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What to Do When You Don’t Have Any DMT Options
Fluorescent Leaf
#21 Posted : 4/3/2023 3:52:21 AM

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I totally messed up last night with the bad quality cocaine. I had food poisoning last night from something I ate at a restaurant, so I wasn't feeling well to begin with, and wasn't thinking clearly to begin with. In the middle of the fentanyl crisis we're in (the world, I mean), hard drugs is not something I recommend doing when you don't have any DMT. I messed up. It's been hard to control my drug cravings in a context where I like living here geographically, but I'm lonely all the time. I don't have any family in Nevada.

There are alot of healthy drugs in the tea category (ayahuasca, yerba mate, mugwort, etc). I can't do ayahausca anytime soon, because I still have pharmaceuticals in my system. I've never tried it, but 'tis easy to make. Sadly, I'm still dependent on pharmaceuticals because of complex health issues. I've cut back alot, but I'm trying to get off of them entirely. After 1 month off, which I hope to achieve, can I do a little bit of B. caapi by itself? I understand that it's a natural antidepressant, which is alot better than that pharmaceutical garbage I was taking! I'm thinking about making a tea out of these B. caapi shavings I have. Is it also possible to put some of the shavings on top of the mugwort in my bong? Any advice on these B. caapi shavings? Thanks.


STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#22 Posted : 4/3/2023 5:37:15 AM

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FLeaf, you might want to cut down on cheap alternatives, they aren't healthy. Having said that being alone in a big city is pretty shit, I hope you find some genuine friends soon. But pls be careful of what you put into your body.

This morning I did the Psilohuasca - 1 gram roasted and simmered Syrian Rue (aka harmala) 2 hrs before microdosing 0.4 gr cubensis (Lizard King). I also added a cone of mugwort and was quite comfortable for the next few hours. Nothing magical to report but that's fine, I enjoyed sitting outside contemplating life, the universe and everything.

Yes, syrian rue does potentiate what is in your system. For me it lulls me into calm states, like mugwort. Be warned though, rue is an MAOI and you need to be careful what else you have ingested, food and drug wise as it can push your blood pressure sky high. People have died using MAOI herbals/drugs.

Here's a link with more info on MAOI interactions: https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=71235
Lizard King - astrology, tarot, taoist alchemy, and all things esoteric.

“I am the Lizard King / Retire now to your tents and to your dreams,
Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth, / I want to be ready.”
Jim Morrison - The Doors
Fluorescent Leaf
#23 Posted : 4/13/2023 5:09:58 AM

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I haven't been able to get off of prescription drugs. I don't want to take them, but I haven't been able to get off of them, and every time I do, I always end up back on. I made a list of the psychedelics I've tried in my life in general, and it came out to 7 of these beauties:

1. psilocybe cubensis
2. psilocybe cyanescens (my favorite)
3. LSD
4. MDMA (my least favorite)
5. MDA
6. mescaline
7. yellow, sticky DMT back in December (my most recent)

I'm a prescription drug addict. I haven't been able to get off of prescription drugs long enough to drink ayahuasca. I'm tired of smoking mugwort, but I'm not quite ready to do my first DMT extraction. What should I do? Any advice on these B. caapi shavings? Thanks!
#24 Posted : 4/18/2023 6:42:33 AM

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I've not done caapi, it doesn't grow here. All I can suggest is to start low. But don't rush things, do your research, here on DMT-MEXIS is the best place to start.

If you are hooked on prescription drugs maybe there is a detox place where you are living? I don't know what else to do, this is something you need friends for, or family, to drop in and help out, maybe keep an eye on you when you get stuck.
Lizard King - astrology, tarot, taoist alchemy, and all things esoteric.

“I am the Lizard King / Retire now to your tents and to your dreams,
Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth, / I want to be ready.”
Jim Morrison - The Doors
#25 Posted : 4/19/2023 3:19:27 PM

Got Naloxone?

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I hear you about feeling lonely in the big city. That's pretty much the nature of big cities. If you want people to know you you need to live in a small community and those are not ideal either. I used to have an Uncle who lived in a small community and said he hated that everyone knew his business and his sister told him if he wanted to change he should move to Manhattan then nobody would know his business or care anything about him. She was right.

I do understand the desire to self medicate but I also understand it doesn't actually solve problems - it just makes one feel a little bit better in the moment.

The prescription drug addiction thing is no joke and you are in good company. I do hope you can find freedom from this one way or another.

Please make sure that all of that paperwork that comes with your prescriptions doesn't have any warnings about MAOI because some prescription drugs combined with an MAOI can basically lead to serotonin syndrome or death.

Please be super careful with street drugs. The American street drug supply has been poisoned and it is very important to use fentanyl test strips with anything that you did not create yourself.

I want you to stay safe but I do hope you find what you are looking for. It is not easy within this culture and often the answers are found within rather than without.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#26 Posted : 4/21/2023 7:43:43 AM

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You probably don’t want to hear this, but as a 10+ year opiate addict, I feel like you just really want to get high, and eventually DMT will kick your butt for not being respectful. Also, MAOIs are not something to play around with unless you’ve done your research and let me tell you ayahuasca blows dmt out of the water and will really rock your world. Take it from me tone it back! I will not lie I kinda speed read this, but because you’re fooling around with coke and prescription drugs and just exude desperation, I would advise against a powerful hallucinogenic journey until you can chill. Maybe give Suboxone a shot. Just my 2 cents, I took a break from hallucinogens because of my chronic pain and opiate usage as the 2 did not jive well. IME DMT is jealous and does not like other substances, except harmalas and nitrous lol. But that’s just my subjective experience, you can do what you want.Twisted Evil
Fluorescent Leaf
#27 Posted : 4/21/2023 7:45:29 AM

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Good news, friends!

I've been off all prescription drugs for about 72 hours. I'm keeping this date on a post-it on my wall where my desk is, and it says:

Sobriety Date

This is good news, and it was the mugwort that facilitated this accomplishment. I'm trying to achieve lifelong sobriety from prescription drugs, and I'm off to a good start. 72 hours is the longest time I've been without them in several years, maybe 7, 8, or 9 years? I don't even know. It's been a very long time.

The mugwort plus the support of the DMT Nexus community is helping me achieve lifelong freedom from prescription drugs. Thank you all!
#28 Posted : 4/21/2023 8:06:11 AM

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Good job, but I just have to say 4/20 is the worst or best sobriety date ever lol.
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Fluorescent Leaf
#29 Posted : 4/22/2023 7:22:18 AM

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Thank you for your response. Thank you for the photo of your dog. I probably won't remember the exact date. In the future, I'll just say I've been sober since 3 months before I turned 34.

I'm very happy to be free of all that garbage. 10 years of prescription drug addiction! Wow. Just a few days of sobriety feels great. I want it to continue. My drug use right now is tea only.

The DMT Nexus Community is an awesome group of people.

Fluorescent Leaf
#30 Posted : 4/23/2023 10:40:50 AM

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It is my understanding that B. Caapi is a natural antidepressant, and can be made into a tea, by itself, for that purpose. I have to do some research to figure out all the benefits, contraindications, etc.
#31 Posted : 4/29/2023 9:52:33 PM

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Congrats FL, it looks like Mugwort is a gem of a herb. Keep doing and keep moving forward, don't look back. Lay those foundations of good health and healing and work on your internal stability. I firmly believe that good mental health is critical for those who seek states of enlightenment.

Personally, I have been busy moving house and be will for the next few months so my journey is in hiatus. However, I did have a trip last week but my psyche just threw up its hands and I can't remember much at all, darn it. I now know that there are entities residing in these dimensions that live on wayward traveler's energy, I had to struggle to keep myself whole. But that's how things go and I put this one down to learning about them and how to manage my integrity in those spaces.

Good luck mate, keep doing and learing.
Lizard King - astrology, tarot, taoist alchemy, and all things esoteric.

“I am the Lizard King / Retire now to your tents and to your dreams,
Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth, / I want to be ready.”
Jim Morrison - The Doors
Fluorescent Leaf
#32 Posted : 5/21/2023 7:50:52 AM

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Hi DMT Nexus!

I haven't posted in a minute. It's been a long time since I've been on here. I certainly didn't forget the kindness and encouragement from the DMT Nexus Community. Mush love. LizKing, I liked what you said when you said, "There are entities residing in these dimensions that live on wayward travelers' energy..." Good luck with the move, and keep in touch!

I myself am loving Sin City, and not moving anytime soon, but I will be out-of-town for 3 weeks on a road trip. June 9th-June 30th. So, I will one of those wayward travelers, and I'm hoping to get at least 1 good trip in during my road trip. (A trip during a trip. Smile

I did end up making B. caapi, but I'm not gong to drink it for 3 reasons:

1. It's the exact same color as the yerba mate I make. Look alike risk here.
2. Drugs that are a MAOI function as a last resort for people who suffer from depression. Doctors don't usually prescribe these. I don't suffer from depression, so no need to have a sip. A little too much of a MAOI can make your blood pressure dangerously high.
3. There are alot of dietary restrictions with MAOIs, AKA no tyramine.

For now, it's sitting in the back of the 'fridge in a special jar. I don't plan to drink it. I tied a special ribbon, of sorts, around it, to make sure I don't mix it up with my yerba mate.

I'm excited about my road trip. TurkeyNeckMusk, you are right. I exude desperation. I agree with you. I wholeheartedly accept that piece of feedback. You'll be glad to know I'm in a better mental state now that I was in during that relapse. I'm taking the summer off, and I'm doing very well, making one accomplishment after another in my personal life, and there are very little drugs in the picture. Just yerba mate, guayusa, and mugwort.


P.S. My desperation for drugs is not much. My desperation for a family, on the other hand is 24/7/365. I'm an orphan in Vegas who's desperate for a family. You can make basic drugs just by boiling plant material AKA making tea (that's what I teach my students), but a family is not something you can just make in your kitchen. I have no parents, no siblings, no significant other, no kids, and no pets. I have extended family in a bunch of other states (California, Arizona, Texas, Ohio, etc), but they barely know me. I'm alone in Vegas. Been living here for 11 months. I have acquaintances. Sometimes that desperation might look like it's about drugs, but it's really not about drugs. It's about family. Can anybody here relate? Any other orphans on here? Smile
#33 Posted : 5/21/2023 12:44:24 PM


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Fluorescent Leaf wrote:
Dear DMT Nexus Community,

I want to become my own extractor, but I’m a full-time grad student who’s in the process of moving to a bigger apartment, which means that it’s just not in the cards right now. I need both the time and the space, and then, when I’m finally my own extractor, it will solve the problems that come with depending on other people to supply you with DMT. In the meantime, with no psychedelics in the picture right now (in my life, I mean), which is both a good thing and a bad thing, I’m really enjoying smoking mugwort aka artemisia vulgaris aka felon herb. It keeps me in a spiritual headspace at a time when psychedelics are absent from my life, necessarily so. You can buy it in-person from herbalism shops, and also online.

Mugwort is similar to marijuana in the fact that they are both an herbal smoke, requiring the same type of pipe, but the effects are so different. Marijuana is more of a stoning drug, that resulted in negative experiences for me years ago. Those experiences were very unpleasant. In the past few years, it’s not something that I do. But, mugwort is so wonderfully different. It’s more spiritual. I tried it years ago, but did not continue it, and only recently picked it back up again the past couple weeks. It’s helping me keep my composure and stay in a spiritual headspace as I navigate my way through grad school, towards the career of my choice. Science librarian. I highly recommend it for folks who aren’t taking or can’t take any psychedelics right now. It’s a good “in the meantime" medicine that will feed the spiritual part of your soul.

Botanically yours,
Fluorescent Leaf

Here is my own tek I have developed over the past year and gets between 1.5 to 3 grams of DMT back from 100g of bark. The photos included are the results from yesterday after just 2 pulls and also most of the equipment you need to make the stuff. It really is a simple process, there are so many people who make it sound so technical when in reality it is super simple to get such a potent substance! I have simplified it over the past year so it should be as easy as possible for you pal. If you ever need any further clarification please PM me and I can walk you through it:

- Add 100g Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark (powdered) to a 1L Borosilicate glass mason jar (clip-top).
- In a separate borosilicate glass (Pyrex) measuring jug measure 750ml of water (I use de-ionized water), add the lye (I use around 40g) to 750ml de-ionised water slowly as a violent chemical reaction occurs and creates a high pH solution and high temperature. We need a pH of 12 or above to break down the cell walls of the bark and release the molecule into the base, so keep adding the lye in small increments and stirring until dissolved or the desired pH is reached (the mixture should turn clear when fully dissolved). Remember to use a stainless steel spoon here so it doesn't get dissolved into your mixture. Allow to cool to room temperature before adding to the powdered bark.
- Mix your cooled-down (room-temp) lye water into the powdered bark (I like to feel the outside of the jug with my hand but you can use a thermometer also). Be careful not to splash it on you and always wear gloves, eye protection and even a face mask to help prevent harmful fumes from being inhaled. Mix until the bark is fully saturated and no dried bark is floating on the top. Take your time with this part and make sure it's done correctly.
- Once you are happy that your base is fully saturated, add your solvent on top. Mix (don't shake) softly for about 10 minutes and let sit for 30 minutes. We are just making sure that every bit of the base has been in contact with the solvent to rip away that molecule. Repeat this process 7/8 times to ensure the solvent has extracted the DMT molecule into it. I like to use the rubber seal on the mason jar during mixing but I remove it during the 30-minute separation periods between mixes to prevent pressure build-up and a possible explosion. Don't worry about emulsions because vibration can help remove them, also I use my glass stirring rod to mix the soup and it does wonders to help separate the layers if they don't do so automatically.
- When you are happy that your solvent has dissolved enough DMT, siphon the solvent layer off into an 8x8 Pyrex dish, put the lid on and let it freeze for 12 hours MINIMUM!
-Don't worry about leaving a thin layer of solvent in the mason jar as it gets difficult to siphon without sucking any base into the pipette. You can rest your pipette on the lip of the jar for more stability while siphoning. We will add more solvent on top to start what's called the 2nd pull (you can reuse the solvent from the 1st pull once you bring it back to room temp before adding it back into your base). Once you do this just repeat the mixing and siphon process and it's recommended to do this 3 times (3 pulls) overall but you can do it as many times as you want.
-You can reuse solvent as many times as you want also, so please don't waste it as it is crucial to the process because it is where the DMT molecules are suspended until the freeze precipitation crystallises them.
Mushie_Man attached the following image(s):
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IMG-20230520-WA0004.jpg (1,559kb) downloaded 130 time(s).

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Fluorescent Leaf
#34 Posted : 5/24/2023 11:10:24 PM

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Thank you so much! Sending good thoughts your way.
Fluorescent Leaf
#35 Posted : 6/2/2023 7:42:12 AM

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Hi DMT Nexus Community!

I'm finally on summer break from grad school. Wow! I worked extremely hard this year, and I'm starting to see results. Amazing. And, I'll be 34 this summer, which is also amazing. I hope to extract my own DMT this summer, but I'm nervous about dealing with solvents, especially lye. Crying or very sad I just bought some elbow-length chemical resistant gloves, so.... for folks, like myself, who are scared of caustic solvents, chemical resistant gloves are a good place to start. Twisted Evil lol

Soon I will buy some d-limonene. From my research, I gather that's a good solvent for folks who are scared of solvents. It has medicinal benefits...i.e. helps break up gallstones, etc. A natural cleaner. And, it's a pretty safe food additive that is found in different foods. Thumbs up Awesome!

#36 Posted : 6/4/2023 11:15:33 PM

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Hi FLeaf, nice to hear from you and that things are finally starting to turn around. I don't have permission to PM you because I am still a newbie and not a member.

Interestingly I am now seeking approval for medical cannabis for pain and long covid symptoms. I'm not a big user of any substance but lately I have decided that 'fuck society, I'm going for it'.

My pathway right now is mushrooms, I've been microdosing for about 8 months and only now starting to understand how to use them. Unfortunately I can't do high doses, even medium doses are too tough for me to handle. But, when I vape some cannabis it eases the doorway open and then things start to happen without the drama.

As I've posted in other threads, my trips in hyperspace vary a lot. I started astral traveling in 1980 when I began doing tai chi. I've met a lot of ghosts, teachers and others out there, I still do but it's not as intense as when I was younger.

These days mushrooms and dope have been showing me that there are other way weirder dimensions out there that I want to explore. But as for DMT, I'm still on the fence. Some people say that mushrooms do the same thing but in a different way, I'm happy with that.

When I was young I worked and studied chemistry and biology, I worked in food laboratories for about 4 years before moving into teaching. So I do understand the chemical process to produce DMT but I am not keen on the hassle. Give it to me and I'll try it, get me to make it myself and.. nah, I couldn't be bothered.

I have family and home and all that, I have roots and a little support. Your journey is still evolving while mine is coming to its finals. I have less time to do what I want to do in terms of spiritual growth than you young'ns Smile

It isn't easy walking the spiritual path, no one really understands the hunger that we feel to know more, to experience beyond the veil. So expecting support from famiy or friends is usually asking too much of them when they have no experience of what we have done. They just think we are weird, deluded.

Anyway, stay in touch, I'll bore you if I go on and on like this Smile
Lizard King - astrology, tarot, taoist alchemy, and all things esoteric.

“I am the Lizard King / Retire now to your tents and to your dreams,
Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth, / I want to be ready.”
Jim Morrison - The Doors
Fluorescent Leaf
#37 Posted : 6/20/2023 4:14:38 AM

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Wow, I haven't posted here in awhile. I've been so busy with paperwork and bills and cleaning my apartment and errands and job hunting and just getting stuff done. This weekend I'll catch up, for sure. I haven't been taking any psychedelics lately. Too many adult responsibilities.

I'm almost done gathering supplies. I have almost everything I will need.

I even have the NaOH, no lye, lol. Twisted Evil
Fluorescent Leaf
#38 Posted : 6/26/2023 6:52:29 AM

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This week I'm going to pull my own sacrament. Finally!

I have some physical ailments I firmly believe will be helped by certain tryptamines. Because of those physical ailments, I've been sleeping a disproportionate number of hours. So, alot of endogenous DMT. Tons. Last night I slept for what felt like 13 hours. It was alot. I woke up at 3PM today! Ideally, Dimitria will help me get back on a normal sleep schedule, midnight to 8AM...something normal like that. She's ready for me to extract, and I'm almost ready. For practice, I set up (and then broke down) my little laboratory in my bathroom, which has a huge marble sink you can put all the supplies on, like a marble table.

My biggest concern is that I'm going to inhale the fumes and throw up from the fumes, despite the respirator. Therefore, I'm thinking I'll keep the door to the balcony open, with a bucket on the balcony. I understand that the lye and the water will react, creating heat and gas, and then later on, the lye water will interact with the bark, creating more gas. I'm scared of inhaling fumes, despite the respirator and the 2 fans.

Other than that, I feel confident.

I'm even more committed to doing this by the hour, because each day I'm more divorced from the mainstream than the previous day. I don't know to explain it. To say the least, the DMT Nexus community is just....so much love. I finally feel like I belong to something, where I'm accepted and loved and heard and cared about. I don't really get that validation from the mainstream, because I'm not part of the mainstream. But I get it here, and I'm grateful.
#39 Posted : 6/27/2023 2:36:17 AM

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Fluorescent Leaf wrote:
My biggest concern is that I'm going to inhale the fumes and throw up from the fumes, despite the respirator. Therefore, I'm thinking I'll keep the door to the balcony open, with a bucket on the balcony. I understand that the lye and the water will react, creating heat and gas, and then later on, the lye water will interact with the bark, creating more gas. I'm scared of inhaling fumes, despite the respirator and the 2 fans.

The lye and the water will put off a gas that can burn your nose a bit, so I'm glad to hear you'll be using a respirator. What kind of respirator is it.

Once the basic water has been added to the soup, you won't have to worry too much about further fumes. It's mainly just when you mix the lye in the cool water.

I think you'll be good though with the respirator and fans and I'm excited for your upcoming enterprise. Smile

Fluorescent Leaf wrote:
I'm even more committed to doing this by the hour, because each day I'm more divorced from the mainstream than the previous day. I don't know to explain it. To say the least, the DMT Nexus community is just....so much love. I finally feel like I belong to something, where I'm accepted and loved and heard and cared about. I don't really get that validation from the mainstream, because I'm not part of the mainstream. But I get it here, and I'm grateful.

Definitely feel you there. You're among kindred spirits here. Love

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
Fluorescent Leaf
#40 Posted : 6/27/2023 6:53:10 AM

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Hi Voidmatrix! Many thanks for sending out the DMT love vibe. I genuinely feel it!

By the way, for all those peeps who are following my post, I wanted to add a tip for smoking mugwort:

The time of day that mugwort feels best is when you are exhausted after a long busy day. Like today, I accomplished a thousand different things, I'm exhausted, and smoked some just now while getting ready for bed, and it feels good.

Conversely, mugwort has limited utility during the day when you're caffeinated up and running around trying to get alot of things done. By no means will it hurt you at that time. It just...feels better after the finish line than during the race. So, treat yourself at the end of the day!
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