I'm by no means and salvia specialist but I was given a couple plants a while back.
I have been growing two plants indoors but in almost totally different conditions and soils. I am in a colder climate max min of around -4c in winters and +40c in summer.
Both get indirect morning light through obscure glass. East window.
Plant one has perlite, coco coir and fertilized rich soil but gets zero humidity. This thing gets punished. Sits under a heater in winter and 60% of its leaves curl and 60% of its leaves brown some die as they dry up (especially in winter with the heater). The rest of the year it gets no humidity. Yet it still grows all year round. It looks darker and wood-ier than plant number two. It gets water when it droops or when the top soil dries. But otherwise new growth always looks happy. I fertilize it maybe once a month with liquid fertilizer and fish/ seaweed tonic.
Plant two sits in the same spot but in a little terrarium, it has a mix of 40% rock (small) and 60% of the cheapest soil you can buy. The terrarium has a lid and provides great humidity. I have never needed to water it except when it was transplanted. It as a drainage hole at the bottom and gets a tiny amount of fertilizer and tonic ever 2 months. It looks healthier than the other one, greener and no dry leaves etc. Grows fairly quickly. (The terrarium is also used to root cuttings).
I've never had yellow leaves unless it turns yellow then quickly to brown from lack of humidity (so i cant give advice there). I do get purple leaves which fix themselves with fertilizer but this is rare. But i have found as long as you give it moist but well drained soil and humidity it'll thrive. I have friends nearby that grow outdoors in a greenhouse and they survive cold winters fine.
IMO I have found they can be finicky but they are also very tough if you cater to those 4 things, indirect light, drainage, moist soil and humidity (although they seem to survive without humidity).
If you want to give it the best chance in a colder climate without investing in a grow tent etc. Get a big glass vase/ terrarium etc with a lid and place it in that. It'll stay healthy all year round with little maintenance. You'll be able to travel without worrying about killing it.
Disclaimer: All my posts are of total fiction.