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Salvia TEK to 95+ % Salvinorin A + Analytical Data Options
Brennendes Wasser
#1 Posted : 12/20/2022 8:15:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Extraction of 95+ % purity Salvinorin A from Salvia divinorum leaves

There are many TEKs around since ~ 20 years to extract Salvinorin A from Salvia leaves. Even though I tried some of them I never had too much luck ... the result was never truly crystalline and therefore not pure. In every case the separation from Chlorophyll was the nemesis. The IPA re-x should serve this purpose and it is confirmed to do this job, but for me it never truly worked. If you want to give this other method by Loveall a go, check here. It is also confirmed that it can give a white crystaline product! Now here is a different TEK which will deal as efficient as possible with the removal of Chlorophyll. It requires a little more chemistry equipment than the regular extraction TEKs, but it is designed to still be 100 % kitchen friendly. If you want your hands on pure Salvinorin A, then just grab these goodies!

The title says 95+ % Salvinorin. I am pretty sure it is basically pure Salvinorin, but currently I can only measure NMR myself and this is not 100 % accurate to be used as a purity value as Integral-% is not necessarily purity-%. I am waiting for a GC/HPLC measurement from a friend and then the title will be updated. 95 % is more of a conservative guess to not overshoot Big grin XX

Table of contents:

1. TEK
2. TEK in Short + Solubility Table + Q&A
3. Analytical Data (NMR so far only, more coming)
4. Crystal microscopy

5. Chemical Properties of Salvinorin A (like Evaporation Temp for your Crystals) can be found here.

What do you need?

- 100 g dried Salvia Leaves
- 2 L dry Aceton
- 3 g activated Charcoal (I used 0,3-0,5 mm, 35-50 mesh ASTM)
- 50 ml Methanol (not IPA)

- 1 L container with seal
- Smoothie mixer (or hands + knife Laughing )
- small 1-way plastic Flash Column or any cylindric glass with ~ 2 cm diameter
- Hand Centrifuge like this. Dont worry it's cheap and still even optional only, but will increase yield.
- Pestle and Mortar

You can get the column in any chemistry store. This is an online example. Dont worry. Price is for 50x pieces because they only sell bulk. You will only need to buy 1x very cheap at a local chemistry store ... or find any other vessel that is a ~ 2 cm cylinder, which can hold a package of grains.


1. Extraction from the dried Leaves

Put your 100 g leaves into a smoothie mixer in packages of 10 g each. Turn on smoothie mixer on lowest setting for only 1 second. Leaves will be shredd into ~ 1 - 5 mm size. You dont want them to be too small, as this will make decanting of extraction solvent too laborious. Smaller leaves will need less solvent while making the whole process more efficient. If you dont have a smoothie mixer, use any other grinding machine that you can get that does NOT produce fine powder. If you have nothing by hand ... just use your hand Laughing . Fill your leaf material into the 1 L bottle. If leaves are cut small enough, they might only fill 50 % of the bottle. Now fill the plant material with Room Temperature Aceton (YES you read right - for this TEK it does not need to be Freezer-Temp. Check Q&A) until the plant material is completely covered. It will be ~ 400 ml. Now shake the vessel for 60 seconds. Decant any liquid while using a sieve to not let any plant material leave your glass container. Now repeat 3 times with fresh Aceton to do a total of 4x Room Temperature Extractions.

Picture of the shredded leaves. The 10-Cent Coin is for Scale with 20 mm diameter (left) Aceton bottle after extracting from the leaves. Colour is dark green.

Now you will need to let all the small particles settle that we also took over into the Aceton. The leaves are full of dust or small particles and structures located on the leaves like Trichomes. Filtering is barely possible, so just let it stand for 5+ hours and then decant. You may filter the residual liquid as this now will be much faster.

2. Washing your crude Extract with Naphtha

-- According to Famine this whole step might be unnecessary ... You might directly move on to 3. and then report here if you still got needle-shaped crystals at the end --

This part is the same like in other TEKs. Evaporate your Aceton Extracts. When using a fan, evaporation will be really fast and therefore cool down the liquid due to the heat uptake of the transition liquid -> gas. Therefore water will condense into the liquid and take longer at the end to evaporate as a downside.

Resulting dark-green powder: ~ 1,1 g (1,1 %).

This consists of Salvinorin A + Chlorophyll + plant fats. In the isolation of nature products the term fat does not necessarily speak of real Carbohydrates, but of any components that are disregarded by our extraction desire, but will be carried along the extraction pathway and we need to get rid of them. Still, most of them are non-alkaloids and only soluble in organic solvents like real fats (or Salvinorin Razz ). This step will remove a lot of these unwanted compounds and a little Chlorophyll.

With Hand-Centrifuge:
Put your dark-green powder in a centrifuge tube of correct size and fill the tube up with Naphtha. Regular sizes would be 15 ml which is perfectly suited. Fill another tube with 15 ml Naphtha as the anti-weight. Now shake your Plant-Extract in Naphtha inside the Tube to evenly mix and let the Naphtha soak up as much fats as possible. Then put the tube and anti-tube inside of the hand centrifuge and start rotating. You will not need too much power to get all the plant material down. The first time it will be hard to see the bottom centrifugate but just decant it and it will have worked. If there is no centrifugate fill the liquid back inside and go faster/longer this time. Repeat until the surfacting liquid has a pale colour. Dont worry: it will never become clear. Just compare to the following picture.

No Hand-Centrifuge:
Dont worry, check the Q&A.

Picture of the extracted Plant Material, containing Salvinorin A, Chlorophyll and Fats (left). Centrifuge tube before (top) and after (bottom) a rotation round (right). The bottom picture shows the colour which you get at maximum with this method. A more clear Naphtha is impossible so dont worry it will be fine.

Now let the Naphtha evaporate.

Resulting light-green powder: ~ 0,51 g (0,51 %)

3. Complete Removal of Chlorophyll

Now "complete" is a big word. It will remove 99,9 %+ of the Chlorophyl. Nature is a genious so it has designed this molecule to be the most efficient photo-trap you could imagine. That means it has an insanely high extrinction coefficient which means even a parts-per-million concentration will colour stuff green. Anyways this will not stop us from getting 100 % white crystals. To remove the Chlorophyl in a failproof way we will use a trick. And this is creating a cheap adsorption-column. Activated Charcoal is a perfectly adsorbing grain which is also used as a decolorant for pharmaceuticals. We will use it the same way and let our Salvinorin Solution run through a package of Activated Charcoal, fixed in a tube-structure. For this reason we either need this cheap 1-way plastic column or anything similar. Important is that you can fix the Activated Charcoal package inside of the tube and it will not just fall through. You might use cotton to make a stopper for creating your own solution. In this example I have Activated Charcoal with a size of 0,3-0,5 mm. This is still too big, as it creates a lot of air inclusions when pouring into the column. We would need to unnecessarily increase the Charcoal Amount. Instead grind it to a fine powder. Use 3 g of activated charcoal for 500 mg of Salvinorin/Chlorophyll extract. Dont worry, just go for 5 min of grinding. Dont worry: A pestle and mortar cannot produce infinitely small grains so you will most likely end up in the same volume range. Pour the Activated Charcoal into the Column. You want to create an even bed without valleys. Use 10 ml Aceton per 500 ml plant extract to dissolve your crude Salvinorin/Chlorophyll mix. Now pour this mixture through the activated charcoal. Collect what is coming out and wait until the drops are coming really slowly - you might not directly collect all 10 ml. Now pour in 20 ml of fresh Aceton and collect until drops are coming slowly. Repeat 2 times to wash your column with a total of 20 + 20 + 20 ml fresh Aceton. This will contain all your Salvinorin, while 99+ % of the Chlorophyl is stuck to the activated charcoal (Why is this working? Check Q&A). The colour of the Aceton will still be slightly green. But dont worry, as told above this is Chlorophyll in the ppm range of even less and you removed basically all. Compare with the following pictures.

Picture of the Salvinorin-Chlorophyll-Mix dissolved in Aceton. Take a look at the green to black colour (left). The same liquid after running through the activated charcoal package (right). The liquid is baiscally free of Chlorophyll. Take a look at the droplet just falling from the column. The black material you see at the top is the layer of 3 g finely ground activated charcoal.

Now let the Aceton evaporate. This is still not completely pure Salvinorin A, but you might stop here as you have a solid which can be perfectly handled.

Resulting light-green powder: ~ 0,45 g (0,45 %).

4. Recrystallization to Salvinorin A needles

Now we will use the Recrystallization, but not to get rid of Chlorophyll (still we will loose the last bit of green coloration here ...). This is performed in Methanol instead of IPA. Methanol is really dangerous to your body, so in case you dont like it you might use IPA as a last ressort. Place your crude Salvinorin inside of a beaker and crush it as fine as possible. Now cover it with 20 ml of Methanol per 500 mg of crude Salvinorin and boil it for 2 min - preferable while stirring. If nothing more dissolves, decant into another vessel. The Methanol will have catched up a slight green colour from the last traces of Chlorophyll. Repeat with 20 ml fresh Methanol. If there is still a white powder remaining that did not dissolve, you can crush it even finer and use a last 10 ml of boiling Methanol. If that does not dissolve it is not Salvinorin A. For exact solubility of Salvinorin A in Methanol see the solubility table at this post. Solubility may vary depending on from what matrix you extract your actives.

Picture of the crude Salvinorin extract after removing the Chlorophyll. Only traces of it are left, causing a slight greenish colour (left). Picture of the Salvinorin, starting to precipitate as fine needles from the Methanol (right). Note how the Methanol now has catched up even the last molecules of Chlorophyll.

Now place your Methanol in the Freezer at -20 °C over night. Afterwards decant off the Methanol. The needles might be really delicate and small, so maybe a Filter will be needed. Wash the needles with some fresh Methanol which is -20 °C temperature.

You might evaporate the combined Methanol separately to get some more mg of Salvinorin A with a lower purity.

Resulting white needle-shaped crystals: ~ 0,291 g (0,29 %)

Picture of the Salvinorin extract which we can call Salvinorin A now (left). Picture of the Salvinorin A crystals at the microscale (right).


(I actually mean extracting, Salvia is hell of a drug so it cant be enjoyed if you ask me Stop )

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
Brennendes Wasser
#2 Posted : 12/20/2022 8:16:50 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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TEK in Short

1. Grind 100 g dried Salvia leaves and put inside 1 L vial
2. cover completely with Aceton and shake for 60 sec - repeat 3x
3. Let your Extract rest overnight and then decant from the sedimented particles
4. Let the Aceton evaporate (Crude Yield ~ 1,1 %)
5. Either with Centrifuge or Beaker: Wash with multiple portions of 15 ml Naphtha per 1 g Extract until the Naphtha Colour does not change (Crude Yield ~ 0,51 %) (might be optional only! Try and report)
7. Dry powder and grind 3 g activated Charcoal to a powder. Fill inside of any tube with ~ 2 cm diameter.
8. Dissolve your powder in 10 ml Aceton per 0,5 g. Let this run through the activated charcoal column.
9. Wash column with 20 + 20 + 20 ml fresh Aceton and combine all 4 fractions.
10. Evaporate the Aceton to give crude Salvinorin free from Chlorophyll.
11. Dissolve crude Salvinorin in 20 ml boiling Methanol per 500 mg. Decant if no more dissolves.
12. Repeat this step until no more crude Salvinorin dissolves.
13. Combine Methanol extractions and place in freezer for 1 night.
14. Decant and wash crystals with -20 °C cold Methanol.
You may combine the decanted Methanol from 13. and 14. to also evaporate it to get a little more Salvinorin A back.

Yield ~ 0,29 %

Solubility Table

As Methanol is the best re-x solvent, the data of Methanol Solubility is shown here. Data on IPA can be found here.

Boiling Methanol (64 °C)
> 80 mg in 10 ml
> 800 mg in 100 ml

RT Methanol (20 °C)
18 mg in 10 ml
180 mg in 100 ml

Freezer Methanol (-20 °C)
3 mg in 10 ml
30 mg in 100 ml

Questions and Answers - Q&A

Q: Why dont we need Freezer Cold (-20 °C) Aceton? We will extract too much unwanted oils!

A: The easy answer: The Naphtha wash and Charcoal Adsorption seems to still catch up every compounds that MIGHT have been excessively dissolved by the room temperature Aceton. I think the usage of -20 °C Aceton originates from a TEK where I cant find the source. But on the german (and pretty inactive) board Salvia-Community there was a translation of this forum entry and that guy clamed he first found extracting Salvinorin free of oils after using his (unintended) Aceton left outside at - 10 °C in winter. Not sure if that is an urban legend, but in any way this TEK also did not do a serious Chlorophyll removal step. Therefore it might have been just as random if you will extract more Chlorophyll to just get a dark oil or less Chlorophyll to be able to re-x later on. But since that time all TEKs kept reproducing. The Naphtha wash will remove all fats while the Activated Charcoal removes all Chlorophyl. An extract which does not crystallize and seemingly is full of plant fats would have probably been just too full of Chlorophyll to create crystals, so the sludge-consistency made people believe they have still too much oils in their extract.

Q: I dont have the Hand Centrifuge. What can I do?

A: You can place your crude plant extract in a beaker and extract from this while stirring with Nephtha. Sadly decanting will be difficoult. The extract is too voluminous and you would lose quite some when decanting. MAYBE it will work, MAYBE it will not work (well).

Dispense your crude extract in Naphtha and then throw it onto the activated charcoal column of Step #3. Then let 50 ml of Naphtha run through the column. It will not dissolve your Salvinorin, which stays on the Column. Not because it would adsorb to the Activated Charcoal (that still doesnt happen), but as the charcoal now works like a fine sieve (only if it is well ground with pestle and mortar before). Dispose the Naphtha that run through. Then you can throw 20 + 20 + 20 ml Aceton on top to selectively just dissolve the Salvinorin through that column like designed in this TEK.

This step might actually be even better than the original TEK. It will have the same efficiency and be more slim and elegant. If you try it this way, please report your results here. Any Salvinorin that would have still washed away with this Naphtha can be retrieved by evaporating the Naphtha again.

But also as I wrote already during the TEK, according to Famine he also got white crystals without this step. You might try if it even works without and then report here!

Q: Why is Activated Charcoal only adsorbing the Chlorophyll and not the Salvinorin?

A: I dont know too much about the chemistry here. But indeed the Activated Charcoal will not absorb any Salvinorin, unless trace amounts. Adsorption of chemicals on a surface is a strong non-covalent intermolecular interaction. This is favoured if the molecular geometry fits this purpose AKA being mostly flat and not globular / spheric shaped. Furthermore interactions between molecules are strong if the molecule carries a lot of (preferably conjugated) sp2 hybridized atoms, as they have electrons in p-Orbitals which can interact in a 90° angle from the molecular plane. This effect also causes the pi-Stacking, which might be a reason for brown DMT. Chlorophyll perfectly matches both of these: It is basically a giant flat plate of sp2 atoms. Salvinorin has a Furan Ring which also fulfills that but it is negligible compared to the overall molecule size.
But I did not read it anywhere so this is just a speculation, even though probably meaningfull ... Confused

Q: Methanol takes long to evaporate ... can I just wash it off with Naphtha, hence the Naphtha will evaporate faster?

A: Sadly not. The solvents will not mix and just create a mush/far of Salvinorin-Methanol swimming inside of the Naphtha, completely ruining your crystals. Just let it sit somewhere and accept that Methanol takes some time for evaporation Confused

Q: I want to track the Salvinorin during this TEK or in my own TEKs. How can I take track of it with performing Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)?

A: Sadly being a Diterpenoid it will nearly not absorb even in UV-light. Only that Furan Ring has a slight absorption at 280 nm. Therefore in a TLC it will be invisible.
Perform the TLC in 50:50 vol Ethyl Acetate:Naphtha
Make Salvinorin A + B visible with a chromogenic agent:
1 g Vanillin + 0,3 ml 100 % Sulfuric Acid + 50 ml Ethanol
cover your TLC plate for 5 sec in this solution, take it out and heat it up to ~ 100-120 °C (preferably airgun, hot plate also ok). Salvinorins will react to pink/purple spots and run at rf ~ 0,3.
Brennendes Wasser
#3 Posted : 12/20/2022 8:17:32 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Purity Investigation - 1H-NMR

NMR can give a good idea about the purity of a product. Nevertheless it will give you the number of proton signals (and therefore Hydrogen atoms) inside of your chemicals, which dont need to correlate perfectly with the actual mole fractions of each component, as you might see in a 50:50-weight mixture of Hexan and Benzol. Hexan will create much more signals AKA integral-%, implying you have more Hexan in your mixture based on the Proton count, which is wrong obviously. But these are just 2 extreme examples.

As the absolute purity will not be perfectly accurate, it can still give good idea about contaminations and also (in our case) tell us the Ratio of Salvinorin A to Salvinorin B.

First we have the predicted 1H Spectrum. Also included is an insert which shows the location of potential Salvinorin B signals. This sister molecule has simply cut off the Ester located at position #13 and replaced with an Alkohol. This will shift the Signals of Proton #13. The additional new Signal from the theoretical OH #27 will probably not be visible due to exchange with Deuterium invisible in 1H NMR.

The molecule is a Diterpenoid (it's a curiosity, being still psychoactive) and therefore has a lot of aliphatic signals coming. This will potentially be tedious to analyze, but we will see later.

Predicted 1H NMR of Salvinorin A. Salvinorin B will produce the Signals in the red Box, IF it is present.

Now here is the measured 1H NMR of the Salvinorin retreaved from this TEK. It was measured in a shitty and old NMR at 200 MHz, but that is all I can provide now. Will not have an impact on any conclusion we can do from this picture.

Measured 1H NMR of our Product from this TEK.

Well we basically just see the plain Spectrum of Salvinorin A. There is only 1 contamination visible at 3,35 ppm, but this is just a trace. Signals of the Furan Ring coming after 6 ppm have a little bit reduced integral. But that might be due to Proton-Deuterium-exchange due to their sp2-nature, which makes them prone to rearrangements or intermolekular replacement. The Integral of the aliphatic protons at 1,5 - 3,0 ppm is too high by 0,43 but that is not too much, maybe resulting from taking the Methylester Peak #31 to Normalize signals. I'm not sure if the connection of signals to atom-# is completely true, but that is more of a philosophic question whether #33 is 2,55 ppm or 2,75 ppm (and so on). Nevertheless the COULD be something like a contamination hiding at this range, but it would still only make up a total peak integral fraction of 0 - 2,1 %. Therefore as a realy conservative guess I am sure that this compound is 95 % pure Salvinorin A, maybe even 97 % or 99 %.

Most interestingly we see NO Salvinorin B. Even though the Signal of OH- #27 would be gone, we would still see the R2CH proton at #13. But there is absolutely no signal, indicating that the resulting product is free of (inactive Twisted Evil ) Salvinorin B. Either it was not present in this plant at all or it was removed during this TEK? But not sure how the B-molecule would have been separated and the A-molecule not.Confused

Famine wrote he found Salvinorin C also. This one carries a double bond at C11-C12 and Keton O= #14 is oxidized to a Methylester.
Most certainly that would be identified in a 1H spectrum with the additional R2CHOR peak at ~ 5,2 ppm (triplett, I = 1) or the sp3 to sp2 shift of Proton H12 at 6,62 ppm (doublett, I = 1). In both cases we have signals roughly at this place. But they must definetly be linked to Salvinorin A, as they are used in all cases at the molecule body and quite nicely match the proton count. Therefore it seems Salvinorin C is also not present. Which is actually weird to lack both, as nature products are mostly a mixtures of isomers that are hard to seperate with conventional TEKs like this. Maybe a chromatogram will tell more in future.

Anyways the purity might be 95 - 100 %. A final value will come with a GC/HPLC measurement which is on its way. Even then the resulting detector peak-% would need a true calibration to perfectly reflect the actual purity-%, but this value will be then still really close to the truth. XX

Then the title will be adjusted according to that.

Purity Investigation - HPLC / GC

coming soon ... XX

Bonus: UV-Vis Spectrum of Chlorophyll-infested Salvinorin A

As told above in the original TEK, Chlorophyll is a remarkable molecule, designed throughout millions of years to be as efficient as possible at light-catching. That is why the absorption (more precisely the extinction coefficient) at the designed wavelength of ~ 400 nm and ~ 660 nm extremely high. In the middle there is a gap - that is why you should take care which artificial lamps you buy for your green friends Rolling eyes Big grin .

More importantly Salvinorin A is one of an opposite candidate: Basically nothing which would ever meaningfull absorb light.

Now here you can have an interesting proof. This is the absorption spectrum of Salvinorin A, which has still a slight Chlorophyll contamination and it's shown at the last 2 pairs of pictures in the next post. You can see crystallinity is really high, but now check the UV-Vis:

Even though the Chlorophyll will probably present in concentrations less than 0,1 %, but still the ectinction of these traces are as strong as the overwhelming amount of Salvinorin A, simply absorbing at 280 nm due to this Furan Ring Big grin

The absorption spectrum of 2x recrystallized Salvinorin A can be found like other physico-chemical properties here. Interestingly, still a small hint of Chlorophyll could be seen.
Brennendes Wasser
#4 Posted : 12/20/2022 8:19:01 PM

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Crystal Microscopy

Salvinorin A can be recrystallized to delicate needles in Methanol. Aceton can be used, but the crystals will be less needle-shaped due to a faster precipitation at the very end of evaporation due to higher solubility.

The microscope supports pictures with illumination from the bottom or top relative to the spectator - therefore you will see always 2 pictures with both illumination modes on. Even though showing the same crystal, it sometimes gives a nice twist by adding some more details like rainbow refraction effects, already observed for 5-MeO-DMT.

First pair of pictures are Aceton-evaporated to give a comparison, then derived from MeOH.

Last 2 pairs of pictures are from the lesser pure Salvinorin from another batch shown above in the UV-Vis Spectrum with the Chlorophyll. Even though having more Chlorophyll inside, these needles were the absolute sharpest one. Barely 20 µm thick.

#5 Posted : 12/20/2022 9:02:11 PM

Entheogen Enthusiast

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Hello Brennendes! Awesome post Smile

We have ran the extraction the following way:

1. Crush into fine powder
2. Extract with ACE x 3
3. Filter + strip solvent
4. Dissolve in EtOAC:Heptane (60:40)
5. Filter through activated carbon
6. Strip solvent under vacuo
7. Re-x with boiling MeOH x 2

It was relatively easy to obtain white crystals as you did using this. Salv B and C were present with MS. No NMR was done

Salvinorin b ethoxymethyl ether was made by hydrolysis with Cs2CO3 (yes we splurged for the higher yield) and then reaction with chloromethyl ethyl ether (which is HIGHLY carcinogenic! DO NOT MESS WITH THIS STUFF).

If you can run the hydrolysis and run NMR on the product it would be great Thumbs up
Brennendes Wasser
#6 Posted : 12/20/2022 9:36:23 PM

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4. Dissolve in EtOAC:Heptane (60:40)

I know where that mixture is from but I found with the ratio told above regarding Activated Charcoal to Salvinorin it will catch nearly 100 % of Chlorophyll and nearly 0 % even when using Aceton so I went with that.

If you run 1 L of Aceton through that column afterwards it will still not get green Big grin Big grin

Also I was scared that the Heptane would crash out my Salvinorin, even though I thought that mixture might be necessary to reduce Chlorophyll solubility / enhance Adsorptivity even more. But actually seems not necessary.

Also I was annoyed as hell because the Roti pump is crap and could not even remove Heptan ... (well it's not a chemistry lab Laughing Laughing ). THAT was actually the thought to switch completely to Aceton. But others will obviously benefit from this as well.

Salvinorin b ethoxymethyl ether was made by hydrolysis with Cs2CO3 (yes we splurged for the higher yield) and then reaction with chloromethyl ethyl ether (which is HIGHLY carcinogenic! DO NOT MESS WITH THIS STUFF).

So what is the magic behind this ether?

Salvinorin B is inactive, so how does this one perform Shocked Shocked

PS: I forgot to check for signs of Salvinorin C in that NMR ...
#7 Posted : 12/21/2022 12:07:17 AM

Entheogen Enthusiast

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You should run the hydrolysis to salv b and run NMR. I would love to see the results.

This post got me interested in salvinorin b methoxymethyl ether: https://www.erowid.org/e...iences/exp.php?ID=110531

I haven't tried the one I made over a year ago now. It's in my collection of super rare/potent substances. DOTFM (2,5-Dimethoxy-4-trifluoromethylamphetamine) is another one I need to try sometime this year which is just collecting dust, maybe I can contribute with a report.

Anyhow thank you for your amazing quality of work! You present everything so well. Much better than I could ever Crying or very sad
Brennendes Wasser
#8 Posted : 12/21/2022 12:26:16 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow this experience report sounds crazy ... Crying or very sad

But actually I am even too scared to try this Salvinorin now.

1x smoked 0,25 g of 20x Extract in Amsterdam. It's insane they just sell it in a street shop Stop Stop

No need for more ... I just made it for analyzing.

But I'm still eager to read stories like that maybe soon written by you Big grin Big grin

Just take care or find a good source of experimental mice.
#9 Posted : 12/21/2022 1:39:43 AM

Entheogen Enthusiast

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I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors in whatever it will be. You are clearly very passionate in this and I hope you could get a job linked to this. There's many opportunities. The new class of non-hallucinogenic psychoplastogens are really interesting and will be huge in the next years. I am currently experimenting on AAZ-A-154 (which crystallises beautifully!)

Just this week I started with DMT and 5-MeO-DMT again. Will get to full doses of both before new years and then I will continue my 5-EtO-DMT journey (which I did last new year). I need to experiment with higher doses both vapourised and oral. It has huge potential for healing Big grin Get some 4-ethoxyaniline and join me, you'll have no problem from there Wink
#10 Posted : 12/21/2022 2:45:02 AM


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Those procedures look good. Thanks for sharing.

This process also gives white xtals (not analyzed)

1) Cold acetone pulls, rest in freezer, decant
2) Evaporate
3) Naphtha washes
4) Dissolve in boiling IPA, add two parts naphtha + xtalize in freezer. White xtals grow ☺️
5) Decant and wash with naptha

Small white xtals result. Dissolve in acetone and evaporate slowly to grow large xtals.

The TEK for this is in my signature.

Less than 1mg produced strong effects on e-mesh (dosed by making an acetone tincture with known drop weight). Acetone evaporated fully before turning on e-mesh.
💚🌵💚 Mescaline CIELO TEK 💚🌵💚
💚🌳💚DMT salt e-juice HIELO TEK💚🌳💚
💚🍃💚 Salvinorin Chilled Acetone with IPA and Naphtha re-X TEK💚🍃💚
Brennendes Wasser
#11 Posted : 12/21/2022 5:34:00 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I also tried this route first, but sadly the separation from Chlorophyll just did not work ... always just retrieved a green slush after the methanol cooled down, but actually just lost most material during this step. I had the feeling as removing Chlorophyl by this step can be situational and even during my first go 2019 the precipitate was more like grey clouds instead of crystals.

I guess the shorter path is just as efficient, but maybe in some cases just doesnt work because of too high extraction temperatures or any other sort which might not be easy to track. In any way in case the traditional TEK is not giving any good results, this can be used on the green slush if evaporated down, if it would be lost otherwise. Thumbs up

Also we both checked Salvinorin Evaporation with a Vaporizer and we thought the optimal temp is around ~ 200 °C surprisingly. Now I have the real evaporation data and will be posted soon, but that suggests to use 280 - 300 °C ...

I'm pretty sure that my hotplate-evaporation experiments just gave fumes at 220 °C due to Chlorophyll disintegrating, but I guess tomorrow will post the correct evaporation temp.
#12 Posted : 12/21/2022 5:50:48 PM


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Is salvinorin soluble in vegetable glycerin? Maybe it can be atomized and carried into the lungs with small e-juice drops at low temps?

I believe someone on Reddit claimed success with a 50:50 PG:VG solution.

💚🌵💚 Mescaline CIELO TEK 💚🌵💚
💚🌳💚DMT salt e-juice HIELO TEK💚🌳💚
💚🍃💚 Salvinorin Chilled Acetone with IPA and Naphtha re-X TEK💚🍃💚
#13 Posted : 12/21/2022 10:53:23 PM


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Loveall wrote:
Is salvinorin soluble in vegetable glycerin? Maybe it can be atomized and carried into the lungs with small e-juice drops at low temps?

I believe someone on Reddit claimed success with a 50:50 PG:VG solution.

I think I'm just gonna give this a shot. Will try to dissolve white xtaline salvia extact in e-juice.

I think I'll start with ~1/10 the DMT concentration and see what happens.

Also have | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | that I can add to increase solubility and maybe improved absorption in lungs.
💚🌵💚 Mescaline CIELO TEK 💚🌵💚
💚🌳💚DMT salt e-juice HIELO TEK💚🌳💚
💚🍃💚 Salvinorin Chilled Acetone with IPA and Naphtha re-X TEK💚🍃💚
Brennendes Wasser
#14 Posted : 12/22/2022 3:58:10 PM

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As it is already not really soluble in even MeOH or ISO I guess it is likely having a bad solubility in most stuff Shocked But that would be a cool thing, especially as a vapable Salvinorin liquid would reduce the risk of Overshooting your dose, just like you mentioned to Vape the Crystals only, but pre-dissolved in Aceton Thumbs up

Maybe at some point I might try this stuff again, I thought about weighing 10 mg and cut it by half 4x to get below 1 mg, but that will not be too accurate. So any volumetric way of getting your dose would be smarter Surprised

I also have alpha and beta CDs, so maybe will give this also a try in a Nose-Spray. Have there been any good estimates for Ratio Salvinorin : Cyclodextrin?
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