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No Smell, Quick and Easy, Almost Pure Bufotenine Extraction Options
#141 Posted : 4/4/2010 10:22:11 AM

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does smoking the brown goo that came from freebasing the fumarate and pulling with acetone, make one have too much nausea, moreso than pure bufo? In other words, is the clean up very necessary? Is it possible that the 'extra' nausea in unclean stuff is actually placebo?

how many doses (or mg) 5g of seed should give, on average? Im wondering how much herbs to infuse it with because I dont have a way to weight the goo..

edit: ok so I went ahead and did the clean up with hexane/acetone on half of the stuff, and its evapping by itself (the clean up seems to work perfectly, indeed immediately as one adds hexane a goo forms on the bottom) the other unclean half im infusing some herbs. Since my caapi leaves havent arrived yet Im infusing some mint.

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#142 Posted : 4/9/2010 5:43:53 AM


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SWIM just did the tek, the only difference was that the sodium carbonate didn't seem to form a mass at the bottom.... It did however seem to precipitate the freebase out in the same way harmalas do.

The acetone-naptha wash was performed and the resulting liquid was tannish-brown though a fair amount had precipitated. The solvent was filtered and evaporated.

the product was a dark brown semi-solid goo, but SWIM figured if it was done using the tek it couldn't be that impure.
He was surprised that it was so little but it seems that there is still a large amount left on the filters to be dissolved and washed.

He first tried 12mg over 5 minutes. He got a feeling of something in his mind but no tracer, OEVs or CEVs

Next he tried 18mg of 5 minutes. After 7 minutes he felt quite the same and finished the 27mg (total)

Basically he got some mild tracers but mostly a large amount of sedation and mind effects similar to a medium-large dose of benedryl.
SWIM's not to impressed...

Is this just what some people get from bufo or did SWIM miss something in the extraction???
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

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#143 Posted : 4/9/2010 6:04:54 AM

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if you have a dark brown goo, the chances are it's pretty impure.

Also I need arouns 50mg of a fairly pure product to really get the effects. Did you get the head pins and needles or any nausea or anything like that?

I find if I don't feel nausea for at least a minute or so, then I haven't had enough.
#144 Posted : 4/9/2010 5:57:32 PM

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This is what I get from bufotenine..and I have taken it ALOT..it doesnt give a damn about your impatientce..trying it once is nothing. trying it twice is nothing..trying it 3 times is nothing. Took me like 12-15 times with the same stuff before i started to really get the deep visionary effects from it..I dont know why that is, but it does seem to go that way at times.

I agree with soulfood if you dont feel any of the nausea or constriction you need to take more.
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#145 Posted : 5/2/2010 11:34:35 PM

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I just tried the results of this tek, with a batch of ground seed I thought may be dud, as the last ISO extract I made did not have much effect at all, compared with an ISO extract from a previous batch which was amazing.

So I thought I will try this FASA tek. It seemed to be going well, I got a nice little lump of caramel after the 2nd freebase stage. I used Perma Fluid light fluid as my naphtha (I live in the UK). Once dried out I am left with a yellow oil. I scraped a bit to put on a rizla for a joint, and felt barely any effects from it...

So, most probably the seeds were not good or lost their potency. It was the powdered seed from Maya. I dont know if there is somewhere I may have gone wrong though..?
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#146 Posted : 5/3/2010 12:19:12 AM

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as long as you didnt add too much naptha to the acetone when precipping the gunk - u should be fine.
perhaps just try it a few times in a row spaced a day apart.
antrocles wrote:
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...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


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#147 Posted : 5/3/2010 5:59:09 PM

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Phlux- wrote:
as long as you didnt add too much naptha to the acetone when precipping the gunk - u should be fine.
perhaps just try it a few times in a row spaced a day apart.

hmmm - maybe I did.. I added *about* 4 x the acetone, but just judging by eye, and I did squirt a bit extra in to make sure. So I might have added too much. In any case... I think the seeds were not so potent.
balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
#148 Posted : 5/12/2010 10:25:18 PM

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balaganist wrote:

So, most probably the seeds were not good or lost their potency. It was the powdered seed from Maya. I dont know if there is somewhere I may have gone wrong though..?

HHHhhhmmm SWIM has always had great results from those seeds.. 4-3% yeild

From 100g he roughly gets about 12g of furmates, which then converts to about 7-8g of freebase caramel goo which he can then recover about 3-4g of glass white xtals.

SWIM only freebases a little bit at a time (1-2g of furmates) as the caramel goo oxides very quickly and turns black and although some xtals can still be recovered the yeild is a lot less. Once he has the <1g of xtals he uses acetone to evap it onto some herbs as otherwise it again oxides even quicker and your gorgeous white xtals will be a black mess in a few weeks...
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#149 Posted : 6/15/2010 9:06:54 PM

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I was thinking, what about using citric acid instead of fumaric acid, in the acetone wash?
I would get 5-ho citrate, wich is insoluble in acetone and a solid salt form, wouldn't I?

Also, after the naphta wash, would a DCM bath refine the purity of 5-ho?
I men: I put naphta on the freebased 5-ho-emulsioned rest. I add DCM, shake a bit, take it up with a syring, or little pipe, and them evap it. Does it sound bad?
Bad, bad english
#150 Posted : 6/15/2010 10:07:10 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:

I agree with soulfood if you dont feel any of the nausea or constriction you need to take more.

We spoke about this with others having no effects in the chatroom.
Now the Dreamer mix his black bufo goo with jimjam in a changa fashion.
this way he will use it all until he feel something.

This seeds were giving him strong body loads if just freebased the traditionnal way.
Now with the bufo extraction tek, he can work with it without any side effects at all.

So thanks a lot for posting teks and tips like this.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#151 Posted : 9/24/2010 11:08:42 PM

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So everything went according to plan up until the very last step. After evapping all the naptha SWIM is left with a VERY thin layer of oily gunk that, when scrapped up, is yellow and tastes slightly bitter and probably only weighs about 10mg.

The fumarate precip looked great, the black junk left after freebase/acetone pull was just as described, and all the black crap sunk to the bottom after adding naptha during clean-up, but no crystals after evap., just a little bit of this oil.

Any suggestions?
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#152 Posted : 1/8/2011 7:20:34 AM

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The question has been asked but no answer so maybe once more is needed...Wink

Instead of fumaric acid would it be possible to use citric acid? If yes would it change anything of the following then?

And since SWIM is here he's gonna ask one more: How does one know when sodium bicarbonate is cooked for two hours in the oven at about 200°C it's onverted in sodium carbonate? Because no change in color has been noticed, should one assume the conversion is completed anyway??

Thanks a lot friends
None of this is really happening, SWIM's mind is so sick and bored than it has to invent all sorts of "abracadabrantesques" stories...
#153 Posted : 1/8/2011 7:22:58 AM

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once it is converted to carbonate it weighs significantly less...
Long live the unwoke.
#154 Posted : 1/8/2011 7:31:22 AM

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Thanks fractal enchantment, will weigh it then

And sorry for the question above SWIM found the answer: one can use citric acid instead of fumaric for a bufo extraction.
None of this is really happening, SWIM's mind is so sick and bored than it has to invent all sorts of "abracadabrantesques" stories...
#155 Posted : 1/8/2011 8:16:24 AM

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I always weigh bicarbonate before the conversion and keep it in the oven until it dropped at least 1/3 of it's weight.

Curiouskid wrote:

And sorry for the question above SWIM found the answer: one can use citric acid instead of fumaric for a bufo extraction.

Citric acid can be used, but bufotenine citrate is a bit sticky and fiddly compared to fumarate. It's pretty much a liquid. I've done it before, but given the choice I'd use fumarate.
#156 Posted : 1/8/2011 8:50:01 AM

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Alright thanks for that point soulfood, just SWIM's got some citric so he was thinking making some enhanced leaves with it so would be less a problem then, right? Do you think the purity and yield would be aproximately the same?
None of this is really happening, SWIM's mind is so sick and bored than it has to invent all sorts of "abracadabrantesques" stories...
#157 Posted : 1/8/2011 8:58:24 AM

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If everything's done correctly all the goods should come out the same.
#158 Posted : 1/17/2011 10:00:35 AM

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Sooo... SWIM follown the tech but just used citric acid in place of fumaric. After the step 7 he collected the reddish-brown goo with water and dried it in a food dehydrator at 155°F, he then scrapped the result and got tan crystallin powder! He read somewhere (from ron...) that bufotenine citrate is a goo!

He is wondering if he did something wrong, what form of bufotenine he got, and if he should anyway freebase it before purification with aceton/naphta solution.

That's about all the doubts he's got for now, thank you in advance guys
None of this is really happening, SWIM's mind is so sick and bored than it has to invent all sorts of "abracadabrantesques" stories...
#159 Posted : 1/17/2011 10:20:21 AM

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The more accurate thing to say would be that bufotenine citrate is hygroscopic and will readily take on much moisture from the air. As you have dried it in a dehydrator it has actually gone powdery, but I reckon if you leave it out long enough it will turn gooey.

You have to freebase it now, then purify.
#160 Posted : 1/17/2011 7:07:44 PM

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Alright, crystallin powder mixed with water and sodium carbonate then dried, then mixed with 1 part acetone/4parts naphta: crashing out of some brown sticky goo, evap of the nearly clear solution of solvents.

Results: ridiculous small amount of oily stuff, like 1mg!!!...

Something went wrong obviously!!!! aaaaaaahhh please what????
None of this is really happening, SWIM's mind is so sick and bored than it has to invent all sorts of "abracadabrantesques" stories...
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