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NEW here and to this! Just got some spice does it look OK? Options
#1 Posted : 3/10/2023 2:24:30 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello! Im anon and i have been looking to try dmt now for close to a decade a finally was able to come into contact with it. Im looking to do some exploration of myself and some healing of truama if everything works out! I have been around dmt and psychedelics in general for a while but havent been able to find the right time but the time is now. Only question is the stuff I got looks way different than anything ive ever seen before. Does anybody know if N,N Dmt can look like this? It has a very strong smell similar to stuff ive seen before but ive never seen chunks so big before. The consistency is hard and some of the smaller/ outer pieces are kind of waxy. What do you all think?

[MOD EDIT: pics removed as useless (and my eyes hurt) - new pictures may be attached to this post by using the 'Attach' button on the top right.]

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#2 Posted : 3/10/2023 2:51:41 AM

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Can you post some pictures that are a bit more... clear? Laughing

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#3 Posted : 3/10/2023 4:35:58 AM

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Is that one of those magic eye photos? I can't see a darn thing. Clicking on it to download yields a file type that won't open, even though it says it's a .jpg.

Can't help you until we can make out what that photo is, but it you're concerned, I highly advise against consuming any drugs without proper identification or testing with at least 2 different reagents.

Welcome by the way!
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"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." - Terence McKenna
🙌 "Dang, that's really impressive for a first extraction. Those xtals are nicely resolved." - Benzyme 🙌

#4 Posted : 3/10/2023 5:02:04 AM
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Voidmatrix wrote:
Can you post some pictures that are a bit more... clear? Laughing

One love

Hey sorry im new here this wasnt supposed to look all weird I took a few high quality clear photos but im kind of bad with technology never used a forum before. Ill try to figure out what I did wrong thanks!
#5 Posted : 3/10/2023 5:06:43 AM
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widderic wrote:
Is that one of those magic eye photos? I can't see a darn thing. Clicking on it to download yields a file type that won't open, even though it says it's a .jpg.

Can't help you until we can make out what that photo is, but it you're concerned, I highly advise against consuming any drugs without proper identification or testing with at least 2 different reagents.

Welcome by the way!

Hello and thank you! I didnt mean for the pictures to look like this im just terrible with technology haha The pics on my computer are super detailed and clear I dont know why it did this? Ill ssee what I can do and of course im not going to consume anything just yet. I wanted to post on here to get some opinions and to just say high as Ive learned a lot from this community and was excited to join and be apart of it! I love how everyone here is so positive its hard to see on the internet nowadys. And yes ill be sure to test with reagents too just to be safe thanks!

#6 Posted : 3/10/2023 5:42:24 AM

Research & Development

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anonuser897 wrote:
I love how everyone here is so positive its hard to see on the internet nowadys.

The internet has indeed become a cesspool of nasty people. I can assure you my time here has been nothing but wonderful. Maybe you'll get someone who sucks once in a blue moon, but the forum is well moderated, crappy behavior simply isn't tolerated, and because of the purpose of this site it's only natural that like minded and respectful people inhabit this space. You'll have a great time here.
🌳👨โ€🔬🌳 - My A/B Hot Plate TEK - 🌳👨โ€🔬🌳
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โœดโœดโœด - White Spice vs Yellow Spice - 🌟🌟🌟
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." - Terence McKenna
🙌 "Dang, that's really impressive for a first extraction. Those xtals are nicely resolved." - Benzyme 🙌

Homo Trypens
#7 Posted : 3/10/2023 6:14:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi anonuser897, welcome Smile

To me it looks like one of two things must be the case with your picture:
- it was in an interlaced format, or
- it consists of several shots, like a very short video / action shot.

This site strips metadata off of uploaded images, to protect us. The idea is to remove information like when and where the pic was taken, and with what device. Your picture might have used metadata to composite these many images into one.

Did you take the pic with an iPhone? They use a new format (HEIF/HEVC) that might do shenanigans like this.

The solution is probably to use a graphics program like GIMP or Photoshop. Import your picture in that program, then export it as .jpg - this should create a standard jpg that will look good for everyone.

[EDIT] I tried to do that with the downloaded image, but obviously the graphics program would also need the metadata that was stripped. So you'll have to do it yourself, using the original pre-upload picture.
#8 Posted : 3/10/2023 7:10:47 AM

Research & Development

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Or, you can upload to an image hosting site first like imgur.
🌳👨โ€🔬🌳 - My A/B Hot Plate TEK - 🌳👨โ€🔬🌳
🍜🍜🍜 - Don't Heat Your Naphtha, Heat Your Soup! - 🍜🍜🍜
โœดโœดโœด - White Spice vs Yellow Spice - 🌟🌟🌟
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." - Terence McKenna
🙌 "Dang, that's really impressive for a first extraction. Those xtals are nicely resolved." - Benzyme 🙌

#9 Posted : 3/10/2023 1:31:08 PM

Got Naloxone?

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Welcome to the Nexus. I think a lot of us here sympathize with you. Speaking for myself my search for spice went on for 23 years before I was able to extract and try it.

Trust me, it was well worth the wait.

Please take a good look around the site in particular at the extraction teks in the Wiki. It is surprisingly easy to extract your own DMT.

I would sincerely recommend you completely jettison what you have procured by not extracting your own.

The drug supply in America is horribly contaminated and I know this is penetrating other parts of the world.

Whatever you do please don't try it or expose yourself to it without at least testing it with fentynyl strips.

Another issue: If those are chunks or rocks and actually are DMT there is a chance there is still non-polar, carcinogenic solvent still stuck in there. Another good reason to flush it.

I think I'm safe and speaking for this entire site that we want you to stay safe and healthy and live to trip another day.

Personally this is why I think the path is strictly to be found within the plants and making our own.

This world just isn't what it was 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago. Trust me I've watched it all go down.

Again a warm welcome to you.

"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#10 Posted : 3/10/2023 3:16:41 PM

Research & Development

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Pandora wrote:

Personally this is why I think the path is strictly to be found within the plants and making our own.

This world just isn't what it was 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago. Trust me I've watched it all go down.

You've got that right. I know you have another decade or so on me so I can only imagine. What I was able to witness first hand was the fall of unadulterated ecstasy and safe raves.

I know that the scene came to be in the 80's, but my experience came in the late 90's and early 2000's, which was the last golden era I can recall.

Trance and Drum n' Bass were booming! There was a fun show to go to every week. You could take ecstasy from strangers and it was good EVERY time. Then those darn G's Up, Hoes Down pills came out that were so good, opportunists started adding adulterants like DXM and Heroin to the pills of the same press which tricked a lot of people and ended in a lot of deaths. This would become a trend, and soon a lot of these clubs were shut down, even prominent well known clubs like "Nations" in DC.

After that, people were afraid to seek out ecstasy and instead went with pure MDMA (molly). But of course, molly would start to be cut with dangerous impurities as well. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, fentynyl rolls around. Party over!

I know we sound like old farts, but it's just so upsetting to me. You prove a great point, so thanks for pointing it out. KNOWING what is inside of your substance and feeling confident about taking it, in my opinion, is everything. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to enjoy altered states of consciousness the way I do now.

Be safe!
🌳👨โ€🔬🌳 - My A/B Hot Plate TEK - 🌳👨โ€🔬🌳
🍜🍜🍜 - Don't Heat Your Naphtha, Heat Your Soup! - 🍜🍜🍜
โœดโœดโœด - White Spice vs Yellow Spice - 🌟🌟🌟
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." - Terence McKenna
🙌 "Dang, that's really impressive for a first extraction. Those xtals are nicely resolved." - Benzyme 🙌

#11 Posted : 3/10/2023 3:50:53 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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widderic wrote:
Or, you can upload to an image hosting site first like imgur.


Thanks! I hope this works for you!
#12 Posted : 3/10/2023 3:58:15 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Pandora wrote:

Welcome to the Nexus. I think a lot of us here sympathize with you. Speaking for myself my search for spice went on for 23 years before I was able to extract and try it.

Trust me, it was well worth the wait.

Please take a good look around the site in particular at the extraction teks in the Wiki. It is surprisingly easy to extract your own DMT.

I would sincerely recommend you completely jettison what you have procured by not extracting your own.

The drug supply in America is horribly contaminated and I know this is penetrating other parts of the world.

Whatever you do please don't try it or expose yourself to it without at least testing it with fentynyl strips.

Another issue: If those are chunks or rocks and actually are DMT there is a chance there is still non-polar, carcinogenic solvent still stuck in there. Another good reason to flush it.

I think I'm safe and speaking for this entire site that we want you to stay safe and healthy and live to trip another day.

Personally this is why I think the path is strictly to be found within the plants and making our own.

This world just isn't what it was 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago. Trust me I've watched it all go down.

Again a warm welcome to you.


Hello! I am actually familiar with a STB extraction method Ihave done some research of my own my only problem is my landlords are SUPER nosey honestly and I dont want to loose my house or get in trouble. Im sure It might be worth it to even go camping in the summer for aa few days and do he extraction out in the wild but even then getting cuaght with all of the supplies is a death sentance. Yeah ive never seen rocks so big before thats why I was concerened. Before I broke it up the big piece was around .75 grams. Ill definatly look into fentanyl strips as Im aware of how big of an issue that is. Before I moved last year my town was flooded with that stuff never seen anything like it in my life. And I know what you mean about the world going downhill im only in my 30s and even I can see it clear as day. Thanks for your kindness and I took anonther users advice and uploaded the pics to imagur and here is the link https://imgur.com/a/BixJ81w

Thank you kind stranger!
#13 Posted : 3/10/2023 4:02:34 PM
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widderic wrote:
Pandora wrote:

Personally this is why I think the path is strictly to be found within the plants and making our own.

This world just isn't what it was 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago. Trust me I've watched it all go down.

You've got that right. I know you have another decade or so on me so I can only imagine. What I was able to witness first hand was the fall of unadulterated ecstasy and safe raves.

I know that the scene came to be in the 80's, but my experience came in the late 90's and early 2000's, which was the last golden era I can recall.

Trance and Drum n' Bass were booming! There was a fun show to go to every week. You could take ecstasy from strangers and it was good EVERY time. Then those darn G's Up, Hoes Down pills came out that were so good, opportunists started adding adulterants like DXM and Heroin to the pills of the same press which tricked a lot of people and ended in a lot of deaths. This would become a trend, and soon a lot of these clubs were shut down, even prominent well known clubs like "Nations" in DC.

After that, people were afraid to seek out ecstasy and instead went with pure MDMA (molly). But of course, molly would start to be cut with dangerous impurities as well. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, fentynyl rolls around. Party over!

I know we sound like old farts, but it's just so upsetting to me. You prove a great point, so thanks for pointing it out. KNOWING what is inside of your substance and feeling confident about taking it, in my opinion, is everything. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to enjoy altered states of consciousness the way I do now.

Be safe!

I know what you mean about the drug supply I was just at the tail end of it myslef. I remember back in the day when you bought MDMA or LSD thats what you got then all of the sudden your taking god knows what. I stopped using those drugs for the most part other than a tab here or there throughout the years from a safe supply I had sashedSmile It really sucks how greedy people got but I feel like Half of this problem wouldnt have even started if we never had governments getting involved in what people could put in their bodies.
#14 Posted : 3/10/2023 4:03:55 PM
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Homo Trypens wrote:
Hi anonuser897, welcome Smile

To me it looks like one of two things must be the case with your picture:
- it was in an interlaced format, or
- it consists of several shots, like a very short video / action shot.

This site strips metadata off of uploaded images, to protect us. The idea is to remove information like when and where the pic was taken, and with what device. Your picture might have used metadata to composite these many images into one.

Did you take the pic with an iPhone? They use a new format (HEIF/HEVC) that might do shenanigans like this.

The solution is probably to use a graphics program like GIMP or Photoshop. Import your picture in that program, then export it as .jpg - this should create a standard jpg that will look good for everyone.

[EDIT] I tried to do that with the downloaded image, but obviously the graphics program would also need the metadata that was stripped. So you'll have to do it yourself, using the original pre-upload picture.

Hey I figured it out by uploading it to imgur Smile
#15 Posted : 3/10/2023 4:39:46 PM

Research & Development

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anonuser897 wrote:

Hey I figured it out by uploading it to imgur Smile

If that's DMT, then you have enough for the whole planet. So I'm gonna go ahead and say I have no idea what that could be. Maybe MDMA crystal? Even then, that would be A LOT. I'll let someone else chime in here.
🌳👨โ€🔬🌳 - My A/B Hot Plate TEK - 🌳👨โ€🔬🌳
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"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." - Terence McKenna
🙌 "Dang, that's really impressive for a first extraction. Those xtals are nicely resolved." - Benzyme 🙌

#16 Posted : 3/10/2023 5:16:49 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for your input. I weighed it and it comes out to a gram. It does look very strane but it has that familiar smell of different batches of spice ive smelled before. Although that doesent mean too muchVery happy
Also for whatever reason the photo does make the substance look much larger for whatever reason.
#17 Posted : 3/10/2023 5:23:30 PM

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If that is in fact spice the extraction was sloppy and brought over a lot of plant matter. I would recommend doing a recrystilization with heptane.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#18 Posted : 3/10/2023 5:25:56 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Awesome thank you!
Homo Trypens
#19 Posted : 3/10/2023 6:37:30 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Pandora is right, you should recrystallize that. Not only will it reduce most impurities, but it should also grow crystals that look good Smile Which in turn should make it much easier to tell by eye what it is.
#20 Posted : 3/10/2023 7:31:45 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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sounds good!
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