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LSD and yopo. Options
#1 Posted : 3/26/2021 11:15:33 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Yopo can be one of the coolest and nicest psychedelic substances there is, when you take it with LSD.
The yopo state seems in a strange way to be very compatible with the LSD state. It is almost like adding an extra layer that is very distinctly psychedelic, over a world that already is very psychedelic in itself.

An experience that i keep having with it, is that, slowly, every single thing, not just objects but even space itself, becomes visible as a sort of energyfield, with intricate structures of stringy and wiry fieldlines that are resonating with the spaces they form. And then i become part of that energyfield myself, or i become aware that i am, and then i dissolve into that field of energy, as it takes over everytning there is.

Then crazy stuff starts to happen, other dimensions or realities open in this energyfield, that are trapped within these membranes, spaces are starting to unfold....

And then it all fades back to "normal" LSD-land again.

That feeling of dissolving into that energyfield is easily on of the most extatic experiences i know.

It is like a warm golden vibration, if that makes any sense.
But i am almost sure that it would indeed make sense to other people who have done this yopo stuff.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 2/2/2022 5:18:34 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi there,

thanks for a very intriguing post. I am surprised that this didn't get more traction. If you don't mind I would like to ask a couple of follow up questions. Of course also happy if others chime in who have experienced Yopo in combination with other substances.

1) How do you prepare the Yopo seeds and what is your ROA?

2) I guess the dosage needs to be rather low when you combine it with LSD, right? Could you maybe expand a bit on how much Yopo you take? Relatedly, I was wondering whether the Yopo potentiates the LSD, i.e. would you advise to lower your regular LSD dose?

3) Did you try to combine Yopo with other psychedelics such as mushrooms or cactus? If it works well with LSD, I am tempted to believe that one would get similar effects with, say, psilocybin.

Again, thanks a lot for an interesting topic. Would be great to see some more discussion on this issue.
#3 Posted : 2/3/2022 4:52:58 PM

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I have a batch of powdered yopo. It is powdered with the seedhusks still on, but if you have whole seeds it would make sense to remove the husks first. I mix it with edible lime in a 50/50 ratio, then add water. Once it is dried, you get very dark brown rocks. These rocks i then crush using mortar and pestle.

If you are already experiencing the effects of a psychedelic, you need way less of it indeed.

I think that this is actually part of the reason for my positive experiences: yopo normally does have some quite unpleasant side effects. But these side effects are actually not that unpleasant at all with smaller quantities. They are somewhat comparable with the effects of nicotine, wich is very unpleasant in high doses, but nice and slightly euphoric in very small quantities.

When you've already taken a psychedelic, a teaspoon of this mixture under the tongue is enough to get these powerfull effects i described. It works very well sublingually. Traditionally it is being snorted, but everybody who has done that tells that this is extremely painfull.
The little crumbs of the yopo/lime mixture are quite hard (it is actually quite difficult to crush it properly, even) and the lime probably irritates the hell out of the delicate and sensitive tissue within the nose as well.

I have also smoked yopo, and it is definately more powerfull that way, but the smoke is very heavy. Definately not good for your lungs. I only could smoke it with a can of cola at hand to immediately wash away the taste of it after each toke.

It also works very well with shrooms and ayahuasca.

Bufotenin is a very powerfull vasoconstrictor, so i would not combine it with other very powerfull vasoconstrictors like DOC or some novel RC's with unknown safety profiles.
#4 Posted : 2/3/2022 6:10:39 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks so much for this informative reply. I will certainly try this in the not so distant future and report back. Maybe first with mushrooms since I have more experience with these, and therefore a better baseline to judge how the Yopo might alter the experience. Would you say that the Yopo seeds tint the mushroom experience in a similar way as is the case with LSD?

dragonrider wrote:

I think that this is actually part of the reason for my positive experiences: yopo normally does have some quite unpleasant side effects. But these side effects are actually not that unpleasant at all with smaller quantities. They are somewhat comparable with the effects of nicotine, wich is very unpleasant in high doses, but nice and slightly euphoric in very small quantities.

When you've already taken a psychedelic, a teaspoon of this mixture under the tongue is enough to get these powerful effects i described. It works very well sublingually.

If you don't mind, I would have two more follow-up questions. Above you wrote that your powder still contains the husk. I guess that most of the psychoactive goodies are inside the husk. Am I correct that I would need considerably less than a teaspoon when using powder from seeds that had the husk removed first? In other words, quite a bit of your teaspoon would be non-psychoactive husk, right?

As you point out, Yopo can have quite gnarly side-effects. I recall that Bufotenine is particularly ugly when it gets into your gut. Did you ever experience problems in this respect with your sublingual ROA and those low doses? Are you particularly careful that nothing ends up in your gut, or is this a non issue in your experience?

Again, thanks a lot for great info! Have a nice day and many blessings!
#5 Posted : 2/3/2022 7:14:33 PM

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This is just a guess, but i estimate that the husks make out no more than 15% of the whole seeds. A teaspoon is probably still a comfortable dose without the husks.

As for accidentally swallowing, yes, i always make sure that doesn't happen. I put the stuff under my tongue, until i realy can't hold it anymore, and then i spit it all out.

It is still possible that some bufotenin has been ingested then, but only in such small quantities that the effects are negligible.

I think that with snorting it though, it is much more difficult to prevent this from happening. Sublingual is definately the best way of taking it in my opinion. Unless you'd have extracted it and you now have pure or almost pure bufotenine. Inhaling it is the most effective way to administer bufotenine in that case.
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