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IV DMT - Purity issues. Options
#1 Posted : 6/4/2008 4:58:12 PM

Dr Do Little

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Hello, I only just found these forums otherwise i would have been on here years ago.
SWIM is a student who would like to know if DMT extracted under sterile conditions using these internet methods would be pure enough if it was in crystal form to dissolve in saline or something to inject intravenously?
Has anyone had any experience with this? i've been reading "DMT: The spirit molecule" and in there it is mentioned that "o.6 mg/kg" is "too much" and "0.4 mg/kg" was used in their study as a safe level.
I know its a little risky because SWIMS DMT would not me isolated under lab conditions and probably with not with a 100% solvents.

Any comments?
The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.

"Under the skin of our lives; somewhere deep and early, forgotten, we all share the same dreams"

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#2 Posted : 6/4/2008 5:29:24 PM

The Great Namah

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D_Juggz wrote:
Hello, I only just found these forums otherwise i would have been on here years ago.
SWIM is a medical student who would like to know if DMT extracted under sterile conditions using these internet methods would be pure enough if it was in crystal form to dissolve in saline or something to inject intravenously?
Has anyone had any experience with this? i've been reading "DMT: The spirit molecule" and in there it is mentioned that "o.6 mg/kg" is "too much" and "0.4 mg/kg" was used in their study as a safe level.
I know its a little risky because SWIMS DMT would not me isolated under lab conditions and probably with not with a 100% solvents.

Any comments?

Please remember that the study was using DMT fumarate. So the numbers used were not for freebase. I believe a decent IV dose is around 15-20mgs freebase.

If you or someone you know is contemplating IV'ing DMT might I suggest a few things.

1) Do an A/B extraction!!!! This keeps the oils to a minimum. STB is fine for vaporization, but I would not even consider using STB spice for IV use. You may even consider doing an A/B on your end product again to purify it even further, but this is really optional.

2) Do a DEFAT while in the acidic stage. This is really important. 2-3 pulls with naphtha, toulene, xylene, or heptane are sufficient. You really want all oils to be removed.

3) Do at least 2 recrystalizations. At least one of these should be a freeze precipitate as it results in a cleaner product and no NPS residue.

4) Make SURE that your spice is crystal clear. No yellow, orange, brown, or any other color spice should be going in a vein.

Make sure your DMT solution is a reasonable pH, you don't want to be shooting up a solution with a pH of 2!!!
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#3 Posted : 6/4/2008 5:35:19 PM

Dr Do Little

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Very good info, true.
swIm have never done an extraction to date, but one might be coming along as soon. so i dare say it'll take a year of practice (probably) before swIM is comfortable with getting a good clean yield.

you mentioned those solvents there, are they legal for anyone to buy in their pure form or do you need an industrial license or a chemical license?

Which is the best/cheapest/easiest to acquire, preferably in Austria.
The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.

"Under the skin of our lives; somewhere deep and early, forgotten, we all share the same dreams"
#4 Posted : 6/6/2008 9:14:42 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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If Australia is anything like where I am from, it should be easy to find VM&P Naptha, Xylene, and Toulene. I cannot find heptane for the life of me though. Try hardware stores, I know for sure Lowes has all the chemicals you need if they have one in your area.
Tribal Dreamings
#5 Posted : 6/8/2008 2:13:51 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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i thought that freebase would not be soluble in water? Do u not need the salt for iv/im?
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#6 Posted : 6/9/2008 1:28:22 PM

The Great Namah

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Tribal Dreamings wrote:
i thought that freebase would not be soluble in water? Do u not need the salt for iv/im?

It does need to be in salt form, but all one needs to do it make sure the water used to IV is around 5 to convert the freebase spice into a salt. Phosphoric or HCL are good acids to use.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#7 Posted : 6/10/2008 12:26:58 PM

Dr Do Little

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Thanks rally, SWIM'll have to travel a few hours to get it, but no probs.
As far as plant matter in Austria goes, did you learn to ID the wattles? or do you just grow ur own beasties? - since SWIM is not prepared to wait 5 years, SWIM is going to try nearby nurseries and maybe learn to ID some local plants containing spice.

Apparently IM shots with DMT are too slow-acting to have the same "full-effect" as smoking, apparently youre better off going IV.

The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.

"Under the skin of our lives; somewhere deep and early, forgotten, we all share the same dreams"
#8 Posted : 11/10/2008 10:19:39 AM

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acolon_5 wrote:
Please remember that the study was using DMT fumarate. So the numbers used were not for freebase. I believe a decent IV dose is around 15-20mgs freebase.

If you or someone you know is contemplating IV'ing DMT might I suggest a few things.

1) Do an A/B extraction!!!! This keeps the oils to a minimum. STB is fine for vaporization, but I would not even consider using STB spice for IV use. You may even consider doing an A/B on your end product again to purify it even further, but this is really optional.

2) Do a DEFAT while in the acidic stage. This is really important. 2-3 pulls with naphtha, toulene, xylene, or heptane are sufficient. You really want all oils to be removed.

3) Do at least 2 recrystalizations. At least one of these should be a freeze precipitate as it results in a cleaner product and no NPS residue.

4) Make SURE that your spice is crystal clear. No yellow, orange, brown, or any other color spice should be going in a vein.

Make sure your DMT solution is a reasonable pH, you don't want to be shooting up a solution with a pH of 2!!!

Great info, acolon_5 Shocked

More on what exactly makes DMT fumarate different from an oily uncrystallized STB extraction?

SWIM says you should insert the needle IV and withdraw the plunger while taking in a small amount of blood to make sure you have the vein. After that depress the plunger another 1/3rd of the way injecting the solution before pulling out a little bit more blood and then finally finishing off the rest of the DMT salt/blood/pH5 solution.

acolon_5 wrote:

It does need to be in salt form, but all one needs to do it make sure the water used to IV is around 5 to convert the freebase spice into a salt. Phosphoric or HCL are good acids to use.

SWIM has heard; that your red blood cells will swell up and pop if the water being injected was distilled/did not have some form of salt in it.

Also, wouldn't clear acetic acid (10% Vinegar) be more readily available to take the pH down to 5, it is about 2.5 pH? SWIM would be wary of banging in muriatric acid into his arm.
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#9 Posted : 11/10/2008 11:10:33 AM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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For IV injection, dmt fumarate that has been generated by the FASA method is perfectly OK to use. There is no needs for defatting, recrystallisations or use of nasty solvents or anything someone wouldn't want when injecting. The FASA will give straight pure dmt-fumarate from an A/B or STB almost ready to be used. Seriously no complications involved.

Acolon, either phosphoric acid or HCl can be dodgy to use since one does not have a method of calculating the dose accurately. Both salts are hygroscopic. Titration of freebase with phosphoric acid might work though.

SWIM's FOAF would:

1) extract dmt in fumarate form using FASA

2)wash the salt 3-4 times with acetone, then let it dry.

3)measure dose and dissolve in saline solution. 1 ml final solution is generally fine for injections

Now, a good osmolarity of the solution is critical otherwise one may cause harm to him/herself. Hence the almost mandatory presence of saline in the injection. The safest thing would be to use an osmometer and calculate osmotic pressure, otherwise go with the standard saline solutions medical students have easy access to.

Even if one misses an optimal osmolarity (remember, dissolving dmt-fumarate in saline increases the osmolarity of the saline solution), injecting 1 ml (in our 2 litres of blood) gives a good safety margin over suboptimal osmolarity checks.

EDIT: I forgot the most important - sterility:

It is close to impossible to make the whole extraction under sterile conditions. But what one may do is to run the dmt fumarate + saline solution through a 0.2micrometer pore size filter (again should be easy to get esp. if one's a medic.). It will retain almost all of the bacteria and other pathogenic organisms. It is quite a common and fairly effective method of sterilisation if one does not want to autoclave the solution amidst fears of dmt degradation in the high temperatures autoclaves work.

Need to calculate between salts and freebases? Click here!
Need to calculate freebase or salt percentage at a given pH? Click here!

#10 Posted : 11/11/2008 3:20:07 PM

Nothing Stops The Void

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I would suggest everyone to use sterile membrane Filters instead of Cigarette Filters Pleased .

They shouldnt be too expensive, just a little hard to get , they are often used in Bio laboratories , for sterilizing heat sensitive antibiotics solutions for example.

They are these Round attachment with a membrane in the middle , you just put them onto the Syringe and suck the liquid through the membrane.

Had he more quickly realized just who they were,he would have shown them more respect.Had he tried harder to fathom their brilliant minds,he would have taken more of their teachings to heart.Had he more clearly understood the purpose of their being,
he would have more vigorously tried to assist them.They were truly honorable; he was sadly prejudiced.
They were exceedingly well informed; he was grossly ignorant.They were totally indefatigable; he so often, and so quickly,gave up. Still, for many years there was a strong inter-species alliance between the Eleven-Eleven of the Half-way Realm, their Seraphic Associates,and their flesh-and-blood friend, a common mortal. Much was accomplished, many profited, and, there’s only one regret...They could have achieved so much more...

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#11 Posted : 11/11/2008 5:03:53 PM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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Yup, that's the thing. Just make sure you get the one with the smallest pore size. 0.2um (micrometers) pore size gives more than acceptable sterility for injections purposes.

Need to calculate between salts and freebases? Click here!
Need to calculate freebase or salt percentage at a given pH? Click here!

#12 Posted : 11/11/2008 9:00:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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will a wheel filter help to block various organic plant leftovers as well?
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#13 Posted : 11/13/2008 4:41:18 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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it is advised to only use 100% pure, analyzed, synthetic DMT for IV use! don't go for anything else! you or your patient might be sorry. also i might recommend not shooting it at all because smoking hits you almost as fast. better safe than sorry!
I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. And I'm asking you, sir, at the top if my lungs.. (all posts are fictional and are intended for entertainment purpose only)
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