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Moose Man
#1 Posted : 6/20/2010 6:02:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 56
Joined: 08-Jun-2010
Last visit: 12-Nov-2014
Hey guys. I have been reading site site for a while and love it, so I decided to join after I finally had my first experience. I wrote this up a week or so afterwards and have had 2 voyages since then, which I can post reports for later.

Nothing more gorgeous

The idea to try DMT sparked my interest years ago and only recently was I given a chance to come in contact with it. For months prior I read stories and did research, talked to other people who have tried it and longed for the day when I would get my chance. There was something inside me that just knew it was going to happen eventually, so I patiently waited. The day finally came and I quickly learned there was no possibility of truly preparing myself for something like this.

Using a standard "spoon" style pipe with a pinch of MJ as a base, I began to carefully smoke. While still holding my first and only hit, the large tree in the center of my view began transforming before my eyes. Each branch became beautiful fractals and the tree began to breath. With every breath the tree took it would shrink and then expanded out, and each time the fractals became more complex. A thought crossed my mind - "Holy shit, this is coming on fast and strong, maybe I should exhale even though I could go longer?", so I did. The tree was no longer as you would normally think of, it was mostly triangular shaped fractals upon fractals to infinity. With eyes closed I was surrounded in orange. Orange and red lines everywhere, but at the same time there was something more. Something happened, something amazing - I just cant remember.

Coming back to reality I started to felt wet, like I had pee'd myself but fortunately that wasn't the case. At one point I think I forgot I was on something, or that I was me or that anything existed. Time was... indeterminable. It felt like it had been only a few seconds or maybe a year, I had no clue. After opening my eyes I heard my guides whisper to themselves about if I was back or had left at all. I felt like I wanted to tell them I was fine and actually really enjoying myself but I couldn't get any words out.

Closing my eyes would put me back in the orange place with a female like fractal being floating towards me but not communicating (again its hard to remember, much like a dream). Opening my eyes again revealed the grass, the most amazing, beautiful, brilliant, astonishing grass! Each blade was elongated and the most entrancing way. It was like each blade was made of diamonds and four feet long. Looking around I knew where I was but at the same time it felt like I was on an alien planet, looking at alien grass. There is no way to describe the beauty in words and only some of the best artwork out there actually comes close. After things started looking as they normally do I was beside myself. For a moment I thought I was going to cry because I have never witnessed anything so beautiful. Nothing comes close.

That day I realized that humans are like walking encyclopedia's and everyone has their own custom set of definitions. We go about our day reacting internally to everything we come in contact with. If you taste, smell, feel, see or hear something that is new to you, you have to create a new definition in your book for how it makes you feel. My definition of beauty had been wiped clean and rewritten.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/20/2010 7:33:39 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Nice read, thanks for sharing.

Amazing stuff isnt it!!
Moose Man
#3 Posted : 6/20/2010 7:41:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 12-Nov-2014
Quite amazing indeed! I can't say I have ever felt so grateful in my entire life. My second time around I got to meet Her, and she was beyond everything. I really don't know how to describe it other than talking with God, and I have never considered myself to be religious. Very humbling.
#4 Posted : 6/20/2010 2:30:41 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Hey Moose Man Smile

Unbelievable, isn’t it? Razz

I am now preparing for my second Great Journey, which will happen in like 2 weeks. And I am still wondering who She really is. When I was there, She was everywhere and She was everything. But She never called herself ‘God’.

Also, for me, She was speaking with a clear woman voice, but She talked about ‘We’ and ‘Us’. So, She must represent the entire High Consciousness in my point of view. But again, She could be really anything.

This is a kind of question I am going to ask Her when I will dive into the Spirit World the next time Pleased
I took the red pill.
Moose Man
#5 Posted : 6/20/2010 6:04:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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She never announced her self as anything to me either, but the amazing sense of love that she filled me with was very god like. Trips like these make you realize how shallow words are. I'm now thinking the best label for her might just be 'everything' since she is so good at being that. Smile
#6 Posted : 6/20/2010 9:19:36 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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hey Moose Man amazing read!! i have my spice ready that i recently extracted but haven't gotten around to smoke it yet, so i'm still unfamiliar with hyperspace. thus my question out of curiosity- who is this "SHE"? lol. are AstraLex and you talking about the same "she"? how do you know if so?
Moose Man
#7 Posted : 6/20/2010 11:10:05 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 12-Nov-2014
Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it. Well, she is hard to put into words but I will give it a shot.

I'm convinced that after reading lots of reports and comparing how much I used, I have had sub-breakthrough experiences, amazing nonetheless. I feel like I reached the "chrysanthemum", as Terence put it. When I close my eyes I see a multicolored, flower-like entity, which is Her.

She is rotating and "dancing" in only the way that she can, while telling me things. I feel very lucky because she has mostly brought messages of beauty and love. She might say "Look at how beautiful this/I am!" - which it is. Or she might say "You are loved!" in the most sincere way you could imagine.

After meeting her I then realized that Alex Grey has met her too, and hidden her image in one of his paintings. If you just focus on the center of the image and look at the rings of color they start to look like a rose or flower - this is the closest thing I can find that looks like Her.

This last time she had a more aggressive message "You need more!!" she demanded and pointed at my smoking device. I was in no state to try and smoke more at the time but the message was loud and clear "Take the third hit!".

My perception of this substance has changed since first using it. I went thinking it was the ultimate psychedelic drug (which it still is) to realizing its more like a magic lamp with a genie inside, only they get to choose the wish for you! Have fun and be safe, I know I will still be using a sitter until I feel comfortable enough.
#8 Posted : 6/20/2010 11:46:54 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 18-Feb-2019
Hey awesome read man. I have a very hard time remembering my experiences too, I guess it gets easier with experience and more concerntration, the need to remember the experience doesnt seem so important at the time.
#9 Posted : 6/21/2010 12:18:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 07-Dec-2019
@Moose Man: thanks for that description moose; she seems truly amazing and it sounds like i definitely need to meet her personallyVery happy
p.s. "You need more!!"
Moose Man
#10 Posted : 6/21/2010 2:03:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 12-Nov-2014
buk wrote:
Hey awesome read man. I have a very hard time remembering my experiences too, I guess it gets easier with experience and more concerntration, the need to remember the experience doesnt seem so important at the time.

Thank you. I found my second time around I could remember much more than my first. I might as well go ahead and post that report - here goes:

Nothing more loving

A week or two went by before setting off on my second journey. This time with friends that I have known for much longer, each taking turns with their first experiences. Two of my friends went first and both had positive results, however most likely not full breakthroughs judging by their descriptions. As apposed to my first time we now we had more proper paraphernalia, an oil burner (classic meth pipe) and this time I managed to get a couple hits in. The second I closed my eyes I remembered what it was I had forgotten the first time - HER! I found myself face to "face" with a body-less, flower-like multicolored female goddess. Before I knew it I realized she was talking to me, obviously not in a traditional sense, definitely telepathically. Our conversation had only one subject "You Are Loved". First she told me she loved me, then she showed me.

To use the word "love" is an understatement, this was the strongest feeling of love I could have imagined multiplied by a thousand. It was like she had a tractor beam locked onto my head and was beaming this amazing feeling directly into me. As great as it was it was also very intense and I remember feeling a little overwhelmed. My friends and I both recall me whimpering and asking out loud "what am I supposed to do?" and I could feel my human brain trying to make sense of the highly surreal moment. She immediately reassured me in the most motherly of ways, telling me that there is nothing wrong with feeling confused but that I need to let go. She continued to rotate and dance in only the way that she can, and I watched her slowly fade away as I still had my eyes closed.

Upon opening my eyes I had a strong sense of returning from somewhere, so I greeted and hugged my friends because it felt like a had been such a long time since I had last seen them. The visuals I had with open eyes were not as impressive as last time but I was also indoors and I think I had my eyes closed for most of it since the feeling of love was so strong. These moments continue to stand out as the most profound in my entire life.
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