This is very puzzling to a guy I know, and he's wondering if anyone of you knowledgeable people can shed some light so he passed along this info.
He recently performed two separate D-Limo extractions as per 69ron on two different species. He is quite sure they were the real thing/accurately classified, as he got them from a very knowledgeable personal source. They were processed using:
GreenTerpene food-grade Limo
Seachem Kalkwasser calcium hydroxide
Standard 5% white kitchen vinegar
Klean-strip "100% pure" M.E.K
Here's the relevant stats:
Try 1:Species: Trichocereus Pachanoi
Size: 20" x ~3.5"
Initial Cut weight: 2080g
Final Weight before Skinning: 1994g
Core: 704g
Waxy Skin: 33g
Flesh: 1257g
Final Dry Weight: 100g100g of dried powder were processed exactly as per the tech's instructions. A clean cotton T-shirt was substituted for a coffee press, and a turkey baster for the gravy separator.
Vinegar pulls from 2x D-Limo soaks were combined into a pyrex and evaporated overnight using a fan. No ovens/dehydrators/heat was used at any time. Next day the results were scraped up, washed 3x in M.E.K, yielding:
Sticky Brown Alkaloid mix: 1.41g
Waxy Tan Acetate: 1.13gHe subsequently assayed 200mg of the result, followed by an additional 150mg an hour later as per the suggested amounts in 69rons guide. Slightly stimulating body effects were felt, just enough to rule out placebo, but they peaked at about 1.5 hours and dissapeared. My friend was disappointed, but assumed he did something wrong/did not take enough. He was determined to try again, but this time he used a different species so he could compare the results.
Try 2:Species: Trichocereus Bridgesii
Size: 19" x ~2.5"
Cut Weight: 1025g
Core: 181g
Waxy Skin: 27g
Flesh: 808g
Final Dry Weight: 36gThe above was processed identically as the 1st attempt, cutting the limo/vinegar/etc measurements to roughly 1/3 to match the powder weight. Evap, scrape, MEK yielding:
Sticky Brown Alkaloid mix: 1.6g
Waxy Tan Acetate: 0.9gThe waxy powder was indentical in appearance, texture and smell to the first attempt, if you were to place them side by side you couldn't tell the difference. This led the guy to assume he was performing the extraction correctly, however not testing enough at once. He thought about it and figured that if he was boiling the cacti down to a tea in the oldschool method, he would consume everything yielded. Perhaps this was the reason for limits effects last time, so with some little trepidation he tested the entire 0.9g yield, figuring the only bad mescal experience is a weak one
To his great frustration, the experience was nearly the same as the first time; slight stimulation and body effects peaking at about 1.5 hours. He attempted boosting it with a strong cup of coffee and some of the leftover powder from Try 1, but it did nothing. Friend did note however, that he was unable to sleep that night until 3AM, roughly 15 hours after dose. This holds true of mescal effects he read.
So, there's that long story. The guy is unsure exactly what, if anything he did wrong. Maybe he is naturally resistant to the chemical? He can't imagine he isolated the wrong alkaloid from the cactus, being that both final results were the same from different species. So, if any of you experienced psychonauts can offer any advice, I'll pass it along to him and he would be
most thankful. He really enjoys the process of this tech, but will probably go the nasty tea method in future attempts.
Sticky evap scrapes:
After 3 MEK washes: