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25mg MK677 bloodwork FAQ = 4iu pharm grade HGH (used 25mg mk677 for 5 years, HGH of 18 year old) Options
Bill Cipher
#1 Posted : 6/28/2022 10:44:28 PM

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ava69 wrote:
I go to waterpark with wife, her sister and teenage daughters once weekly with summer pass (where I used to lifeguard for many years), and a couple of times I've been stopped by groups of teenagers with workout questions, two weeks ago, a group of 4 teenagers stopped me and all said "woooahhh" in unison as they gazed at me and asked me questions....totally freaked me out, another time I was asked to take a pic with a group of girls, not used to attention.

Oh, 69Ron. It's good to see you're no less of a windbag than ever, and no more in touch with reality.

Good on ya.

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Bill Cipher
#2 Posted : 6/29/2022 8:09:41 PM

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Just to provide a bit of context for those who haven't been around the Nexus for many years, 69Ron was a guy who was ejected from the community for engaging in stealth marketing (like, uh, this...?) FOR YEARS.

He was at the helm of an online company called Flowing Visions, which sold THH revealed by multiple independent tests to NOT be THH. Prior to this, he shilled daily for them on every psychedelic forum under the sun - exactly as he is doing here with these new workout products.

He was here to sell to members under false pretenses, and he was relentless in that pursuit.

So, my questions for you then, big gunned Adonis, are:

1) Where exactly can we purchase your MK677? Clearly you're selling it somewhere.
2) Can we count on daily testimonials from people who are also you?
3) Do you still do porn shoots in your living room?


4) Can I get some workout tips and a selfie with you at the water park, to help me pick up girls?
#3 Posted : 6/29/2022 8:37:16 PM

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Bill Cipher wrote:
Just to provide a bit of context for those who haven't been around the Nexus for many years, 69Ron was a guy who was ejected from the community for engaging in stealth marketing (like, uh, this...?) FOR YEARS.

He was at the helm of an online company called Flowing Visions, which sold THH revealed by multiple independent tests to NOT be THH. Prior to this, he shilled daily for them on every psychedelic forum under the sun - exactly as he is doing here with these new workout products.

He was here to sell to members under false pretenses, and he was relentless in that pursuit.

So, my questions for you then, big gunned Adonis, are:

1) Where exactly can we purchase your MK677? Clearly you're selling it somewhere.
2) Can we count on daily testimonials from people who are also you?
3) Do you still do porn shoots in your living room?


4) Can I get some workout tips and a selfie with you at the water park, to help me pick up girls?

Thanks for that Bill Cipher...a lot of things have just clicked and fallen into place...
Vi veri vniversvm vivvs vici.
#4 Posted : 6/30/2022 9:00:16 PM

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Always thought tregar and ava69 were also the same person.
Bill Cipher
#5 Posted : 6/30/2022 9:05:56 PM

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RoundAbout wrote:
Always thought tregar and ava69 were also the same person.

Thank you. We're currently trying to figure out just how many stealth accounts he has, so we can shut them all down.

Also giving him the chance to respond first (primarily just for entertainment value). Seems the cat's got his tongue right now at this moment (which is a fucking first, I tell you...), but if you want the opportunity to clear the air about anything, 69Ron, this will be your only chance to do so - so whine now or forever hold your peace.
#6 Posted : 6/30/2022 10:15:17 PM

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OK, i've just done a bit of research on google on this compound MK677, also known as ibutamoren.

It was originally developped by merck.
However.....it is currently not being produced or sold by merck.
Instead it is being sold as basically a research chemical on the gray market, being manufactured by chinese firms that are ofcourse not in any way legally accountable when western consumers die after ingesting it.

Wich is by the way, and i should think this is somewhat relevant to know before any of you would decide to start taking it, the reason why merck decided NOT to release this product on the market after having spent i don't know how many millions on R&D. Because they WOULD be legally accountable if people would start dropping dead after taking the stuff. And that is exactly what happened during one of the first trials.

Abnormally high levels of human growth hormone can cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Thickening of the heart muscle. Wich leads to heart failure...it just stops pumping. And you drop dead.

There's probably a good reason why HGH levels are what they are and why muscles don't just keep growing and growing by themselves. And well, this is it. If the heart muscle keeps growing abnormally, the heart eventually loses it's ability to pump blood through your body. There's not enough room in the heart chambers and not enough flexibility in the heart muscle. It basically becomes one big clump of muscle.

Google "MK677 heartfailure", "ibutamoren heartfailure" or "HGH heartfailure" if you don't believe me.
Bill Cipher
#7 Posted : 6/30/2022 10:26:23 PM

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Damn. Good lookin' out, dragonrider.

And this is exactly why this person cannot continue to be here. He's had a lot of influence in the past. People look to him for information. But make no mistake, we are marks to him. Regardless of the potential for harm, he will always sell a line of bullshit in order to turn a buck.
#8 Posted : 7/1/2022 12:08:52 AM

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dragonrider wrote:
Wich is by the way, and i should think this is somewhat relevant to know before any of you would decide to start taking it, the reason why merck decided NOT to release this product on the market after having spent i don't know how many millions on R&D. Because they WOULD be legally accountable if people would start dropping dead after taking the stuff. And that is exactly what happened during one of the first trials.

It is also currently in phase 2 as LUM-201. In general I agree. Then again we are on a psychedelics forum that has some discussions of nerve growth factors... they sound somewhat similar (superficially) to discussions of IGF-1 on bodybuilding forums. In terms of pushing things beyond what the body produces, obviously heart failure is not an issue.
#9 Posted : 7/1/2022 2:15:39 PM

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Well, it's either/ or. Either you don't get abnormally big muscles (maybe because you just take low doses), and then there are still safety concerns like increased risk of cancer, heart failure, strokes, heart attacks, etc. Or you do. But then you are just as much at risk as with any other chemical that causes abnormal muscle growth.

Anything that causes muscles to grow abnormally....causes something in your body to grow abnormally.

And yes, there are body builders who look like schwarzenegger who do get old, seemingly without any issues. Just like there are old and seemingly healthy smokers.

But you cannot make muscles grow abnormally in a safe way. There are always new chemicals flooding the market that promise to have the same effects as steroïds, but without the risks.
"It's a new product again and this time it's safe". Only in time, to turn out to be just as dangerous as the previous line of products.

Sometimes, a product may have a legitimate medical application. Just like EPO has. But if you don't have severe anemia, you should't take EPO either.

There is a reason muscles normally don't grow like that and why, no matter how much time you spent in the gym, you are never gonna look like some of those blown up body builders, without "chemical enhancement".

In our millions of years of evolution, there must have been millions of mutations that allowed for abnormal muscle growth. And you would think that for hunter-gatherers, incredible strength would have a huge evolutionary advantage.
But none of those mutations made it. None of those mutations became part of the collective human gene pool.

Why? Because abnormal muscle growth comes at a huge price, that's why.

I am not gonna argue personal tastes and preferences. Some people like big men. Or women. And that's fine. But it's just as much an unattainable beauty ideal as those extremely thin models. And we all know what happens to way to many girls who start to obsess over that ideal and try to look like that.

This is no different.

If you wanna look like that. It's your choice and your body. But know the risks.

And 5 minutes on google is enough to know it's definately not without risk..if you are willing to get your info from other sources than the sites selling the stuff.
Bill Cipher
#10 Posted : 7/1/2022 5:46:44 PM

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Thank you, dragonrider for calling this out.

ava69/AKA 69Ron/AKA tregar/AKA Starway6/AKA Starway7/AKAProfessor8 is now gone.

If there are other accounts people suspect are also controlled by this same person, please reach out to one of the mods and we will shut them down as well.
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