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How much alkaloids does Limonene hold Options
#1 Posted : 3/28/2010 2:15:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I am asking this based upon my guess of 1g per 100ml. I have seen mimosa and cactus tech using 100 ml and 300 ml respectively. I tried searching but there were many many posts to sort through to get to this simple question/answer. I had initially though that 300ml for the food safe cactus extraction tech seemed like a lot; but if there is a hopeful 3g of alkaloid material per 100g of dried cactus flesh, then I guess that would make sense assuming once again, that Limonene hold 1g per 100ml. Thanks for your consideration.

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#2 Posted : 3/28/2010 3:29:22 PM

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That depends on what alkaloid d-limonene holds. It will be different for each and every substance. I don't believe much work on the solvent properties of d-limonene is done, so my guess is that your question does not have an answer. Unless you were to test it yourself, of course.
#3 Posted : 3/28/2010 4:24:54 PM

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not to mention it depends on temperature, as well as on whatever else is dissolved in the limonene which will change the whole equilibrium and how much of a substance dissolves in it, and other variables..

so why exactly do you want to know? I mean, if you anyways salt out the alkaloids from limo and can reuse it, is it a problem to use more, just in case?
#4 Posted : 3/28/2010 10:09:03 PM

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Well actually 69ron's food safe cactus tech makes no mention of reusing, at least from my interpretation. It cites 300ml 3 times for a total of 900ml Limonene. It seemed like a lot for 100g of dried cactus and led me to investigate to see if there was a standard that limonene was considered capable of. Yes, slap on the head, of course, I realize there are other by products, that which, will effect the total absorption abilities of alkaloids. So I see, for that matter Cactus might carry over enough gunk to make reusing the limonene seem like less of a good idea for three pulls-- than Mimosa on a given day.
#5 Posted : 3/28/2010 10:22:45 PM

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if you are salting out the alkaloids, then you can definitely reuse them.. its logical to expect that a bit less will be absorbed each time because some impurities might remain in the limo, but it shouldnt be such a huge difference in the first few times, and anyways one can always just make more limo pulls to make sure all the alks are out
#6 Posted : 3/30/2010 3:07:57 AM

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I have salted out 11 grams of DMT-fumarate from 500 ml of d-limo 3 times. If all conditions are perfect that would be just over 8 grams of alkaloids. The 11 grams is after careful washing and recrystalizing, so I think it's fair to say at least 1.6 grams/100ml.

#7 Posted : 4/1/2010 8:04:17 PM


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as much as it maybe be able to hold that when directly dissolving pure alkaloids, that sound VERY VERY high for when it is pulling from bark.

Although SWIM has been theorizing that if the limonene is only left on the bark for 15-20 minutes it won't be "clogged" with non-actives, that has yet to be tested.

In his experience the limonene will become saturated with non-actives in about 4-6 hours and his first test where he carefully measured everything indicated that the limonene consistently pulled 2.75-3 mg per ml or (rather 150-175mg per 60ml)

this was over 3 different pulls all salted with vinegar 25ml of vinegar 2 times. Maybe FASA is getting some of the alkaloids that the vinegar is missing, but so far SWIM is at 1.28% alkaloids and figures there is still some more, he doubts it.
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The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

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#8 Posted : 4/1/2010 11:40:54 PM

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q21q21 wrote:

Although SWIM has been theorizing that if the limonene is only left on the bark for 15-20 minutes it won't be "clogged" with non-actives, that has yet to be tested.

Would you elaborate then please, as far as "what" the ideal window of time is for the limonene to sit in the bark each time for the three pulls.
Maybe I am misinterpreting-- and maybe this is standard info i should have read already-- but I imagine there is an ideal amount of time, whereby, exceeding that, maybe just pulls more junk, and not more goodies? Thanks...
#9 Posted : 4/1/2010 11:55:50 PM

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plumsmooth wrote:
q21q21 wrote:

Although SWIM has been theorizing that if the limonene is only left on the bark for 15-20 minutes it won't be "clogged" with non-actives, that has yet to be tested.

Would you elaborate then please, as far as "what" the ideal window of time is for the limonene to sit in the bark each time for the three pulls.
Maybe I am misinterpreting-- and maybe this is standard info i should have read already-- but I imagine there is an ideal amount of time, whereby, exceeding that, maybe just pulls more junk, and not more goodies? Thanks...

It's all theoretical of course, q21q21 assumes that non-active stuff like fats and oils are pulled at a slower rate compared to the freebased alkaloids. This is not always correct of course.

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