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psychedelic therapy Options
#1 Posted : 5/30/2010 2:38:53 AM

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Here a talk with Ann Shulgan
I want to start this thread where we can provide useful links reguarding psychedelic psychotherapy.
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#2 Posted : 5/30/2010 2:49:01 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

#3 Posted : 5/30/2010 10:34:50 PM

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#4 Posted : 5/30/2010 11:08:24 PM

polyfather anomalous

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Thank you, Fractal, it's always good to hear from these beacons that have gone before, so to say, including Dr. Leary and the Drs. Shulgin. I'm fascinated by her comment that "remember, MDMA is not a psychedelic drug" and how application of LSD or 2C-B or one of the classic psychedelics was found useful in combination. I know statements like these are well supported by accounts of "street users" (and I don't know how to distinguish between "recreational users", "spiritual users", "healing users"Pleased but Ms. Shulgin clearly possesses a therapeutic gift and deep insight. I hear such sadness when she discusses not publishing her work only to have MDMA put into Schedule I due to no documented medical use...was she crying?

Also I was struck by her accounts of the Shadow being a source of tremendous power for both destructive forces (war and related forces on a broader scale), whose unleashing we so deeply fear with the use of psychedelic agents, and creative forces that lie untapped and that hold tremendous positive potentialities to bring into the world. The audio cuts out at "remember...God is Love".

I'm personally in the position of not knowing how to take the beautiful gifts that lie within into the outer world...obviously or not that's the same position we're all in Smile. Dealing with our shadows is necessary for this process.

As far as links go "The Secret Chief Revealed" is another gold mine on this subject, on the underground psychedelic therapist Leo Zoff. MAPS has it available at: http://www.maps.org/books/scr/noframes.html
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