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High magic mushroom dose with an Ayahausca chaser; two sides of the same coin (trip report) Options
#1 Posted : 2/5/2022 10:40:37 PM

Nature is analog, ever flowing and continuous; spontaneous transfers of energy weaving in and out of dimensions, radiating outwards from the source- a non repeating, non terminating system of perpetual energy

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So a few days ago me and my significant other had between 4-5 grams of magic mushrooms. We did not plan on following it up with Ayahausca, but we used all of our mushrooms and had such a great experience that when it came down we drank a moderate dose of Ayahausca. I had many questions in my mind about the differences between Ayahausca and magic mushrooms, but this experience probably answered many of them for me. Note that this was my sixth time having Ayahausca and my spouse's first time. We both had mushrooms before though, but at this point I'd say I'm more experienced with Ayahausca than mushrooms. I can also speak to my own experience more than I can do my spouse's but I'll try my best to describe hers. Here is what happened-

The first indication that the mushrooms we both took ( 4-5g) was that the tree I was looking at began waving and vibrating, and that general state of mind that indicates an entry into "Tryptamine world". I spent much of the comeup appreciating nature. My spouse began dancing and spinning in circles. They were more still while I was physically exploring. Eventually we moved to the inside of our car for more privacy. This is where the trip took on a more introspective turn. Unfortunately my spouse began having a bit of an attitude and this frustrated me, triggering a short argument which made me take a walk. I came back and fixed it with her and we began making up. I had to keep control at this point, because my spouse began facing some heavy past trauma, alternating between fascination with her own inner visual world and horror at the memories the mushrooms uncovered. By the end she settled on the former. I didn't spend too much time on my own things because I was trying to guide her through hers.

By the time the mushrooms began to come down she decided that she liked the headspace and wanted to keep going, but unfortunately we used it all. Luckily I had a few jars of Ayahausca with us and she asked to drink some. I told her that she may be getting into something huge if she drinks it and to think hard but she seemed sure, so she drank a moderate dose and so did I. For me, the familiar buzzing noise set in and everything began vibrating resonantly. My head was more clear and I felt less intoxicated than with the shrooms. Psilocybin felt almost like a warm but tight hug while Ayahausca felt more like this resonant "live wire" energy that was all around me. She reacted surprisingly well to the Ayahausca, probably because she already dealt with the hard stuff on the psilocybin. The visuals were definitely more detailed and vivid on Ayahausca. It also hit all 5 senses. A more clear headed but all encompassing experience. My spouse began singing to me, and it colored by closed eye visuals. Additionally she seemed to be aware of the picture she was painting in both of our visions with her singing. It was almost as if she was so tapped into "Tryptamine world" or hyperspace that she just knew how to almost telepathically create visuals for both of us with her voice.

We went on like that for hours with her singing and painting my visual field but eventually she quit and went silent with her eyes closed. We then entered a period of about an hour of total silence where our respective trips completely took us in and immersed us. I remember literally feeling like I was on a highway with cars rushing by, like I heard them and felt their vibration. It was like God wanted to take me on a high speed ride. The visuals got very complex and vivid. Eventually I came to and found that it had faded and I was coming down with a most amazing afterglow. Overall a very interesting experience that made me closer to my spouse and highlighted the differences between these two amazing plant medicines.

Hope you enjoyed reading.

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#2 Posted : 2/6/2022 5:29:02 PM

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Thanks for sharing. Particularly interesting is how you were able to contrast the two experiences so directly. It seems that singing is a really important part of the ayahuasca experience. In a couple of rue tea pharma sessions recently the plants were saying, "So, how about some music, then?" Without the music there was a lot of chaotic static instead of meaningful visions. I did find it was possible to preload "earworms" so I could imagine the necessary music, however. This worked for the first session as I didn't want to disturb my partner even by wearing headphones. The "static" occurred on the second and third sessions where I hadn't done this acoustic preloading.

Was your partner more accepting of this psychedelic session because of your being away from home? I've developed a strong preference for making a physical journey as part of my cactus rituals, not least because the nearest substantial hills are hundreds of kilometers away!

It sounds like she is pretty smart as regards psychedelic use - do you think she'd want to post here at all?

β€œThere is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#3 Posted : 2/7/2022 12:59:08 AM

Nature is analog, ever flowing and continuous; spontaneous transfers of energy weaving in and out of dimensions, radiating outwards from the source- a non repeating, non terminating system of perpetual energy

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downwardsfromzero wrote:
Thanks for sharing. Particularly interesting is how you were able to contrast the two experiences so directly. It seems that singing is a really important part of the ayahuasca experience. In a couple of rue tea pharma sessions recently the plants were saying, "So, how about some music, then?" Without the music there was a lot of chaotic static instead of meaningful visions. I did find it was possible to preload "earworms" so I could imagine the necessary music, however. This worked for the first session as I didn't want to disturb my partner even by wearing headphones. The "static" occurred on the second and third sessions where I hadn't done this acoustic preloading.

Was your partner more accepting of this psychedelic session because of your being away from home? I've developed a strong preference for making a physical journey as part of my cactus rituals, not least because the nearest substantial hills are hundreds of kilometers away!

It sounds like she is pretty smart as regards psychedelic use - do you think she'd want to post here at all?

She might, but some of her experiences with hallucinogens involved some pretty traumatic stuff that she may not even want to write about. And you know, I had the exact same experience on my second Ayahausca sitting. I usually trip alone or with my spouse, mind you. But anyway during my second trip I met a female Ayahausca plant spirit type entity and they kind of demanded I put not just music, but upbeat music on. So I did. And then the visuals took on this almost disco/party light show atmosphere. I definitely think that out of all the psychedelics Ayahausca might be the most synergetic with music and a song can really make or break your experience. I think that's why icaros are so central to Ayahausca shamanism. There's a relationship between this stuff and sound and the possibilities fascinate me. I look forward to future trips where I can play different music that I enjoy.
#4 Posted : 2/7/2022 6:27:52 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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This is my new favorite music for Ayahuasca trips. https://youtu.be/GHPsosEIPmw

It begins with traditional icaro songs and the gradually transforms into more rhytmic upbeat music. It helps go through different emotions.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
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