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Annoying entities in pre-breakthrough realm Options
#41 Posted : 7/31/2022 6:27:08 PM

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Tomtegubbe wrote:
This may be a bit off from your conversation, but I want to share some of my thoughts on hell.

I have had some experience with some very nasty realms. One experience that I was convinced I am looping an eternity in damnation and the grace when portal back to this reality opened.

Now that I think of the time I had those experiences, I was bound with darkness and that darkness became manifest in the trips.

I don't know what happens after this body dies, but I feel like whatever is unresolved in that moment will continue in a form or another, at least in other people.

Through meditation and enormous help of Ayahuasca, I have been able to crawl through those fearsome realms and resolve many of my issues. And even though there's still lots of work to be done, I feel like I'm on a path to salvation.

In Buddhism hell realms are not eternal. Nothing is permanent in that thought. But sometimes your karma forces you to go through them. Even if we don't take it literally, this life offers plenty of opportunities to experience darkness. But the darkness is not eternal and immutable and the bad that binds us, can be unbound.

As real as is the darkness are the moments of peace, happiness and freedom when you go through the entanglements that have caused you pain and are able to let go little by little.

Great comment and thanks for sharing it here.

To be honest, I was wondering if it could be a cool idea to implement some kind of personal TRIP journal function on the site for full members? Which can be shared or not shared at anytime. Complete voluntary of course, even with options to make them private but available to anyone through sharing a uniquely generated link/key. Because then people could kind of track their "progress", whatever it maybe, and it could be easier than deciding whether to have to share a story at a specific time (where they might want to but it's not convenient to type out), or without the worry of website-wide availability (and I guess with the internet in the new member area--not quite sure how it works for people not logged into the site though).

Just an idea, as I think the sharing of information, even if it's just conjecture or of a anecdotal / subjective nature, can be beneficial to others who are in need of guidance but might have trust / paranoia / whatever type of issues that get in their way.

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#42 Posted : 8/1/2022 12:59:41 AM

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This is entirely a tangent I'm taking here, and maybe a little pedantic: It's worth considering the difference between the terms 'eternal' and 'perpetual'. Notwithstanding the pressure from popular usage, as I understand it 'eternal' (along with 'eternity') would be used in order to convey a sense of existing or occurring outside of time whereas 'perpetual' and 'perpetuity' are the words for things that go on forever.

What with eternity being outside of our usual perception of time it can give the illusion of carrying on forever, alongside the seemingly contradictory feeling of it only having lasted an instant when we return to a more consensus time-flow.

This distinction seems useful to me and popular usage of 'eternal' does not, in my experience, make it clear.

necromanteum wrote:
implement some kind of personal TRIP journal function on the site for full members

If you click on the name of any member (here's yours) it brings up their profile page where one of the clickable tabs is for "Experience Reports". Now, I'm not entirely sure right now but I think if you were to add a report to the one of the relevant Experience Reports sections of the forum (each under their respective substance/plant), it would then appear under this tab. The profile page is only visible to logged-in members; however, experience reports seem to be visible to all.

How would you envision the 'Trip Journal' function working? One option as it stands is that you can just send yourself a PM if you want to store your trip journal privately on this site. A possible advantage of your proposed system is that it could in principle include a user definable visibility level, from completely private to members only to public. This would allow 'publishing' of the report with the click of a button rather than some cut-and-paste fiddling, which would then be easier for smartphone users in particular.

Another option in the present set up is that you could save the reports as attachments, which are only visible to logged-in members.

Your idea is worth discussing in a thread of its own, just so we don't derail too much here!

β€œThere is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#43 Posted : 4/14/2023 3:11:39 PM

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#44 Posted : 4/17/2023 7:55:10 PM

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To the most recent poster: Hey, I'd say lay off the medicine for a while, then only when you hear the call, and only then, dip your toes again.

As for me, I might get a flashback or two (anxiety pang as if carrier frequency is getting louder and have to lay off reading thread further for a while) from reading certain posts in this thread. That's how it is for me still.

These types of trips definitely happen, this happened to me, and from what I've read on nexus, it happens to quite a few people. Though it's seems hard to explain to someone who never experienced this, like there is your average DMT experience, there is what one might call breakthrough and then there are levels to breakthroughs and then there is this what we talk about in this thread. It just feels like a different type of DMT experience I guess. So unless you've been there, you haven't.

To me suggestions just to "shine them with love and rainbows out of your muladhara chakra" doesn't seem to fit the situation, as during such traumatic (bad) experiences, one feels distinct external control over self or parts of self.

Now I can't say if this is because of demonic entities at work or some psychology stuff or aliens, but nonetheless I envy ones who have skills and fortitude to withstand and repel such states.
#45 Posted : 4/18/2023 10:34:55 AM

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Exitwound wrote:
... but nonetheless I envy ones who have skills and fortitude to withstand and repel such states.
I've always thought the indigenous traditional shamanic practices would have hand on experience with these, practices that we home delvers might miss out on. Then again, they just might be like all of us, riding it out, I dunno. But I'd love to think they have mastery.
And if so, this mastery might just as well be the protective precautions in advance too, set 'n setting stuff. But then again this might be just in vane too. Idk.
#46 Posted : 4/19/2023 8:27:50 AM

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Exitwound wrote:
To the most recent poster: Hey, I'd say lay off the medicine for a while, then only when you hear the call, and only then, dip your toes again.

I'm not planning on it, although I thought I felt the call to do the most recent one. A tiny inhale on the vape and then my entire room changing into that terrifying, black-and-white distortion in a split second was highly unnerving.

I certainly miss the 60x before this where I'd just close my eyes and enjoy the incredible visual performance it'd put on for me.

I'm still hoping others can chime in with similar experiences.
#47 Posted : 7/2/2023 12:24:53 AM

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I encountered two dark,shadowy figures on my 4th or 5th experience. They looked mean and were trying to be scary, making evil faces at me, trying to get a reaction from me. I didn't feel afraid, only curious. All of a sudden, one rushed toward my face in a strong, threatening way, like it was going to attack me. I held my space and smiled at it. The entity paused, backed away and then returned my smile. They both left after that. It was like they were testing me, to see if they could scare or manipulate me. For me, the takeaway was to just flow with the experience, not let fear control you. I think the experience would have been different, had I shown fear. I was actually a little surprised at my reaction. It turned out well that time. I've also, on several occasions, had Mayan looking beings poke their faces through the fractal membrane and just hang out with no interaction with me.
#48 Posted : 7/2/2023 11:10:42 PM
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I've been routinely swarmed by entities in almost every experience sub-breakthrough and beyond. Very occasionally dark. Most often confusing, insistent, frantic, mischievous. Quite a number of times so many entities that it is impossible to make any sense of them. Sometimes playful and warm. Very occasionally angry and trying to tell me off. Very occasionally so deep and telepathic that I've come down crying my eyes out. Only once giant, mechanical brain inspecting arachnid.

But without doubt the most beautiful visually was just a few days ago after a long break. The air in the room was a wave of fractal geometry that took the form of a faceless head and arms as it moved across towards me flowing up and down, up and down.

This was sub breakthrough, but this entity clearly took me by the shoulders and pushed me back onto the sofa into a relaxed position. The one form became two or three and then proceeded to dance around in front of my eyes, folding and morphing in a pleasing and friendly manner.

I dont see a lot of colours in the geometry. Transparent is the usual, like glass with a hint of reflection. Sometimes murky and sometimes made of pure light.

I'm getting sidetracked. But I guess my input is that all manner of personalities visit me even sub breakthrough.
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
#49 Posted : 7/3/2023 4:02:40 AM


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I can't speak on the nature of ALL the entities we encounter in these states but I have noticed that by increasing the coherence of the experience via sympathetic resonance (large singing bowls and even eye gazing) that a lot of them seem to be the result of the rational mind or left brain or ego trying to make sense of the unfamiliar data

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#50 Posted : 7/3/2023 11:15:59 AM
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universecannon wrote:
I can't speak on the nature of ALL the entities we encounter in these states but I have noticed that by increasing the coherence of the experience via sympathetic resonance (large singing bowls and even eye gazing) that a lot of them seem to be the result of the rational mind or left brain or ego trying to make sense of the unfamiliar data

Do you think, you could elaborate on that a little bit more? Not sure I understand really what you are doing and the conclusions you draw - but it sounds really interesting.
#51 Posted : 7/9/2023 11:13:25 PM

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MuteUSO wrote:
universecannon wrote:
I can't speak on the nature of ALL the entities we encounter in these states but I have noticed that by increasing the coherence of the experience via sympathetic resonance (large singing bowls and even eye gazing) that a lot of them seem to be the result of the rational mind or left brain or ego trying to make sense of the unfamiliar data

Do you think, you could elaborate on that a little bit more? Not sure I understand really what you are doing and the conclusions you draw - but it sounds really interesting.

Yeah, what? I'm not really understanding what that meant.

Also, I'm curious if anyone else has experienced the delay in "breakthrough" (subjective term and not an agreed-upon unit of measurement) that I reported earlier. Probably 5-15s had passed since I felt the effects and exhaled when my vision went black and I was yanked backward. This delay seems odd to me if I'd done enough to "blackout" and have my consciousness transported to a void.

One would think that'd be fairly instantaneous, no? 3-5s inhale > 10s hold > exhale > 5-15s lucidity > bam! vision goes black and I'm pulled backwards on my bed. Is that a normal timeline for something like this? Anyone have this happen before?

Thank you.
#52 Posted : 7/9/2023 11:32:50 PM

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scaredofthedark wrote:
Is that a normal timeline for something like this? Anyone have this happen before?

Yep, perfectly normal. Happens to me on occasion, even when I'm not taking a breakthrough dose. DMT is wild card, no matter how many times one does it you never really know what you're gonna get.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#53 Posted : 7/12/2023 10:24:06 PM


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MuteUSO wrote:
universecannon wrote:
I can't speak on the nature of ALL the entities we encounter in these states but I have noticed that by increasing the coherence of the experience via sympathetic resonance (large singing bowls and even eye gazing) that a lot of them seem to be the result of the rational mind or left brain or ego trying to make sense of the unfamiliar data

Do you think, you could elaborate on that a little bit more? Not sure I understand really what you are doing and the conclusions you draw - but it sounds really interesting.

Our brain is constantly dumbing down this unfathomably complex universe we call reality and constructing a model that we experience. What our scientific instruments tell us a tree IS, for example, is light-years beyond anything we normally experience when looking at a tree. If you could see its cellular and quantum makeup, all at once, or see more of the electromagnetic spectrum, then you'd get an idea of what I mean. Our experience right now is reduced to just the surface of things.

To make matters worse there is many fascinating studies that our brain (left hemisphere to be specific) goes even further and will confabulate aka we lie to ourselves without even realizing it. It's why students in one study we reviewed in college saw a gun in an intruders hand when it was really just a banana. Expectations, conditioning, beliefs, prior experiences etc can have a strong influence in psychedelic states when a more right hemisphere version of reality begins to emerge and our left brain attempts to make sense of this ocean of unfamiliar data coming in. Data that it is not even capable of comprehending. So it does its best and you often even see how memories etc play a role in what you are seeing when it comes to these "entities". Even your current thoughts can have a massive influence on it. I don't know if ALL entities are a misinterpretation of the unfamiliar data but it's been very clear to me that these sub-breakthrough ones are particularly obvious. For example I saw one my last solo journey that looked like Mario in Greek robes. I don't think there is an oddly clothed Nintendo character floating around in another dimension that wanted to say hi.

It is possible to bring a new level of coherence to these experiences using things like sound and eye gazing with a partner. It smoothens out the waveform of consciousness so to speak, allowing a far more clear experience to emerge. By combining sound and eye gazing we no longer see any entities and the experiences have been an entirely new level of profound compared to my prior journeys. It's an ancient technique but has gone almost entirely ignored these days. I'll be writing more about that at another time.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#54 Posted : 7/12/2023 11:04:39 PM
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Recently had a friend experience DMT for the first time while coming down from an acid trip. He decided that he simply had access to a consciousness emulator and was ultimately responsible for the entities he emulated. I'm not sure if I agreed with him at the time but it was certainly an interesting perspective.
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
#55 Posted : 8/22/2023 12:21:50 PM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
scaredofthedark wrote:
Is that a normal timeline for something like this? Anyone have this happen before?

Yep, perfectly normal. Happens to me on occasion, even when I'm not taking a breakthrough dose. DMT is wild card, no matter how many times one does it you never really know what you're gonna get.

One love

Interesting. Thanks for sharing that. It's nice to see others experience similar things. The delayed reaction and low dose make me think the experience isn't strictly dosage-dependent if that makes sense. People doing BT-doses and experience lockout doesn't make sense either, but it happens. DMT is indeed a wild card.

I've only dabbled a bit since these experiences and got more of the memory of my troubling time. That whole state-dependent memory thing DMT does is also wild.

For example I saw one my last solo journey that looked like Mario in Greek robes. I don't think there is an oddly clothed Nintendo character floating around in another dimension that wanted to say hi.

Unless we're connected to everything we experience together in the DMT world. Then it seems like anything is possible to float around in there. The few experiences I've had have me leaning toward a simulated reality (which isn't to mean fake, but our "reality" being extremely malleable by some sort of higher-ups).
#56 Posted : 8/24/2023 4:17:29 PM
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this is fascinating to read because i would definitely categorize myself as a frequent user and i still have to this point not experienced anything like any of the entities i've read or heard about from others.

there have been maybe one or two trips out of say over a hundred where there was something i could maybe interpret as an entity. the closest of those was a sorta cartoon looking squirrel/raccoon type thing that winked at me.

im very curious about these encounters so many people seem to be having and why my brain hasn't felt like conjuring some up for me at all...(at least not yet...)
-wishes she had chosen "nobodywillpickthis1" as her username-
#57 Posted : 9/29/2023 2:28:49 PM

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