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Why you should NOT take DMT Options
#361 Posted : 11/20/2018 9:52:25 AM

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Thanks for explaining Infpwnz, I now see better how you fitted it in this thread.

I agree that hard minded people might be benefiting form extra care integrating the experience afterwards. And if the possibilities for serious integration are absent, than it is indeed a good advise to not-just-take-it-on-a-whim and wait until there's enough time and circumstances to deal with a mind and soul shaking experiment.

Thumbs up


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#362 Posted : 2/6/2019 7:54:51 AM

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Awesome post!

When it comes to taking DMT, I’ve always been the kind of person who had to try it for himself (no matter how many warnings were given). But now after taking it, I advise against it if I feel the person wanting to try it is not in the right frame of mind. In reality, there’s really no right way to prepare for what will unfold. For someone like me, who didn’t even break through yet, floating in the space after the 2nd hit, all I know is that I still know absolutely nothing. The spirit molecule played with my ego death, and made me respect it, an unforgettable introduction.

I’m certain that when I do break through, that any expectations I could’ve ever conjured up will be utterly and completely blown away.
#363 Posted : 4/20/2019 5:21:41 AM

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I would like to make the common comparison to space travel, but in a different manner. It's like space travel in the sense of, while most Astronauts certainly have fun doing it, Not everyone is cut out to be an Astronaut lol. Just ballpark guesstimating, I would say 40% of people arent going to have what they describe as a "positive experience" if they were launched into orbit via rocket propulsion. 10% of people would probably consider it specifically a "negative" experience, and then theres the .01% of people that are going to be measurably traumatized for the rest of their lives from it. HOWEVER NASA screens astronauts and Vendors sell indiscriminately. Theres FAR less of a chance that an Astronaut isnt prepared or aware of what they're in for than your average first time DMT smoker. I took Ambien about 30 mins ago so I apologize preemptively if this comment doesnt make as much sense as I think it does or contains any racial slurs. Peace and love and cheers and stuff.

#364 Posted : 6/20/2019 2:13:17 AM

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I'm yet to try DMT, I've already tried many psychedelics but DMT is my final goal. After this my psychedelic journey will be complete. I'm guy who thinks drugs shouldn't be taken at all in perfect world, but I'm just curious of how it works.
#365 Posted : 9/17/2019 1:24:39 AM

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This is a really great write up Thumbs up
#366 Posted : 10/12/2019 4:43:40 AM

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Visty wrote:
Excellent post and advice. After a year of triweekly mushroom sessions I can tell you, your perception of reality does change. It is a hidden process. It has lead me to question even more than I already did. This sort of stuff is not to be taken lightly. But I have found I can take it on.

One thing it did for me is provide me with a new way of describing ideas. My ability to express myself has improved. I am much more empathic. I feel less...violent...in some ways. My girlfriend tells me I am more ...mellow I suppose.

Status quo changing stuff.

Man I am with you on the empathetic/less violent bit. Not that I am an arsehole or a hothead or anything, I'm a chill person, but even more so now since my last few voyages with mushrooms. My situation is the opposite tho, I'd love for my wife to take some and relax a bit, she's pretty high strung and doesn't get the same effects from psilo as I do. Surprised
"Take the red pill, and see how far down the rabbit hole goes..."
#367 Posted : 11/13/2019 5:26:14 AM
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Doesn't a combination of DMT with Harmine produce a more pleasurable experience?
#368 Posted : 2/4/2020 10:02:29 PM
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That was really good OP.

I think if I took the questionnaire over again I would just copy and paste this as the answer to

"someone is about to take DMT for the first time. What is your advice."
#369 Posted : 5/13/2020 4:17:45 AM
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Something that took us more than thirty years to work out and now stands forefront in our philosophy. There is no good reason for us to open someone's eyes for them unless we also have a legitimate solution to follow. One that will aid them in picking up the pieces and rebuilding something stronger than that which we so carelessly have destroyed.
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
#370 Posted : 8/20/2020 1:00:14 AM
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Love this.Beautiful.
#371 Posted : 3/15/2021 7:08:19 AM

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I think I am just starting to come to grips with the sincerity and wisdom with which this message was written. I couldn't understand why the DMT community seemed to exhibit what from the outside seemed somewhat like elitism or exclusivity whereas every other drug community seems to be so much about spreading it more, people around DMT give the message that people should have to work for it and seek it out themselves. Only now after several experiences have I started to learn and understand some of the apprehension experienced DMT users have about new people taking DMT.

Scylla wrote:
That was really good OP.

I think if I took the questionnaire over again I would just copy and paste this as the answer to

"someone is about to take DMT for the first time. What is your advice."

If I took the questionnaire over again I would change my answer to "If you could have a superpower what would it be?" to be that I could fully understand the meaning and wisdom behind any advice. So often you get good advice and ignore it or are incapable of understanding it until you learn for yourself that exact thing which you had been told in the first place.
This post contains genuine and valuable information, but for the curious to understand and trust it without seeing for themselves is a very difficult thing indeed.
Things have turned a deeper shade of blue

Why you should NOT take DMT
#372 Posted : 3/16/2021 6:30:47 PM

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I agree so much with the OP and many of the posts in this thread. DMT has certainly shown me things that I can't unsee, and which I believe in as much, if not more than, anyone can believe in something like religion. My entire understanding of consciousness and life has been altered, not necessarily in a good or bad way, just altered. I wouldn't take it back if given the chance, but that doesn't mean it's for everyone. Ignorance is bliss for some and knowledge is pain for some as well. It is so interesting how your perception of things can change from such an experience of such short duration.
We're all in this together and we are all from one, so to help each other is to help ourselves, and to better ourselves is to better others.
#373 Posted : 5/12/2021 2:16:58 PM
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tele wrote:

. It is so easy to lose oneself in a world that is far more real than the one in which you exist now.

What makes you so sure?
How can something be more real than the other, even if the dimensions are different(Even if hyperspace would be the source of our own world)? What makes something more real than our daily reality?
I think hyperspace is real but what can make it more real than "our space"?

Exactly. That's something I wonder as well. The DMT world feels more real than reality. But how much "reality" is there in feeling? What does it mean to sense something is "real"? Are we in touch with the noumenon, or just a different phenomenon?

#374 Posted : 5/13/2021 9:47:34 PM

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dvc777 wrote:
tele wrote:

. It is so easy to lose oneself in a world that is far more real than the one in which you exist now.

What makes you so sure?
How can something be more real than the other, even if the dimensions are different(Even if hyperspace would be the source of our own world)? What makes something more real than our daily reality?
I think hyperspace is real but what can make it more real than "our space"?

Exactly. That's something I wonder as well. The DMT world feels more real than reality. But how much "reality" is there in feeling? What does it mean to sense something is "real"? Are we in touch with the noumenon, or just a different phenomenon?

The question I like to ask is: "If so, then what?". It's fun to entertain different hypotheses about reality, but what does it really change in your daily life?

If it's something that makes you a healthier, happier, more balanced person then sure, speculate away. But if it has negative consequences, better question your thoughts imo.
#375 Posted : 9/2/2021 9:56:12 PM
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Interesting text. I agree with the door-opening part! It really is a mind-blowing experience.
#376 Posted : 12/13/2021 11:45:18 PM

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I have to admit I didn't read all of the 18 pages of this thread, but quite a lot of it, and still, I would like to ask: how many people that went crazy/uncontrolably depressed after DMT do you know? Or people that would take it back if they could? I mean I've heard about people that literally didn't come back from all sorts of psychedelics, not just DMT, and I'm curious about those cases. But all people I know that 'didn't come back' came back after a while. I would like to know what happened to their mind technically. I also tried to search for it but didn't figure any keys that would give me results but if you know about a thread regarding this topic, I'd be glad if you could recommend it. Thank you
#377 Posted : 12/13/2021 11:48:16 PM

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Meluzina wrote:
I have to admit I didn't read all of the 18 pages of this thread, but quite a lot of it, and still, I would like to ask: how many people that went crazy/uncontrolably depressed after DMT do you know? Or people that would take it back if they could? I mean I've heard about people that literally didn't come back from all sorts of psychedelics, not just DMT, and I'm curious about those cases. But all people I know that 'didn't come back' came back after a while. I would like to know what happened to their mind technically. I also tried to search for it but didn't figure any keys that would give me results but if you know about a thread regarding this topic, I'd be glad if you could recommend it. Thank you

I'll keep my eye out for any threads that may discuss this, but I feel with the drug prohibition such data will be hard to come by because it's hard to perform a sufficient study on such a phenomenon.

The most I've ever really heard is of people going "crazy" or burning out as result of too much too often.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#378 Posted : 12/14/2021 12:01:36 AM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
Meluzina wrote:
I have to admit I didn't read all of the 18 pages of this thread, but quite a lot of it, and still, I would like to ask: how many people that went crazy/uncontrolably depressed after DMT do you know? Or people that would take it back if they could? I mean I've heard about people that literally didn't come back from all sorts of psychedelics, not just DMT, and I'm curious about those cases. But all people I know that 'didn't come back' came back after a while. I would like to know what happened to their mind technically. I also tried to search for it but didn't figure any keys that would give me results but if you know about a thread regarding this topic, I'd be glad if you could recommend it. Thank you

I'll keep my eye out for any threads that may discuss this, but I feel with the drug prohibition such data will be hard to come by because it's hard to perform a sufficient study on such a phenomenon.

The most I've ever really heard is of people going "crazy" or burning out as result of too much too often.

One love

Thank you! Oh yeah, I thought while I was asking: Imagine there would be statistical data about it Smile
#379 Posted : 5/1/2022 7:20:56 PM
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This thread is immensely important and actually made me rethink whether I should try DMT at this point in my life. I still feel the "call" from psychedelics, but I already know for sure that these substances are tools which usage has real and serious consequences. The responses made me wonder why people do/keep doing DMT (and by extension other substances). What is the point in taking DMT, if we have no idea what's going on in hyperspace (or rather, we cannot be sure)? Why would anyone continue doing something that only brings more questions than answers? What has been seen cannot be unseen, the experience will stay with you forever, but is worth it anyway? Are the rewards from the experiences rewarding enough to pay the price that they come with? I guess it's an individual thing, but nevertheless, I would be grateful if anyone who's experienced would be willing to answer or wonder in replies, or even in private messages.
#380 Posted : 5/1/2022 8:26:46 PM
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ivebeenwondering wrote:
This thread is immensely important and actually made me rethink whether I should try DMT at this point in my life. I still feel the "call" from psychedelics, but I already know for sure that these substances are tools which usage has real and serious consequences. The responses made me wonder why people do/keep doing DMT (and by extension other substances). What is the point in taking DMT, if we have no idea what's going on in hyperspace (or rather, we cannot be sure)? Why would anyone continue doing something that only brings more questions than answers? What has been seen cannot be unseen, the experience will stay with you forever, but is worth it anyway? Are the rewards from the experiences rewarding enough to pay the price that they come with? I guess it's an individual thing, but nevertheless, I would be grateful if anyone who's experienced would be willing to answer or wonder in replies, or even in private messages.

I'm not that experienced with DMT but I can answer at least how I see it.

Firstly because I seem to like questions more than answers. An answer marks the end of an experience for me. Leaves me needing to fill in the space that the question used to occupy.

Secondly, like a good story that you read for the first time, you dont know what you're going to get so by definition alone the experience will be interesting.

Thirdly because it doesn't feel like a fake high to me, it feels like an experience of something real. Even when totally in love with everything around me I am still aware that it's just the molly speaking, as an example. When coming down all my new best friends around me are hard to keep eye contact with anymore. DMT has yet to feel anything but authentic to me. Could be my lack of experience.

Fourthly and possibly most telling, because it often scares the hell out of me. I dont know why I crave that, but I do.
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
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