feeling the restored energy and health as it returned to me, I then explored further, wandering around the Lower World as I waited for the drum track to end. As it ended, I returned to my body refreshed, feeling the renewed vigour as I felt more whole again.

I then made another journey back to the Lower World, this was just for exploration purposes. I passed many strange entities, both friendly and malicious, I explored, I learned various things - many of which I cannot recall very accurately now, it was quite an eerie experience but as the drums eventually ceased I was brought back, whole again, glad that I had made the journey.

Next I put on one of the tracks from http://www.willfortune.com/PeaksExperiences again. This time "Eagle Spirit" - now this was a real success. Eagles, being a creature of the skies, are part of the Upper World. The Upper World also has links to space, where the dissociative Ketamine has often taken me. As he described the Eagle I was becoming, I felt my arms become feathered wings, I rose into the sky, feeling the air under my wings, gliding effortlessly, feeling the breeze around me. I swooped over the ground, seeing small animals that were prey to me, swooping down to scare one, but soaring back up again to view my surroundings. I saw the forest around me, the river below me, I saw other birds, I heard the cries of animals in the forest. I felt one with the Eagle. As the track shifted into the music, I soared higher, and higher, and higher, until I was no longer flying in our world, but up in space, the stars and planets surrounding me, glistening in the empty blackness that enveloped them. Remembering what my friend had asked, I decided to seek out some kind of extra terrestrial entity, it wasn't long before I found several, with strange faces and bodies, resembling ancient Gods. I spoke to them, and asked them several questions, unfortunately I don't really remember the questions or the answers, but I was content, and I very much enjoyed speaking to them. One thing I remember one of them telling me is that "We survive in very different conditions to your own, you should not look at us as anything like humans or the many different species' you find on your planet" (the wording isn't exact, but you get the drift)

Eventually I was brought back after this amazing experience. I once again took another journey to the Lower World, speaking to the Octopus again and asking it for advice on various life issues. It gave me some of the answers I was looking for, and assured me that other answers would come to me soon. During this experience I focused on each of my three dogs, blessing them, taking time to channel healing energy to them - sending them love and happiness, and asking that they live long and healthy lives, I then did the same for my close family members, my extended family, my friends, their friends.. their friends, and so on until I had sent love and positivity to each and every being in the world, asking that each person have at least one extra smile due to my experience. The experience ended very positively as I was brought back into my body once again.

After my journeys, or some time in between them, I can't really remember which. I opened my notebook and began to draw, I did not know what I was drawing, but it started with a small triangle and ended up becoming an Octopus, it really felt as if someone else had made me draw it. I might upload a picture later if I can, but don't expect anything great, I'm useless at drawing.

I then went on MSN for a while, talking to a few people about random things, generally being quite cheery. Then I watched some porn, listened to some music and went to bed. It was now 4:30AM, making it 6 hours 30 minutes since my trip began - it was still very visual at this point but I was worn out, and so I slept.

I woke up about an hour ago feeling very refreshed and lively, and immediately came on my computer to write this report while it is all still fresh in my memory. I hope you all enjoyed reading it, and any comments or any similar experiences you've had would be much appreciated.

Edit: Forgot to mention in this report, during my experience I also discovered that my "power animal" is a tiger. Whether or not this is of any significance I'm not sure yet.

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#2 Posted : 8/9/2010 4:43:31 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Excellent report man. 2C-E can most definitely be very difficult but absolutely worth while. I've been working with this particular chemical for a number of years now but never thought to try a more guided kind of trip. While almost always meaningful my experiences are usually rather chaotic. The strange thing with 2C-E is that even the few nightmare trips I've had were rather enjoyable. At higher doses (~50mg oral; never tried the nasal route) I have had some really horrific OEVs but no matter what there's always that euphoria you spoke of.

Your report has inspired me to try a guided, more meditative trip next time.

Thanks for sharing JG, great report Smile

My mind craves nectar day and night.
Like a blue lotus floating on the sea of love.
Lingering in ashantic realms
Lingering in the akashic realms
Lingering in, lingering in the realms.
Blue lotus floats, floating, floating..
Some laugh, some weep, some dance for joy.
My mind craves nectar day and night.
#3 Posted : 8/9/2010 10:39:17 PM

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I've had just one experience with 2CE and it was definitely horrific, lol. My supplier told me to only take one capsule (~20-25 mgs each), but since at the time I decided to be dumb and take 2. I thought about how I had survived heroic doses of acid and all the other crazy psychedelic experiences I've had, so I considered myself a hardcore psychonaut. In short, I was afraid that 1 would be a sub-par experience based on my other experiences.

Long story short, I saw the most realistic visuals I'd ever seen on a drug like this. Lucky for me, these visuals happened to be demons descending upon me from the night sky. At the time (like 1+ yr ago), I literally ran back to the apartment. Once inside the apartment, the demons manifested again by separating the crack that is formed from the wall joining with the ceiling. They peered at me and spoke some deep/demonic sounding language that echoed from behind the walls into the room. The experience was essentially a visit to my own worst nightmare. I have done some major subconscious basement cleaning since then and I am much less prone to fear or negativity now (not that I was very prone then, but anyone who knows shrooms knows that your subconscious is vast tomb of undealt with shit that can be very intense to face directly) and I've been thinking that maybe I should give it another try sometime and like others have suggested, perhaps just approach it more from a meditation perspective.

If anyone else has had experiences with 2CE, and especially if they sound anything like my experience, I would love to hear it =)
#4 Posted : 8/9/2010 11:30:13 PM

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Fascinating report...2CE is a very unique substance, definitely not the easiest or friendliest experience by any means, but fascinating and rewarding material nonetheless. Have had several large dose sessions, back in the days when it (and others of the 2C family) were legal over the internet. I didn't have a scale in those days, so doses were always eyeballed, which led to some spectacularly deep, intense, bizarre, weird but memorable and beautiful summer evenings...makes LSD look like a lazy walk in a park by comparison.
#5 Posted : 8/10/2010 12:34:54 AM

polyfather anomalous

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Thanks for posting. I've been exploring 2C-E for the past several weeks, and what a powerful visionary material it is! Two nights ago I consumed 18 mg orally (I haven't risked the nasal route for any of the 2C's), approximately 1 hour into a gorgeously medicinal "Sass"/MDA(?) journey, and wow! As the "Sass" wore off the 2C-E's effects came on strong. One thing I've noticed with it, like you say, is that if you don't pay attention to it or put effort/intention/attention into it, it doesn't respond. I barely noticed it at times, but when I went back to my tent and laid there, alone, focusing on the visions, they expanded and I ended up in an underground, spider-web like realm, with all sorts of shifting entities, including an octopus. They responded to my communications, just as the DMT "beings" do, albeit in a very different manner. This is a substance I'll be doing more work with; thanks for sharing the information.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#6 Posted : 8/10/2010 1:56:00 AM

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I can feel for you Livingstrat. I too have seen the demon world that 2C-E seems to rip open. Like you said it can produce some of the most realistic hallucinations of any drug out there. The very first time I ate 50mg accidentally (ate 25 mg in a gel tab and after an hour didn't feel anything, so I mixed 25mg of powder in some juice), I couldn't believe some of things I saw. I can remember sitting in my bedroom with the lights on, yet everything was black like there was mold consuming everything. There were hands, as real as my own, reaching out of the walls. As I watched them the flesh started to melt away into bloody piles on my bedroom floor. Over a period of 8 hours the trip would constantly and rapidly shift between nightmarish visions like this to some of the most deeply profound spiritual sensations I've ever known. Strangely enough it was never as frightening as it appeared, I can remember thoroughly enjoying the nightmare.

2C-E certainly is a strange and powerful mistress. I recently attempted a spice journey while on it....twas beautiful to say the least.
My mind craves nectar day and night.
Like a blue lotus floating on the sea of love.
Lingering in ashantic realms
Lingering in the akashic realms
Lingering in, lingering in the realms.
Blue lotus floats, floating, floating..
Some laugh, some weep, some dance for joy.
My mind craves nectar day and night.
#7 Posted : 8/10/2010 11:53:02 AM

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lysergify wrote:
Thanks for posting. I've been exploring 2C-E for the past several weeks, and what a powerful visionary material it is! Two nights ago I consumed 18 mg orally (I haven't risked the nasal route for any of the 2C's), approximately 1 hour into a gorgeously medicinal "Sass"/MDA(?) journey, and wow! As the "Sass" wore off the 2C-E's effects came on strong. One thing I've noticed with it, like you say, is that if you don't pay attention to it or put effort/intention/attention into it, it doesn't respond. I barely noticed it at times, but when I went back to my tent and laid there, alone, focusing on the visions, they expanded and I ended up in an underground, spider-web like realm, with all sorts of shifting entities, including an octopus. They responded to my communications, just as the DMT "beings" do, albeit in a very different manner. This is a substance I'll be doing more work with; thanks for sharing the information.

Now this really interests me, I was hoping I was not the only one who met some kind of "entity" on 2C-E, particularly an Octopus. This intrigues me, did it seem to be good or bad? Did it teach you anything?

Livingstrategy wrote:
I've had just one experience with 2CE and it was definitely horrific, lol. My supplier told me to only take one capsule (~20-25 mgs each), but since at the time I decided to be dumb and take 2. I thought about how I had survived heroic doses of acid and all the other crazy psychedelic experiences I've had, so I considered myself a hardcore psychonaut. In short, I was afraid that 1 would be a sub-par experience based on my other experiences.

Long story short, I saw the most realistic visuals I'd ever seen on a drug like this. Lucky for me, these visuals happened to be demons descending upon me from the night sky. At the time (like 1+ yr ago), I literally ran back to the apartment. Once inside the apartment, the demons manifested again by separating the crack that is formed from the wall joining with the ceiling. They peered at me and spoke some deep/demonic sounding language that echoed from behind the walls into the room. The experience was essentially a visit to my own worst nightmare. I have done some major subconscious basement cleaning since then and I am much less prone to fear or negativity now (not that I was very prone then, but anyone who knows shrooms knows that your subconscious is vast tomb of undealt with shit that can be very intense to face directly) and I've been thinking that maybe I should give it another try sometime and like others have suggested, perhaps just approach it more from a meditation perspective.

If anyone else has had experiences with 2CE, and especially if they sound anything like my experience, I would love to hear it =)

Yeah that is a very high dose. The thing about 2C-E when it is sold in capsules is unlike LSD or various other drugs a single capsule is nearly always a single dose. (Sometimes even a very big one at that)

Anyway, one thing I just realised is I believe my doses are actually a fair bit smaller than I previously thought. I started my first 250mg bag (I have 4x250mg, so 1g in total) just over a month ago, and have tripped ~10-15 times on it, along with giving a friend ~3 small doses. I still have around 1/5 of the bag left, maybe even 1/4 - suggesting a lot of the doses I thought were 20-30mg were more like 15-20mg or even less. Really I ought to get a scale, but as someone who loves extremely intense experiences not knowing the exact dosage seems to add a lovely sense of mystery to the compound, for example I dosed again last night out of boredom, expecting to get little more than euphoria from my small dose - however with only around 10-15mg nasal the visuals almost equalled those of the night before. Either this is due to the fact that I'm eyeballing, or tolerance and effects to 2C-E can vary greatly from one day to the next. Really interesting either way.

On a slightly unrelated note, 2C-E and 4-AcO-DMT make an amazing combination. Take a medium to large dose of each and your room will be melting and collapsing in on itself while your vision is overlayed with a grid of purple eyes (For some reason these eyes are common on 4-AcO-DMT) - I'll most likely be combining the two on my next trip next Monday, it'll be my birthday too so I'll also be smoking some herb for the first time in around 5 months. Smile

Anyway, thanks for all the replies. I'd love to hear any more related experiences.
#8 Posted : 8/10/2010 5:19:12 PM

polyfather anomalous

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JesusGreen wrote:

Now this really interests me, I was hoping I was not the only one who met some kind of "entity" on 2C-E, particularly an Octopus. This intrigues me, did it seem to be good or bad? Did it teach you anything?

The "entities" that appeared amidst the swirling forms didn't seem either good or bad; they were on the other hand fascinating and interesting, and I was able to interact with them in a subtle way. Unfortunately I didn't write down all that happened while I laid in my tent, but I do remember that I felt I had slipped into a space a few feet below the Earth's surface; it was an underground realm like what you describe. The visionary space had a grid-like structure to it, and the "entities" were morphing in and out of the structure, at the intersection points in the grid. The octopus-like-being morphed into existence, and then just as quickly and smoothly morphed into something else. I was simply amazed at everything I was seeing; 2C-E is very powerful! I plan to continue work with it in the not-too-distant future, we'll see about the entities. This, again, was at an 18 mg dose.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#9 Posted : 8/10/2010 6:42:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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JesusGreen wrote:
I then did the same for my close family members, my extended family, my friends, their friends.. their friends, and so on until I had sent love and positivity to each and every being in the world, asking that each person have at least one extra smile due to my experience.

FWIW, your report gave me a few extra smiles. Thanks for posting!

#10 Posted : 8/11/2010 1:09:34 AM

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Very interesting responses guys. Good input! =)
#11 Posted : 8/11/2010 12:29:41 PM

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jmaxton wrote:
JesusGreen wrote:
I then did the same for my close family members, my extended family, my friends, their friends.. their friends, and so on until I had sent love and positivity to each and every being in the world, asking that each person have at least one extra smile due to my experience.

FWIW, your report gave me a few extra smiles. Thanks for posting!


I'm glad. It was truly a wonderful experience and I'm glad it did put a smile on someone else's face other than my own Smile

Thanks for all the responses. It's interesting what you say about the entities Lysergify, in my experience the "Octopus" always sneaks up on me, I know it's there before I see it in my CEVs. The other entities on the other hand usually don't speak to me or anything, and I just see them and move on.

I'm thinking of trying 30mg nasal along with 30mg 4-AcO-DMT oral next Monday, should provide for a very interesting and powerful experience.
#12 Posted : 8/11/2010 9:50:49 PM

polyfather anomalous

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JesusGreen wrote:
I'm thinking of trying 30mg nasal along with 30mg 4-AcO-DMT oral next Monday, should provide for a very interesting and powerful experience.

Hmm very interesting about the octopus; that calls into mind an essay by Phil Hine in which he mentions the role the "descent into underworld" plays in transformation and self-empowerment in both shamanic and industrial cultures. I'm curious why you're using 2C-E nasally; first, it's supposed to be extremely painful, second oral works just fine, and third, all the bad reactions I've read about to the 2C's happen when they're taken nasally. Seems like an inferior ROA.

I am, on the other hand, interested in trying it out by vaporizing/smoking it; it ha a higher melting/boiling point than DMT but it still seems theoretically possible.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#13 Posted : 8/11/2010 10:08:31 PM

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lysergify wrote:
JesusGreen wrote:
I'm thinking of trying 30mg nasal along with 30mg 4-AcO-DMT oral next Monday, should provide for a very interesting and powerful experience.

Hmm very interesting about the octopus; that calls into mind an essay by Phil Hine in which he mentions the role the "descent into underworld" plays in transformation and self-empowerment in both shamanic and industrial cultures. I'm curious why you're using 2C-E nasally; first, it's supposed to be extremely painful, second oral works just fine, and third, all the bad reactions I've read about to the 2C's happen when they're taken nasally. Seems like an inferior ROA.

I am, on the other hand, interested in trying it out by vaporizing/smoking it; it ha a higher melting/boiling point than DMT but it still seems theoretically possible.

The pain isn't that bad, it stings for a few minutes but that's it. I find nasal is the superior ROA for me by far. I use 2-3x less and the duration is 80-90% of that of oral dosing - so it saves a lot of material. It also seems more "deep" to me, as oral seems quite shallow. Oral also is much less euphoric in my opinion, aside from on the initial come up.

The only times I didn't enjoy 2C-E were when I was taking it orally. After the come up the euphoria disappeared completely. Nasally it works a charm for me, easy to dose, hits strong and quick, still lasts very long but not too long. (4-8 hours depending on dose as opposed to 6-12) It's not for everyone, but for me I personally prefer it. The only thing I dislike about nasal is the quick come up - it's not too intense or anything but I just love how I get a loved up entactogen kind of feeling on the come up of an oral dose - I get that with nasal too but I'm also immediately hit by the headspace and visuals so it's quite confusing and not as relaxing.
#14 Posted : 8/11/2010 10:21:02 PM

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JesusGreen wrote:

Really I ought to get a scale, but as someone who loves extremely intense experiences not knowing the exact dosage seems to add a lovely sense of mystery to the compound, for example I dosed again last night out of boredom, expecting to get little more than euphoria from my small dose - however with only around 10-15mg nasal the visuals almost equalled those of the night before. Either this is due to the fact that I'm eyeballing, or tolerance and effects to 2C-E can vary greatly from one day to the next. Really interesting either way.

To anyone reading this, do NOT EVER eyeball RC doses! This is how people overdose and cause drugs to have the bad name they have under the law. For more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Web_Tryp

JesusGreen, even though more experienced people can build a tolerance to 2C-E, it is still wise to use a scale. What if your doses were 10mg higher instead of lower?
"It made me do it."

I am not real.

#15 Posted : 8/11/2010 11:01:51 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Very captivating read. While I normally ignore posts about 2C-E, I'm not quite sure why I decided to read through. Maybe it was the title. In any case, I'm glad you were able to take away so much from your experience. Very well worded as well.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#16 Posted : 8/12/2010 1:43:27 AM

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Good call Spira. Eyeballing RC doses is bad juju since most are active at a very low weight. I still don't like that I'm using a very cheap scale which likely has a +/- 5mg variance. 5mg either way with the wrong RC can make a huge difference, heh...I've had some harrowing 5-meo-dmt experiences because of this.

Never tried the nasal route with 2C-E. A friend of mine said it was painful and brutally intense...but thinking back he likely snorted a full oral sized dose. Based on what JG said perhaps I'll give nasal a chance.
My mind craves nectar day and night.
Like a blue lotus floating on the sea of love.
Lingering in ashantic realms
Lingering in the akashic realms
Lingering in, lingering in the realms.
Blue lotus floats, floating, floating..
Some laugh, some weep, some dance for joy.
My mind craves nectar day and night.
#17 Posted : 8/12/2010 8:30:10 AM

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Spira wrote:
JesusGreen wrote:

Really I ought to get a scale, but as someone who loves extremely intense experiences not knowing the exact dosage seems to add a lovely sense of mystery to the compound, for example I dosed again last night out of boredom, expecting to get little more than euphoria from my small dose - however with only around 10-15mg nasal the visuals almost equalled those of the night before. Either this is due to the fact that I'm eyeballing, or tolerance and effects to 2C-E can vary greatly from one day to the next. Really interesting either way.

To anyone reading this, do NOT EVER eyeball RC doses! This is how people overdose and cause drugs to have the bad name they have under the law. For more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Web_Tryp

JesusGreen, even though more experienced people can build a tolerance to 2C-E, it is still wise to use a scale. What if your doses were 10mg higher instead of lower?


---Note: Before reading my post, don't think it makes it any more acceptable to eyeball. It's always worth getting a scale. I don't use one because I'm particularly poor and with the chemicals I'm using I can manage without - but you should get one if you don't have one already---

I'm not worried about too high doses myself. Of course, I would never advise someone to eyeball, but it's something I've been doing for a long time with no trouble, previously as a test I borrowed a friend's scale and compared my eyeballed doses to the weighed ones, most of my doses were very accurate for eyeballed ones - within 3-5mg accuracy, a few were a little more out (6-8mg) - and I have done large nasal doses with 2C-E already so I know I am comfortable with a much larger dose. If I were to accidentally dose too much it would surprise me at first but it's not something I haven't already experienced so it wouldn't bother me so much.

Although a lot of people would disagree, 2C-E seems quite forgiving at higher doses. I have a few friends who have taken 200mg+ doses (reckless I know, I would never do this, but some people just do some crazy things) and while they said it was very intense, they said the jump from say 40mg to 200mg wasn't all that big - and they didn't have any difficulty handling it. These are also people who are very inexperienced with psychedelics.

Obviously I would never risk this with other RCs, however with the two I have been using so far, 2C-E and 4-AcO-DMT, I have had no problems with eyeballing. I am naturally cautious though and I always aim on the low side - my higher doses came from exactly what you said, misjudging doses - however they were still great trips and very enjoyable, just hit me a little quick and took me by surprise. Given that 2C-E gives me no nausea or undesirable effects at higher doses though this isn't too much of a worry for me.

Although this might sound strange to some people, I really don't care if my trips get insanely intense, or terrifying. If I am not physically harmed in any way then a trip always ends well for me. Maybe I'm just crazy haha.

Thanks for showing the concern though, I'm glad some people care about being cautious with RCs, I always give the same advice, admittedly not taking it myself (though, in case of emergencies I have friends with scales I can borrow if I were to come across an RC with an even lower dosage in the near future), but I've seen some crazy things happen from people eyeballing the wrong RCs *cough* Phenazepam causing a friend to black out for 3 or 4 days *cough*
#18 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:24:59 PM


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I read the first post, but not the others.

Just wanted to give a shutout for the alternative administration method (and against nasal)

No, not orally. Rectally.
As a straight male who likes his rectum to be a one-way system, he was surprised by the minimal discomfort and INSANE effects of rectal 2c's

SWIM has taken:
9mg 2c-i
8.5mg 2c-t2
7.5mg 2c-e
4.5mg 2c-e

All produced very strong trips with CEVs and OEVs galore. The 8.5mg of 2c-t2 gave him the LONGEST tracers he's ever seen, he could count about 6-7 of his hands.
Even the 4.5mg of 2c-e produced OEVs and at a few points was actually a little overwhelming. 15mg rectally would likely be a 4+ experience, be careful with dosage.

Most of the information on rectal administration will tell you to get an enema. YOU DON'T HAVE TO AT ALL. SWIM tends to have day trips that go right after his morning bowel movement, but his friend took it mid-cycle when he hadn't gone for a while and neither had to go soon and he tripped very hard.

SWIM has his 2c's dissolved in vodka at a known concentration per drop 1.0 mg per drop is a great concentration, 0.5mg can give much more accuracy.
As for how to dose it. SWIM uses a 1ml medicine dropper (specifically for that purpose and nothing else) and he lays with his butt facing in the air, pushes the dropper in, squeezes and within 10-15 seconds he can feel it.

If the dose is too concentrated it will burn a tiny bit, SWIM's 2c-e is at 1.5mg per drop and the first time he took it he mixed it 1:1 with tap water and got no burn, the second time he had it un-diluted and it was uncomfortable for about 5 minutes. In either case the minimal discomfort never lasts more than 20 minutes.

If anyone is interested in this method for strong trips you can PM.
SWIM has also tried:
5-meo-DMT = WORKS at 3mg or higher.
Cactus resin = Not as effective as oral
DMT = Burns, not advised, SWIM prefers oral
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs

#19 Posted : 8/14/2010 9:15:58 AM
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JesusGreen wrote:
---Note: Before reading my post, don't think it makes it any more acceptable to eyeball. It's always worth getting a scale. I don't use one because I'm particularly poor and with the chemicals I'm using I can manage without - but you should get one if you don't have one already---

I don't mean for this to come off with any sort of negative attitude whatsoever, but it was advice given to me in the past when I was fond of eyeballing RC's:

If you can afford the RC's, you can afford the scale.
Anything stated above is a work of pure fiction. The delusional author is writing a story about his imaginary friends. The author does not condone nor participate in any illegal activities. Anything said by the author should not be attempted, taken seriously, or believed. Enjoy the story.

It seems like everyone is sleep-walking through their waking state or wake-walking through their dreams. -Waking Life
#20 Posted : 8/15/2010 10:57:33 AM

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x1balba wrote:
If you can afford the RC's, you can afford the scale.

You'd be surprised. I literally have zero spare cash most of the time, and when I do it goes on drugs, either illegal or legal. Unfortunately I made the mistake of not buying a scale while I still lived in the UK, as there were occasionally some good ones for as little as £20 - now I'm looking at £50+ here just for crappy cheap ones that are inaccurate in Poland, closer to £100 for good ones, which is way too much for me to justify when I can barely afford the cheap ones in the first place (if at all) - and have had no problems with eyeballing. Obviously, on the other side of things, due to not having a scale I'm avoiding anything with lower doses than 2C-E (or anything with a really low molecular weight that looks very small).

On a good note though I'm looking to get some syringes which I'll be able to use for liquid measurement, getting rid of my need for a scale for now - at a much reduced price. Razz

@q21q21: I'm very aware of the plugging method and I'll be testing it out myself if I can get some oral syringes. (Unfortunately, even those are off limits to me at the moment since pharmacies don't even want to sell me OTC medicine right now as I look too much of a junkie - hopefully a hair cut and some nicer clothes will solve this though haha) It's not necessary at the moment though as I have no qualms with nasal administration - but it's definitely something I'll try given the chance, as I'd like to compare the duration and intensity to nasal. Thanks for the advice.
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